//------------------------------// // Holiday Shopping // Story: The Drake Bros. // by BrawnyBold //------------------------------// The holiday season finally arrived in Canterlot City where everyone was rushing to make last-minute preparations before Christmas. It was especially busy in the Canterlot Mall as shoppers came and go from different stores. Spike and Scales exited one of the stores while carrying some bags in their hands. "Ohh! I can't wait for Christmas!" Spike squealed as he lifted the bags in his hands. "I'm just glad we got all of our presents while getting through this herd of people." Scales grumbled. "But the crowd shows how much people care about the holidays!" Spike defended. "Spike!" Rainbow hollered from a far distance. The brothers saw the girls standing in front an empty water fountain. "Hey girls!" Spike said as he made his way to his friends. "You're here for Christmas shopping too?" "We already got it done!" Pinkie replied as she lifted up some shopping bags. "We're just here to hang out around the mall." "Care to join us, Spike?" Twilight asked with a hopeful smile. "Sure!" Spike said as he and the girls walked ahead of Scales. 'This is going to be a long day. ' Scales groaned as he followed the group. Most the stores were almost full of last-minute shoppers who were desperate to get the right gifts and stuff. "Man, I almost feel bad for those employees." Scales said as he saw the stores. "You should've seen Twilight earlier." Rainbow commented. "She was a maniac when she rushed from one store to the next." Rainbow was given an angry growl from a ticked-off Twilight. "Just so you know, I was getting the perfect gifts for not only my parents but also for Shining Armor and Cadence!" Twilight replied with a huff. "Your brother and former baby-sitter?" Spike asked. "Yep," Applejack replied. "We tried to help out Twilight with her shopping but when we showed Twilight the items, she told us to go back and get something else." Spike chuckled a bit which caused Twilight to grumble. The mall's intercoms made a jingle which caught everyone's attention. "Attention shoppers," the announcer said. "there is a fifty percent discount at Shop Closet for all winter clothing! Get this deal now before the holidays are over!" The intercoms were hung up and there was dead silence in the mall. A few seconds passed before the group felt rumbling and heard running footsteps from the distance. A large stampede of shoppers rushed through the group in order to make it to Shop Closet. When the stampede passed, the group ended up on the ground from being shoved or pushed out of the way. "Uhh..." Rainbow said as she tried to get up. "Is everyone alright?" Scales was the next to get up. "Well, all of my limbs are still attached. I say that's a good sign." Soon, everyone else got up from the sudden impact from the stampede. Fluttershy then noticed something was wrong when she looked at the group. "Um, where is Rarity and Spike?" The group looked around for the fashionista and the little brother, only to find them missing. "Oh no!" Fluttershy said as she put her hands to her mouth. "They must've got caught up in that stampede!" It wasn't long till Scales began running to where the stampede was going. "I'm coming, bro!" Scales hollered as he and the rest of the girls ran towards Shop Closet. Little did the group knew, Spike and Rarity were getting up from behind one of the benches that was near the group. "Woo! I bet that reminded you of cattle, huh Applejack!" Spike asked, only to find out the cowgirl was no where in sight. "Applejack? Bro?" Spike said as he looked around the mall area. He then noticed Rarity was about to get up as well. "Rarity!" Spike yelled as he made his way to check on Rarity. "Are you alright!?" Spike offered her a hand. "I'm fine," Rarity replied as she took Spike's hand and got up on her legs. "I'm not surprised. People can become wild animals when it comes to shopping." Rarity also looked around to find that none of her friends or Spike's brother weren't anywhere in sight. "I wonder where did our friends go?" Rarity asked herself. Spike pulled out his phone to call Scales, only to get the voicemail message. "Scales is not answering." Spike said. Rarity attempted to call some of her friends but they didn't answer as well. "Oh dear," Rarity whispered. "I can't get to the girls as well." "I hope they will be alright." Spike said with worry. An idea came to Rarity as she thought about the situation. She then locked arms with Spike as she lead him down the mall. "Let's not get worked up from this delay, we can search for our friends while waiting for them to call back." Rarity said with a smile. Spike was a bit nervous for not getting a call back from his bro, but the thought of alone time with Rarity cleared all of his doubts. "Okay!" Spike said as he walked faster to stand side by side with Rarity. 'This is going to be fun!' Rarity thought as she and Spike made their way to wherever they are in the mall. Rarity and Spike took their time to admire the dressed mannequins and decorations shown on the window displays. Spike was especially happy since his arm was locked with Rarity's. He could also smell her perfume which smelled similar to lavender. It wasn't long till Rarity noticed a particular boutique that sold women clothing. "Can we stop by here for a bit?" Rarity pleaded. "Sure," Spike replied as both of them went inside. The clothing store wasn't as crowded as the other stores as there were only a few women browsing the clothing racks. "Ooh!" Rarity said as she picked up one of the hanged clothings. "These outfits look wonderful! Just being in another boutique gives me so many new ideas!" Rarity picked up some clothings one by one to see if it will look good on her. Spike stood back to observe Rarity while she was in her shopping mode. He couldn't help but smile as Rarity was enjoying herself. It almost felt like he was on a date with her. Just the thought of a date with Rarity made Spike blush a bit. "Oh Spike!" Rarity hollered. Spike turned to where Rarity was. Only to see her holding a lacy purple bra and panties. "Would this look good on me?" Rarity cooed. Spike stared at the bra and panties before the image of Rarity wearing it made his heart skip a beat. Spike stumbled to find the right words. "U-uh...yeah...it would." Spike said while rubbing his neck. Rarity giggled from Spike's response. "Well, I'm going to try it on to see how it really looks." As Rarity went inside the dressing room, she poked her head out from the curtains. "No peeking, okay?" "I wouldn't do that!" Spike yelled in response while he blushed. There was a long silence in the boutique before Rarity chuckled. "I know you wouldn't, Spikey." Rarity went back into the fitting room, leaving Spike to recover from Rarity's 'no peeking request'. As Spike waited for Rarity, he started to hear some of the women whisper from behind him. 'What a lucky boy he is, huh?' One of the customers giggled. 'To have a girl try on underwear for a boy must be really something.' Another customer replied. Spike could help but feel embarrassed as the women continued with their gossip. "Spikey," Rarity whispered as her head popped out from the curtains. "Y-yes!" Spike responded. "I just wanted to let you know the purple bra looks fabulous on me." Rarity teased. "I just wished you could see-" Rarity stopped in mid-sentence when she noticed something from the window. Spike tried to see what Rarity saw before she hugged Spike and pulled him inside the curtains. Before Spike could respond, Rarity put her finger to her lip as a code to stay quiet as she peaked outside. Spike was confused about who was Rarity hiding from. Someone she hates? Her parents? An obsessed admirer? Those thoughts were instantly gone when Spike noticed that Rarity was still wearing the purple bra and underwear. Rarity's figure made the bra and panties look way better than Spike had imagined in his thoughts. What's worse was that Rarity was hugging Spike and he could feel her chest on his cheeks. Just the sight and touch of Rarity made him blush red all over his face. Rarity looked out for a few seconds before she sighed and turned to Spike. "I apologize for my sudden action," Rarity whispered, only to stop when she noticed Spike looking at her. Spike's embarrassed face made Rarity giggled as she wrapped her arms around Spike's head and pulled him closer to her chest. "Do you like what you see?" Rarity asked with a devilish smile. "Uh huh," Spike said with a dumbfounded expression. The stare between Spike and Rarity lasted when the curtain was moved to reveal the girls and Scales who had angry looks on their faces. The sight of a nearly naked Rarity hugging a bewitched Spike made the girls' stares more menacing. Spike shivered from how scary the girls were glaring. Rarity was shaking in terror from the possibilities of what will happen next. Rarity and Spike sat on a mall bench while hanging their heads in shame. Facing the couple were the rest of the group as some of them crossed their arms in a disappointing manner. "So..." Twilight said to break the ice. "mind telling us why you two were in a changing room together?" Rarity sighed before she replied. "You weren't answering your phones and I thought a little outing wouldn't hurt." Rarity said sheepishly. "That doesn't change the fact you were hugging Spike while wearing nothing but those bra and panties." Rainbow growled. "You're lucky Scales used a locater app to track Spike's phone before you got the chance to do more with Spike." Applejack sternly said. "There was nothing else going on!" Rarity defended. "Yeah, Rarity was just trying on clothes." Spike included. All five of the girls gave Spike glares that made him silent. "Well, Rarity." Twilight said. "I think it would be best to come up with a suitable punishment for you." Rarity gulped for what will happen. "Ooh! I know!" Pinkie said while waving her arms. "Each of us should have a small date with Spike since Rarity had her fun!" The girls looked at each other and smiled as they thought it was a good idea. "With me included." Scales interrupted, which caught the girls' attention. "I'll just make sure none of you try something funny with Spike like what Rarity did." Scales gave a menacing look that spooked Rarity. The rest of the girls looked had nervous looks before they agreed with Scales' terms.