//------------------------------// // the worst sickness is homesickness // Story: Flying Lies // by Heartbolt //------------------------------// Moongazer flew. She flew far and fast. She left behind two lukewarm trails of salty tears. She hadent stoped flying since she had left. It was to hard. Her wings were hot with pain from flying so far. But she didn’t stop until she saw the bright city lights of manehattan. She laid down on a cloud, and tried desperately to sleep. But the most she could do was stare at the blurry city beneath her and blink away the tears. She saw couples of ponies walking together. Ponies walking alone, and ponies walking in small groups. But one group caught her eye.it was a family of three. A soft-red mother, a dark-blue father, and a tiny, fluffy, black filly. She saw a tear fall off the cloud. And below, it splattered gently behind the family. Many tears followed, all splashing the side walk one-by-one. One unicorn looked up to see if it was raining, but saw nothing but darkness in the night. Finally, Moongazer was able to sleep, but the sleep was disturbed by happy memories of her family. Memories only half of her wanted to see. She woke as the sun came. The cloud was soaked in cold sweat and tears. She flew on, leaving behind the big city. Again, she flew until her wings hurt. And this time she landed in a forest below her. It was starting dawn again, but she didn’t care. She trotted to the edge of the forest, and curled herself behind a thick bush so the sun wouldn’t see her. She closed her eyes. Her wings were open in the night, she didn’t are for them, she hoped someone would notice them if they were open, and tell her how to get the accursed feathered things away from her. Her sleep was dreamless and cold. But still haunted with pictures of her parents. But they were not smiling this night. They were crying, and holding each other and angry. She didn’t want them to be upset. She didn’t want any of this! She became frustrated quickly, and screamed in her sleep. She needed comfort, any kind of it. But there was none to be found. She sobbed and tossed in her sleep, tiny animals hiding in the grasses to watch the miserable Pegasus. Most of them had not the slightest idea of the ordeal she had gone through, or of how much emotion was in those tears. She woke, covered in leaves. She washed her fur and feathers clean in the stream, and set off once more, this time by hoof. She wished nothing more than a smile and warm welcome from someone. Anyone. She sobbed a little more. She was hungry , thirsty, and had not had a proper place to sleep in three days.