The Destructive Truth

by Crowborn

One Dark Night...

"Now, imagine for a moment, that you were born in a different universe. And in this universe, everything is designed for you to succeed. You are born with a very intelligent mind and a loving family. Then you go to school to learn magic and are tested with a seemingly impossible task, and at first, you start to fail, but suddenly, the universe kicks in, and there is a radiant boom from far outside the window, and suddenly you feel an impossible amount of magic surge within you. And suddenly, you not only perform the seemingly impossible task set before, you do so well that you overcharge it. Then, the very ruler of all the land decides to take you an as their personal protégé. You thus begin an even higher education than most all of your peers. Then a few years later, a great evil comes and you are sent to stop it, even though you have virtually no training for this type of scenario. But just as things begin to seem hopeless, bam, the universe kicks in again, and you along with a few others are now the chosen ones suddenly and 'coincidentally' chosen to wield the world's most powerful weapons. Then, from here on out, you face a great many trials and evils, but without fail you crush and overcome each one, and ones you cannot defeat with force are yielded to your will and 'reformed'. You and your comrades are undefeated. Even when a breaker of destinies comes to oppose you, they eventually are coerced and turned from your greatest enemy to another star of your glory.

But then one day, a young fellow appears in your room. He is crying, but holds a knife steadily to your throat. He says that your life is a lie. That you have earned nothing. He reveals to you that indeed all the universe will do anything to ensure you succeed, regardless if you want to or not. He tells the stories of every for and obstacle you have faced, and how there was never any hope for them. He then starts to talk about all the others that have crossed your path, and how if any conflicted with your destiny, no matter how small of an affront, that they were snuffed, exiled, or reformed until their lives fitted your destiny and your destiny alone. The stranger then tells you that he will attempt to kill you, for the monster you are, but he knows in all likelihood he will fail. He continues to cry, stating he only wants things to be fair and right, to allow the one he loves to shine where they cannot because of you. To allow them even a chance of greatness. You deny this, you say what he says can't be true, and you can tell he doesn't want to do this. You try to refute him, to talk him down, but he chuckles wryly. He says it doesn't matter if he succeeds or fails, all will be clear on this night. He says that he's the villain, in your tale, isn't he? Tears continue to flow as he sobs. He says it isn't fair, that none of this is fair! He lunges at you, but before he can land the blow, a hidden power awakens within you and begins incinerating the young stallion before he can even reach you. Before he dies, he looks into your eyes with sobs with despair, "I HATE YOU!!"

And then thus, he was no more....."

Twilight closed the book, disturbed by what she had read. The book had appeared on her nightstand one night, with no explanation of how it got there. She did not like how eerily it had discribed her life, before spiralling into the disturbing tale that it was.*

"Who wrote this?" *She pondered, as whomever it was failed to sign it in anyway. The book didn't even have a title.

What it described couldn't really be true, could it? It seemed rediculous. Still, as she thought about it, she had trouble refuting it's claimed. However, finding that thought a bit unnerving, she decided that she was simply tired and that that was why she couldn't think of anything....

But still, what if it was right? What if she was some kind of monster? No, no, that was silly, she wasn't a monster...she was just...lucky, right? Surely whoever wrote this book did so just to unnerve her, right?
Still, it was strange how the book had gotten there in the middle of her castle without any pony noticing. Perhaps she was just looking too much into this...

With a sigh, she put the book down, and decided to get some sleep. She would talk with her friends about it, to see if they knew anything about it or whoever wrote it. But that was future Twilight's problem, and for now, she needed sleep.

As she closed her eyes to rest, she failed to notice the shadow in the corner and the soft crying that eminated with shaky breaths....