//------------------------------// // Day One: In One Ear, Out The Other // Story: I Don't Want Your Help... // by Script Singer //------------------------------// I wake to a nurse coming into my room, bringing in a cart to take my pulse and other tests. I pull my mane in front of my face, refusing to look at her. She asked me a few questions about how I was feeling and how well I slept. Stuff like that. I didn’t really answer. Once she left, I only pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I didn’t sleep very well last night due to the memories. I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing while I was locked away. I wondered if she could ever forgive me for my mistakes. I let out a sigh, giving up on trying to fall back asleep. I might as well go ahead and get up. I shuck off by blankets, and drag myself out of the uncomfortable bed and walked over to my bathroom, picked up my toothbrush, and began brushing my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror, hating the image I saw before me. I tried to ignore it, failed but it’s the thought that counts, right?. I toss down my toothbrush and rinse, probably more harshly than needed, but whatever. I probably need a shower, I look around but there are no towels in my bathroom. Oh right, I need to tell the nurses when I’m in the shower, for “safety” or whatever. I do so and hop in. My mind began to wander as I let the hot water run down my mane. What would my friends do with me once I came home? Would they forgive me for what I did? Would they even still consider me a friend? "Script?" I shook my head as I snapped back into reality. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you in the shower?" "Yeah, I just got in." I heard my bathroom door open as the nurse walked inside. "Could you poke your head out so I can make sure you're in there?" "Oh, yeah sure," I said as I popped my head out of the shower curtain. She thanked me then left me alone in my room once more. Afterward, I walked out of my room for breakfast. I sat next to Orchid and waited for the nurses to call my name. “Hey Script!” Orchid greeted. “You sleep well?” I let out a yawn as I shook my head. “Oh, sorry to hear that.” “It’s fine,” I say. “I’m used to it. So, what’s the schedule around here like anyway?” Orchid looked over at the whiteboard. “Well, it looks like we’ve got group after breakfast.” I looked over to where she was looking, finding a full schedule written down. “Huh, well that’s good to know.” The nurses then called up my name and I got up to go see what was for breakfast. Omelets and hash browns. I’ve never tried them before but I figured I might as well considering I wouldn’t be allowed to eat again for a few hours. I dished up and sat back down next to Orchid and poked at my food. “It’s not as bad as it looks.” She whispered. “It’s actually quite good, just give it a shot.” I stared at my food, deciding to try it out. I picked up my spork and took a bit out of my omelet and hashbrowns.  “They’re not half bad actually,” I said taking another bite. After everypony finished their breakfast, one of the nurses walked in and escorted us to where the group was being held. Once that was over, we had some free time so I decided to go ahead and take some time to journal. After a while, we did the rest of the stuff on the agenda, and then visiting hours came. I was in my room, just throwing a ball at the ceiling when I heard a knock on my door. I turned to see my friends Ellie and Lotus Moon. I didn’t really pay any attention to them, I just resented them for bringing me here.  I know they were just trying to help me and do what was best for me, but I didn’t want any help. It would be better for everypony if they just let me go. Visiting hours came to a close and my friends said goodbye and I went to bed.  --- "No, please! Just leave me alone!" I screamed. A dark figure chased me down the streets of Ponyville. I panted hard as my hooves slammed on the ground. "Get away from me!" I could hear the echoing chuckles behind me, but I didn't dare look back. I tripped over a rock but quickly got back up. Adrenalin filled my veins. I looked around frantically, finding the next turn I could, taking it. But I should have gone in a different direction. I found myself trapped in a corner. I skidded to a halt as I frantically looked around for an exit as the voice grew closer. I slowly looked behind me, finding the creature of darkness, Shadow Mane. "I plea for mercy, My Master..." I whimpered. Shadow only let out a chuckle as he grew closer, pinning me against the wall. I squinted my eyes and turned away as my body shook in fear. "Such a beautiful flower..." he growled as he began licking his lips. I felt his breath down my neck as he grew closer and began licking my neck slowly, smacking his lips. I only whimpered more as he whispered things in my ear. I felt him pinning me harder against the wall. --- I woke up gasping in fear, trembling. I looked at my surroundings, finding myself safe in my room. I curled up in my blanket as I began rocking myself as fear overwhelmed my body. I noticed a bright light flash through my window, startling me. "Script, you alright?" It was only a dream... Nothing bad can happen to me here... I'm safe... It's just a dream... "Yeah, I'm okay," I said, trying to hide my fear. The nurse just walked away to check on the next pony. I let myself silently sob as I tried to get the image out of my head but to no avail. My mind flashes back to when I first had that nightmare. When I told my friends what really happened and that I was going to kill myself because of it, let’s just say they weren’t happy when they found out the truth... Why...? Why did I make up those stupid lies? Look where it has gotten me... Broken friendships and a failed suicide attempt... Why couldn't I have gotten a sharper blade...? Why couldn't I kill myself right...? Why am I still alive...? Why... was I given a second chance...? Was it to continue this torture? Or was it something else? I know my friends need me, but I'm not that important... Am I...? How were they able to save me? Why were they so determined to help me after I gave up all hope? Why did they put me in here? Was I actually gone...? Finally, my exhaustion took over me as I settled back into bed.