Mask Not the Eyes

by CartoonNerd12

The Dilemma and it’s Solution

Rumble had ended up on the beach that night and was pacing in frustration and kicking sand around. It felt like his whole life was turned around because without Scootaloo how could he hope to move forward? All his plans for marriage were gone all because of a pompous uncle that wanted to claim ownership on her. True he could just follow her to Califoalnia but he knows that jerk would never let her go near him and therefore would never give his blessings. It was hopeless.

"There you are!" a voice cried out.

He turned to see his brother coming as Thunderlane said, "Soarin told me everything, you doing okay?" he put a hoof on his shoulder.

Rumble moved away from his grasp and scoffed, "No. How can I be? The love of my life is going to be force to move away from her home, away from her family, her friends… Me…" he hung his head.

Thunder sympathetically looked on and inquired, "You're sure that he won't reconsider?"

Rumble let out a mocking laugh, "I'm telling you, Thunder there's no reasoning with that guy! He was disrespectful to me, my friends and to Soarin and Rainbow Dash! And on top of that he treats Scootaloo like she's incapable of doing anything! And the same goes for his wife!"

Thunder frowned, "That is bad… I certainly don't want Scootaloo going with him if he's just going to treat her like that when he actually has her."

"Exactly! And the fact he didn't let her have a say in her fate is what is making me so mad!" he kicked the sand again and went back to pacing while muttering.

Thunderlane watched on with sadness before his eyes slowly lit up and went straight the Dash house.

Scootaloo was crying on her bed, with Rainbow and the twins lying next her as they sniffled with her. The boys were absolutely heartbroken when they were told their sister had to leave in two weeks and they begged her not to go.

Soarin was by the door abhorring the sight of his grieving family, his own tears were threatening to escape him at the thought of losing his daughter to such a horrid stallion then suddenly he heard a knock at the front door and went to it.

He opened it to see Thunderlane and told him, "Sorry Thunder now's not a good time…"

"I know but I think I have the answer to your problem."

Soarin's eyes widen and went out to join him while closing the door behind him. "What is it?"

"Okay, just hear me out on this… I know it's sudden and completely stupid but really it's the only solution we have."

Soarin's brow went up, "Should I be concern if you're about to commit doing something illegal?"

"No! If anything I'm hoping to make something legal so that Don Gold Digger will have no say in Scootaloo's life anymore."

"Then what? Unless…?" his eyes widen at the idea and gawked at Thunderlane.

The stallion nodded as he said, "Believe or not but Rumble has been saving up for awhile now and today I saw him over by the abandoned villa not far from here. He wanted to fix it up so it would be ready by next year for when he would propose to her. Are you upset?"

Soarin was in a daze by what he heard before shaking his head in amusement, "Oh my gosh, that kid… yet I know it shouldn't come as a surprise to me given how close they've been these past seven years. I knew it was going to happen eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon…"

"Yeah I know, even I was taken aback by how elaborate his plan was, it just goes to show how much he loves her."

"It does…" he beamed, "And that makes me all the more prouder of him. You know while you were in that coma, and when Dash and I finally reunited we went after the Water Rose that could cure you, I told her that Rumble was like a son to me. And now, if we let them go through with this then that statement will be become a reality. I would be honored to call him my son-in-law."

Thunderlane smiled and the two shook on it.

"Of course, I will need to consult my wife on this before any arrangements can be made."

Thunder winced, "I sure hope she'll take it well."

Soarin cringed, "So do I…"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Rainbow shouted.

Soarin shushed her while they were down in the cellar, knowing now he made the right choice in bringing her down here first before telling her the idea.

Dash lowered her voice but she still ranted, "You want Scootaloo and Rumble to get married now?!"

"I know sweetheart, but you know as well as I do that it's the only way since Gold Digger wants to take our daughter away, but this way, she's married to the colt she loves and they will be staying in that old villa down the street, and honestly it's just that perfect, because we would still have our daughter and the boys will still have their sister around."

Rainbow mulled over his words and realized that her husband was right and as much as she didn't want her daughter to get married so soon but at this point Gold Digger has forced their hoof into the matter so what choice did they have?

With a sigh she said, "Okay then… Let's get ready for a wedding." making a sad smile which her husband returned and they embraced.

Over the rest of the week, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Thunderlane recruited their friends and Rumble's friends to help fix up the villa, they also told Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom their plan much to their joy and delight but they had to keep it a secret from the lovebirds and had to waylay them from the villa. It worked for the most part but they hated seeing Scootaloo and Rumble so depressed when they knew a better future awaited them.

Finally the day came when the villa was finished and it looked brand new. The group looked on with pride of their handy work and then Thunder went to go get Rumble whom he found in the tavern drinking his sorrows away.

"That's enough of that." he motioned his little brother away.

Rumble struggled in his grip, "Just leave me be, Thunder, I have a right to drown in cider you know."

"And I'm here to tell you, you don't and I'll show you why."

Rumble grumbled under his breath and followed after him.

In moments the brothers were at the villa and Rumble's head was hanging down until he lifted it and gasped at the sight before him.

"Wha-what…? It's… I don't believe it!" he turned to the group smiling at him, "You… you did this? All of you?"

Soarin and Rainbow approached him with bright smiles with the stallion said, "We did. Thunder told me of your plan and knowing it was the only way we can still keep Scootaloo around we pitched in to make it real…"

Rumble was so touched by the gesture he almost actually cried! Then he inquired, "So… does this mean I officially have your blessings?" he looked on hopefully.

Husband and wife looked at each other with smiles before Rainbow replied to the young stallion, "It does, but I'm warning you right now mister that you better take good care of her or else."

He declared, "I will! I swear! Cause it's all I ever want for her!"

Dash smirked, "Glad to hear it."

Soarin smiled, "Now you better hurry there's only three days left before Gold Digger comes back."

Rumble made a determined look and nodded before he rushed off with a skip in his step.

Scootaloo sadly sighed as she was packing her things in a trunk and looked around her almost empty room with only the portrait of her and her family still hanging on the wall making her sigh even more as she took it down and put it in the trunk. Suddenly she heard the front slamming open and a shout.


She gawked and raced down the steps as Rumble ran in the living room looking like a madstallion with a delirious smile on his face.

"Rumble what-" before she can finish he grabbed her making her yelp as he twirled her around as she called out, "What is going on?! Why are you so happy?!"

"Because our dreams are about to come true, Scoots!"

"What?! What are you talking?!"

"The villa! They fixed it up for us! Your parents, my brother, our friends, they all chipped in to help! Now we can get married!"

She let out a gasp then a sequel, hugging him tightly.

Then realizing what he said he stopped and blushed, "Um, that is… do you want to marry me?"

Scootaloo playfully replied, "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!" and kissed his cheek.

Then they stared each other warmly and kissed on the lips lost in the bliss.

While by the front door, their families and friends were crowded together to see the proposal and had proud smiles on their faces.

Not wasting a moment, they spent the rest of the day getting ready and went straight to the castle as the king was going to preside on their behalf once RD and Soarin told him the problem and he told them he would be honored to do it especially for the young ponies that stopped the Storm King during the invasion.

The only thing wrong with this ceremony was that they couldn't invite everyone they knew given the distance and there was no time to get the invitations out. Heck Rarity had to work overtime during the last two weeks just so Scootaloo had a proper wedding dress to wear!

The people that were there were waiting in the throne room with Rumble standing next to the king and his friends were with him as ushers and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were the bridesmaids while Whirl Wind and Hail Storm were carrying the rings on separate pillows. Rumble rubbed their heads affectionately making them smile, for as long as they knew Rumble they wanted him as a brother and finally that dream was about to come and they were thankful he helped their sister out by doing this.

Finally the ceremony started with an orchestra playing the wedding march as Scootaloo entered the room escorted by her parents even though she wished her Aunt Holiday was here to see this but knew it was for the best considering. She smiled straight at her groom and he smiled in return.

To Rumble she was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen as she made her way to him.

When reaching the end, Rainbow kissed her forehead and Soarin did the same before moving her hoof to Rumble's and nodded in approval before he and Rainbow moved back to join the others.

Neighsay than spoke, "Friends, we're gathered here today to join this young couple in matrimony. As you all know these two ponies have been through a lot together and it's truly inspiring that they wish to unite their bond further… So with that said… Do you Rumble take this young mare to be your wedded wife?"

"I do." he stated happily.

"And do you Scootaloo, take this young stallion to be your wedded husband?"

"I do!" she smiled.

"May I have the rings please?" he asked the twins.

The boys held their pillows out as Neighsay used his magic to put the rings around the couple's necks as he proclaimed, "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Congratulations."

The newly married couple kissed as everyone around them cheered though Rainbow and Soarin and Thunderlane were tearing up and Rarity had to provide them with handkerchiefs.

After a quick reception at the castle, Rumble and Scootaloo made it to the villa where he scooped her up bridal-style and flew her across the threshold. Then made it to the bedroom where they would share from now on. They stared at it in disbelief before facing each other with Rumble saying.

"Well… This is it…"

"Yeah…" she uttered.

"We um, don't have to if you do want to…"

"Do you?"

"Well, I would but what you do you think?"

She moved his face closer to hers, "I think… we've waited long enough…" she seductively smiled making him do the same as he laid her on the bed with him on top. She continued, "I've been waiting since we were kids, and now that we're married I finally have you."

He slightly chuckled, "I feel the same way… I can't imagine how my life would have turned out without you Scoots… " he sighed in relief, "At least I didn't turn into an actual bandit…"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that…"


She seductively smirked at him again and wrapped her hooves around his face, "You stole my heart…"

That made his own heart pound like crazy and he smirked back, "Is that so?" and right away he started kissing her fervently.

While the temperature was getting colder outside for Rumble and Scootaloo it was going to get much warmer inside.