//------------------------------// // V. Home is Where the Heart Lies // Story: Derp on Over the Rainbow // by Death_Brony //------------------------------// ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ciao, Amico. (That means 'Hello, friend' in Italian.) It seems like forever since I last wrote to you, even if it has been only a week. And lemme tell you, a lot has happened in this small amount of time. Some things good, some things bad, but everything has been interesting. You remember how I told you that Rainbow Dash took the blame for the destruction of the town hall? Well, that caused a whole spiral of bad events. And like always, I shall tell you exactly what happened. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Well, when Rainbow told the mayor about the destruction, everypony expected to use the money from the rodeo for the repairs. But to everypony's surprise, Applejack didn't get any prize money. So that meant that Rainbow Dash had to pay for the repairs to the roof, floor, and sides of the building. Even she didn't have that much money. So, in order to pay for the damage, Rainbow Dash had to sell her home... How horrible that must have been... Rainbow Dash has lived in that house for as long as I can remember. That house was handed down to her from her parents. To have to sell the only home you've ever known must have been terrible... I'm getting sidetracked. I just really feel bad for her, ya know? I mean, she's my best friend. What kind of friend wouldn't feel bad? I didn't know she lost her home until about three days after she actually did. For some reason she avoided me during that time. Probably because she didn't want me to worry and blame myself, which I did and still do. After I found out, I immediately went to find her. Apparently, in those three days, she quite literally lived on a cloud. When I asked why, she said she didn't want to trouble any of her friends. I thought that was ridiculous. So, I told her to come and stay at my house until she could afford to live somewhere on her own. I didn't ask. I demanded. My exact words were, "Rainbow Dash, you don't need to be living like some homeless scum. I have a guest room at my house, and you will be living there until you can get back on your own hooves." She just looked at me, dumbfounded. I guess she didn't expect me to do something like that. Either way, after that, she followed me to my house, and I showed her to my guest room. She was skeptical about living with me at first, but after the first day, she got used to it. The next day, we looked in the paper for a job for her. We had no luck. So, I confronted Crafty, my boss. Luckily enough, he thought Rainbow would be perfect for a mailmare. So now not only does Rainbow live with me, she works with me too. Even if it's not necessarily a good thing, it's nice seeing Rainbow Dash all day. She seems to have gotten over the fact that she lost her home and all her money. Like she always says, 'Shit happens, and sometimes, you can't do anything to help it.' It still must be hard on her, though... I don't know what I'd do if I lost my home and the little money I had. I can't even imagine what would happen to me and my muffin... Anyways, yea, seeing Rainbow is cool. It's weird that she's already better then me at my own job, but I always knew I wasn't the best mailmare in Equestria. Heck, I might as well be the worst. But at least Crafty lets me keep my job. Probably because he knows how hard it is to be a single parent. Rainbow Dash is a really sweet mare... Every night, before we all go to bed, she thanks me... Thanks me for giving her a home, food, a job, love... It nearly makes me cry every time. Not because it makes me sad or anything, but because it makes me the happiest pegasus in all of Equestria. Just knowing that the love of my life appreciates me like that is great. It's funny how perfect Rainbow Dash is for me... I might not be the best for her, but she would make my life perfect... She's great with Dinky. Whenever Rainbow is off work and Dinky home from school, they always have fun together. Dinky was just telling me the other day about how Rainbow Dash was her best friend. It was the cutest thing. Rainbow Dash is also the only pony who really respects me. She looks to me as an equal, as if there was nothing abnormal about me. Sorry if this is a bit of a short entry, Amico. Actually, it's really short. But hey, after Rainbow Dash started working with me, I've had a little bit more time off, which leaves me with a bit of free time. And I don't want to spend all that time writing in a journal now, do I? I like spending time with my daughter, and that's exactly what I'm about to go do. Until next time, Amico. Your dear friend, Ditzy 'Derpy' Doo ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~