//------------------------------// // Scones // Story: For my mother, Twilight Sparkle // by BookKeeper //------------------------------// Twilight woke that morning feeling cheery and refreshed, the events yesterday still filling her heart with happiness and love. A pen and paper hovered over towards her and wrote down thoughts on her mind, a habit she made since becoming an official princess was to document her earliest thoughts and ponder over them later on for inspiration. 'I feel great this morning after making amends, I want to rekindle friendships so we may all sit together once more and be happy.' As her magic set the pen and paper down she threw off the soft violet blankets and hopped off the bed. She didn't have to consciously think to put on her royal trinkets as her magic was accustomed to putting them on every morning, as well as comb her hair and straighten out her long wings. "I think I'll read some more today." She said to no one in particular though she always imagined that the baby owls that were exploring their shared home would be listening. It was a few minute walk to her secluded library, on the way, their was a spot where a desk was put next to a large window with no art on. It was a place where she'd sometimes hope to find inspiration from the ponies in her hometown. The bin full of paper caught her eye again, she trotted over and was about to lift the contents out when her ears perked up upon hearing a distant clap of thunder, it went silent for a few minutes before it was followed by torrential rain. She looked outside to see ponies, dragons and animals flee from the weather change. A particular trio of ponies caught her eye, quickly, she dashed to the front door and unlocked the door with speed that she was sure that one of the locks have broken with the sudden act. She didn't care at that moment, however, and opened it. Her eyes darted around for the ponies, they weren't initially visible due to the amount of rain pouring down. "Can some pony let us in?!" One of them called but it was drowned out by the heavy rain and thunder, "Please! My friend is due soon, she needs shelter!" Twilight still couldn't see them, so she stepped out into the rain and cast a spell that illuminated around her, with her loudest 'Canterlot voice' she yelled and waved, "Over here!" It seemed to work as she could hear them dashing over, two of the three ponies grabbed the third and carefully dragged her over. One of them used their magic to hover a large leaf over the third ponies head. Twilight kept the spell on until they were close to her, her mouth dropped at the shock of who the three were. She knew that the colours of them were familiar. "Oh my gosh, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and... Apple Bloom?" "Good to see you Twilight!" Scootaloo said a little wave but her hooves were supporting her friend for her to properly wave. The four of them went into Twilight's castle and with more care, she closed the door behind them. "I can't believe it's you, you've all grown up." Twilight was smiling so happily, "Here I'll dry you off." She closed her eyes as her magic flared up, warming the four ponies until they were dry. The three of them had hardly changed over the years; Scootaloo's mane was a little longer but had pins to keep it out of her eyes, Sweetie Belle's mane was the same as it was when she was younger but she also wore a little more make-up now with the help, no doubt, from her older sister, only Apple Bloom's mane was noticeably different with it being longer but combed back, it looked similar to her older sister's now but instead of the bow in her hair, it was a bandana around her neck. "Ah can't believe my lucky stars." Apple Bloom started, "I thought you'd moved up to Canterlot Twilight." "Yeah!" Came Sweetie Belle's still high pitch voice, "We all thought you'd gone to live with Celestia to become the next ruler or something." "Rainbow Dash hasn't spoke about you so I thought you'd gone or something." Scootaloo said with a shrug as she flapped her still small wings. "No... I've always been here..." Twilight rubbed her back hoof awkwardly on the other, "I guess I lost touch with everyone near me..." She shook her head, "But I wanna make amends!" "Hehe you never change huh Twilight?" Scootaloo smiled. "I dunno." Sweetie Belle hummed, "She looks like a princess that's for sure." Twilight felt a little blush on her cheeks, "Do you girls want some scones? I got a package from Sugarcube corner just the other day." The trio looked at each other for a moment before nodding in agreement, "That'd be wonderful Twilight." Apple Bloom nodded. The four of them trotted to the 'friendship room' where their were seats for each of the elements, including Spike. It wasn't far but it passed some of window murals of their many adventures for Equestria. "Wow! These look amazing Twilight!" Scootaloo said excitedly, "I can't believe what you and our sisters did for Equestria..." "Yeah it became so normal at one point, we all just kinda didn't notice." "It's ah wonder how ma sister managed to work the farm and save Equestria." Apple Bloom laughed, "I can barely cope as is!" "We all supported one another back then. I suppose..." Twilight replied with no ill intent. They entered the grand room and the trio gasped together as they took in the beautiful memorial to the home Twilight once lived in and the new memories made in this one. The colours bounced off the walls and their was an unshakeable vibe of happiness through the air. "This room is closest to the kitchen so I hope you don't mind if we sit in here?" Twilight gestured to the table. "Why is it next to the kitchen?" Scootaloo asked, her head whipping around to see the whole of the grand room. "Oh, that's because Pinkie used to make us cakes when we'd meet up." Twilight said offhandedly as she walked over to the door, "I won't be a moment, please take a seat." On the counter was a pink box with blueberries painted on the sides, on top was see through so customers could see their baked cakes. She trotted over and her magic was quick to grab plates, cutlery, cups and saucers, milk, sugar, cream, jam and was capable of putting the kettle on the oven to boil. It all hovered nearby as she grabbed herself the box of scones, which were a mix of blueberry and cherry. As she neared the door she could hear the three of them giggling at each other and she smiled herself at the thought of entertaining guests again. She opened the door and her magic placed everything before the trio. With Scootaloo sitting at Rainbow Dash's seat, Sweetie Belle in her sister's spot and Apple Bloom resting on her sister's seat. Their attention was brought to Twilight as she put the scones down in front of Apple Bloom, of whom was seated in the middle of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, "Pick any, I have cherry and blueberry scones." "Oh Twilight this is too much!" Apple Bloom said though her mouth was near watering with the treats nearby, "Although ah don't suppose it'll do much harm to have one..." She picked a cherry scone. Sweetie Belle was quick to pick a blueberry scone, as well as Scootaloo who picked the same. As the three of them buttered and put either jam or cream, or both on their scones, Twilight grabbed the tea and poured them a cup full, before finally taking a seat herself and grabbing a cherry scone. "I saw your sister the other day Apple Bloom. The farm hasn't changed much, nor has your sister." Twilight said before taking a sip of her tea. Apple Bloom was stirring milk into her tea, "Yeah, only thing that'll ever change is the paint. Hope this weather doesn't ruin it." She sighed, letting the spoon sit in the cup. "It'll be okay Apple Bloom, me and Sweetie Belle are more than happy to help out again. Won't we?" She gestured towards Sweetie Belle, who was about to take a bite out of her scone. It hovered near her, "Of course!" She said enthusiastically before taking a bite. "I can also help if you ever need it." Twilight pitched in. Her cheeks were pink from their kindness, she shrugged, "That's mighty kind of y'all but we actually are pretty good right now. Most the family is over to help with the apple bucking season so they can help whilst their here." "Oh that's right! How is Vanilli?" Sweetie Belle asked, "Y'know considering..." "She's okay, we all knew he wasn't well... I just wish he could've met my young uns." "Yeah---" Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked to their sides. "Wait! what do you mean?" Twilight cutting them off, her hoof hitting the table. They were taken aback for a moment but quickly realised her confusion, "Oh! Silly me!" Apple Bloom put her scone down and leaned back a bit, "I'm expecting fillies any day now." She blushed as she rubbed her tummy, "This is ma last lot of fillies." "You said that last time!" Scootaloo huffed though she was quick to roll her eyes, "I still think you're gonna have another foal." "No! I wanna filly, all my others were foals." She rubbed her tummy, "It'd be nice to spoil her... uh... Twilight?" The three of them looked over at her, she was wiping her eyes but tears kept falling down her cheeks, "Sorry." she laughed, "I just can't believe you are all grown up and having fillies of your own." "Wait till you meet mine," Sweetie Belle said as her magic grabbed another scone, "I only have one, he runs Carousel Boutique with his cousin." "Come over soon Twilight, before the apple season ends! I'm sure ma sister would love to introduce you to our family." "I'd love that." Twilight smiled. After the rain had cleared Twilight saw the trio off. She waved until she could no longer see them. Her magic was already clearing their mess away, she could feel it, a reminder of the many times she'd help clean one of Pinkie Pies parties. She was about to go back inside when she could see the start of a beautiful rainbow being made in the sky by adolescent Pegasus ponies. Usually the leader of the unicorns would be in front of them, guiding them, the action would be so quick that normally you'd only see the finished product. It finished nicely and Twilight watched on as they all scrambled back up the sky, presumably back to Cloudsdale but one caught her eye. It drifted apart from the others and headed towards Ponyville, going such speed that Twilight could hardly keep her eyes on it long. It got closer and closer, the sound unbearably loud, her eyes cringed and wings automatically covering her ears, faintly she could hear, "WATCH OUT!" Her eyes opened and the Pegasus was close, she took a step back but couldn't move fast enough. Pure instinct cast a spell that cushioned them both as they crashed into one another. They tumbled back into the castle, pulling the carpet with them and dust. Her head hurt and she coughed as the dust settled. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked, the pony was laying on top of her now and her wings were wrapped around them, "Sorry!" Twilight unwrapped her wings and felt her heart skip. The pony sat themselves upright, she rolled her shoulders and stretched out her messy wings, "Not my best landing huh?" She couldn't believe it. "Rainbow?"