Night Fang and Loki Stories

by Rattlesnake316

Ship It Like Fed-ex (A Wallflower and Scrap Love Story)

Loki’s P.O.V. (Throughout the story until Scrap’s parts and the prom part)

There she was again, that one girl no one ever seemed to notice, letting everyone walk all over her while seeming mute to the world.

No one saw her and to be honest, no one seemed to care at all for the green-haired girl, she seemed to be used to being forgotten, all alone in her little world to herself.

That was until I decided to notice her.

Let me explain, it was just another normal school day for me, people clamouring for my attention, Water Lilly by my side, Night Fang was doing something with my friend Scrap involving science for the upcoming hearts and hooves day shtick.

That’s when I saw her, she wasn’t hard to spot, she was just sat on the nearest bench outside the school, face deep in her gardening book, something about petunias I gathered.

Why this girl interested me, I could never tell, but I noticed that since Sunset and the others befriended her, she had gone back to being forgotten again, nope I wasn’t having it.


Once I got free of the horde of people and got outside, she wasn’t there any more.

“Damn, where’d she go?”

She moved quickly for someone who was hardly noticeable, this gave Loki a new challenge.

“Game on girl.”

Sometime in the week

“Not too long now till Hearts and Hooves Day, students are reminded they must submit their cards for the student body by next Wednesday.”

The usual shuffle through school, with the big romance day being on this Friday and the dance next Wednesday, we’d just been reminded to submit cards to the members of the student body.

So why was I currently surrounded by some of the female student body, the one time I wished Lily was not ill that day.

Well, I was busy trying to sell Scrap Shot off to the first girl who wanted him, the only way to get rid of his loneliness.

“That’s right ladies and gentlemen, for no fee, you can date this bonafide stud muffin, always wanted a mix of brains, a great body and a down to earth guy, in no particular order.”

I winked at the girl nearest to me, causing her to faint, making me chuckle as I say to myself with a small smirk.

"These girls are eating this up, I may have found Scrap a long term girlfriend."

Despite my best attempt to hide my scheming smirk, Scrap looked at me worried and slightly disturbed.

The girls soon started making their bids with various items (PG of course).

Me being me, I decided to look at the various items thrown around Scrap Shot, some, of course, were so many unmentionables, that the blush on my face and the nose bleed threatening to shoot from my nose, could not comprehend it all.

“Ok, so we have some car keys, 50 bucks, 100 phone numbers and some very racy underwear...”

I noticed the girl who had thrown them, it was one of Scrap’s friends, Minuette, making me smirk before looking at other stuff.

One thing that did catch my eye, was a single flower.

“...And a single rose.”

After reading the tag on it, I noticed it was from the girl I was chasing down before I scanned the crowd and spotted the girl from before, trying not to make herself seen by me which caused me to smile warmly before getting the ladies attention.

“Ok ladies, if there are no more bids, then Scrap has found his date for the valentines dance. But due to the private nature of this girl, I will not announce it publicly, so thank you all for coming.”

Despite the groans of disappointment from the ladies in attendance, they soon dispersed, leaving me alone with Scrap and the girl who didn’t want to be seen.

“Loki, what’s going on?”

Scrap asks me curiously, but before I answer, I motion to the girl to come over, despite initial hesitation, she walks over.

“Scrap Shot, meet Wallflower Blush, Wallflower, this is my best buddy Scrap and you two...”

I place them together in front of me before speaking again.

“...Are dates for the dance next Wednesday.

I will monitor your progress and hopefully, something comes out of it for the both of you.”

The two looked like deers in the headlights, and it was freaking adorable.

Plus I was doing my friend a favour, since every time he hooked up with a girl, it lasted weeks, my hope was for him to get a long-time girlfriend.

The shyness between the two was a start.

The Next Day

Getting my books from my locker, I was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Wallflower Blush, looking adorably shy, as per usual, stood waiting for me to close my locker door before I acknowledged her.

“Can I help you Wallflower, you seem lost.”

The words seemed lost to her, I could tell she wasn’t used to people speaking to her before.

Today was no different.

With a gentle sigh, I spoke for her.

“Is this because of the auction yesterday?”

I got my confirmation with a soft nod, making me sigh with a smile before speaking.

“I’m all ears, what’s on your mind?”

Realising I was someone who she could confide in, she spoke.

“I wanted to thank you for not announcing I was Scrap’s date yesterday, you boosted my confidence setting me up with him, I never could work up the nerve to ask him myself, considering...”

I had to stop her there.

“Look, Scrap needs to know that a girl wants a long term with him.

He and Sour Sweet from Crystal Prep only lasted 8 months because she left him for some guy in Cloudsdale, so now is the best time to open himself up to a relationship, plus I’m sick of dragging him out to nightclubs and him shooting down my efforts because of his stubborn ass…

I feel this is my last chance to make something work for him.”

With that, I pat Wallflower on the shoulder before walking away to meet my girlfriend.

Later That Day


Ah, my favourite part of the day.

Explaining to Scrap Shot my idea, only for this stubborn asshole to shoot me down, yet again, Sigh, OK, time to bring out my argument.

“Dude, you and Wallflower are compatible, you know nothing about her, which is good by the way, you can learn by getting with her, she only knows the stories she heard about you, show her something to dispel them, plus, she’s up for it to boost her confidence.”

Scrap looks at me with a downtrodden look before I speak again after slapping him upside the head.

“Trust me, this time, my plan will work, I just need your stubborn ass to work for me this time instead of shooting it down like you always do.”

Scrap sighs again before looking at me again and speaking.

“OK Loki, what did you have in mind?”

The cheesiness of the Cheshire cat grin adorned on my face caused my buddy to be concerned at what I had planned for his date.

Saturday Morning (Scrap’s P.O.V.)

I must admit, I haven’t felt this nervous since Fleur De Lee was my girlfriend.

Loki sat next to me in the mall food court, he was chowing down on one of the burgers he’d ordered while I ate a panini.

Man why did I let him talk me into these things, I couldn’t face Wallflower Blush like this, oh boy was I nervous.

Loki must have read my mind because when he finished his orange and lemon slushee, he looked at me and said.

“You OK over there bud? you look you witnessed a train wreck somewhere.”

With that, I let a light chuckle escape me before I answered him.

“Just sweating this date you’ve set me upon, I’m worried I’ll mess up.”

Loki looks at me with a smirk before clapping my shoulder and saying.

“Trust me, Wallflower will love you, just turn on that Scrap Shot charm and you’re good to

don't turn into a sleazeball, then I would chase you out of town with my brother’s baseball bat for messing up my plan.”

We both laugh, it was good that I had a friend like Loki, feel like crap, need a laugh, take 1 Loki and call me in the morning and you’ll never feel blue again.

Without warning, while I was starting to eat, Loki says.

“Heads up and play it cool, your lady has arrived.”

At Loki’s words, I nearly choked on my panini before I looked to the entrance and there she was, OK Scrap, don’t mess this up.

Oh who am I kidding, I felt like shit, I was going to ruin Loki’s plan before it even began and then I’d have a metal bat around my skull the next day.

OK, breathe Scrap Shot, turn on your charm or just be your usual dorky self and scare her away with your awkwardness, actually don’t do the last part of my second plan, definitely don’t do that you dumbass.

Before I knew it, Wallflower was stood before me in all her shy glory.

Cute little light green sundress on her petite frame which hugged all the right places, she wore leggings underneath along with light green pumps with a floral design on them, my god she was gorgeous, so why couldn’t I say anything.

It’s OK, however, Wallflower Blush was in the same boat as me, goddammit why was she so adorable.

Thank goodness for Loki being the first to speak.

“Well, Wallflower, who’d have thought for your first ever date, you’d be going around Canterlot mall with this guy huh, don’t let his playboy look fool you, he’s a sweetheart who just loves commitment to the fullest, ain’t that right Scrap me ol’ son.”

I couldn’t form the words in my mouth, Wallflower Blush had me at a loss for words, that was until I felt something stamp on my foot making me yell in anger until I noticed that Loki had tried to get me to speak, so regaining my composure, I spoke.

“Indeed, just never thought I’d be dating someone as lovely as you Miss Blush.

Red Flag waving, I had gone into my charming sleaze bag mode, I soon brought myself out of it after Loki cut motion with his hand against his neck, indicating it was the wrong thing before she spoke quietly.

“Thank you, I don’t see myself as lovely but I tried to make some sort of effort for you since I don’t know you that well Scrap.”

OH MY GOD, STOP BEING SO FREAKING ADORABLE, I was internally screaming to myself but before I could speak, Loki sounded off.

“Good to see you two future lovebirds connecting, whelp, I’ll leave you guys to it and maybe I’ll see you two holding hands at the end of this or wanting a second date.

Me, I’m heading to the ol’ arcade to play Prime ape 2: Streets of Mephistopheles, so I’ll see you later on since I was Scrap’s chauffeur today and he owes me petrol money.

Have fun.”

With that, Loki left me with my date, and that’s when the awkwardness descended upon the two of us.

So, me being the gentleman, I spoke first.

“So...want to grab a smoothie or watch a movie, maybe do some window shopping?”

Wallflower looks at me before nodding with a small smile before answering.

“A smoothie sounds good.”

Wallflower answers and then we are on our way.

Once we had grabbed our smoothies, I got to know Wallflower Blush a little better, and her to know me better, as we talked and talked about random stuff we both found amusing or just sharing interests from our favourite hobbies to other random crap, we shared it all.

Once she was fully warmed up to me, I decided to head to the arcade with her, but instead of being lured into the temptation of joining my friend Loki on the Prime Ape 2 machine and being a dick to the girl I’m on the date with, I went on the grabber machines.

While Wallflower watched in amazement that I’d managed to con the con machines with ease, winning a plushie of a kitten which I gifted to Wallflower, making her smile in thanks at the thoughtful gift.

At of the corner of my eye, I noticed Loki had snook a look at us two during the exchange of the gift, could have sworn I saw him smile until I saw him getting owned by a 12-year-old at the arcade machine, Wallflower notices this and looks back at me with a confused look.

“You don’t find me boring do you?”

Oh shit, she must think I want to abandon her to go join Loki on the cabinet in the corner.

When I looked at her looking sad, I sighed.

“Look, Wallflower, if it was any other girl, I’d tell her to do one so I could join Loki on Prime Ape, but with you, I think I want to spend time with you more.”

Her face brightened up slightly before I continued.

“I was super nervous at how this was going to go today but I think, I’ve done well to show you a good time if you think I have that is.”

My answer was given in the form of a hug, which I happily returned.

Once we disengaged, we carried on with our date, away from the arcade and into pastures new, we went to the stores in the mall and I never thought I’d see myself having fun in an unknown part of this place except when I’m in the computer store.

But today, I just wanted to show Wallflower Blush I could be a good potential boyfriend to her and try and bring her out of her shell and open up more to me, and me being my goofy self certainly helped my cause with the shy girl.

Later after Coming out of the Cinema

“OK, after that, I’m exhausted, think it’s time we dragged Loki out of wherever he is this time and go home.”

Wallflower giggles at me, causing a small smile to grace my lips before we set off to find Loki, only to find him being thrown out of an adult store by security.


When Loki realised me and my date were stood watching him, he rubs his head in embarrassment before speaking.

“Sorry about that, some jackass couldn’t handle one of my jokes so they threw me out of one of my girl's favourite stores.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle before I felt Loki’s eyes boring into my hand, not noticing Wallflower’s hand was there, interlocked fingers and all.

Mission Accomplished.

Wallflower’s house, Sometime Later (Back to Loki’s P.O.V.)

Took you long enough to get back to me, anyway, with my eyes focused on the road ahead of me despite being parked up.

I kept my eyes on my passengers as they stood on Wallflowers doorstep.

I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I know Scrap received a kiss on the cheek before Wallflower bade him goodnight and Scrap ran down the pathway, jumping in happiness before he got into the car in the shotgun seat.

The first question I asked was.

“So, is it a done deal?”

Scrap couldn’t help but sigh in relief while I pulled away in the car and he began explaining that she enjoyed her very first date so much, she wanted to go get lunch after school on Monday.

I was happy for the guy, really I was, he has finally overcome the label that his ex had placed on him months ago, let’s just say I’m not gonna repeat what she said to him.

Just trust me on this, you readers don’t want to know.

Once I’d drop Scrap off home, I set off myself, wondering what the next few days would offer.

Next Week

After finding out what I found out, I was fuming, no not fuming, furious.

Remember the dinner date I mentioned that happened yesterday, two words.

Sour Sweet.

Yep, Scrap’s ex-girlfriend had humiliated Wallflower in front of everyone and now she was refusing to talk to Scrap.

The first person who just happened to note I was fuming, none other than my girlfriend, who knew my look from anywhere when I was peeved.

“Someone ruined something of yours Loki?”

I look at Lily before going back to the staring contest with my drink, taking my silence as a yes, Lily pipes up again.

“Look, Loki, you tried your best, you can’t help one of our friend’s exes ruining something you worked hard to set up.”

With that, I stand up with a sigh and look at my girlfriend in the eyes.

“It’s time for plan B and it involves prom, Lil, find Wallflower Blush, I’ll drag Scrap Shot and we’ll work this out between them.”

Lily nods before I leap from my seat to activate my plan, first by grabbing Scrap by his ear while he is sat with Minuette to the cry of “What the hell Loki!” while Water Lily gently coaxes Wallflower to follow her.

THE Room

“First off, sorry for dragging you here you two but I can’t let your blossoming relationship go to the dogs as it did because of SOMEONE’S EX-GIRLFRIEND.”

Scrap looks down guiltily before I pipe back up.

“Now, first of all, Scrap Shot, you should have defended Wallflower instead of sitting there like you have no balls when Sour Sweet is dressing her down.”

Scrap was about to defend himself but I cut him off.

“I didn’t set that date up last week for nothing Scrap, I want you to get a girlfriend and keep her this time and you can’t do that if your sat feeling sorry for yourself.

Now, I’m going to leave this room, you two better have made up by the time I come back, otherwise, I’m whooping both your asses.”

With that, I left them to it.

Hours later

As time passed and the talking ceased. I decided to check on them, only to find the two holding hands while facing each other in their seats.

Deciding to leave them be, I gently closed the door and gave the thumbs up to Lily before I walked out into the hall with the biggest smirk on my face.

Another relationship saved thanks to yours truly, I thank you.

Now onto the main issue, Rattlesnake, cut to the next day please, I’m done here.

Wednesday Evening, Night of the Valentines Dance

Thank you, Mr Author, now, I know what you guys are thinking, Loki, what are you wearing for tonight's dance?

Well, dear reader, I settled on a smart t-shirt and jeans with my slip-on shoes from my first date with Lily.

Scrap, the loveable lug, decided to go for something similar, except his shirt said ‘Geek O’clock’ on it.

His idea, not mine.

He also wore black jeans and sneakers because considering who is date was and the fact she liked Scrap when he dressed casual, that’s what he went with.

Travelling in my car besides Scrap was my other friend in my version of the humane six, this time it was Crystal Shield, Crystal Lance’s older brother and former army man.

This dude was a pure badass and a sweetheart, but mostly here to be security for the event and I had offered to give him a lift when I picked up Scrap and his date for the dance.

Wallflower’s House

Once we had pulled up outside, Me and Shield noticed Scrap was sweating bullets, until Shield slapped Scrap hard on the back before saying.

“Well we’re here geekzilla, go get your date.”

Scrap looked at Crystal like he was crazy until I stepped in by speaking.

“Ease up your nerves Scrap, just remember, you want this relationship to work, don’t get cold feet now bud.”

With a gulp, Scrap got out of my car and set off up the front path while me and Crystal Shield offered our commentary while watching it unfold.

“Ok, he’s at the door, he seems to be hesitating for some reason, come on dumbass, knock or ring the freaking doorbell.”

That was my side of things, Shields...well.

“He’s gonna blow it, Loke, he looks ready to run like a scalded dog with a liver tail.”

I couldn’t agree more, This one situation caused me to climb out of my window and look over the roof and shout.


The reaction was Scrap jumping out of his skin and quickly knocking on the door in a panic.

Making me laugh to myself just as Crystal had just gotten out of the car and stood menacingly against the door with his arms crossed as it felt like ages before Scrap’s date answered.

We watched the whole thing go well, ‘cept for her old man showing up and nearly cocking it all up for Scrap.

The poor guy was already a wreck, he didn’t need some dude with a gun on his ass.

Deciding this was the best time to step in, Crystal Shield walked over to the front door.

Trust me reader, when a hulking 6’10 gentle giant walks over, you best have a good reason for the delay otherwise Shield is on your ass like an evil drill sergeant.

Luckily once Shield showed up, it all went smoothly before the two in question was escorted over by the towering hulk of a man, I was crapping bricks, I honestly thought something was going to go wrong, but once the two lovers got in the car, we were on the move to the school.

School (No P.O.V.)

Once all four of them pulled up at school, the dance was just getting started with all the couples filling into the building.

With the car parked in the lot and Loki making his way over to his girlfriend, Scrap and Wallflower stood out front.

Wallflower was hanging back, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Scrap who took her hand and squeezed it gently, making Wallflower smile shyly at her boyfriend before they walked into the building.

School Gym

Once the two walked into the hall, Scrap was at a loss for words, Pinkie Pie had really outdone herself this time with the theme and decorations for tonight’s dance, there was the odd wallflower on the wall (pun intended) because they didn’t want to work up the courage to go dance with their crushes or best friends.

The obvious two wallflowers being Night Fang and Wallflower Blush, Scrap had gone to get some punch, but Night Fang, being the guy he is, saw this as his chance to finally speak to Wallflower.

“Scrap’s new girlfriend huh, Wallflower is it?”

Wallflower looked confused at first until she realised Night Fang was indeed talking to her, this gave him his cue to continue.

“Look if you’re wondering why I’m talking to you, it’s because I've known you for ages, it’s just that, with what happened with the sirens, I haven’t had chance to speak much with you, believe me, I have noticed you.”

Night Fang noticed Scrap talking to Midnight Luna and Sunset Shimmer causing Night Fang to pull himself off the wall and say to Wallflower in leaving.

“I’m gonna drag him over here, it’s not right he’s left you by yourself.”

With that Night Fang headed over to the punch table.


“So where is your date Scrap, I didn’t see her come in with you?”

Midnight asks curiously until Night Fang stepped in with a serious look on his face.

“HIS date is stood by the wall, wondering why her boyfriend hasn’t returned with her drink.”

Scrap looks over at Wallflower Blush stood by herself bored making him gulp before looking at Night Fang who has his brow raised before Scrap says.

“I’ll just head back then, nice seeing you two.”

With that Scrap scurried away, this caused Night Fang to sigh, Sunset took this as her cue to speak.

“I take it Scrap has a habit of leaving his dates high and dry?”

Night Fang nods.

“He’s scared is all, Loki best push him in the right direction otherwise I have a baseball bat fit for round his head.”

This causes Sunset to shake her head with a smirk before we see Night Fang motion to Loki on the DJ decks about Scrap.

With Loki

Seeing his brother signal to him, Loki nodded before playing some slow music before announcing on the mic, while he was stood with said track spinning.

“Now, will all the couples make their way to the dance floor as we slow it down with some ol’ Loki mood-enhancing music because your best friend Loki has just what you need on this Saturday night.”

With track spinning, Loki notices Scrap gently prying his girlfriend off the wall for a dance, she rejected at first but Loki called over on the microphone.

“You know something guys, let’s get some motivation going, I have two friends who just recently got together and he’s having a hard time getting her to dance, so, COME ON SCRAP SHOT, get up and dance.”

Despite the growing redness on Scrap and Wallflower’s face, Scrap held a hand out to Wallflower and says.

“May I have this dance?”

Despite her reluctance, Wallflower nods shyly before taking Scrap’s hand and moving onto the dance floor with the others.

Even despite her shyness and reluctance, she laid her head on Scrap’s chest and danced like there was only Scrap in the room.

Sunset was the first to notice the two while dancing with Night Fang making her d’aww at the sight making Night Fang look at her inquisitively before asking.

“What’s got you so loved up my love?”

Sunset still looked at the two when she said.

“Reminds me of the first time I danced with you back at the Gala, you were just like Scrap is with Wallflower.”

Night Fang noticed this too before answering.

“Shy yet easing into the swing of things with the girl he loves.”

Sunset nods before they blended in with the crowd and danced away without a care in the world.

Sometime Later

Once the booze was brought out, Night Fang was straight to the built-in bar with Sunset and the others.

Scrap, however, was stood outside, nursing the gin in his hand while watching the night sky while Wallflower was still inside enjoying herself with the other girls.

Scrap sighed in content, Loki had done it again for him and this time nothing would go wrong.

‘cept for one thing.

“Scrap, how are you?”

Scrap nearly spat his gin out when Sour Sweet walked up to him, in jeans and a t-shirt, Scrap was nearly physically ill before he spoke.

“You shouldn’t be here Sour Sweet, the girls find out, you’re in for it.”

Sour Sweet pfft’d at the threat before walking over and wrapping her arms around Scrap, making him sweat nervously.

“You think Wallflower is something, she can’t even defend herself as I picked her heart apart, piece by pathetic peace and all she could do was run and cry.”

Scrap knew he couldn’t hit a woman, even if it was tempting to put Sour Sweet in her place, his weakness was his undoing as Sour Sweet continued.

“We all know you still want me, I saw your posts online.”

“THOSE, were from last year and you know it, now leave me alone.”

When Sour continued to throw herself on him a voice broke it up.


Like a house on fire and rage in her eyes, Wallflower ran out and separated the two with surprising strength.

When she was about to ask Scrap if he was OK, Sour Sweet punched Wallflower square in the nose, causing her to fall to the ground in pain with Sour shouting.


What Sour Sweet wasn’t expecting was Water Lily to come running out of the hall, heels and all, and take Sour Sweet down with a rugby tackle before lacing into her with punches, only to be dragged off by Scrap Shot and Loki as she shouted so many explicits at Sour Sweet.

Before her other friend, Indigo Zapp could join in and get at the restrained teen, Sunset stepped in and clocked her with a right hook to the jaw causing the two to run off like cowards as Sunset and Water Lily stood tall.


Lily shouted at their retreating forms before turning to the downed Wallflower Blush who’s nose was bleeding heavily from the shot, luckily it was only a popped nose so nothing was broken.

She was soon helped to her feet by Water Lily who couldn’t help but hug the crying girl as she sobbed into her friend's shoulder.

Scrap just stood like a deer in the headlights, that was until Lily and Sunset walked the crying Wallflower over to Scrap.

Once she reached him, they held each other tight before Wallflower says between sobs.

“I don’t want to be alone tonight Scrap, can I sleep at yours tonight?”

Scrap looked at his girlfriend lovingly before nodding and kissing her forehead in the hug, despite the violence.

These two were going to be together for quite a while.