//------------------------------// // Crystal Prep Vs CHS: Part II: One Fiery Step Into Her Heart // Story: Night Fang and Loki Stories // by Rattlesnake316 //------------------------------// “Good hustle today guys, keep this up for the start of the season and our opponents won’t know what hit them in the School World Cup.” Coach Night Fang’s voice rang out across the field towards everyone on the field. They were training for the upcoming School’s World Cup next year and boy, could this team Night Fang has, compete with the best of them. Since winning qualification by winning the School Regional Cup thanks to Loki, Scrap and Coal, this team had a new confidence and were ready to take on all challengers. One such guy was CHS’ number 4, Fire Step. This guy had been in the team that won the cup in the regular season and was lucky to have even started in that game after one of their number one choice defender was stretchered off in the Regional League final. Fire Step showed his mettle and helped the team defeat Crystal Prep with his no-nonsense defending. It helped he was also the youngest member of the Canterlot Rangers SC. At the age of 18, he only started five games for them in the regular season as they just missed out on a play-off place. He loved soccer but after today, something else was about to take his heart. Locker Room “We keep this up guys, we might be able to win the whole competition instead of going out bottom of the group like all the other times.” Fire Step overheard Spring Clean saying what he thought before chuckling to himself. Despite being Loki’s first choice to succeed him as captain, Fire Step was one to never show his emotions. Yeah, he let out the odd laugh or two, but when your nickname is ‘Fire Starter.’ You knew people wouldn’t mess with you on or off the field. And that’s what annoyed him. Yes, he had friends, but some of them were friends with him because he either scared them or they were too afraid to speak to him. His ex even split up with him because she called him a ‘homicidal maniac’ after he set her car alight with her and the guy she was cheating on him within the back seat. He’d refused to date ever since. That is until one day, the new transfer that he was teammates with, Midnight Fang, who played central defensive midfield on the Wondercolts team, decided that he would help Fire Step. Sugar Cube Corner “So let me get this straight, you want to help Rambo here, get a girlfriend and hopefully he doesn’t try to kill her this time.” Wallflower says nervously. As she and Scrap look at Fire Step who is seen sipping his drink while watching the three converse without a care in the world. The chill Scrap got from the thousand-yard stare Step was throwing out made him shudder before looking at Midnight Fang like he had a second head. “That’s like putting gasoline on a fire to put it out, he’s crazy, no girl in CHS is brave enough to date him.” This gave Midnight his mad scientist moment before whipping out his phone and texting his girlfriend the following. ‘Hey baby, it’s Midnight, you got five minutes to help out?’ The minute he was about to put the phone down, it vibrated before the following message made him smile. ‘Just finished band practice honey, what do you need?’ Scrap and Wallflower could have sworn their friend was insane. When he smiled widely at Fire Step, who could do nothing but raise his eyebrow at the creepily smiling friend of his. Something went through his mind, and that was. ‘What the f*ck are you planning on doing Midnight?’ Later at Midnight’s House “Thanks for coming guys and love of my life.” Midnight says this as he kisses Baton on the lips before speaking again. “Today, with your help, of course, I am going to attempt the impossible, I am going to find Fire Step a girlfriend before the friendly game against cross-town rivals Everfree Timber Wolves this Saturday.” The looks he received were ones of disbelief and horror. This caused Midnight to say quickly. “Don’t worry, I have some candidates that will match Fire Step’s personality.” At this, Baton spoke up. “No offence babe but, this is FIRE STEP we are talking about, he doesn’t date anymore remember, plus with the names you threw out, I think the Crystal Prep girls wouldn’t dare go near him.” With that, Midnight and the girls brainstormed into the early hours of the morning. Next Morning With Fire Step The minute Fire Step woke up that morning to a text from Midnight, he knew something was up. “Midnight, just give it up pal, I’m not in the dating game anymore.” Fire Step mumbles tiredly before getting up and going to the bathroom for a shower before getting dressed into his clothes for the day. CHS Walking into the school that day, he walked into mutterings of ‘who would date that psycho’ and ‘Midnight is in over his head again.’ This caused Fire Step to growl in irritation at the mutterings before he walked to his locker and opened the door after putting in the combination. “It’s just gonna be one of those days I guess.” Fire Step mumbles to himself while taking his books from his locker. Only to find Midnight stood behind the locker door with a piece of paper in his hands, startling Fire Step before he says. “DAMN IT MIDNIGHT!” The sudden shout earned the crimson red-haired teen a look from some of the student body before they went on their way. Leaving the two males stood at the locker. “Just hear me out Step, I called some girls from my old school and despite some of them saying hell no to meeting you since you’ve played against some of them while with the Rangers against the Crystal Knights or the Wondercolts against the Shadowbolts, one of them actually agreed to meet you and give you a chance.” This caused Fire Step to raise an eyebrow at the optimistic freshman before asking. “And pray tell, Midnight, who in the blue hell, did you get to agree to your crazy plan?” This caused Midnight to smile before he showed Fire Step a picture of the girl he would be meeting at Canterlot Mall after school. The minute Fire Step got a look at the green and yellow hair, his eyes widened. “You’re kidding?” Midnight shook his head before Fire Step continues saying. “Does she know who I am or what I did to my past girlfriend?!” Midnight nods before saying. “Don’t worry, this girl is as laid back as the low tides of the sea, she loves meeting new people when she isn’t rocking out to the music from her headphones.” Fire Step couldn’t help but facepalm at the stupidity of this girl. But inside. He couldn’t help but be curious why this one girl saw something in him. So with a reluctant sigh, he says. “OK, despite the fact she is from Crystal Prep Academy, I’ll give it a shot.” Midnight couldn’t help but internally yell in excitement, that was until Fire Step says. “This goes wrong, you owe me 80 laps around the soccer field.” Midnight nods before the two start their days. After School With Midnight, Baton and Fire Step “This is still a stupid idea, we should be practising for the game on Saturday.” That’s all Fire Step talked about when they arrived at the Canterlot Mall that Thursday afternoon when school let out. Personally, it was making Baton Twirl roll her eyes and making her sigh every five minutes in irritation. His outfit that day consisted of a red and black flannel button-up shirt with a ‘Death From The Sky’ T-shirt. He also decided on wearing his ripped on the knee jeans with converse sneakers. He just went with his everyday look that didn’t involve sportswear. He was tempted to just go to the arcade and go on one of the many machines. He never expected to be waiting nearly two hours for this ‘date’ to arrive. Despite his impatience, he heard the girl’s voice. “Midnight, what’s happening my dude.” The minute he realised his ‘date’ was Lemon Zest, he had choked on his cola, resulting in his back being patted hard by Midnight before he witnessed the two friends hug. “Nothing much Zest, just showing Moody McGee here that some girls are interested in him.” Midnight points to Fire Step when he says this before Lemon Zest pulls her headphones down from around her neck before introducing herself to Fire Step. “Wassup dude, I’m Lemon Zest, you must be Fire Step, the ‘Canterlot Psycho’.” Despite the hesitation from being called that, Step noticed Lemon was smirking when she says this. With that one action, Fire mustered up an uneasy smile before shaking the girl’s hand. “Yep, my name is indeed Fire Step, the ‘Psycho’ part is sadly true too.” Lemon nods at Fire’s words before grinning and leaning towards Midnight and Baton with a smile and a whispered. “I like this guy already.” That caused the couple to sigh in relief before Lemon looked back at Fire Step and says. “So, Mr McGee, what do you want to do first?” Fire Step couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl before she clung to his arm, nearly sending him over with how surprisingly strong she was as she dragged him along. Leaving Midnight and Baton to stand dumbstruck with an anime sweatdrop rolling from their foreheads before deciding to head to the cinema. With Fire Step and Lemon Zest Even though it was just a meet up to test their compatibility, Fire Step found himself enjoying the mellow girl's company. Sure she had some different and some same tastes in music, but that’s what made Lemon stand out to Fire Step. She wasn’t clingy but at the same time, she knew when to invade his personal space, except for the time she pressed her breasts into his face when she tried to reach a high shelf in the comic book store. That brought a rare blush to the guys face. Despite Lemon’s eccentric behaviour, Fire Step kept it classy. Fast Food Establishment Once the two were sat in a little food area that was tucked into the corner of the mall, they had been doing a little bit of shopping before they had got there. Lemon Zest had a stack of comics while Fire Step kept checking if his brass knuckles were in his jeans pocket that he bought from the local guns and weapons store. While they were eating, however, Lemon decided to speak up. “So, tell me something Step, how did you get the psycho nickname? Whatcha do? Beat up a lot of people for the mafia, like a debt collector or something?” Fire Step, despite his hesitation to answer, couldn’t help but laugh lightly before turning serious at the snap of his fingers before leaning in. “No one but Midnight and Baton knows this story, if I do decide to date you in the future, you must promise to not leak this information to anyone, do you understand?” Lemon nods as she leans in eagerly making Fire Step shake his head with a sad smile before beginning. “It all started when I was new at CHS, two years ago...” Flashback We cut to a young Fire Step, aged 16, walking around CHS with a girl with long flowing grey and yellow streaked hair, this was his girlfriend, Road Block. Though she was 4’8, she was a fighter, she even put Fire Step in his place when he used his 5’11 frame to torment her. They were an odd couple, to say the least. Fire Step’s silent but sweet demeanour and Road Block’s feisty attitude, they were the perfect example of opposites attract and in the best way possible. They had gotten together after Fire Step saved Road Blocks special needs baby brother, who was in Junior High, Brick Wall from some bullies who had tried setting him on fire for being different. Let’s just say, the bullies soon moved away from Canterlot to get away from Fire Step. Life was good until that faithful day… Flashback Paused due to Lemon Zest Speaking “Hold Up! Brick Wall, as in my classmate Brick Wall, with the brain defect? You saved him!?” Fire Step nods making Lemon look in astonishment before asking. “So why does Brick Wall want to kill you every time you guys meet on the field?” Fire Step sighs before he continues the story. Flashback Resume Fire Step was waiting on Brick Wall from Crystal Prep because Road Block had called to say she was running late and her car had broken down and was at the garage for repairs. So once he dropped the kid off at his and his sisters home, he decided to do some investigating. Grease Monkey’s Garage Walking up to the garage, Fire Step noticed that right there where she said it would be, was Road Block’s grey SUV, but where was Grease Monkey that worked here? “Grease, you here?” Fire Step says into the garage before noticing the SUV shaking. This caused Fire Step to whisper suspiciously. “Who’s in there?” With enough instinct, Fire picks up the nearest wrench before deciding to smash the SUV’s passenger window. What he saw made his blood run cold. There, in their birthday suits and clutching each other as the male gyrated into the girl, unaware Fire Step was stood there, was Fire Step’s girlfriend and someone called Blazing Skies from Cloudsdale Academy. “WHAT THE F*CK!” The minute Fire Step shouts this, the female gets off the male who had no chance to respond before Fire dragged the male by the scruff of his neck and dragged his naked form out of the car before proceeding to break both of the guy's legs with the wrench. “WHAT THE HELL, FIRE STEP, STOP IT YOU HOMICIDAL MANIAC!” That was the day, Fire Step turned pure evil. When he took one look at the naked girl, he hit her on the top of her head with the blunt object before tying her disoriented body to the back seat with the seat belt before focusing on Blazing Skies. At this point, Fire couldn’t tell if the guy was begging for mercy before he grabbed the power saw from the rack and proceeded to cut off his manhood and his sack, leaving him screaming blue murder before he smashed Blazing Skies head in with a sledgehammer. Effectively killing him. With that done, Fire Step grabs the body and throws it in the back seat with his concussed ex before slamming the door shut. After drilling some metal onto the hole where the smashed window was, Fire Step grabbed some gas from the back and proceeded to douse the car in gasoline. With one look at the lighter in his hand, Fire Step sighs. He needed to get rid of his involvement if he was going to go through with this. Later Once his fingerprints had been washed off the tools he’d used, he walked over to the car and with one look at a coming round Road Block. He threw the lit lighter at the car and watched it catch fire before walking away once it exploded with Road Block screaming into the night. End of Flashback “After that, even though she miraculously survived the blast and has prosthetic limbs in place of her two arms and her left leg, Road Block avoids me because I trigger her back to the day I attempted to murder her for cheating on me. Brick Wall, however, hated me after that and every time I played against him, he is out for blood on that field for what I did to his big sister.” Fire Step looks at Lemon Zest looking at him stunned before he says. “That’s why you shouldn’t date me Lemon, I don’t deserve happiness and this is my curse for killing Blazing Skies and attempting to kill Road Block.” With that, Fire Step stood up from the table and walked out of the restaurant, leaving Lemon Zest sat in stunned silence. Main Court The minute Fire Step stormed past Midnight and Baton Twirl, the two knew something was up with their friend. Midnight was the first to speak. “What happened? Where’s Lemon Zest?” All Midnight received was a cold glare, leaving the male frozen to the spot before Fire Step continued out of the mall. Fire Step’s Home The minute Fire Step crashed out on his bed back first, his eyes started to water up before screaming in anger at his stupidity. “WHY DID I TELL HER THAT F*CKING STORY, KNOW SHE’LL NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN, MAN I AM SO F*CKING STUPID!” Once his screams turned into whimpers, he just laid on his bed and let the tears fall as he choked out a whisper. “Why am I the cursed one?” The moment he stopped feeling sorry for himself was when his phone buzzed to life when ‘Let It Whip’ by SR-71 began playing to announce he had a phone call. Who greeted him, well. “Hello?” “Oh thank Christ, dude what happened back at the mall? You stalked off and left me high and dry!” Fire Step sighed before answering the annoyed girl at the end of the line. “Sorry about that Lemon, I thought with me telling you why I get called the Canterlot Psycho, that you’d never speak to me again and leave me to wallow in my self-pity. He heard laughter down the phone before the voice spoke. “For real, wow, you boys are dense, I wasn’t scared of you, you dummy, I was...kinda getting the hots for you.” This time, Fire Step was the one to do a double-take, Lemon felt all hot and bothered around him. Even he was impressed, eventually, she continued. “Look, I did some digging, you weren’t the first guy Road Block cheated on, she had eighteen other boys wrapped around her finger and was responsible for those eighteen boys’ suicides. She even told Sunset Shimmer you were victim number nineteen and explained she had planned to do the dirty on you when you went to pick up her brother from school. she didn’t know who she was messing with.” This surprised even Fire Step, he had saved other boys from being Road Block’s planned victims. Once they continued talking, Lemon brought up why she thought Fire Step was so cool and what she liked about him before saying. “This Saturday, can you get me a ticket into your friendly game against Everfree, I want to watch you play and wipe the floor with the Timbers.” This caused Fire Step to smirk before saying. “Why do you want to watch me play? I’m nothing special.” The next sentence caught Fire Step off guard as his face turned crimson when Lemon Zest says over her end of the phone. “Well a girlfriend has to come and watch her boyfriend kick some ass on the soccer field, I mean, I am your girlfriend right?” It was an unconventional way of asking him out but it made Fire Step smirk at Lemon’s straightforwardness. “Dude, you there? Fire Step, you there?” Fire Step shook himself out of his trance before answering the girl on the other end. “Yeah still here Zest, of course, you’re my girlfriend and I’ll see what I can do.” With that, the two continued to talk into the night before the two hung up. On this night, Fire Step slept with a wide smile on his face, he felt like the happiest man alive at that moment. Game Day, Saturday The sound of guys and girls changing rang around the changing room of the Canterlot Wondercolts. Chatter filled the air and laughs were going back and forth. For Fire Step, this was just another day at the office for him. Placing on his shin pads and pulling up his blue and yellow socks, Midnight noticed his friend was a lot happier today compared to Thursday. Step even had a picture of Lemon Zest in just her swimsuit bottoms and holding her arm over her exposed breasts while she had a huge smile plastered on her face on the photo on the inside of his locker door which she had sent him from her swimming class changing rooms when she went with her school yesterday. Pulling on his compression vest before his number 4 shirt, Fire Step took one look at the girl on the locker door before smiling and whispering. “Hope you’re in the stands Zest, I’m going to destroy me some Everfree Timber.” Once he was changed, Coach Night Fang walked into the changing rooms with Soarin beside him before shouting. “OK BOYS AND GIRLS GATHER ROUND!” Once Night Fang was sure all his team was here, he looked around before saying to all of them. “Today, we play the Everfree Timbers in a pre-season friendly going into the School’s World Cup next year. I’m running a 4-3-3 formation, Scootaloo, Crystal Shield, you two will be flanking Light Speed up top as his wingers, you are the attacking three.” Scootaloo and Crystal high fived before Night Fang spoke to his midfielders. “Sunny Rays, you will be partnering Midnight and Coal Dust in midfield, Sunny you will be playing central midfield with Coal while Midnight, you will sit in the middle behind Coal and Sunny in a central defensive midfield position, you boys are the middle three.” Midnight, Sunny and Coal nod before Night Fang turns to his defenders. “For my back four players, Iron Gate and Blackheart, you boys will sit on the left and right defenders positions, Blackheart, you play on the right since you’re left-footed.” With that, Night Fang walks over to Fire Step with the armband and says in his defender's ear. “Show us why my brother picked you to succeed him Fire Step.” Fire Step nods before it is revealed he is teaming up with Spring Clean in the two other centre back spots. Night placed Emerald in the net for the game. Once Night Fang left the changing room, Fire Step stood wide-eyed at what he was holding. In his hand was the blue and yellow coloured armband, emblazoned with the Canterlot Wondercolts horseshoe with captain written on both sides. Once he got over the shock and looked at his team, he gulped nervously before placing on the armband and leading his team out of the locker room and towards the away teams entrance tunnel. Tunnel Fire Step could hear his heart beating rapidly through his body at how nervous he was. This was to be the first game he ever captained the Canterlot Wondercolts, he could feel the pressure getting to him until he felt a hand land on his shoulder, making him jump out of his skin. “Hey relax Step, you’ll do great, I know you will!” Midnight says in reassurance, making Fire Step turn round with confidence and say. “Let’s show these Timbers what a Wondercolt can do!” The team cheered before hearing the announcer announcing the home team first as they entered to ‘Big Bad Wolf’ by Duck Sauce, much to rapturous applause from the home fans. There was a reason the Everfree Timbers were the most feared team in the Regional School’s competition. It was the home support that turned the ground into a fortress and made everyone who played there intimidated. The only two teams to defeat them all last season was The Shadowbolts and The Wondercolts. Something the home team was looking to rectify in this friendly match. Back With The Wondercolts “Hope we get some sort of entrance like they did!” Coal says to no one in particular, but Fire Step heard him and sighed. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, all the way from Canterlot High, The Canterlot High Wondercolts!” The sound system playing ‘The Touch’ by Stan Bush, Fire Step walked his team out of the tunnel to a venomous stadium of boos from the home fans. The away fans were just as equally loud, especially Lemon Zest who was sat with Baton Twirl and Wallflower Blush. “KILL FIRE KILL!” The CHS fans started chanting making Fire Step sigh as he shook hands with the Timbers goalkeeper before getting into position and letting Scootaloo stand in the centre with Light Speed. Stretching off, Fire looked at the crowd of blue and found who he was looking for, making him smirk. Once the two teams were ready, the game began. 1st Minute No sooner had the referee blew the whistle, the first goal of the game happened. With enough free-flowing passing, Crystal Shield managed to use his strength to barge through two of the five defenders on the Everfree team and drive across in for Scootaloo to hit a breathtaking bicycle kick from outside the box and into the right-hand corner of the goal. This sent the CHS crowd into ballistics as Scootaloo celebrated with her team. Everfree Timbers: 0 – 1: Canterlot Wondercolts 15th Minute Despite getting passed four people on the Wondercolts team, the Timbers no.8, Green Thumb, wasn’t prepared to be wiped out by Fire Step with a fair but crunching challenge which made the CHS crowd go ballistic with a passion at Fire Step’s pinpoint defending. It continued when Fire Step volleyed away a corner which had been conceded by Emerald after saving the first shot from the Timbers No.11, Ocean Breeze. 28th Minute The idea of it being a friendly soon went out of the window when the Timbers no. 3, Autumn Leaf, went crashing into Light Speed and sent him barreling into the stands behind the goal and breaking his arm, earning her team a goal kick. They nearly received a free-kick when Fire Step got involved and swung for the defender, only to be pulled back by Crystal Shield. To his girlfriend in the stands, Lemon Zest knew this was going to get ugly, REALLY fast. 39th Minute Sometimes she wishes she was wrong. If you’re leading one to nothing in the first half, you’re first instinct is to defend the lead till half time. That logic didn’t apply to Fire Step. His logic involved snapping the leg of the Timbers star striker in retaliation for the earlier tackle on Light Speed. This caused Lemon to facepalm at her boyfriend's stupidity as he received a yellow card before a huge melee broke out between the players. Despite wanting to join in the fight, Lemon restrained herself and just shouted for Fire Step to rip their heads off. Once the referee got control of the game again and the Timbers made a substitution to replace their injured striker, the free-kick was ready to be taken by Autumn Leaf. Once she struck the ball, Emerald managed to save it and tip it over the bar for a corner, making the CHS crowd sigh in relief while some held their chests to still their beating hearts at the scare. 40th Minute Everfree’s number 7, Sea Shores stepped up to take the corner. When the whistle blew, he whipped the ball into the box and once again, Emerald used his height to catch the ball in his hands. Much to the appreciation of the away supporters. 45th+1 Minute Stoppage Time The wall of blue had finally been scaled as Everfree’s number 18, Song Bird, skipped past Fire Step with a roulette and mid-spin, nutmegging Spring Clean before chipping the ball into the left hand corner after doing a no-look shot, sending the home support into raptures of applause and shouts while the female celebrated by flapping her arms like a bird and strutting in celebration. Everfree Timbers: 1-1: Canterlot Wondercolts HALF TIME Locker Room “OK, not a bad performance out there you guys, really proud you held out till half time and only conceding once.” The team nods in appreciation at their coaches words before Night Fang turned to the captain who had his head held low. “Fire Step, you played well out there, there is nothing to be ashamed of, just control your temper and you’ll make it through this game.” Fire Step nods at his coaches words before Night Fang spoke again. “With Light Speed out of the game, I am running a 4-4-2 diamond formation, meaning now, Sunny Rays will move in behind Scootaloo and Crystal Shield in central attacking midfield while Midnight stays in central defensive midfield, Coal you will stay put in left central midfield while I am putting Scrap Shot in right central midfield to partner you three.” The guys and girl nods before the announcement says. ‘Will both teams start making their way to the tunnel, ready for the second half.’ With that announcement, Fire Step leads his team back out to the tunnel before eventually leading them out onto the field and ready before the ref blows her whistle to restart the game. 47th Minute It took some time for the Wondercolts to adjust to their new formation upfront and in the middle. Because Song Bird was dancing round them and was in on the defenders. She beat Spring Clean, but wasn’t prepared to be wiped out in both her legs by Blackheart and Fire Step, allowing Emerald to volley the ball upfield towards Midnight, who with enough where with all, spun past River Stream and did a backheel volley after flicking it over Red Herring and just hitting the crossbar. “Unlucky Midnight, keep going.” Night Fang shouts at his human counterpart who nods to his coach before continuing. 56th Minute Everfree were in again to score, only this time, Emerald wiped out Song Bird, much to the home crowds anger. They grew even angrier when Emerald was allowed to play on even though he never touched the ball in the dive. 60th Minute Scootaloo was probably a goal-scoring goddess at this point to the Wondercolts crowd. With another free-flowing move, Fire Step levered the ball downfield before it fell to Coal, who got past five players before chipping it over the last defender to the waiting head of Scootaloo, who buried it under the keeper's legs and into the centre of the net. The Wondercolts had the lead back… Everfree Timbers: 1-2: Canterlot Wondercolts 64th Minute No sooner had they got the lead, they almost lost it when Spring Clean completely missed the tackle on Song Bird who broke away and chipped it over Emerald before the female shot a sweet shot which was destined for the net. She had beaten Emerald but not Fire Step. With enough jump, Fire Step launched himself into the ball with a diving header and headed it onto the crossbar and back out into play. This caused the Everfree team to groan at their bad luck. 72nd Minute Lemon Zest was seeing red. She was fuming when one of the Timbers players on the field had wiped out Fire Step with a high kick to his face just outside the box. Oh boy was she screaming explicit after explicit at the Everfree player that had done the tackle. She had to be calmed by the people beside her before she risked being sent out of the stands. 82nd Minute Despite the ten-minute pause in the game, Canterlot was ready to take the free-kick. Scrap Shot stepped up and put it away comfortably by slotting it into the left-hand corner of the net. Once the goal had been scored, Fire Step, bandaged head and blood dripping off him, walked back onto the field. The looks of horror he received from his laughing face covered in blood made Lemon Zest smile before whispering. “Will the real Canterlot Psycho please stand up.” Everfree Timbers: 1-3: Canterlot Wondercolts 90th Minute plus 2 minutes Injury Time Last play of the game involved the Wondercolts playing the slow down game to try and waste a little bit of time. Only for the plan to backfire when Coal accidentally gave the ball away to Autumn Leaf. Once she gets past a few players, she lays it off to Song Bird, who with literally the last kick of the game, hits a rocket shot from the halfway line. Only for it to get caught in the gloves of Emerald who decides to just casually throw the ball out of play for the final whistle to blow. FULL TIME Final Score: Everfree Timbers: 1-3: Canterlot Wondercolts Later That Night Despite having a successful first game as captain, Fire Step exited the locker room that evening by himself and into his casual clothes after taking a shower in the locker rooms after the game. Once he was outside, he let the cool air hit his face making him sigh in happiness. His thoughts were interrupted when he got an alert on his phone. When he looks at the screen, he can’t help but smile at the message. ‘Great game dude! You tore it up out there with your teammates. Sorry I couldn’t stay longer, my friends from CPA wanted me to meet them for something before the end of the game, otherwise I would have met you at the end. Thanks for showing me a great time over these past two days, you are nothing like what you had been described, my dude. One day, I’ll get the chance to spend some quality time with you outside of school and get this relationship off the ground. Stay cool Fire Step xxx -Lemon Zest.’ Fire Step laughed to himself and shook his head with the smile never leaving his face once. With one click onto his messages, he typed back. ‘Don’t worry Zest, I’ll have all the time in the world for you when you are not busy. Maybe we can hit up a dinner someday or a concert of your choice, I’m not fussy. Till then, you’ll just be the girlfriend no one has seen yet, well except some people, but you know what I meant babe. I’ll see you soon Lem, hopefully ASAP ;).’ -Fire Step Once he sent the message to Lemon, he put his phone back in his pocket and proceeded to head off home.