A Sunset Transformation

by The Blue EM2

My Past is not Today

Another day was coming to an end on Roanoke Island, and what a day it had been. The sun continued to reflect glorious beams down upon the landscape, as the end of summer was coming around. It seemed as though they wouldn't get an Indian summer this year, as they so often did in this part of the world. One thing was certain, though; the humidity was absolutely stifling there that day. It made walking around difficult, but as the sun was now setting, descending through the sky like a giant flying orange, it (the humidity) was already starting to decline, which made the residents of the island much happier. One benefit of reduced temperatures was the fact there was no longer any need to have the air conditioning cranked up so high, and this reduced electricity and cooling bills. But that meant a new threat was coming about, and that was winter, when everything became very cold indeed and people were equally miserable. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, and today it would remain hot and a bit sticky.

That evening, Jimmy Hook was walking down the street to the docks. There had been a report on the news of an especially spectacular sunset in the sky today, and he was keen to see it. He was, as usual, clad in a red T-shirt, grey slacks, and messy white trainers. A black hair tie sat on his left wrist, and his hair, as usual, hung about the back of his head in a messy pattern, clearly in need of either a good comb or a cut. His red glasses sat forward on his face, resting upon his nose, and he took them off again, so that he could wipe the lenses. He needed them to see where he was going, but the temperature meant that they constantly steamed up. This, of course, made navigation difficult, and as a result Jimmy needed to clean them constantly, or else be rendered blind as a bat.

ETerror of the Flutterbat
Flutterbat attacks Canterlot High. What will her friends do?
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Speaking of bats...

Anyways, Jimmy continued his walk. "I'll be glad to see the back of this weather!" he said, with a smile. His summer had been a little crazy, to say the least. He had gone with an old friend, Troy Creed, to a place called Brentwood, and then run into an old friend, Tom Haddington. But then things had gotten strange, as each of them had been transformed into a different Equestria Girls character each night for 5 nights. It was an interesting variation on the usual, I can tell you that, but it seemed to have stopped. For now, at least. But winter was rolling around, as I have already said, and many were already taking advantage of the evening. Children were out playing, families were watching the skies, and in general the sun was the focus of people's attention.

"Hey!" a man shouted, as Jimmy brushed past him. "Careful!"

"Sorry!" Jimmy replied, as he continued on. "I'm just trying to see the sun!"

"Remember what happened last time the sun played a part," the man answered. That time, Jimmy had vanished, and replaced with some mare who was needlessly hyper. "I retired to Manteo for a quiet life. Instead, something seems to happen every week." He wasn't strictly correct, as some weeks had gone very quiet indeed. Some had seen no transformation or odd events at all. Which was a relief, if you think about it, but I digress. Back to the story!

Jimmy wandered along to the dock, and took position in front of the railings, looking down to see his reflection in the sea. His long, expressionless face looked down. He had always been something of an awkward character, never hugely keen on meeting other people or being outdoors. He preferred to be on his own, but becoming a Brony had helped him socialise a bit (even if it was only on the internet). He sighed. "Maybe this is the way it should be," he said. Come to think of it, it reminded him of a character in My Little Pony. Who was it?

His eyes were suddenly drawn to the sun. The sky had turned completely red, the sun sitting in front of it, with a wondrous array of colours behind. It was what he had been waiting for, when he noticed something odd. The sun seemed to have stopped moving entirely, and was hanging, stuck in the sky. Why did this feel familiar?

"It's like that time with the-" he stopped, and put a hand to his throat. His voice had inexplicably risen in pitch, from his usual baritone vocal range. It now sounded more like a low alto range, the voice of a girl. He shook his head. "No, not now!"

His hair changed colour from its usual brown, to a gentle red, with yellow streaks running through it. A small fragment of hair dangled down from the natural parting in his hair, which had moved, and his hair grew longer, until it reached partway down his back. He clenched his jaw, as the bones in his face popped and cracked, breaking apart and reforming in new shapes. He looked down to view what was happening with a degree of strange curiousity, as his nose shrank and his eyes grew slightly bigger. His eyes turned from their usual blue to a slightly brighter shade of blue, and his skin changed from its usual caucasian tones to an amber shade.

He laughed at the irony, as his Adam's Apple receeded into his neck. "Of course. A sunset. Sunset Shimmer."

He braced again as his shoulders forced themselves inwards, causing his shirt to become baggy, and his chest began to tingle, the skin under his nipples getting softer. As he looked down, two lumps began to move forward, shaping up into a pair of breasts. Jimmy was no expert on these things, but he guessed these were B-cups. There was more tingling, and he felt his hips windening, starting to strain his slacks. "Here we go-AAHH!" he (or soon to be she) screamed, as without warning his manhood was sucked into the body, leaving something else in their place. Her legs got slimmer, and her feet shrank in size.

Jimmy was starting to panic, hoping nobody was seeing what was going on. She needn't have feared, as the floor suddenly started getting closer to her. She tumbled to the ground, slacks and shoes falling off, and she tried to cover herself as best she could. "Great," she growled through gritted teeth. "Near naked again, just this time in public."

Just then, magical energy began to flow around her. Her socks shrank onto her feet, as did her trainers, which then turned black with grey front plates. They then began to grow up her feet, stopping halfway up her calves, and then an orange chevron appeared on the front. A heel pushed out of the bottom, changing the shape dramatically.

Her slacks shrank as well, but the button and zip vanished, material all being stitched together in the process. It shrank even more, until it was skin tight, and slipped under the top of her boots. The shirt soon joined in, shrinking around her body as her underwear morphed, as well as another garment appearing under her shirt. The buttons and collar vanished, and the shirt grew longer, dropping down until it covered her legs and butt (which were also covered by the leggings). A yellow see-through skirt grew out of the bottom of the shirt, floating partway down her upper legs. The sleeves shrank back, and folded over the top of her shoulders, gaining a small spiked pattern in the process.

Sunset Shimmer sat up, groaning as she did so. "That's the last time I take a nap on the sidewalk," she said quietly. Just then, she looked around, and saw a crowd of people staring at her. "Hello? Is there something you need?"