Storm of My Fury

by Flurryshine


It had been over a year since the liberation at Braying Cliffs. The whole of Equestria was at peace again. The cliffs had become a panicle of good nature to all. At its core was the guard that was now a mix of earth, unicorn, and pegasus ponies. Their fearless and strict leader being…
“GAAAAAAAAH! Bight Leaf, you son of a…OWOWOWOWOWOW!” wailed Flurryshine loud enough to bring most of the pegasi district to a halt.
The town soon erupted as a big brown pegasus stallion flew for his life with Flurryshine galloping behind him in a rage. The pegasus healer had made the fatal mistake of pulling too tightly in bandaging the current captain of the guard’s damaged wings. Terrified for his life, he did what any smart pony would do. He fled as quickly as he could from the raging mare. Flurryshine was closing the distance between them when she leaped into the air. She tackled the hapless stallion to the stone road beneath them.
“Oof!” Bright Leaf grunted as he hit the ground with Flurryshine on top of him. He shivered as he heard her malice filled voice.
“Now you’re gonna get it. You did that one purpose, didn’t you?!” she hissed as shoke the stallion violently with her forelegs.
“I…Swear...I…didn’t… Flurry…Shine!” he managed to shout through the violent shaking.
“Um, Captain? Is everything alright here?” a stern young soldier said as he approached his leader that was shaking the very essence out of one of the town’s healers.
“Huh? Oh, its fine, Sergeant Snowhoof. Just the usual,” Flurryshine said calmly to the solider before she pinned Bright Leaf, who was trying to escape.
“So, any news?” Flurryshine asked her subordinate as she sat on Bright Leaf.
“Um, only that we received a letter from a mail pony for you. It is addressed from a Twilight Sparkle,” Sergeant Snowhoof explained.
“Hoof it over please,” Flurryshine said before kicking Bright Leaf for trying to escape from under her.
“OOF! Cut it out, Flurryshine. I’m sorry if it hurt, but I didn’t mean to pull so tight. Honest I didn’t!” Bright Leaf groaned to his captor.
A subordinate soldier passed the letter to Sergeant Snowhoof, who in turn gave it to Flurryshine. As the young alicorn read the letter, the subordinate soldier looked to his sergeant confused.
Sergeant Snowhoof placed his hoof over his mouth and whispered, “Lover’s spat. Whatever you do, don’t get in the middle of it.”
The sergeant flinched as Flurryshine gave him a warning glance. It was obvious the young alicorn had heard him over the cries of her “Lover” pleading to be released from under her. A smile most devious crossed her face as she closed the letter and let Bright Leaf up. The stallion gasped for air before flopping down beside Flurryshine.
“Did you really have to sit on me?!” he asked exasperated.
“Did you have to run like a wuss?” she replied.
“Did you have to lose your cool over a simple mistake?!” he continued.
“Must you always complain?! Geez, if you don’t like my attitude, why the buck do you follow me around like a lost colt? Last time I checked I wasn’t any pony’s mom!” Flurryshine shot back at him. Bright Leaf glared at her for a few moments. A glare Flurryshine was glad to return, and their game was set. Flurryshine had clearly won this round.
“What does Twilight Sparkle want?” he asked.
“Heh, to invite us to a party. You feel like traveling?” Flurryshine said with her devious grin plastered on her face.
“You’re a strange mare, you know that. You yell at me for following you and now you’re inviting me to travel with you, any of this sounding a bit screwy?” Bright Leaf sighed.
“Are you coming or not?” Flurryshine said flatly.
“Of course I am coming!” Bright Leaf exclaimed as he got to his feet and looked her in the eyes. The year since the great storm had been kind to him. He was now as tall as Flurryshine and learned a bit about asserting himself from being at her side constantly. He had become a worthy opponent for the cynical alicorn.
“Sergeant Snowhoof, you’re in charge. Bright Leaf and I are going to Ponyville for a one year celebration of the victory over the great storm,” Flurryshine proclaimed.
“The storm that you created,” Bright Leaf shot at her.
“Oh shuddup, and move your tail,” Flurryshine said as she shoved him towards the bridge. Bright Leaf could only chuckle as he cantered off with her following him.
Sergeant Snowhoof saluted his departing captain. She had been working nonstop to maintain peace and order in Braying Cliffs. It was good to see hear head off on another whirlwind adventure. No doubt, the other Braying Cliffs heroes would be joining her on this quest.