//------------------------------// // Spike, my Guide, and Percival, my Enemy // Story: Waters: The Equestrian Gangster // by King Genesis //------------------------------// Upper Crust's House. There are two police cars in the house front. One of the cops is calling an ambulance for Jet Set, Royal Pin, and Neon Lights while other three policemen who are helping Trenderhoof, Sour Sweet and Fleur Dis Lee. There is also another cop interrogating the writer boy. "Why did you lock yourselves up?" asks the policeman. "I've already told you that we locked ourselves because of the Bedmaker," answers Trenderhoof, and the cop laughs while looking at him. "Do you believe in those legends, kid?" he says. "Uh, man..." "He may be right," says a voice behind him. A blonde, pale man who wears a purple trenchcoat, black jeans and leather boots arrives at the place. His face is recognized by all the persons who are standing there. He is Canterlot Police Department's Commissioner, Percival. A really young man to be a commissioner, almost 30 years old, but gained his spot a long time ago because of his responsibility and loyalty to the police department, along with his full-time partner, Femur. "Are you...?" says Trenderhoof. "I'm Percival, CPD's Commissioner, mister. Any questions before my interrogation?" No one around him says anything. "Ok," says Percival. "Mister Trenderhoof... I see. I've heard that you locked yourself in the bathroom because of the Bedmaker, is that right?" "Yes," says Trenderhoof while looking at the girls. "Did you see the Bedmaker?" "Yes, Mr Percival." "Do you remember his physical appearance or any other thing related to him?" Trenderhoof looks at the girls again, and Fleur Dis Lee slowly nods her head. Then, he takes a breath and looks at the commissioner on his eyes. "Yes... I do remember," he says, and Trenderhoof feels guilty while revealing his evidence: "Yellow skin... brown short hair... thin dude.... um... he had a brown trenchcoat, normal jeans, worn-out sneakers... he also had an earring on his right ear..." "Ok, ok. That's enough, Mr Trenderhoof," says Percival, interrupting Trenderhoof and before saving a small notebook inside a pocket. He shakes hands with Trenderhoof, greets Sour Sweet and Fleur Dis Lee and walks away along with her partners: his partner Femur, a tall, pale man with black short hair who always wears a black tuxedo and a fedora hat and also his new partner Splinterbone, a young, yellow-skinned lady who wears a policeman suit. "Did he say something?" ask Femur and Splinterbone. "Yes," answers Percival. "The guilty's description he gave to me matches perfectly with W. If it was him, he is a fucking idiot." Suddenly, Percival's loyalty to the CPD breaks in pieces and turns into just dust. "Waters?" says Femur. "In Canterlot? That's impossible. Didn't he hate Canterlot?" "Yes, I don't know why he may be here... I'll find out after catching his ass... if he is here." "Why would he stay on Canterlot?" asks Splinterbone to herself. "I just... don't understand.. and why would he fight with Crystal Prep children?" "I don't know that too, Splinterbone," answers Percival. "We need to calm down. We still don't know if this man is W. It's only one of the theories." "I have an idea," says Femur. "These kids were from Crystal Prep, right? Don't you think this was because of a rivalry or... a battle?" "A battle?" says Splinterbone. "Yes!" shouts Femur, while thinking. "It's only a theory but... who is Crystal Prep's most famous rival? I bet that witch, Principal Cinch, has a lot of enemies out there..." "Canterlot High," answers Splinterbone. "Do you think this was made by Canterlot High students?" "It's just a theory, Splint," answers Femur. "What do you think, Percival?" "As you say, Femur, it is only a theory," answers Percival. "But if you want to go, we can do it. We'll go to Canterlot High." "And who will be interrogated?" asks Splinterbone. "I'd interrogate the principal Celestia and the vice-principal Luna. I've also heard Jet Set and all these kids had a rivalry with a guy called Bulk Biceps. We should investigate there. Take a look at it." W A street near Canterlot High "A dog?" "Yes! A dog, Jack." He looks at me, confused. "Dogs don't talk, W. Are you high again?" "I know dogs don't talk, but this one does!" "Dogs don't talk, W! That's impossible!" "It was impossible until I met Spike." Jack sighs and looks at me, tired, and he just accepts my story and decides to follow my path. "Where is Spike now, then?" "Canterlot High. That's why we are going to school." Minutes later, Jack and I enter the school and we find out that the hallway is surrounded by silence. Nobody is there. Hallway The hallway is so empty that even the whirlwind is absent. "All the students are in the classrooms," says Jack. "Is this magical dog you created during your drug trip in one of these classrooms?" I growl while hearing Jack's voice. "I didn't create the dog, Jack! It's real!" And then or conversation is interrupted when an old lady appears with a box filled with cookies. The lady looks at us and leaves the box on the floor. "Please!" she says. "Don't tell y'all students I bought these cookies. All of them believe these are home-made!" I chuckle while looking at the adorable granny carrying the box. However, her arms are not so granny, honestly, they scare me. They are bigger than a whole bodybuilder. "No problem, lady," says Jack, smiling. At the same time, she looks at us and focuses on our faces. I think she has recognized us. "I know you, fella," she says. "You are Walter... the small boy who fought with that Lil' rascal, Pietro Plegovich. I haven't seen him since that time he was arrested here..." Pietro has been absent since that day. Interesting. "Yes!" I answer. "You are... um... didn't you work in the cafeteria?" "Yeah, lad!" she says, and then she shakes hands with me. Her hands, which look like freakin' rocks, squash my poor thin hands. "Granny Smith for y'all, nice to meet you again, folks!" "Ouch, it hurts..." I smoothly say, but now she doesn't pay attention to me. She is now shaking hands with Jack, but at the same time, she is looking at his face with a weird grin. "Wait..." she says. "I think I saw you once..." "Yes, I am Walter's partner." "No," she says. "I saw you in another place... my memory never fails, lad... Don't you know?" Uh-huh. That's suspicious, but this may be only a fantasy from Granny Smith's mind. "Where?" asks Jack, nervously. "I don't remember... uh... Yes! Right here! On the school's gym!" she says, but then his face changes into total confusion. "Oh... I don't know if it was you, but he had your skin, your eyes... I remember da'boy, yes! I thought he was just a rascal because I never saw 'im in the cafeteria! I remember da boy was with Celestia, yes... she was a goddess during tho' ages, but the boyfriend she chose, oh my... what a waste." Jack starts sweating and gasps. "No... I d-don't know what you are talking about..." "It was on a Fall Formal, bu' I don't remember the year..." says Granny Smith, before sighing. "Sorry, lad. I thought that man was you. Keep moving with your life, y'all young men!" Someone called Jack a young man. That's what I call a funny joke. I smile because of it but Jack doesn't feel the same. He's now thinking about something... his face looks like he remembered the worst moments in his life. "What's the matter?" I ask him. "Nothing," he fastly says. "Are you sure? Your face doesn't say the same." "I've told you. Nothing is happening to me." "What about that Celestia thing I've heard?" I ask him, with a smile. "You were in Canterlot without me... now that's a bad friend." "Look..." he says. "I was here once when you had months old and your parents were still alive..." Oh. 1995. That fucking year when I lost it all... so, wait, why was Jack in 1995? Was it because of that man... um... who was his name?... shit! I don't remember his name... Oh yeah! Tommy! "You were here because of that Tommy, right?" "That's not important." I raise my shoulders and raise my eyebrow. "Oh, come on! Why don't you want to tell me?" "We came here because of that magical dog, W. Not because of my past," he says and I shut my mouth because he's right. We must keep moving. I've got to find Spike and convince Jack that he speaks! I come across one of the classrooms, and I find out that there is a girl that is coming out of it. A pink-haired girl, with a sleeveless white shirt and a green skirt with butterflies on it. There is something special about this girl: She is walking slowly and looks like she's afraid of everything. Her face demonstrates absolute fear. Why? What happened to her? Does she have one of those famous phobias? "Hey, what is wrong with her?" I ask Jack. "She looks like she has agoraphobia." "No, W." he answers. "She is only shy. Very shy. If she had agoraphobia, she wouldn't even be here..." "I think I know her... I've seen her with Twilight Sparkle..." I say, and then I nudge his shoulder. "She may know where is Spike!" She is walking in the hallway when I suddenly appear. Her pupils now are small points filled with fear, and I look that she is sweating a little bit. Her eyes are not looking at mine. "Um... hello," I say, smiling. "H... Hi..." What an awkward moment. She is only looking below her and doesn't want to talk... um... what should I do? "Oh! Calm down, please..." I say. "I'm not a monster or a bad man." Well, I am a gangster, so indeed, I am a bad man. "My name is Walter, and he is my partner Jack." Jack appears and waves his hand. "Fl... Flutt... Fluttershy, nice to meet you." she whispers. "Fluttershy? Uh-huh..." I realize that she is so shy that she can barely answer me, and that means my questions won't be so perfectly answered, hmmm... I should distract her with something she likes and then ask her about Spike when she is calmer and has her whole attention in my words. I look at her, but I don't find anything she likes, unless... there are three butterflies on her skirt... does she like animals? Or only butterflies? "Oh! Nice butterflies on your skirt! I do like butterflies." I desperately say. "Really?" she says, in a louder voice. "I... I really like b-butterflies... um... an-animals in general..." "Oh!" I say, preparing inside my mouth one of my daily life tales. "I had a pet once." "That was not a pet," Jack says. "It was a monster. Besides... we only saw that monster one day." "Am I talking to you?" I ask him and he answers me with a sigh. "And Little Bird was not a monster!" "It was, W! It was a demoniac bird from the other side of the mirror who was corrupted by Lord Tirek's magic. Fletcher told us that lots of times!" "Poor little thing..." says Fluttershy about Little Bird's story. "Uh... just don't listen to him, Little Bird was a good guy," I tell Fluttershy. "Anyway, I've heard that one of your friends had a dog or..." "Twi... Twilight?" she says. "Yeah... I think his name was Spike? Isn't it?" "Yes!... Um... Y-You are talking about Twilight... She is here, but Spike... um... i-is on the football pitch, he wants to be alone... he does not want me to caress him!" she says, almost loudly, and then she covers her mouth again. "Um... That's strange." Jack and I look at each other. If that's strange, that means something happened to Spike's behaviour. "Ok then... thank you, Fluttershy." "You... are welcome... but, w-why do you want Spike?" "I want to caress him too," I say, smiling and with a lower pitch. I grab Jack by his arm and we run to the football pitch. Football Pitch "You did memorize all the path to the football pitch," says Jack. "I can't believe this." "Yes, sometimes I'm a genius, Jack," I say while taking a look at the football pitch, but Spike is not in there. I start walking with Jack, and then I find him in the football stands. It seems that he's crying. "Hey!" I say, and he turns around. There are scratches on his face. "Oh..." I tell him. "What happened, boy? Did you have a fight with another doggo? I guess... a bone?" I say while laughing. Spike only shakes his head. "Rarity," he answers me. Jack opens his eyes, shocked. The dog does talk. "See, bitch?" I tell Jack while looking at him and pointing at Spike. "He speaks." Jack covers his mouth. "What? H-How does... he talk? Holy shit..." "Who is him?" asks Spike. "It's a friend. Jack, he is Spike and Spike, he is Grumpy Grandpa Jack." Jack growls while looking at me, and then he looks at Spike. "And what happened to Rarity? W-Why does he...? Why am I... why am I talking to a dog? Oh my god, I need an antacid." says Jack, confused. "'I've heard that Rarity was kidnapped by an idiotic human and she couldn't sleep yesterday," says Spike, angrily. "Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer have been accompanying her to her house because she can't walk alone. If I saw that man at that moment, I would have scratched her whole face!" "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Jack," I say. "He is in love with Rarity." "I'm not in love with Rarity!" he shouts. "Yes, you are, admit it, you whiny coward," I say. "But we didn't come because of Rarity's pussy. You should take a breath and thank Star Swirl she is OK at least... she'll get better, big dog. Now, let's go back to the beginning... I came here because I need a favour." Spike sighs and rises one of his eyebrows. "What kind of favour?" "How well do you know Canterlot?" He starts thinking while looking at the football pitch's grass. "I know lots of places inside Canterlot. Why?" I rub his head, caressing his fur. "I want a guide, a safari," I say. "I want to know what's inside Canterlot. Would you help us?" Filthy Rich's Mansion. Ron rings the doorbell. Ron has now some sunglasses instead of his characteristic eye patch. Abe is smoking a cigarette and Calculated Risk (Larry), who is describing the environment in his notebook, is behind him. A thin, pink-skinned woman with purple long hair opens the door. Her face shows that she is having a bad day. "Yes?" asks the lady, angrily. "We came here to visit Filthy Rich," says Ron. "You too? I already have a fat man and four scary and stinky junkies upstairs. May I know why this kind of people are in my house?" "Business, lady," says Ron. Well, Gordo and... the Dark Spikes, maybe. Ron gasps because this is not a good situation for him. He doesn't have the money to pay Gordo yet, and Gimenez's earned money that was obtained because he sold meth in La Lima is not enough. He needs 5 million to pay... and 12 million have been stolen since Hopkins' disappearance... Fucking Hopkins... He ruined it all! And where is he? Where is that freakin' rat? The three of them enter the house and go upstairs. Filthy Rich, Gordo and the Dark Spikes were waiting for them. "Oh!" says Gordo. "I didn't expect that Abraham would come. Where are W and Jack?" "They won't be here," says Abe. "They are busy." "Hey, Ronnie..." interrupts Gordo, with a smile. "Nice sunglasses, kid. Are we going back to 1990?" Ron appreciates Gordo's compliment but doesn't answer. Then he greets everyone in the room. "Well..." says Larry. "Shall I start, Mr Delight?" "Start, kid," says Gordo. "I wanna listen to your fantastic tales." Larry talks about his discovering about the Elements of Harmony and he repeats that famous conclusion that made Abe think: the only way to obtain the elements of harmony is to kill their holders. After that, no one answers. Even Gordo, Rich or the leader of the Dark Spikes, Disturbance. "So..." whispers Filthy Rich. "We will kill them? That's it?" "Yes, sir," answers Larry. "Wow..." says Filthy Rich, taking a long breath. "I've never participated in a murder plan." "Welcome to your first time," says Gordo, chuckling. "I know that you will be good, Rich. I recommended you because of your attitude... you will be a respected gangster in the future, sir." Those words enlighten Filthy Rich's face. "Did you finish, Ummm... I can't remember your name," says Gordo to Larry. "Calculated Risk, isn't it? But they call you Larry, right?" "Yes, sir," he answers. "Well, if you finished, let me talk now. I only came because of your boss, Ron, and my business with him. Rich, go downstairs." Filthy Rich nods his head and leaves the room. "Turmoil, Riot... you too," says Gordo. "Only Disturbance and Tumult will be with me." Riot starts crying: "But... I don't wanna leave my boss, Disturbance! I can't be alone!" "Go downstairs, for fuck's sake!" shouts Disturbance. "It will be a minute... and carry Turmoil with you." Riot grabs Turmoil by his arms and both of them go downstairs. Now there are only six men inside: Abe, Ron, Calculated Risk, Gordo, Disturbance and Tumult. "What do you want now?" asks Ron. "Do you know why I chose Jewelry instead of Bank?" "No idea," says Abe, and after this answer, Gordo starts looking up for something on his cellphone. Seconds later, he shows Ron a chat between him and another man, whose contact is Plegovich. "Plegovich?" says Ron, shocked. "Yup, Uncle Nico Plegovich," answers Gordo. "Read the chat, please." Ron and Abe start reading the chat: Plegovich: Hi Gordo. Plegovich here. Gordo: Hi Nico. What happened? Plegovich: Did you plan a project related to the Librarian's Bank and Ludmila's Jewelry? Gordo: Yes. It is something related to a deal. Why? Plegovich: Do me a favour, please. Get rid of Diamond Ludmila, the owner. He hasn't paid me since May and he's pissing me off. Gordo: OK. This means Gordo chose Jewelry because of Plegovich's orders. Not only the men will have to rob the jewellery, but also they will have to kill the jewellery's owner, and no one can reject Plegovich's orders. No one. "I want to rob the jewellery in two days," says Gordo. "TWO DAYS?" shout Ron and Abe. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!" "Don't worry, it's a lot of time. You will be helped by my right-hand man, Butch, and also the Barnes." "I don't wanna work with those motherfuckers," says Abe. "They kidnapped my granddaughter." "Ok then... Disturbance, would you...?" "Yes," he says while looking at his partners and smiling. "We will help you to rob those jewellery." "What about Waters and the Heretic?" asks Tumult. "Will they participate?" "They will, Tumult," answers Gordo. "And what about Lucas? Lucas Plegovich?" "He will say yes," answers Ron. "He loves robbing jewellery..." All this conversation is interrupted by Gordo's cellphone. He grabs it and realizes he got a text message. New Text Message: PLEGOVICH. "Shit," says Gordo. "Nico has sent a text message." "Gordo. Talk with my nephew, Pietro. I want him inside the robbery instead of Lucas. He needs to learn." "What did he say? Is it something important?" asks Ron. An uncomfortable silence invades the room. Gordo leaves his cellphone on a table and doesn't say anything. "Where is Pietro?" he asks. Cafeteria W, Jack, and Spike are now in the cafeteria, being sat and talking about Canterlot's most famous places. "So... you have a mall, a place called Carousel Boutique and a movie studio," says W. "We also have an Animal Rescue Center and Arpeggio's, the music store. I've heard that it also sells CDs..." "Oh! You heard that, Jack?" says W. "I'll spend all my savings in CDs!" "You won't do that. I've been talking with Abe and you will spend your savings in the motel." W's face is now pale. "What?" he says. "Say what all you want, but you will." "Come on! I don't have enough money to pay the rent!" "You have enough money, don't be a fuckin' idiot." "Um... I have a question for you," says Spike. "How did you meet yourselves? And how did you meet Abe too?" W and Jack look at each other, trying to invent a fake story. "Well, um..." says Jack. "Abe has a... car store in Los Mantos whose owners are only two men: he and me. W is one of our employees since our first day in Los Mantos. That's how we met and we became friends." "Oh... interesting." answers the dog. "How is the car store called?" W and Jack look at each other again. A name... They have to invent a name! "The Pirates." says W. "It was... the first name Abraham had in his mind. He told me that... right, Jack?" The bell rings and some students enter the cafeteria. Lots of them look at W and Jack talking with Spike but then, all the students ignore them. W gets attracted by one of the students. "Holy shit," he says, surprised. "Hey, Spike Rin-Tin-Tin, Who's that?" Spike looks at the lady that W is talking about. "Oh... that's Lyra Heartstrings. Why?" "How old is she?" "This is not the right moment, W," says Jack. "Don't be stupid." "I just wanna know how old is she..." "Uh..." answers Spike. "I don't know... she may have 18 years old..." "Yes!" he shouts. "Finally, a nice girl approaches to daddy..." "I thought you didn't like canterlotians," says Jack. W now looks at the floor, shocked. "Oh my god... what's wrong with me?" he says. "I should slap myself... I deserve it..." "Come on, it's not a sin!" says Spike. "A canterlotian and a mantian can be together, it is all possible. I've heard that Celestia had a mantian boyfriend... Granny Smith told my owner that!" "He may be right, Jack..." says W while nudging Jack's arm. The elder man does not answer, because he is now focusing on Spike's dialogue. "Jack? Hey! Stop thinking about 1995 and all that shit, we are in the present world--" W's dialogue is interrupted when a man strongly opens the cafeteria's door. He is tall and wears a tuxedo with a black trenchcoat. He is also using a fedora hat. Jack raises his eyebrows while looking at him. "Oh shit," says Jack. "It's Femur." "Why is that douchebag here?" asks W. Femur approaches Granny Smith, who is preparing the cookies that will be served later in the cafeteria. "Excuse me, old lady... my name is Femur, and I'm from Canterlot Police Department... my partner, Commissioner Percival, is talking with the principals about the interrogation of some students from Canterlot High. This is because of Crystal Prep's crime..." Femur's conversation is interrupted when Commissioner Percival appears in the cafeteria. "Don't worry, Femur," he says. "We have just found the guilty." "Now?" says Femur, surprised. Percival looks at W and waves his hand. "Shit," says W. He thinks that an escape would solve this but he decides to give in. "What the hell are you doing here, Percival?" he says while rising from his spot. "I missed your ugly face, Walt," he says while approaching the table. Spike looks at Jack, confused. The man whispers to the dog: "Long-time friends." "Oh," says Spike. "Did he also work in that car store?" While Spike and Jack keep talking about Percival, W approaches him and touches his shoulders. "That's so nice from you... fuck face," says W while approaching to Percival. They are now in the middle of the cafeteria. Some students are looking at them. "This is not a good place to talk," says Percival. "Shall we talk alone, in a private room?" Both of them walk away from the cafeteria and stay in the hallway. Jack and Spike keep talking. Hallway Both of them are now in the hallway, which is a lot emptier than the cafeteria. Percival approaches W's ear and whispers: "Let me tell you something, W. Next time you make a raid against Crystal Prep rascals, make sure that you have all you need to make a perfect crime." "What?" says W, angry. "How did you know it was me?" "Come on, you stupid asshole... a neighbour told me that he saw a man escaping from a window who was in the house front and his description of the guilty man perfectly matches with you, along with Trenderhoof's declaration." "Fucking Trenderhoof!" whispers W. Percival laughs. "We are not over yet. You also didn't have a mask to hide your identity and you didn't clean the blood drops. I didn't know the Bedmaker was such a fucking moron." W starts thinking about arguments against Percival's evidence but he knows he's right. He did make lots of mistakes during the raid. "Fuck you, Percival," he says, and Percival explodes in a burst of laughs. "You know what?" says the Commissioner while laughing out loud. "I should arrest you and leave you in a fucking cell until your body rots because you deserve it. Both of us know that you are a golden, legendary bitch." "Golden and legendary... that's me. You are the bitch, Percival." Percival does an evil grin while whispers: "I'd like to leave you in prison, next to the worst prisoners of all Equestria..." "I'm one of them, Percy-Mercy." "You were never in fucking jail, W. You can be," says, and then he starts talking with an acute pitch and while moving his hands: "But your daddy Ronnie Delight... pays me to don't send the baby boy to prison." W growls and takes a long breath: "I'm getting tired of talking to you. Just one more question and you will leave... How's Splinterbone? I don't see her right here. I'm looking at Femur, who always wears that clumsy hat from the fifties... I mean, Percy... he's not fucking Humphrey Bogart! Oh, god... and where is her?" "That's not something important." "That's something important. Her ass and my dick know each other very well." Percival grabs W by his trenchcoat and now their noses and foreheads are touching each other. "Don't talk about that night you had with my partner in front of me... I'll leave you alone with your partners and all these students. Bye." Now both of them enter the cafeteria before W shouts while moving his hands like Percy: "Oh, good ol' Percy is jealous! Hahahaha!" Percival doesn't answer him, calls Femur and both of them walk away. Hours later. A street where the Carousel Boutique stays, and it's open for everyone. W and Jack are now alone, walking on the street. Spike is not with them. Jack is now thinking about Spike and his ability to talk and also he is angry with W because of his attitude against Commissioner Percival. He is also surprised because the last time he came across Mr Percival and his fellow Femur was a long time ago. "Why did Percival come to Canterlot High?" asks Jack to him. "Something stupid." "Stupid? I don't think the Commissioner of Canterlot's Police Department is stupid." W moves his head. "He came because I made... some mistakes during Jet Set's raid." Jack's gesture is now a devastating grin. "What kind of mistakes?" "I didn't kill anybody... I just... didn't wear a mask..." "You are a fucking idiot," he says, while facepalming. "You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot." "And I didn't clean too." "Oh! Double Idiot! You are earning records, Walter!" "Yes, thank you but... please, leave this aside. In the past. Can you? Can you, huh? Like the Tommy tale, you haven't told me yet!" "Oh, shut up," says Jack, and then he finds out his phone has received a text message. It is from Ron. "JACK. Tell W to be ready. We will take you two to Ludmila to take a look at the place before robbing. It's in two days. We will be helped by Butch, Dark Spikes, and Pietro Plegovich." To be continued...