//------------------------------// // Chapter Thirteen; The Mountain Pass // Story: I'll Bring You Home // by Kodeake //------------------------------// I’ll Bring You Home Chapter Thirteen; The Mountain Pass “Their release,” Tirek said, his grin stretched wide, showing his sharp teeth. “For all the magic in Equestria.” Twilight balked at her friends, sealed in bubbles of magic. She could hear them calling out to her, pleading with her, begging her to reject his offer. To… to sacrifice them. “I…” “What’ll it be, Princess Twilight?” Tirek goaded, lifting his hands as though about to snap his fingers.  “Don’t do it, Twilight!” Rainbow cried desperately bucking against the magic that contained her.  Fluttershy nodded rapidly. “We aren’t worth it.” “I…” Twilight swallowed thickly. It felt like she was being torn in half. Celestia, Luna and Cadence had entrusted their magic to her. She was supposed to protect it, no matter what. It was their final hope. But her friends… “Choose, Princess,” Tirek spat, “before I do it for you.” He snapped his fingers and Twilight watched as the bubbles began to shrink. “No!” Twilight’s eyes flew wide open, and immediately she found herself in familiar territory. A darkened hallway lines on either side by shelves filled with books.  “A nightmare?” She asked herself aloud, her voice echoing around the silence of the great library. “I was… asleep?” There was a book in her hooves, its cover was a purple six pointed star with a crack running down the middle.  Twilight opened the book, her eyes trailing across the words.  Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, it read, there was an alicorn Princess of Friendship named Twilight Sparkle. She and her five friends protected the land from many dangerous threats, until one day, tragedy struck. She turned the page, and saw a picture of herself, slack in a pair of cyan hooves. When Equestria needed her most, Princess Twilight failed in her duties to protect her subjects. Because of her incompetence, all the magic in Equestria was stolen by a terrible enemy. She let everypony down.  “Twilight!” Twilight’s head snapped up, and her eyes grew wide as she saw Rainbow Dash appear from the darkness, running towards her. The pegasus’s face was frantic, and a moment later Twilight saw why; right behind her a cloaked figure gave chase, carrying a rust metal lantern that cast an eerie white light.  “Rain-” Before Twilight could even call out to her friend, it was too late; the Keeper lunged forward. She watched as Rainbow’s body shimmered and faded upon contact with the light. Heard the mare screaming as her soul was taken, and then… nothing. Silence once more. Twilight’s jaw hung open, throat working uselessly as she struggled to comprehend what she’d just seen.  “Rainbow…” Twilight jolted upright, her breathing ragged and a cold sweat drenching her fur. She held a hoof to her chest in a vain attempt to calm her racing heart as she gathered her bearings. The room was dark, but there was enough moonlight filtering in through the lone window for her to recognize the bedroom in the back of Gaia’s cabin. She looked over and all but jumped out of bed when she saw Rainbow Dash’s eyes shining in the dim light. “Twi?” She asked, her voice betraying no hint of sleep. “You okay?” “I…” Twilight hesitated, scanning across the room. Eventually, she nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Rainbow sat up in her bed, stretching slightly. “You sure? You were mumbling and stuff. Nightmare or somethin’?” Sighing, Twilight relaxed slightly, falling back and staring up at the ceiling. “Something like that, anyway. Just… just a bad dream, is all. I haven’t actually slept in a long time; not really used to it anymore.” “Must be strange,” Rainbow said, rolling onto her back. “I can’t imagine not sleeping. It’s like, my third favourite thing to do.” Twilight snickered quietly, but it quickly trailed off. “Why are you awake?” “Eh.” Rainbow shrugged halfheartedly. “You woke me up.” Eyes narrowing slightly, Twilight glanced over and noted the way the pegasus refused to look at her. “You can’t sleep?” “Twi, I told you I-” “You’re still having nightmares, aren’t you?” Rainbow groaned, bringing her hooves up and crossing them over her eyes. “I just said-” “I haven’t seen you have a good night’s rest since you got here…” Twilight gasped suddenly. “Rainbow, when was the last time-” “Before you died.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I shouldn’t have told you that.” “Rainbow, I-” Rainbow growled. “Stop it! Please, just… just stop. It’s not a big deal; so I have nightmares. So what? I’m not a little filly. I can handle it.” “But you shouldn’t have to!” Twilight argued. “You won’t even tell me what they’re about. I mean, I assume-” There was a knock on the door, and it opened just wide enough for Gaia to poke her head inside. “Time to wake up,” she said, her sapphire eyes almost glowing in the darkness. “The storm’s calmest before the dawn.”  When the door was closed, Rainbow wasted no time jumping out of bed. She stretched languidly, flapping her wings a few times. “Thanks for last night, by the way,” she mumbled. “Wings feel great.” “Why won’t you talk to me?” Rainbow paused for only a moment before throwing her saddlebags over her shoulders. “Nothin’ to talk about. My head just hasn’t caught up with me yet.” Twilight raised an eyebrow as she crawled to her hooves. “What?” “The nightmares.” Rainbow shrugged casually. “Been having ‘em since… y’know. But now I’m getting you back, my head just hasn’t realized it yet. Once I get you back home I’ll be fine.” Rainbow turned, her glare causing Twilight’s muzzle to snap shut. “If you apologize again I’m gonna tape your mouth shut.” Sighing, Twilight nodded. “Fine. But this isn’t over; I can tell when something’s bothering you.” Rainbow snorted. “Well lets see; my best friend died ‘cause of me, I wandered around Equestria for a year looking for a way to bring her back, literally came to Hell, got beat up by a giant stone thing and got lost in an evil library for days. Pick one. Or make a list; you love lists.” “If it was just that you wouldn’t be so scared of talking to me about it,” Twilight noted, smirking when she saw the way Rainbow froze momentarily. “Whatever’s bothering you, you don’t want me to know.” “Nothing,” Rainbow muttered, pushing past the unicorn and out into the hallway. Lanterns illuminated the cabin in a flickering orange light, and she saw three other mares already gathered in the living area.  “‘Bout time you joined us,” Hurricane said, sitting on the floor and stretching. Clover sat next to her, muzzle buried in a book. Gale groaned, rolling her neck. “I haven’t slept that great since I was alive. Thought maybe you two wouldn’t want to get up.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “What happened to not needing to sleep?” “Not a paradise without naps,” Gale chuckled. “You two ready to head out?” Twilight came into the room alongside Rainbow, checking over her bags. “As ready as we’re going to be.” “I’ll guide you to the mountain pass,” Gaia said, sipping once more on a cup of tea. “It’s the safest way to the summit. From there, I’m afraid you’re on your own.” Rainbow snorted. “What’s new?” She jolted as she felt a body press against her side. “We’re with you this time,” Twilight said quietly, a tentative smile on her lips. Blushing, Rainbow looked away. “Yeah, I guess,” she mumbled.  “Come on; we ain’t got time for this. We have a schedule to keep.” Gale stood, grabbing her bags and snatching the book from in front of Clover’s face. She received a glare from the unicorn, but ignored it as she threw the book in her bags. Clover groaned as she stood. “We leaving?” “As soon as you get off your flank,” Hurricane quipped. “How far is the pass?” “Not far.” Gaia finished her tea and set her cup down. Making sure everypony was with her, she lead the group out the front door and into her garden. They passed through it without much thought, and as they crossed through the gate they found themselves once more in a small clearing with a run down shack.  Thunder rumbled in the distance from the storm, and the forest surrounding them took on an ominous tone as Gaia pointed into the trees, groaning quietly in a gentle wind. “This way. Stay close; getting separated in this forest in the dark won’t end well.” Rainbow glanced around as the darkened sky was consumed by foliage, and she couldn’t help but smirk.  “What are you so happy about?” Twilight hissed out of the corner of her mouth, eyes flickering between the trees.  “Huh?” Rainbow looked over, chuckling slightly. “It’s just… it reminds me of home. Think about it; this place is exactly like the Everfree, isn’t it? Dark, dangerous, all that.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “That’s a good thing? The Everfree is not what I think about when I think of home.” “Closer to home than anything else around here.” As darkness consumed them and the final sliver of moonlight were blocked, Twilight’s horn flared to life. An orb of purple light grew from the tip of her horn and split off, hovering over them and illuminating their surroundings just bright enough to not have to worry about tripping on anything. The wind had picked up, and the ruffling leaves grew louder than their hoofsteps.  “Neat trick,” Gale noted. She elbowed Clover. “If you’re not careful you’re gonna get upstaged.” Clover just rolled her eyes. “It’s a fairly simple spell.” Rainbow snickered quietly to herself. Gaia glanced over her shoulder at them before pushing further into the thickening foliage. The rumbling thunder grew louder, and Rainbow’s wings twitched as she felt the static charge in the air. “We’re getting close.” “To the storm, yes. The mountain is still further ahead,” Gaia explained. She stomped her hoof and the thickest of the underbrush ahead of them parted. Beyond was a small clearing, the break in the canopy allowing an almost perfect circle of silver light to fall upon the rich green grass like a spotlight. Gaia lead them into the clearing, where she stopped in roughly the center. She turned to face her party, her mane whipping in the wind. “This is as far as I go,” she said. “From here you are at the mercy of Mount Othrys. Stay together, rest when you can, and some of you might just make it to the summit.” Rainbow stepped forward. “That’s it? You said you’d take us to the mountain!” Gaia pointed up, through the hole in the roof of the forest, and as Rainbow followed her hoof her eyes grew wide. Looming over them was a sheer cliff face that disappeared into a dense covering of cloud. “I don’t think we’ll be able to fly up that…” Gale said, squinting into the sky. “It’s calm down here, but those clouds make it look real rough.” “No, I don’t recommend flying,” Gaia agreed. She stomped her hoof, and around her glowing purple flowers began to bloom. She picked up and held it to her lips. With a puff of breath the petals scattered into the forest, their dim light rapidly fading into the darkness. A moment of silence passed, then more lights began appearing from the darkness as several more flowers sprouted, forming a path of connected dots of light. “Follow the trail; it will take you to the pass.” Gale raised an eyebrow. “Let me guess; don’t stray from the path?” “I wouldn’t recommend it, no.” Gaia turned away. “Make camp before sundown; the storm is at its worst during dusk.” “Hey! Hold on a second!” Rainbow called, but Gaia had already faded into the darkness between the trees. “Seriously?” Twilight nudged her. “Come on; we’re not gonna get anywhere by standing around.” “She’s right,” Clover called. She crouched down, examining the glowing flower. “I’ve never seen a plant like this before. Bioluminescence alone wouldn’t be this bright; it must use magic as a secondary mechanism, but then…” “It’s a magic flower made by a goddess, babe,” Gale deadpanned, sparing only a glance at the plant as she stepped past it. “No point trying to figure out. We should keep moving.” “You mean we get to go deeper into the pitch black forest?” Rainbow asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Woopty doo.” She rolled her eyes and trudged forward behind the other pegasus, Twilight and Clover following. The light from the moon was snuffed out as soon as they left the clearing, plunging them once more into a thick void that seemed to strangle the light from Twilight’s summoned orb. Little specks of purple guided them, the flowers having grown intermittently along the forest floor as the ground began to slope upwards. The underbrush thickened and the trail curved to the right, closer to where the cliff had been. Eventually the trees became denser, forcing the group into a single-file line. Groaning wood and howling wind filled the air, the trees bending in the gusts. “Stay close,” Gale muttered, squinting ahead into the darkness. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Gee, ya think?” She paused a moment, feeling something hit her muzzle. She crossed her eyes and stared at a blotch of darker fur. Glancing up, another drop hit her forehead. “It’s raining.” “We’re getting close,” Twilight called, having to yell over the roar of the wind. “I think the flowers end up ahead.” Leaning around Gale to get a better look, Rainbow followed the trail of purple lights until they stopped, the furthest light still well within view. Beyond it was a faint silver glow. “Come on; that’s gotta be the way out.” Rainbow ran ahead, taking wing and weaving through the trees towards the promise of open air. She vaguely heard the calls of the others, but it lasted only a moment before it was drowned out by the wind. Her eyes set firmly on the final flower of the trail, she felt more raindrops hitting her wings. By the time she reached the last guide it was properly raining, her mane starting to mat to her face. Then, suddenly, the trees stopped and Rainbow Dash shot out into the open under the silver light of the moon. As soon as she was free from the trees she realized the full strength of the wind; the forest had sheltered them from the brunt of it, but in the open it was like a hurricane. Rainbow was tossed to the side as a gust caught her wing. “Whoa!” Rainbow just barely managed to avoid crashing back into the treeline, but the turbulent air was anything but done with her as another draft hit her and sent her flying upwards, wings flapping uselessly as she struggled to gain any purchase against the wind. A moment of weightlessness passed and then she was falling, spinning in nauseating circles and catching momentary glimpses of the ground approaching faster than she could right herself.  Bracing for impact, she clamped her wings close in a vein attempt to prevent breaking one and clenched her eyes shut, gritting her teeth. A moment passed, then two, then three, and still there was no crash or pain. Carefully, she opened one eye, and found herself face to face with a very wet, annoyed looking unicorn.  “Heh… thanks.” Twilight brushed her sopping mane out of her face - which only flopped back into place - and set the pegasus down on the ground. “Don’t run off like that,” she muttered. “You’re supposed to be saving me, remember?” “Sorry.” Rainbow looked over as Gale and Clover came running up to them, the rain quickly giving them the same treatment it had her and Twilight.  “Well, I guess we found the pass Gaia was talking about,” Gale noted, her tone hesitant. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her, and she nodded ahead. In front of them was the cliff they had seen from the clearing, reaching up high into the dense cloud covering. But in the rock a massive fissure had split the face in two, a crack trailing down and forming a narrow pass that sloped upwards into the mountain. In the rain, the ground had turned to mud and rivers of water ran down the fissure. The thought of flying through it was tossed out the window the second they approached; winds stronger than they had experienced before rushed out of the mouth of the crevice, forcing them to squint their eyes to look into it. Rainbow groaned. “You have got to be kidding.” “Come on,” Gale urged, “the storm’s only gonna get worse if what Gaia said is true; we best make it through this before it does. I imagine it’ll become a river before too long.” Sighing, Rainbow glanced down at the pendant around her neck, flailing in the wind. Then to the mare herself, and she smiled. Twilight caught her eye and tilted her head. “Dash?” Rainbow chuckled. “Nothin’, Twi. Let’s go.” She pushed ahead into the gorge, stepping carefully as she felt the mud sliding beneath her hooves. The wind pushed back against her, the sheer force of it blow-drying her mane as fast as the rain could wet it, sapping the heat from her body.  But pegasi were nothing if not water resistant, and Rainbow pushed forward without so much as a shiver. She threw a look over her shoulder, smirking as she saw the rest of her group following her lead. Twilight had dispelled her orb of light, and the light from the moon setting behind them granted plenty of light for them to see. The horizon was starting to change colour as the sun rose behind the mountain, tinting the sky a light purple. Though it wouldn’t be long before the thick clouds above blocked out what little sky the could see as they ascended the pass, pushed forward by the knowledge that the storm would only grow worse as time passed. The mud beneath their hooves grew deeper the higher they climbed, the rain coming harder and harder, accompanied by the occasional crack of thunder. Walls of rock encased them on either side, towering over them and disappearing into the clouds above. Ahead the path continued to slope up until it too was obscured by the storm, and behind was only a tiny crack that allowed them to see the sky behind them as the moon set fully.  “Whoa!” Rainbow turned at the sudden shout, and she watched as Twilight slipped and landed face-first in the mud, sliding a few feet back before she could regain her footing. The unicorn looked upt, her fur matted with mud and more brown than purple. “Twi! You okay?” Twilight stood, rubbing at her eyes. “Peachy.” Rainbow bit her lip, motioning for Gale and Clover to pass her before carefully allowing herself to slide down the hill until she was alongside the unicorn.  “Seriously, are you alright?” Rainbow asked, her tone soft and tinged with a hint of urgency. Twilight regarded her curiously. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Nodding, Rainbow waited for Twilight to start walking again before she did, making sure to stay beside the unicorn. Twilight gave her another odd look. “I slipped, Rainbow; it happens. What are you-” “Just wanted to make sure, is all,” Rainbow answered somewhat awkwardly, looking away. “I uh, thought you might have hurt yourself.” “Right…” Twilight watched her a moment longer before shrugging it off, looking ahead and noticing Gale and Clover waiting for them to catch up. The rain came down in sheets atop them, beginning to obscure their vision as the vicious wind bit at their coats. Ahead, the trail disappeared into a dense fog, hiding the end even as they approached the edge of the cloud. “You know,” Twilight started, drawing Rainbow’s attention. “This kind of reminds me of how we met.” Rainbow blinked. “I mean, I guess I did knock you into a puddle of mud, but I don’t think-” “Not that,” Twilight corrected with a giggle. “I meant the trek to the old castle.”  “Oh…” Rainbow looked around herself. The steep canyon walls slicked with rain, the wind howling in her ears and the ever-steepening slope beneath her hooves. “Reminds me more of the time we had to go deal with that dragon, remember?” Snorting, Twilight nodded. “How could I forget? You flew up and kicked it right in the jaw.” “Yeah, and it deserved it!” Rainbow argued. “Trying to cover my town in smoke. Just who did he think he was?” Twilight laughed, and it wasn’t a moment before Rainbow joined her. Lost in their mirth, what happened next was inevitable as Rainbow’s hoof hit a particularly slick patch of mud and she hit the ground with a splat. She looked up, muck dripping from her muzzle, and glared daggers at the unicorn doubled over in hysterics.  “Careful, egghead,” she muttered as she clambered back onto her hooves. “I will make you regret it.” “As if,” Twilight scoffed. “What are you gonna do, fall down again?” Rainbow’s eyes narrowed, and before Twilight could react she reached down and scooped up a ball of mud, hurling it through the air. It hit the back of Twilight’s neck with a satisfying smack, the mare freezing with her jaw hung open. “Rainbow.” Rainbow fluttered her eyelashes. “Yes, Twilight?” “Run.” Clover sighed, forcing another pulse of magic from her horn. The barrier around her and Gale shimmered as more power was added to it, protecting them from the rain and the worst of the wind as they ascended the trail. “You think she’s gonna do it?” Gale looked over. “Huh?” “Rainbow Dash,” she clarified. “Do you really think she’ll be able to give Twilight he flower?” The commander chuckled. “She won’t have a choice; I’m not gonna babysit her. She’ll be fine, though.” “She reminds me of you,” Clover said with a smirk. “You danced around your feelings for me for months before I asked you out.” Gale’s eyes widened. “Excuse me. If I recall correctly, it was me asking you out.” “Oh sure, that’s what you told everypony, and I let you; didn’t want to ruin your image as the big, tough commander, after all.” “I’ll have you know-” “I’m sorry!” Rainbow practically squealed, running past the two chatting mares with a panicked look on her face. Twilight followed close behind, horn glowing brightly and two large balls of mud floating at her side. “Oh no you’re not. But you will be!” Clover blinked as the two ran ahead, mud balls being hurled back and forth. She sighed. “You’re right.” “Huh?” “They’ll be fine.” Rainbow groaned, pulling herself over a rocky ledge and sprawling out on her back, letting the rain splash her face. “Finally,” she panted, lifting her head just enough to watch Twilight climb up next to her, adopting much the same position. They’d finally reached the end of the path after far too long a climb up far too steep a slope. Rainbow’s muscles burned from exertion, and from the looks of it Twilight fared no better. The trail ended at the top of the cliff they’d seen from the forest. The wind this high had died down compared to what it was in the crevice, but the rain continued to fall in heavy sheets. Rainbow rolled her head to the side, looking over the flat plateau. The mountain still towered over them, the sky filled with clouds, and looking over the edge of the cliff showed not the forest below but another thick layer of storm clouds.  Clover and Gale followed behind, each looking just as worn out as the mares laying on the ground.  “Hey slowpokes,” Rainbow greeted, grinning despite the knowledge the mud was ruining her wings. Gale rolled her eyes. “What, tired already? It’s only been a few hours.” “Speak for yourself!” Clover wheezed, seemingly debating it for a moment before giving up and flopping onto her side. “I haven’t had to walk that much since we were sent out to settle Equestria!” “If we’re gonna take a break I’d rather do it out of the rain,” Gale muttered, holding a hoof over her eyes and squinting into the downpour. “Anypony got an idea?” “Twilight, are you familiar with Shield Mender’s work?” Clover asked without moving. “Of course,” Twilight replied. “I’m quite good, if I do say so myself.” Clover lit her horn. “I’ll do the base if you want to do the projection.” “Sure.” Rainbow groaned. “What are you two nerds-” she was cut off by a flash of light. In an instant, the feeling of rain on her coat vanished, and she opened her eyes to see a semi-solid dome around them, the rain hitting it and running in rivers down the sides. “Oh. Neat trick.” “That’s not even the best part.” Twilight’s tongue poked between her lips as her eyes clenched in concentration. After a moment another flash of magic burst from her horn, and when it faded they were no longer on a rocky outcropping surrounded by an endless storm. Instead, they were in a grassy meadow with bright blue skies. If Rainbow didn’t know any better, she’d have sworn she could actually feel the sun’s warmth.  “What in the world…” Gale trailed off, spinning in circles as she struggled to comprehend what she was seeing. “That is the best part,” Clover said, laughing to herself. “It’s just an illusion, but it’s a lot nicer than the alternative. The barrier will keep out the wind and rain, so we’re good to rest here for a while.” “Magic, never leave home without it,” Rainbow mumbled to herself, glancing to Twilight when she heard the mare snicker.  Twilight waved her hoof vaguely in Rainbow’s direction. “If you give me some ambrosia I’ll dry everypony off, too.” “Actually, I think we could all  use a little pick-me-up,” Gale said, her head already bent back and rummaging through her saddlebags. A second later she pulled out a bottle of golden liquid, setting it on the ground between them as she sat back on her haunches. The cork was pulled and she took a drink from the flask, smacking her lips. She passed it to Clover, before hesitating. “One drink,” Gale said. Clover rolled her eyes. “Yes mom.” She snatched the jug and downed a mouthful, handing it to Twilight, then to Rainbow. Rainbow examined the liquid curiously a moment before shrugging and downing what was left. She was pleasantly surprised by the taste; it was like a sugary cocktail without being overly sweet, tinted with a metallic aftertaste that wasn’t unpleasant. “So, this stuff’s supposed to-... oh…” she trailed off, feeling a warm, tingling pulse wash over her body. The aches and pains from the climb slowly faded from her muscles, and she felt more awake than she had since she’d first been dragged out of bed. “Okay, that… that works.” Twilight giggled. “Told you; it’s great. This storm’s been sapping my magic, but with the ambrosia I feel fine.” “Which is why we’re rationing it,” Gale muttered, snapping her saddlebag closed before Clover’s hoof could find its way in. “We’ll need it more the higher we get, so we can’t go using it up now. If-... hey, you hear that?” “Hear… what?” Rainbow frowned, perking her ears. She could still hear the rain outside their bubble, but… there was something else beyond it. A low rumbling. Growing louder. Then she realized she wasn’t hearing it; she was feeling it. The ground was shifting beneath her. She jumped to her hooves. “Twi, get rid of the shield. Something’s coming.” Twilight’s horn flash and the illusion dissipated. They all scanned the cliffside carefully, vision mostly obscured by the heavy rain. Suddenly, Rainbow saw it; the ledge they’d climbed was a little closer than it had been before, and as she watched it, a little more fell away. “We gotta go.” “Huh, why-” Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw where Rainbow was looking, and a large chunk of earth vanished over the edge, putting the cliff just a few steps away from them. The ground shook again and like a trail of dominos the ground started disappearing faster and faster. “It’s a mudslide! GO!”