Night Fang and Loki Stories

by Rattlesnake316

Crystal Prep Vs Canterlot High School Part I: Twirling The Baton Of Fate

Breaking up with a girl you love is bad.

Breaking up with a girl who did nothing but abuse you so you had to break up thanks to the intervention and she is vowing unholy vengeance on anyone who gets with her now ex-boyfriend.

Like hell.’

Canterlot Cafe

“So let me get this straight, you are a very eligible bachelor and so many girls would go out with you in a heartbeat just to spite your ex-girlfriend Sunset Shimmer.”

This is Sunny Flare, she is sat in this very establishment speaking to the guy who will finally end his bad relationship streak.

That guy is Crystal Prep’s, Midnight Fang.

Sound familiar?

Well, this is isn’t Equestria Night Fang, he’s long since graduated and is the gym teacher at CHS.

This is the human dimensions, Night Fang.

But he prefers to be called Midnight.

At the friendship games last year, thanks to the intervention from Equestria Night Fang and his wife, along with his friends.

He managed to muster up the courage to break up with human world Sunset Shimmer and have Sour Sweet lay her out with a straight right punch after he had taken all he could and turned into an evil version of his Equestria self.

He was ‘defeated’ by a girl he had gotten to know over the course of last year.

One problem.

The girl he had the crush on, went to Canterlot High.

Let’s just say Sunny and Twilight never saw that coming.

They were expecting him to choose one of them as his new girlfriend.

He had turned them down so he could recover his mental stability before diving into a relationship.

“I understand what you mean Sunny, I really do, but for some reason, I am drawn to Baton Twirl from CHS.”

When Midnight says this, Sunny ‘aww'd’ in realisation before nodding, she remembered now.


Midnight? Where are you buddy, the last event’s about to start!”

Sunny was shouting, trying to get her male classmate to answer her.

Plus Sunset had sent her, and when Midnight’s girlfriend sends you, you do it.

Come on darling, this isn’t funny anymore, I want to get this search over with so Sunset doesn’t skewer you alive.”

The sound of giggles caught Sunny Flares ear before the source just happened to be walking around the corner.

Unaware the two Crystal Prep classmates were about to collide.


Rubbing her head from the collision, Sunny got a glimpse of the classmate she was looking for before looking at the girl beside him.

This caused her face to pale.

Midnight, why are you with Canterlot High’s drummer major when we need you over at the school entrance.”

The look on Midnight’s face said it all when he looked at his watch before looking at Baton Twirl before saying.

I’ll give you a call sometime Twirl if Sunset hasn’t skinned me alive and fed me to her Rottweiler.”

Once he says this, Baton Twirl kisses his cheek goodbye before she and he ran off in opposite directions.

Baton towards her position with the band outside and Night Fang and Sunny Flare with their Crystal Prep teammates.

Completely unaware of what was to come.

End of Flashback

“It’s been months since me and Baton spoke since that day, I mean, I’ve only just got over Sunset after blocking her on Pony Book.”

Midnight says before the two friends drinks arrive at their table.


After paying for the drinks and bites to eat, Midnight and Sunny walk the streets of Canterlot City.

It was rare for the two friends to be seen in public without any of the others hovering over them or Sunset breathing down her ex-boyfriend’s neck.

The buzz of a phone playing a drum beat broke the silence between the two before Midnight pulled his iPony 9 out of his pocket before looking at the notifications.

Sunny noticed Night’s face had lit up when she saw the text itself on her best friend’s phone.

It read:

From: Baton Twirl

Hey Night,

Just wondering if you are free later after our schools let out, band practice got cancelled for that day due to the teacher being ill.

I really want to see you and reconnect while on this little and our first

I’ve missed you, so much xxxxx.

P.S. Heard about your ex was marking any potential girlfriend’s for you with death, I’d say if we get together later, let’s give her a reason to be jealous.

- Baton Twirl.’

This caused Sunny to smirk at the flustered male before saying.

“Look at you stud, you’ve got a date tonight, go you.”

Midnight couldn’t believe his luck.

One problem.

And it caused Sunny to fall back comically when he says.

“What happens on dates again?”

Later That Night

The sight that was beheld by the two girls when they walked into Luna Stones house that night was one of hilarity.

What they saw was Midnight, running around like a headless chicken and panicking over small issues.

Sunny Flare had flashbacks to Rarity during the whole Dance Magic video with how much Midnight was panicking.

“How long has he been running around like this Luna?”

Twilight says to the mildly amused mother who at that point, Midnight slid by the three on his feet into the kitchen.

“Let’s just say, this has been going on since his ‘girlfriend’ phoned him this afternoon, he’s been doing nothing but move and quite frankly girls, it’s irritating.”

Luna says evenly.

As she watches her son speed by them again, she decides to speak up.

“Midnight, if you don’t slow down, you’re going to strain something and I won’t be responsible for you in the hospital with pulled or torn muscles.”

Midnight stops in his tracks just as he is about to walk upstairs before descending the stairs and walking back into the living room and sitting down in just his boxers and dress shirt.

The sight before his friends made them hold back laughter.

Midnight’s hair was a mess, his shirt had only just been ironed and now it was creased like hell with all the movement before he bolted back upstairs.

“This Baton Twirl, is she any better than Sunset Shimmer?”

Luna asks Sunny seriously before she answers the older female.

“As far as I’m aware, she means well, from what Midnight told me, he was smitten with her after she saved him.”

“She saved him?”

“Let me explain Luna.”

Sunny finishes before pausing and starting again with.

“Friendship games, Midnight had turned into a demon thanks to the help from unknown sources, his first target, everyone within close vicinity and his ex-girlfriend.

Flashback 2

Equestria Night Fang was in for the fight of his life, he’d just fused with his brother and Sunset was in her daydream form thanks to the help from the magic container Sci-Twi had.


Night Ki heard the male demon shout at all who would listen.

Daydream Shimmer had heard enough before going in for a strike, only for Demon Midnight to knock her away with a thrust kick to the face.

Unbeknownst to Demon Midnight, his friends were seen running over to the CHS marching band and pulling Baton Twirl to one side.

Once they were in cover and out of Demon Midnight’s eyesight, Twilight spoke.

He didn’t hurt you did he?”

Twirl shook her head before showing the bruises and saying.

Just a scrape, I’ll be fine, you on the other hand...”

Twilight’s face was a mess, a cut is seen along her cheek from Demon Midnight’s claws said it all, even a cut above her eye was still slightly bleeding.

With new resolve, Baton Twirl speaks.

I have to stop him.”

The two crystal prep students stare wide-eyed at the female before she turns around and smiles at the two before saying.

Sunset caused this, I’m going to fix it.”

With that, Baton Twirl stands up before running from cover and straight onto the battlefield.

School Front Entrance


The three at war stopped dead in their tracks and Demon Midnight was furious that the girl he had a crush on, had stopped him destroying the three Equestrians and human Sunset.

Only difference was, Baton Twirl showed compassion as she stared down the demon before her.

This caused the female to shout.


Midnight Wolf stood unmoving in the presence of the girl before him.

Despite the weird looks she was getting, she walked towards him, bold as brass, her voice close to cracking from the sob she was holding back.

This isn’t you Midnight, you are not a monster.”

Despite the boys behind her charging up an attack, Baton motioned for the god of fusion to stand down before she motioned for the beast before her to come to her.

Once Baton Twirl had Midnight in front of her, she placed a hand on his furred cheek before looking into his red eyes.

Before the male says his next line, Sunset shouts with all her might while struggling to stand.


With that said, Midnight says sternly.


This set the demon to look Sunset dead in the eyes before he and Baton walked forward while he is saying.


He had Sunset reeling from his words.

Her anger rising, she had heard enough from the male before going in for the kill.



Sunset never got to the girl and Twirl never got touched by Sunset Shimmer.

Instead, Midnight stood with his hand round Sunsets throat and began to squeeze.

The looks of horror he received from everyone made him smile at the sweet relief he would gain from Sunset’s death, it would be therapeutic.

Deciding against it, Baton Twirl boldly ran at the beast and held him steady by restraining him for the guys and Equestria Sunset to set him free from his curse.

Now I am free.”

Midnight says quietly to no one in particular as he expects to hit the ground.

But he never did.

And he had no idea that a certain drum major was holding him in her arms.

Rest Midnight, you are truly free.”

Those were the last words Midnight heard before he heard Sunset get dropped by Sour Sweet before he blacked out in Baton’s arms.

End Flashback

“From that day on, once Midnight asked Baton to be his girlfriend a month later, I've never seen the guy so happy.”

Sunny finishes her story to a dumbstruck Luna Stone.

Upstairs With Midnight

Songs blaring on his wireless speaker while in the shower, Midnight felt like the luckiest guy in the world as he washed himself down.

Looking over his toned body, Midnight was amazed he was still alive with all the scars he had over his torso.

He had really been through hell with Sunset Shimmer.

Now that Baton Twirl was giving him a well deserved second chance at a normal relationship.

He was rightfully nervous.

I hope my mind can handle a normal relationship after being in a violent one for three years.’

In his head, he was right.

Could he handle normal after all that violence?

Granted, it had been four months ago after the friendship games that he had asked out Baton Twirl.

In that time, however, he had not been on one date with her due to certain bacon haired female lurking around to make sure no one got with him.

Besides that, the two had a pretty healthy relationship.

Baton Twirl made sure he took his depression pills and helped him when he broke down with his fits of rage and random depression attacks where he would break down and sob for hours until he fell asleep.

He truly loved Twirl, he really did.

Hell, he was encouraged to pursue the relationship by his Equestria counterpart Night Fang and his wife Sunset Shimmer after the two talked to him as calmly as possible.

But how could she glue together an already damaged heart?

Night’s Bedroom


The sound of a door buzzer broke Midnight’s thoughts when he had just gotten dried and dressed and with a bit of aftershave on his collar and wrists before he heard female voices and footsteps enter his room.

“Midnight, Baton’s here for you.”

At Twilight’s words, the panic button had been pressed internally inside Midnight’s mind when Twilight left his room.

To Twilight, the sight of the smartly dressed Midnight made her heartache while she was walking downstairs.

Downstairs With The Girls

“...And for the love of god, don’t keep him out too late, he has his soccer practice in the tomorrow at 3 o’clock, he’s hoping to make it to the Canterlot City Rangers Under 21’s side for their league stage in five months time.”

Luna Stone was saying to Baton Twirl who, when she arrived in a house that had a history with Crystal Prep, including Sunny, Twilight and Midnight’s mom.

She felt pretty awkward being the only CHS student there.

She got over her awkwardness when Midnight came downstairs and stood in the doorway of the living room before clearing his throat to get the ladies attention.

It worked.

The sight that awaited Baton Twirl was one of breathlessness.

Ever since Midnight met his Pony World counterpart, he had decided to mould his image after him, Midnight even cut his long hair before he had jumped in the shower.

His light black hair was now swept to the side and gelled along with a fresh shave of his face.

He even wore contacts instead of glasses.

His ensemble for the night included a blue button up shirt, with two buttons undone, button-up jeans and Nike Mare Sneakers on his feet.

Baton couldn’t believe the sight before her, then again, neither could Midnight when he got a good look at his date.

When he got a look at Baton in her Rarity brand red cocktail dress and low white heels, he soon felt gentle heat rise to his cheeks and nearly light up the room.

Her hair was down and curled lightly at the tips and she wore no makeup because she remembered that Midnight didn’t care how she looked.



The exchange of words and the stare off continued until Sunny Flare coughed to break the two out of their trances before saying.

“Now Midnight, just remember what we practised with Other World Sunset Shimmer and her husband and you should do just fine.”

Midnight couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of Sunset mistaking him for her husband.

At least he got a kiss on the cheek from the nice Sunset when she accidentally mistook him for Night Fang.

When Baton takes Midnight’s hand, the male seizes up before settling down when Baton reassures him everything is OK before the two head out.

Midnight’s car

Driving in the three-door Ford Mustang ‘87 down to where their date would take place in the main city, Midnight and Baton were sat in silence while Midnight was driving.

Man, he hated not being able to speak to the beauty beside him, he was so used to the woman speaking first that he forgot that he was dating someone else.

Deciding to break the silence, Baton took a hold of the docking station and put some tunes on for them to listen to on their drive.

Scrolling through her Pony Galaxy 8 with her songs on Spotify, she found the song she wanted to share with Midnight before letting it play.

Midnight couldn’t help but cringe when the song hit its opening.

Baton noticed this before quickly pausing the song and saying.

“What’s wrong babe?”

Baton noticed he had tears in his eyes before saying slowly.

“Me and Sunset, when we used to actually love each other, danced to this at my brother and fathers funeral.”

Baton placed her hand gently on the hand Midnight was using the gear stick with before changing the song to something a little more upbeat.

When Midnight recognised the song, he couldn’t help but chuckle before saying.

“Loki’s funeral song, man, he really wanted everyone to laugh on that day he was buried.”

Baton smiled sadly as Midnight cried while smiling at the memories of his baby brother while the song played over the stereo.

Once it ended, Midnight spoke for the first time without it feeling forced.

“I just want tonight to go smoothly so we can get on with our lives together.”

Baton nods at Midnight’s words before gently squeezing his hand and giving his cheek a kiss.

Outside The Restaurant

With the car parked up in a parking space and at the place with twenty minutes to spare.

The two decide to do last minute checks on each other before Midnight got out of the car and jogged round to the passenger side door and opening the door for his girlfriend.

With his hand held out, Baton takes it graciously before standing at the side of the male before they interlock fingers and walk into the establishment.

Inside The Building

“So, tell me a little about you Midnight, I want to know what makes my handsome boyfriend tick when he isn’t with me or with his friends at school.”

Baton Twirl asks genuinely to the shell shocked male.

Being situated at a two-seater next to the window of the establishment, the couple had just ordered their meals before Baton had decided to ask Midnight about himself.

Let’s just say, he wasn’t used to any of his girlfriends being nice to him.

“OK, well, to begin with, my hobbies include soccer, video games and athletics, mainly 1800 metre sprints around the track.

My favourite music I listen to on the low is musicals, metal and movie soundtracks.

I mainly watch cartoons because I hate real world stuff and soap operas, I do not watch the news either.”

Baton nodded on intently before Midnight continued once the food came.

“My favourite video game is Samurai Hound: Chinatown Takedown, my least favourite is Squirrel: Live and in Uncensored Colour, I mean, it’s a mature rated game but it’s as watered down as a beer in old china city up north of here.”

Once the conversation halted, the two began to eat.

Highlights include, Midnight being fed some of Baton’s Pasta Linguine before he shared some of his fries with her.

Baton accidentally spilling her drink on the waiter that was bringing over their White Chardonnay before Midnight helped clean up the spill.

Midnight finding it funny to smear ketchup on his girlfriend’s nose before he had his head dunked in the ice bucket which held the Chardonnay in retaliation.

Overall, for the couple, it was a good start to their night.


Next stop for the couple was the movies.

When the two stepped out of the car and approached the entrance, one of the security guards who was friends with Equestria Loki from the local arcade let the two enter the theatre first, which shocked Baton.

“How does he know you?”

Baton Twirl asks making Midnight chuckle and say.

“When your friends with another world Loki, you get certain...perks, thank god this was one of them.”

When they purchased their food and drink from the concessions and due to Midnight knowing Loki was good friends with said security, he and Baton got a hold of V.I.P. tickets to an advanced showing of Samurai Hound: Unforgiven which should have been sold out as of last week.

As they headed to the box which was reserved for the two lovers, their focus turned to the screen which showed what they were watching.

Baton couldn't help but smirk at her boyfriend.

"Samurai Hound: Unforgiven?"

Baton asked with a raised eyebrow to which Midnight smiled as he munched on some popcorn his bag.

"You're dating a comic book nerd babe."

Midnight says with a smile to his girlfriend who could only smile back at how adorable he was being.

Midnight was in his comfort zone and Baton Twirl was glad her boyfriend was now opening up more to her and getting into his comfort zones.

As they enjoyed the movie, Twirl caught Midnight off guard by laying her head on his right shoulder while giggling at his remarks towards the flaws of the movie from the soundproof room.

They could hear the movie and the moviegoers, but they couldn't hear them as the movie played out.

She would occasionally join him at throwing popcorn at moviegoers much to the annoyance of the audience.

Outside the Theatre

After the movie and while they were on their way back to the car, Midnight still had more questions than answers about the movie while Baton was finishing the drink that she still had in her hand.

"The plot just made no sense, her love interest was the head of the yakuza but instead of killing him, she lets him live!"

After what Midnight called a disaster of a movie, Baton Twirl actually liked the movie.

Despite only reading one comic and this being her first time watching anything related to the Samurai Hound Franchise.


Despite a well-deserved trip to the arcade where Baton Twirl owned everyone at Dance Dance Revolution Mega-Mix and Midnight was busy getting high scores on the Mansion Of The Dead 2: Code Red.

Even helping Baton clear the final boss on Co-Op Mode.

“Well done babe, you are pretty good at this game.”

Midnight says praising Baton as she hugs him tightly before the two pull apart with blushes on their faces.


Walking through the mall was just pure bliss for the couple.

Baton Twirl herself had a good time but she was more focused on the guy beside her.

The guy, who she had never seen so happy from the months they’d known each other, was smiling broadly while confidently holding the girl's hand as if to show her off to anyone who came near him.

His shot of confidence, however, was soon to end when he spotted his ex-girlfriend making a beeline for them.

Luckily, help was around.

“Hello Baton Twirl, enjoy taking other peoples property!?”

Sunset says angrily before swinging a fist at the girl.

Her fist did not connect as someone had placed their hand in the way of Baton’s face.

“What the...”

The look of horror overtook Sunset the minute her counterpart appeared before her with Human Shimmer’s fist in the palm of her hand.

“Mrs Shimmer, what a pleasant surprise.”

Baton acknowledged her music teacher who smiles politely at her student before turning serious at the offender and saying.

“You weren’t about to ruin this impressionable couples date were you Miss Shimmer?”

Her tone, Human Sunset recognised as a veiled threat for her to try something or say something stupid to the adult faculty member from the rival school.

“Because it seems you were about to assault one of my students while I was watching from the shop right over there.”

Mrs Shimmer, being in her casual clothes and not wearing her reading glasses, was an intimidating sight to behold.

Especially since she was now staring down the Crystal Prep student after letting go of her fist and letting her glare in anger.

“You can’t protect them forever Mrs Shimmer, THAT I promise.”

With that, the teenage girl walked away with her message heard loud and clear before the older Shimmer sighed and rubbed her stomach from the aggravation she felt.

Seeing this, Midnight and Baton helped Sunset sit down.

Silently nodding in knowing what exactly was wrong with Sunset, Midnight handed Sunset a drink before her husband arrived to see to her.

Later That Night

Once the date was done and Midnight and Baton were ready to go home, they hopped into the car and Midnight drove into the night.

Back at Midnight’s Home

The minute the couple walked through the door, a light went on in the living room revealing two smirking friends awaiting their arrival.

The looks on Midnight and Baton’s face said it all.

Once the two left, well Twilight straight away, Sunny gave Midnight the thumbs up and a smile before leaving.

Once Midnight was sure his friends had gone, he and Baton Twirl made eye contact before locking each other in a tight lip lock before the two tumbled on the couch with Midnight turning the light off from the wall.