//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Here We Go! // Story: Shipwrecked On Journey Island // by Tiki_the_Cat //------------------------------// With a thud, a pile of papers as tall as the Leaning Tower of Pony dropped in front of Twilight Sparkle. With her muzzle buried in a book, she gave it only a glance before returning to her book. Princess Celestia emerged from behind it, her face kind and benevolent as always. She looked slightly amused. “Twilight, these forms are for you and your friends,” Celestia began, trying to catch Twilight’s attention. Her former student gave a start and started speaking. “Don’t worry, Princess, I’ll go fill them out!” interrupted Twilight earnestly. Her muzzle still stuck in the book, she levitated the stack of papers, only to squeak as Celestia’s canary yellow magic intercepted her own. Celestia looked amused. She gently set the papers back down on the table, and motioned for Twilight to set down her book. “Twilight, these papers are for you and your friends,” she said. “They’re permission forms.” Twilight tilted her head. “Permission forms? For what, Princess?” Celestia chuckled. “It’s high time that you and your friends got a vacation.” She looked over at the stack of papers and carefully levitated a stack from the enormous pile. “These are for your friend Rainbow Dash. Here are her Wonderbolt release forms, flying out of country license, and arena license. I’ve heard that Hawaii has wonderful arenas at this time of year,” Celestia added with a smile. Twilight was thrilled. “Hawaii? I’ve always wanted to study the plants there! Oh, and the animals too!” she squealed. Celestia chuckled. “Of course, there’s you and Fluttershy’s animal study license and you and Starlight Glimmer’s plant study license. Oh! And Starlight Glimmer and Spike’s kite flying license...” Celestia listed off several licenses tailored to her friends’ interests. Twilight was quite grateful. “Oh, thank you, Princess! We’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii,” Twilight gasped. “But how will we get there?” Celestia grinned. “You’ll take a ship, of course! There’s a fabulous 17th century style ship waiting at the dock. Everything’s ready for you!” Twilight’s grin widened. “I’ve got to go tell my friends!” She galloped off, and Celestia smiled at her retreating flank. ‘I hope she enjoys it.’ -Later...- “So, Twilight, what did ya gather us all for?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously. “It sounded exciting, whatever your letter said.” Twilight looked at her, slightly annoyed. “You didn’t even read it?” she deadpanned. “I may have skipped over some parts...” Rainbow grinned embarrassedly. “Okay, fine, I got to the part where you said ‘meet me in the throne room at 3:00’ and kind of left it there?” Everypony was silent. “Well, Rainbow Dash, if you had bothered to read Twilight’s fabulously descriptive letter, then you would have known that there was a trip scheduled for Hawaii,” Rarity said, slightly annoyed. Rainbow’s eyes popped open. “Hawaii? Awesome! Hey, aren’t the arenas super cool right now?!” “You betcha, RD!” Applejack agreed emphatically. Fluttershy squealed. “Oh, I can’t wait to see all the adorable animals! I really must document all the sicknesses that affect animals there so that I can prepare for them,” she said, reaching into her saddlebag to retrieve a small notebook. “And fly kites in that wind,” Starlight Glimmer chimed in. “If you take the right angle, you can get a simple 2D dragon kite to look like a real one!” She and Spike bumped hoof and claw. “Whoo whee, Ah’m just lookin’ forward to the rodeo! They have mighty nice arenas thar,” Applejack exclaimed. “Oh, and the fashion is simply to die for!” Rarity gasped, evidently picturing all the clothing articles. “Coco Pommel told me about all the wonderful designs. They have a special type of fabric that is supposed to behave like water, but it doesn’t get you wet! Isn’t that stunning?” Twilight smiled. “It seems like we’re all excited for the trip! Pinkie Pie, what about you?” “PARTIES!” Pinkie yelled excitedly. “They have such wonderful parties over there! Heehee!” The ponies in the room nodded knowingly. ‘That’s our Pinkie,’ their faces seemed to say. “So, we’re going?” Twilight asked carefully, trying and failing to contain her excitement. “You betcha!” Applejack exclaimed. “Ooooh, I can’t wait!” chirped Starlight. “This is going to be so cool!” Spike exclaimed. The ponies cheered. -Six hours later...- Twilight yawned. “It seems like my body is trying to tell me something. Hard to believe we’ve been in here for six hours!” “Our plans took a lot of time to make, especially with all of your nitpicking, Twilight!” Rarity said. “But I suppose we should get some rest. We have a lot of packing to do tomorrow.” Everypony trotted to the doors and said ‘goodnight.’ Next thing she knew, Twilight was in bed. Her eyes started to close. She sighed. She just couldn’t wait. Her eyes slid closed, but she forced them open. ‘No! Must... stay... awake… Her eyes closed, and she started snoring. She fell asleep before she could finish her sentence. -The Next Day...- Twilight rushed around the room, gathering all that she could. She contemplated bringing her poncho, and decided that to be prepared she had better bring everything. She rushed around the room, picking up books and bits of clothing. The door opened and Spike came in, carrying a big suitcase. “Are you ready to go, Twilight?” he asked, fluttering around the room. He peeked into her chest of drawers and said, “You’ve forgotten ‘101 Things You Need to Know About Ships.’” “Have I?!” she screeched, flying over to the drawers and picking up the book with her magic. “Calm down, Twilight,” Spike said calmly. “It’s only a book…” Twilight’s thoughts whirled. “Well, we should go if we want to make it to the dock!” She raced out of the room and down the crystal stairway, whizzing down to the dock with Spike panting behind her. Her friends, including Starlight Glimmer who lived in the same place as her, were already there. “I’m here, I’m here!” she panted. “Alright! Now we can get this show on the road,” Applejack said. She pointed to the ship that Princess Celestia had designated for them. It was tied to the dock with a rope ladder that could enable earth ponies to get on without assistance. Eventually, they all managed to get on the ship with their luggage in hoof. Twilight untied the rope ladder from the dock and opened the sail with her magic. She gave the boat a little “assistance” which enabled it to go faster. “Darlings, we simply must have snacks,” said Rarity. She opened a parcel with her magic and unwrapped it, unveiling the snacks inside. Twilight rolled her eyes before smiling and enveloping a cookie with her lavender magic. As she ate it, she looked up at the sky. Clear. She looked around at her friends and tilted her head at the sleeping compartments. “Hey, you guys mind if I go down to my compartment and read for a little while? I need to finish ‘101 Things You Need to Know About Ships,’” asked Twilight, grabbing the book anyway. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, you take your time, Twi… we’ll still be here in an hour or two. Provided you don’t start another book,” she added, narrowing her eyes. Twilight spluttered. “Why would you think-” “Relax, Twilight. We were just jokin’,” Applejack said good-naturedly. Twilight laughed nervously. “Hehe… right. My character flaw.” She headed down below deck. There were eight bedrooms for the friends, which had been marked accordingly to their cutie marks- of course, in Spike’s case, the door was marked with a small purple wing. Twilight headed into her marked bedroom to finish her book. Within forty-five minutes, she was done. A small yawn was stifled, and she leaped up from the bed to walk back up on deck. Once there, she noticed that the once clear skies were looking slightly ominous, with light gray clouds now in the edge of the horizon. She thought nothing of it. Twilight trotted over to Starlight Glimmer, who seemed to be immersed in flying kites with Spike in the breeze. The two were laughing and, Twilight noticed with a smirk, were flirting with each other. ‘Well,’ she thought, ‘it was only a matter of time before everyone got some kind of romantic interest…’ Leaving the two in privacy, she walked over to the others. “I finished my book,” she announced. Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up next to her. “Ooooooh! How was it? How was it? Tell me more!” Twilight considerately pushed the excited pink mare away from her a bit. Applejack regarded the scene with amusement. “Anything we should know ‘bout ships before we cut to any conclusions and whatnot?” Twilight nodded enthusiastically. “The very first ship was built in 2500 B.C. by the Ancient Egyptians! And there’s more-“ Rainbow Dash interrupted her. “Blah blah, more egghead-y stuff.” Twilight glared at her. “The ‘egghead-y stuff’ is interesting, Rainbow Dash!” “Suuuuure...” Rainbow drawled. Just then, a crack of thunder made everypony jump. “How did I not notice those before?!” Twilight gasped at the approaching black storm clouds. A storm was on its way. And it couldn’t be stopped.