//------------------------------// // Braying Cliffs part 2 // Story: Storm of My Fury // by Flurryshine //------------------------------// Twilight woke with a start. She looked groggily around to find herself in a small bedroom. Tha-dook! Twilight heard again on the rooftop. She looked around to see Pinkie Pie ducked under a window with squinted eyes. “Pinkie, what’s going on?” Twilight asked. “We are under enemy fire, sergeant,” Pinkie Pie responded as she ducked down low after another thud on the rooftop. “What? What are you talking about?!” Twilight asked as she scrambled out of bed. “The pegasi are attacking the valley, duh!” Pinkie pronounced excitedly. “An attack! Come on, Pinkie, we gotta help!” Twilight exclaimed as she rushed out of the house. Twilight rushed into the fray of panicked ponies. Pinkie Pie bounced happily behind her. The two scrambled and dodged aerial attacks as they tried to find their friends. Through the panicked herd, Twilight spotted Flurryshine using her height to frighten the aerial opponents from swooping down on the ponies near her. Twilight cantered up to her and stood back to back as they acknowledge each other’s presence. Twilight began fending off a few pegasi as Pinkie Pie came up and led a group of nearby foals back to the house they were just in. “You know, this would a good time to use those Elements of Harmony,” Twilight heard Flurryshine yell over her shoulder. “One problem, I don’t know where my friends are for us to do that,” Twilight shouted back ducking from a pegasi soldier, “Why are they attacking us?” “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe a certain blue lackey of their boss didn’t like our idea of justice,” Flurryshine responded with sarcasm. A nearby pegasus squealed in pain as Flurryshine’s horn grazed along his flank. “Ugh, this is bad. Very bad!” Twilight grumbled. The valley was in disarray. Mares were rushing foals to the safety of homes far from the battle. Stallions were trying their best to do battle with their winged adversaries. Elder Moondancer and her attendants were rallying the valley ponies to her. Our heroes were scattered about, trying to fight the oncoming armies or protecting the more defenseless ponies. Twilight heard a frustrated snort behind her. Her eyes locked on the same thing Flurryshine was seeing. Another wave was descending from the pegasi district. This battle was not going to end until the valley submitted at this rate. “This is a load! Time to handle things my way!” Flurryshine said as her great wings spread open. “No…no…no…no!” Twilight said with growing anxiety as Flurryshine ascended into the air, kicking away assaulting pegasi as she ascended above the battle. This was it! Twilight knew it was about to happen. Elder Moondancer’s prediction was about to come true! Flurryshine flew higher and higher, ignoring the battle below her. She rallied all her power as she kept ascending. The battle soon became merely a speck upon the ground as she rose high enough to see all of Braying Cliffs before her. Flurryshine knew this was it. Her magic pulsed as she summoned it to her. It welled deeper and deeper around her in a massive aura. Being held by her aura alone, Flurryshine curled completely in on herself as she concentrated on her great deed ahead of her. Below her, Twilight was scrambling to find her friends. They had to act fast! She found Sparkleshine and Rainbow Dash fending off some pegasi that had downed Fluttershy. Seeing her downed friend, Twilight welled up a charge of magic and shot it at the lead pegasi offender. With him blasted out of the sky, his companions were quick to gather him up and scatter. She stopped beside Rainbow Dash as she landed to check on Fluttershy. The canary pegasus had sprained her wing and graciously assured them she was otherwise fine. “Dash, we gotta stop Flurryshine! I think she is about to do what Elder Moondancer saw in her vision,” Twilight explained completely exasperated. “Leave it to me! I’ll knock her out of the sky!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and shot off. Rainbow Dash didn’t get to fully shoot away before she felt something land on her back. She kept flying thinking it would fall off with her speed. To her surprise, tiny hooves embraced her neck as Sparkleshine poked her head up. “Let’s go, Rainbow Dash! We gotta get Flurryshine to stop!” Sparkleshine said to the spectrum pegasus with solid determination in her eyes. Rainbow Dash nodded before she launched herself higher into the air. Rainbow Dash and Sparkleshine kept climbing higher and higher into the air. The air was thinning as they ascended. It felt almost too cold the higher they went. Then they saw it. Flurryshine was surrounded in a swirling blue aura. Noticing the growing need to get to her fast, Rainbow Dash kicked it into overdrive. She was only a hundred feet away from Flurryshine when the young alicorn forced her wings open. The sheer pressure of the howling storm that erupted from the alicorn and downwards to Braying Cliffs sent Rainbow Dash barreling downwards with it. It was cold. It was colder than any storm that any of the ponies had ever felt. The winds howled as the snow and ice bit deep into their coats. Rainbow Dash and Sparkleshine had felt the brunt of the storm from being so close. Rainbow Dash bit back crying in pain as she felt ice forming on her wings. The spectrum pegasus struggled to get her bearings back, and then it happened. Another pulse of the artic winds pushed her back again and sent Sparkleshine flying off her back. The tiny filly whinnied in horror as she fell through the icy skies. Rainbow Dash turned to dive to see the valley already being buffeted by huge snow banks! She dived when she spotted Sparkleshine. Her wings tucked close to her body as she dived as fast as she could. As she felt she couldn’t reach the filly in time, a blur of pinkish equine flew up out of the valley and caught her. It was Periwinkleflight! As Rainbow Dash pulled out of her dive another pulse hit her in the back. She gasped as she too was sent tumbling to the snow covered ground. She tried to will her wings to open. The ice had almost frozen them completely. Another swoop and she felt someone catch her before see hit the ground. Periwinkleflight sat her on the ground as the wind howled around her. The speed of the wind was overwhelming closer to the ground. Ponies were hunched tightly to the ground in hopes to be sheltered by the massive storm. “To me ponies! All unicorns assist me in protecting the herd!” the ancient voice of Elder Moondancer echoed over the howling wind. As Rainbow Dash, Sparkleshine, and Periwinkleflight followed the voice they saw an orb on a knoll. Ponies were shuffled into the orb as fast as they could. They too scrambled into the orb to see Elder Moondancer and all the unicorns in the valley concentrating their magic to hold the orb-like barrier. They also saw all of their friends huddled among the myriad of unicorns, earth ponies, and some injured enemy pegasi. The few pegasi soldiers that made it to the barrier unscathed looked around in panic. “Fly home warriors! This storm affects your home as much as it does ours. Fly home and make sure the other pegasi get to shelter!” Elder Moondancer’s voice told the pegasi firmly. The uninjured soldiers swallowed hardly and nodded before they braved the storm to head home. “Rainbow Dash, you’re okay! Thank Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed as the trio came towards them. “I’m sorry Twilight. She launched that storm before I could reach her,” Rainbow Dash replied, crestfallen. “It’s okay Dash. Atleast we are all together now. Pinkie Pie went and got the Elements of Harmony from our saddlebags. It’s time we end this the right way,” Twilight explained as she nuzzled her friend. “Let me try to reason with her!” a small voice piped up. The ponies looked to see Sparkleshine stare at them with the same ferocity that Flurryshine was known for. The tiny filly looked so much like her elder cousin at this moment is was almost terrifying. “I’m sorry, Sparkleshine. We can’t take that risk. This storm has created a barrier around the cliffs. I don’t think even Princesses Celestia and Luna could break it!” Twilight tried to explain to the young filly. “Please! She will listen to me, if I can just get close enough to talk to her! What do you say Rainbow Dash? You’re the only pegasus that has a chance of making it through that storm!” Sparkleshine pleaded. With a sigh Rainbow Dash said,” Alright, I’ll give it one more try. Is that alright with you Twilight?” “Just once more, if it gets too dangerous, come back immediately!” Twilight implored. Rainbow Dash gave her a curt nod before she lowered herself enough for the small filly to get on her back. Sparkleshine gave Twilight a look that radiated, “Thank you, Twilight.” With Sparkleshine holding on tightly, Rainbow Dash opened her wings. The ice was melted from being in the orb. The spectrum pegasus prayed they would endure the storm long enough to fulfill her mission. She gave a great leap as she took to the air. As quick as a bolt of lightning, she was off into the storm. They rose higher and higher, as they prayed Flurryshine wouldn’t unleash a new buffet of howling winds to the already mighty storm. Luck was with them as they raced through the frigid air. They made it to Flurryshine with no severe delay. Only a matter of feet from the alicorn, Sparkleshine screamed, “Flurryshine, stop this! You’re hurting every pony in the valley! Please! Stop the storm!” The young alicorn turned her head. Her eyes were clouded by the aura of the swirling magic she had summoned forth. Blinded by her magic, Flurryshine raised her wings high and flapped them down viciously upon the pair. The wail of the artic wind of a fresh gust added to the already crippling blizzard and knocked Rainbow Dash out of the sky. The spectrum pegasus began falling farther and farther. Her body felt like it was freezing. She thought she was dying, the way things were growing blurry and dark. The only thing keeping her to her senses was the solitary squeal of Sparkleshine as she too was tumbling to her own doom. The tiny filly had been knocked from Rainbow Dash’s back and was falling faster and faster to the ground. Rainbow Dash willed her consciousness to stay with her as she tried in vain to right herself enough to try and save her. But, Sparkleshine was tumbling too fast! She would surely be crushed when she hit the ground. Then, as if a last ray of hope in this dismal blizzard, a great white bird swooped down and caught Sparkleshine. Atleast, Rainbow Dash thought it was a bird at first. She soon realized it was Flurryshine! Her aura still resonating around her, the alicorn caught the young unicorn and rushed off higher into the sky. She flew past Rainbow Dash without a glance in her direction! Rainbow Dash didn’t need her help anyways. The pegasus managed to open her wings and scramble a hap-hazard landing to the snowy ground. Tired and beaten by the storm, Rainbow Dash lay in the snow bank she had fallen in. In the distance she could hear voices, the voices of her friends coming closer. Rainbow Dash thanked her lucky stars she had landed so close to the barrier upon the knoll. It had only been moments later after bringing her back into the barrier that Rainbow Dash recovered. The young mare was strong and resilient even now, as her friends gathered around her Rainbow Dash noticed Twilight looking up into the storm filled blizzard skies dubiously. The spectrum pegasus managed to stagger to her hooves and walk over to Twilight. “What’s up Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked seriously, knowing the look on Twilight’s face meant something quite grave. “Sparkleshine was taken by Flurryshine, wasn’t she?” Twilight asked without diverting her gaze from the skies. “Y-yeah, she was. Why ya ask?” Rainbow Dash replied in a tired voice. “The blizzard is letting up slightly. I think Flurryshine regained some of her senses when she took Sparkleshine. But, this storm is still way too harsh. We gotta find her, and use the Elements of Harmony to knock out her control over the climate,” Twilight explained as she turned to look up at the barely visible peak of the cliffs. “You don’t mean we…eep! Go up there?” Fluttershy said with a tiny squeak and a cringe. “Where else? You all heard Elder Moondancer’s vision. “This pony ascends until it reaches the zenith of its flight at the highest peak of Braying Cliffs.” We have to go to that peak and make our stand!” Twilight replied. Our heroes look amongst each other worriedly, before Snowbreeze approaches Twilight Sparkle. She told her, “You and your friends must continue on alone, Twilight. Springflower, Periwinkleflight, and I will stay and help protect the ponies here. May luck speed you on your quest without delay.” Twilight Sparkle nodded as she and her friends gave their farewells too the Braying Cliffs ponies. These last several weeks from their meeting in Ponyville until now seemed like they had spent a lifetime together. It was hard to tell them good-bye and just carry on with their mission as just the mane six. Then their souls stirred at the voice that came to their ears. “Your journey is a just one. As you go to bring salvation to all ponies in this land, my magic will protect and guide you to the peak,” Elder Moondancer’s voice rang out. Bowing before the elder unicorn, Twilight Sparkle and her friends donned their Elements of Harmony. Our heroes then turned as they left the barrier to brave the blizzard. The storm bit deep into their skin. The howl of the wind muted all other noise. If they had wished to speak to each other, it would be a futile attempt to try to do so over this wind. The ponies slowly trudged through the storm. They held their heads low as they tried to shield their eyes and nostrils from the ice in the air. The snow clung to their coats as they staggered to the edge of the valley. It was almost an impossible feat in this weather. On the verge of falling into the chasm next to them, they continued on towards the few rocky paths left in the valley. The ponies clamored on the icy stones and struggled to stay on four hooves. The paths were caked with snow and look impassible to the ponies. They looked about to try to find a clear one when a soft breeze blew past them. This breeze was different than the howling storm raging around them. It was soft and had a sweet scent of fragrant flowers that tickled their noses. The ponies followed the breeze to a path that had snow caked high enough to hide it. At the touch of their hooves, the snow seemed to slump into a passible lump. They quickly clamored over it and hugged the cliff face as they ventured up the path. The path seemed to go on forever. They kept as close as they could as it began to narrow until they had to walk in a single file line up the path. The storm seemed to rage even harder the farther up they went. They struggled up slowly. Pinkie Pie slipped and almost fell to her death, before Applejack pulled her back on the path. The six friends took this moment to recuperate. They felt their long trek was coming to an end. The raging storm was evidence enough that Flurryshine was close by, stirring her influence of the climate farther into this great blizzard. The ponies struggled to their hooves, almost completely sapped of their strength, as they pressed on. It was almost refreshing when they made it to the peak. It was not as if the peak was some kind of haven from the storm. Oh no, it raged every so much worse here. As they collapsed upon the flattened peak’s surface the ponies noticed a small lump of white coat curled up close by. Sparkleshine lay unconscious before them. It was only then they noticed the sound of rhythmic beating of huge wings above them. Sure enough, they saw Flurryshine cased in her blue swirling aura as she spurred her storm onwards. It almost seemed to the ponies that she truly would lock Braying Cliffs in eternal winter the way she was rallying this storm to do her bidding. As a practitioner of magic, Twilight knew Flurryshine’s strength must be wearing thin from all this force she was exuding into her spell. Now was the time to strike! They were directly below Flurryshine, and Twilight could almost feel the exhaustion Flurryshine had from holding up this storm. They had strike while she was still unaware of her presence! “Come on girls! It’s now or never!” Twilight proclaimed as she got to her hooves and waited for her friends to assemble. Renewed by Twilight’s proclamation, her friends rallied around her. The stones of each of their necklaces began to glow before engulfing their masters within the same soft glow. As the five necklaces made their masters shine, Twilight’s tiara answered their call and too began to glow. Slowly Twilight was enveloped in the glow of her element as well. She slowly rose in the air as all the glows shifted to an omnipotent white brilliance. The brilliance had caught Flurryshine’s attention. But, it was too late to act. As Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes that reflected the omnipotent glow around them, the great white brilliance shuddered and sent forth a huge rainbow! Caught point blank in the blast radius, Flurryshine could do nothing but give a shuddering gasp as the rainbow struck her! Her bracers shattered on impact, and covered the young alicorn’s body in a multitude of cuts! The aura of the spell shattered with an agonizing shudder. Flurryshine felt weak, and then pain shot through her as the rainbow broke free of its assault on her and ventured out over the cliffs with the sonic boom of her shattered spell. Crack! Flurryshine did not know if it came from the combined force of the spells in effect or her own body as her wings filled with pain simultaneously as the shattered spell and the rainbow of harmony set forth on the cliffs! “Twilight. Twiiiilight,” a sweet voice called to the sleeping unicorn. Twilight stirred at the sound of her name. She then began to notice she was in a strange bed. She lifted her head with a start, and almost clocked Princess Celestia in the muzzle in the process. Twilight looked about to see she was in a grand stone bedroom and before her were both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. “P-princesses?! W-where…where am I? Where are my friends?!” Twilight exclaimed. Princess Celestia chuckled as she replied, “They are fine my dearest student. Everything is fine…somewhat.” “Somewhat?” Twilight asked softly. “Thine spells hast comingled most curiously. Braying Cliffs dost now stand in a state of a bearable winter,” Luna explained. “A bearable winter? Will it always be so?” Twilight asked. “I’m afraid so. Its seems when the Elements of Harmony shattered Flurryshine’s spell it caused the after effect of giving Braying Cliffs a year round winter wonderland,” Princess Celestia tried to explicate further. “Really? Oh, how are my friends? Is Flurryshine okay?!” Twilight questioned worriedly. “Rest easy, Twilight, thy friends are safe,” Luna replied. “And Flurryshine,” Twilight pressed. “Resting… Bright Leaf has been caring for her,” Princess Celestia replied. “Bright Leaf? He is here?! How long have I been unconscious?” Twilight asked. “Oh, about a week,” Princess Celestia said with a giggled as Twilight jumped up in surprise. “Doing battle against Flurryshine’s spell hast sapped thy of your strength. It is only natural thy would be incapacitated be the stress thine own spell,” Luna explained. “Oh yes...I guess your right Princess Luna. By the way, why are you talking like that again?” Twilight replied. “Oh, sorry. Old habits die hard. Your friends are waiting for you anyways Twilight,” Luna responded. “Oh, okay. Thanks again your majesties. I’ll be off now,” Twilight said with a small bow and cantered off. “Ciao,” Princess Celestia said with a giggle. “Farewell,” Luna called after her. Twilight cantered out only to gasp. She was in a beautiful stone town. A light snow blanketed the ground as mostly pegasi and some other types of ponies milled about the town. They all seemed happy as the worked to clear the larger snow banks from the rooftops and main streets. It finally struck Twilight where she was. This must be the pegasi district! She galloped along the main streets to find a round of guards moving the shattered remains of what looked like pony ice sculptures. To her horror she realized they were the remains of frozen ponies! Snowbreeze approached her without Twilight knowing. “It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?” Snowbreeze said softly, which caused Twilight to jump with a start. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “All the ponies that wanted to keep Braying Cliffs separated or took pleasure and harming others were frozen instantly by the storm and shattered. Even Thorn was frozen like this,” Snowbreeze explained. “She...she really did silence those that would harm the ponies of Braying Cliffs,” Twilight said in a frightened voice. “Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle. The Elements of Harmony purified her, and punished her for the sin of taking so many pony lives,” Snowbreeze whispered consolingly. “Punished her for her sin?” Twilight asked. “…Its best you see for yourself,” Snowbreeze said as she turned away. Twilight followed the snow white unicorn deep into the village. They came to a small building carved splendidly out of the stone. They entered to be greeted by their friends. Twilight relished the affection her friends showered her with. They had survived this journey! After they checked on Flurryshine, they could finally go home to Ponyville. “Could you all please keep it down? There are sick ponies here in need of rest,” an all too familiar stallion’s voice said grumpily. “Eh heh, sorry Bright Leaf. How is Flurryshine?” Twilight said as she broke free of her friends. Everyone fell silent as Bright Leaf shoke his head at the question. “I guess no one has told you yet. Well, come with me Twilight,” Bright Leaf said as he motioned her into a back room. The two walked into the room to see a large bed along the back wall, a small table nearby had a series of herbs placed on it and a bucket of water on the floor beside it. A groan came from the bed as they approached. Twilight gasped as she gazed upon Flurryshine. The alicorn was covered in bandages, some of which were slightly bloodied. Her great wings were bandaged and bound to her body. Next to the bed was Sparkleshine. The filly looked absolutely distraught. She glanced only a moment at Twilight before she returned to her vigil. Twilight then noticed something very different about the filly. Her flank was no longer blank! A series of tiny pale yellow sparks were connected together by blue lines like a constellation. The constellation they resembled popped into Twilight’s mind instantly. “The Leo constellation… That’s a beautiful cutie mark, Sparkleshine,” Twilight said softly. “Yeah, I had it when I woke up. I guess I earned it by braving that storm twice to try and make Flurryshine come to her senses,” Sparkleshine said glumly. “That took bravery, and you have always been loyal to your cousin. You have earned that cutie mark,” Twilight said softly and proudly. Sparkleshine gave a weak smile as she turned to leave, “I guess you’re right. I gotta go now. Thanks Twilight.” As Sparkleshine left, Flurryshine groaned. It seemed a delayed reaction to the silence of the room being disrupted by the quiet conversation. Flurryshine groggily opened her eyes and raised her head. She struggled to look at Twilight as if she couldn’t focus her vision on her. “Twilight? Is that you?” Flurryshine said in a gruff voice. “It…It is,” Twilight said shakingly. “Haha, I knew you would come. You got me good. Ow…,” Flurryshine replied happily before cringing. Bright Leaf moved instantly to cradle her head and lay it back down on the pillow. He looked down at her with great concern as she panted shallowly for a few moments before looking up at him. A weak smile crossed her face as she gazed up at the pegasus healer. “Thank you, Bright Leaf. As I was saying, Twilight, you got me good. Now don’t give me that look, I will recover…eventually. But, you knocked a lot of sense into me! I feel better, like all my hatred and sorrow is gone. Thank you, Twilight,” Flurryshine managed to say before coughing. “I’m sorry you got hurt, Flurryshine. Are…are you sure you will get better? You look pretty badly injured,” Twilight asked. “Yeah, mostly atleast,” Flurryshine struggled to say. “Mostly?” Twilight asked on the verge of tears. “My…my wings are ruined. They will heal but…not much of a chance I will ever be able to fly again,” Flurryshine said grimly. “What…No…No! This is my fault!” Twilight exclaimed. “Twilight, calm yourself! You did what you had to save us all. Flurryshine will be fine. Even if she can never fly again, she will be well cared for,” Bight Leaf said as he grabbed Twilight’s shoulder. “Huh?” Twilight said, snapping from her momentary hysterics. “Bright Leaf has spent hours every night since you shot me down vowing he will protect me when he thinks I can’t hear him,” Flurryshine replied bluntly as she snuggled her pillow as Bright Leaf flushed and his wings flustered out. Twilight could only giggle as Bright Leaf shot Flurryshine a furiously embarrassed glare. To which she only coyly fluttered her eyes as she made herself look as innocent as possible while still cracking a devious smile. The two kept dueling with their expressions as Twilight fell on her hindquarters laughing at how flushed Bright Leaf’s muzzle got as Flurryshine looked up at him coolly. He finally cracked a devious smile of his own as his eyes sparkled with inspiration. “Twilight, would you please pardon yourself? I think SOMEONE is ready for another dose of poppy seeds!” he said politely as he held his devious look, to which Flurryshine paled. “No…No…No! Twilight, don’t you leave me with him! He is gonna knock me out cold!” Flurryshine pleaded in a panic. “Now. Now. Don’t get too excited. You might aggravate your injuries,” Bright Leaf scolded as he grabbed some poppy seeds off the small table. “Hehe, the doctor knows best Flurryshine,” Twilight said teasingly as she left the room. “Noooooooooo! Twiiliiight!” Twilight heard Flurryshine wail as she left Flurryshine to face Bright Leaf’s revenge. She giggled at the thought of the duo’s antics. Her friends looked at her curiously as they heard Flurryshine’s wail. Twilight just shrugged and ran to greet them thoroughly with hugs. The friends giggled happily together. They giggled so loud they didn’t even here the shouts of Flurryshine cursing her luck that she had to now keep Bright Leaf from shoving poppy seeds done her throat. “You’ve done well my dearest student,” Princess Celestia voice broke the happy reunion. “No! Bad pegasus! Get away!” Flurryshine’s voice rang out in the momentary silence. “Just take the dang medicine and quiet down!” Bright Leaf’s voice followed shortly after. They all laughed at the outburst. It was obvious that, even after sustaining so many injuries, Flurryshine was already very much back to her old self under Bright Leaf’s watch. It was an assuring sign things would be fine without them here. Flurryshine would probably take it upon herself to enforce the newfound peace once she was back on her hooves. “I think it’s time you girls were heading back home. Luna and I have got Braying Cliffs under control. You don’t need to worry,” Princess Celestia said to them. “By the sounds of things, it won’t be long until you can count on Flurryshine’s help too,” Twilight remarked to everyone’s amusement. “There! Finally got her to take the medicine,” Bright Leaf said as he came into the room with a messier mane and wings than usual. “That’s reassuring. Bright Leaf can you give Flurryshine a message when she wakes?” Princess Celestia said. “Of…Of course your majesty,” Bright Leaf stammered. “I have decided once she is healed, she will act as the official protector as the captain of the Braying Cliffs guard,” the princess proclaimed. “Oh! I’m…I’m sure she will be delighted to know you think so much of her to bestow such an honor. I extend a gracious thank you on her behalf, since we both know she will never say it,” Bright Leaf replied almost mystified and grumbling the last part. “Hmhm, I wouldn’t have her any other way,” the princess giggled. It was later that evening when our heroes said their final farewells. Bright Leaf even helped Flurryshine out to wish them luck on their way back home. The perpetual scowl she used to wear was replaced by a weak and genuine smile. It was almost as if the young alicorn was learning to smile again, after a lifetime of pain. She leaned heavily of Bright Leaf as her bum wings were bound tightly to her body. Bright Leaf didn’t mind her leaning on him. He enjoyed the closeness that her being injured had given him. He was almost sadden knowing he would never get a chance to touch her like this again once she was well enough to terrify her future troops into a crack team of protectors. He smiled sadly as he watched everyone laughing and crying as they said farewell to Twilight and her friends. “Stop moping so much,” Flurryshine whispered and nibbled his ear. Bright Leaf flushed with surprise only to look at her morosely a moment later. He thought this was just another joke she making about how he felt about her. To his surprise, Flurryshine was smiling genuinely back at him and nuzzled his muzzle with her own. Twilight saw the exchange between the two, and how the brown stallion seemed to turn bright red with his wings stuck straight out at the nuzzling. She giggled softly, hoping not to draw any attention to the two. She then turned to her friends that smiled proudly at their accomplishment. They had not only saved Equestria twice, but now saved an entire city from destroying itself. The turned and clamored down the newly reconstructed stone bridge down to the valley, courtesy of the princesses’ joined magic. They kept walking until they were out of everypony’s sight. They left Braying Cliffs as heroes.