//------------------------------// // Double Big Mac // Story: Big Mac Gets Hired At McDonald's // by Big_Mac_Lover77 //------------------------------// Granny Smith was sitting at a table at the farm. She stuck her head out the door and shouted "Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, can yall come here for a minute?" "Yes we are coming," shouted Applejack. In a few seconds all three Apple siblings were sitting with Granny Smith at the table. "What did you want to talk with us about Granny Smith?" asked Applejack. "I have something important to tell you," said Granny Smith. "I have done the math for the month and we are barely just able to pay for every thing. Next month we will not be able to pay for everything." Applejack scratched her head. "Oh that is not good." "Oh no," said Apple Bloom. "Whatever are we going to do?" Granny Smith looked at the three siblings sadly. "One of you will have to get a job outside of the farm." Apple Bloom took a step back. "I am too young," she said. "Me too," said Applejack. "I mean I am too weak." Granny Smith turned to Big Mac. "Okay big boy, I guess you are the only one left." The big red stallion turned purple. "Oh dear," he said. That was how the Big Mac found himself standing in front of one of the new restaurants in Ponyville. He looked at the window. He read the sign in the window. "We are hiring." "Wow that is exactly what I am looking for," Big Mac said to himself. He walked to the door and opened it and went inside. He cut to the front of the line. Someone shoved him from behind. "Ow that hurts," he complained. "Quit cutting in line!" someone shouted from behind him. He turned around and his face turned red. "I am just trying to get to the front of the line!" he shouted back. "But I am not trying to order!" When he realized nopony was listening to him he grabbed an apple from somewhere and threw it on the ground. It sounded like an apple hitting the ground very loudly and everypony turned to look at him. "I need to speak to a manager," said Big Mac. A big black stallion came up to him and said, "What is the problem?" "I have no money. Can I get a job so I can have some money?" said Big Mac. The big black stallion scratched his head. "What kind of skills do you have? You need to have the right skills for us to hire you." Big Mac straightened. "I have all the skills," he said. "I have the best skills." The stallion thought for a moment. "Okay you are hired. You will be working the cash tomorrow so prepare yourself." Big Mac screamed in delight. "Thank you sir!" He hugged the stallion and picked him up off the ground. He put him back on the ground after. After that, he ran straight home to tell his siblings the good news. The next day Big Mac woke up. He yawned and then checked the clock. "Oh no I am late. I have to go to McDonalds to start my first shift." Big Mac ran as fast as he could back to the McDonalds. Unfortunately he was not a very fast runner and he ended up being two hours late. Big Mac walked through the door and rushed to the counter. He heard somepony scream behind him, "Hey! No cutting in line!" "I do not care what you have to say," he screamed. "I am working here!" Big Mac put on an apron and rushed into the kitchen. "Wow not only are you two hours late but you are also at the wrong place smh," said the big black stallion. Big Mac turned around and gulped. "Oh uh what am I supposed to be doing?" he asked. The black stallion pointed to the line of angry looking customers. "You are supposed to be taking their orders. I thought you said you have all the skills." A drop of sweat ran down Big Mac's back. "O-Of course I do. I was just testing you, mister." "Whatever. Go do your job or else you are fired," replied the stallion. Big Mac nodded and went to stand in front of the cash register. He waved to the first customer in line and gave them a smile. "Um what are you waiting for?" he asked. The mare in front of him rolled her eyes. "I would like a big mac." Big Mac scratched his head. It was his first day on the job and he was already being flirted with. "I am sorry mam but that is not appropriate right now and also I am engaged so please make a real order." "What? I told you just give me a big mac!" she shouted. Big Mac had had it. He raised his hoof for the guards. "Guards please take this mare away she is harrassing me." Whe nno one came, he slammed an apple on the ground and it made a sound as loud as fireworks. "I said guards take this mare away!" Since nopony was coming, Big Mac grabbed the mare and tossed her out of the store. He went back to the register. It seemed like there was more talking in the line than there was before. "Okay who is next?" he asked. A young colt came up. "I want a double big mac." Big Mac sighed. "Oh dear why is everypony flirting with me on the job today? Tell me your real order," he demanded stomping his foot. A thunderous shout behind him made Big Mac turn around. "What in Equestria are you doing Big Mac!?" Big Mac jumped. "Oh um I was trying to take their orders but everypony kept flirting with me. They kept telling me they wanted Big Mac." The black stallion had steam coming out of his ears. "That is the name of the burger!" he screamed. "Big Mac you are fired!" Big Mac gasped. "What!? I need this money," he sobbed. "Well too bad because you lied to me and you do not have all the skills." Big Mac went back home to explain to his family how he had failed in his quest to support them. To his surprise all everypony else at the table started laughing at him. "What is so funny?" he asked. "I just got fired from my job and now we do not have money." Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder. "It does not matter Big Mac. As long as we have our family together we can get through anything." Next month, Sweet Apple Acres shut down because they could not pay their bills but the Apple family managed to take over a McDonalds and start a new business just like Applejack said they could.