//------------------------------// // Cadance Has Another Weird Dream // Story: In Between The Dusk And The Dawn // by TPC-2k16 //------------------------------//      “It’s, I had another weird dream.”      “Okay. And you’re telling me this why?” Twilight asked, now sitting on her throne.      “Because you were there. But not just you. Everypony else in Equestria was there.”      “Yeah, one question. Shouldn’t we tell Princess Luna about this? I mean, she is literally the only one who can go into dreams and such.” Spike asks either one of them.      “I told you. Both princesses are extremely busy... with princess things.”      “Okay.” Spike walks out of the Throne Room, leaving the two sister-in-laws alone.      “I should tell you of what I dreamt of.” Cadance levitates an open, blank scroll to Twilight, along with a quill.      “If you feel you’re up to it, then go ahead,” Twilight gets the scroll and quill ready, “I’m ready.”      Cadance takes one long breath. “It all started out normally. And by normal, I mean it started out with me going on a spaceship. We were just about to take off for the planet of chocolate chip cookies until out of nowhere, all of a sudden, the stars started falling from the sky. Each and every last one of them, hurling down on the nation of Equestria, sending a mass wave of destruction everywhere once they landed.”      “And once everything seemed hopeless, like, after knowing that nopony could stop it, out of the blue, appearing on a hillside, some regular ol’ unicorn. He, or she, just then so simply cast a simple spell that immediately make everything go back to normal, making the stars go away and back up to space. If you know what I mean.”      “And that was all that had happened.”      After listening to Cadance, Twilight reads a quick rundown of everything she just wrote.      “So what you’re saying is, the stars will someday magically fall from the sky and destroy everything we hold dear?”      Cadance nods her head.      “But it all “went away” by some regular ol’ unicorn who was able to cast a spell, therefore returning everything back to normal?”      “Yes. What do you think it means?”      Twilight looks to Cadance, then to the scroll she wrote on before taking a big, deep breath. “I know you don’t want to, but we have to tell the princesses.”