//------------------------------// // Sunset Vs. Night Fang's 22nd Birthday // Story: Night Fang and Loki Stories // by Rattlesnake316 //------------------------------// Night Fang and Loki Short Stories Chapter 1, Story 1 Sunset Shimmer vs. Night Fang's 22nd Birthday Party With alarm clock going off. A hand knocks it off the bedside table with a straight right punch, sending the annoyance crashing to the laminate floor below. This is Night Fang, and today was not going to be his day, at all. As he turned to his side, he noticed his girlfriend was not on her side of the bed. With a groan, he dragged himself out of bed and shuffled himself into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once in the bathroom, however, he let out an agitated growl, the cause of his agitation. Placed on the bathroom mirror, he saw a post-it note from Sunset Shimmer which said. "DO NOT OPEN, Especially you Night Fang -Sunset Shimmer xxx." Night groaned in agitation. His girlfriend had to put a post it on the one cupboard that had his deodorant and his shaving foam in. "You've got some bad timing babe." With a sigh in defeat at not being able to shave or put on his antiperspirant, Night Fang resorted to using his roll-on deodorant on the countertop on the sink before using the shaving cream from the side of the sink to get rid of his five o’clock shadow. Downstairs Heading downstairs to try and start his day right at least with some breakfast, Night Fang heard noises coming from the back room of the house. “Great, now we have home invaders.” Night Fang mumbled to himself as he grabbed his baseball bat from the side of the living room door before he entered the living room. Living Room With bat raised, he noticed the back room was closed off. When he tried the handle to the door, he noticed the voices in the back room hush before quick footsteps came to meet him, but when he did have the bat raised. As quick as a flash, he nearly caved his girlfriend’s, Sunset Shimmers face in if she hadn’t have stopped him after appearing and quickly closing the door behind her. When she turned to face a very confused, angry and agitated boyfriend in her wake with a bat in hand, she had a bright flustered look on her face from her boyfriend's sudden appearance. "Honey, good morning, I didn't know you'd woke up." Sunset says with a kiss to her boyfriend. With funny look plastered on his face and bat now by his side, Sunset quickly explained why there was noise in the back room. "Scrap Shot is fixing the TV and Loki is helping Water Lily mow the lawn." Night Fang’s eyebrow raised before saying. "Sunset, we can't trust Loki with a lawn mower after what he did to Rarity's rose garden remember, or did you finally trust him to be supervised this time?" Sunset cringed at the memory. She remembered every last detail of an angry and crying Rarity trying to murder Loki for mowing over her prized floral arrangement. When she shook herself out of the memory, she looked back at her boyfriend with a sheepish smile. Unaware that Night had walked right by her as he said. "Just let me through to the back room, I can help Loki..." At that moment, Sunset's saviour came in the form of Fluttershy, who spotted the agitated man trying to get into the back and spoke gently to him. "Night Fang, are you forgetting you were supposed to be helping me at the shelter today." Night Fang ended up facepalming for his own stupidity. “Damn it, I knew there was something I was supposed to do today. Just let me get something from the kitchen...” Sunset, however, took this opportunity to shoo her boyfriend out of the door. When he did try to turn back around, Sunset was just that bit quicker and handed him his lunch and kissed him goodbye leaving the man confused at Sunset’s eagerness to get rid of him. All this was happening as Fluttershy tried to drag Night by his arm. Obviously failing as the meek girl was basically walking in her own dust before Night walked slowly behind her. Back in the house With relief evident on her face. Sunset wiped the sweat from her brow as she watched Night Fang pull off in his car with Fluttershy. “That was too close. Any sooner and he’d have discovered what was really going on.” Sunset said to herself. As she turned to go in the back and finish her work. An almighty crash came from the room. “What in the name of Celestia was that?” Sunset asked. As she entered the room, her heart sank. As she saw the back room in complete shambles, equipment is broken, food table trashed and all other assortments, strewn all over the place. With one look, scratch that, glare at the people stood in the room, they all quickly pointed to Loki as the culprit. Who was stood with a bemused look on his face after testing out the sound system. When Loki noticed Sunset Shimmer was glaring a hole in him, he laughed nervously before waving. This caused Sunset to feel like screaming at Loki, but at the same time, felt like crying. All that hard work she had done to make sure her boyfriend’s surprise was perfect, poof, down the drain, with one look at the destroyed back room, she ran out of the door. With Night Fang "OK sweeties, feeding time..." Fluttershy says to her animal friends as they appeared at the front of their cages and holding pens ready for their food. As Fluttershy passed the food out on one side of the cages, Night Fang served food on the other side. All was going smoothly, Night Fang was enjoying himself and that’s all that mattered, Fluttershy’s distraction was going smoothly. Just as Fluttershy had served the last animal, her phone began playing 'Say Hey' by Michael Franti. With one look at the caller ID. Her eyes widened when she saw Sunset Shimmer’s name appear. Excusing herself, she answered the phone, almost regretting it when she had to hold her phone away from her ear as she received an almighty scream of anger and agitation down her end of the phone before the speaker eventually calmed down enough to speak. Fluttershy was the first to speak as she asked. "Sunset what happened now?" There was a pause until Sunset spoke. "Fluttershy, I need you to really do me a solid, STALL. MY. BOYFRIEND!" Night Fang looked at Fluttershy after that last bit was literally shouted down the girl’s phone from the other end. This one occurrence made Fluttershy laugh nervously before she set the dumbstruck male a new task while she took the call. Outside "Seriously, you let Loki near something, don’t you remember what happened at Rarity’s." "I know that now, it's been ages since the incident at Rarity's and I I thought Loki could be trusted for five minutes, know...I don't know. I worked so hard on getting everything ready that I just nearly started crying on the spot before leaving the house, how is he anyway?." Fluttershy just rolled her eyes before looking in the shop and noticed Night Fang speeding through his tasks making her panic, but she held her nerve. "Oh he’s fine, I'll stall him, just be quick with what you are doing, he's speeding through everything like speedy Gonzales..." SMASH followed by Night Fang yelling 'runaway hamsters' making Fluttershy sigh angrily. "...See you later Sunset." With Sunset Shimmer Speeding down the freeway at nearly 80 miles per hour. Sunset had just got off the phone to Fluttershy before she made a drifted left turn into Sweet Apple Acres, her car came to a sudden halt after she nearly crashed into Applejack who held out one leg and halted the car to a standstill, shocking Sunset Shimmer. The drawback was Aj's strength had left a huge dent in the front bumper of Sunset’s car making the woman get increasingly angry until Applejack spoke casually. "What can I do ya for Sunset?" Getting out of the car, Sunset looked straight at Applejack and nearly shouted at her. "I need more hard cider kegs." Applejack didn't even need to guess what had happened for Sunset to be this angry. As she motioned for Sunset to follow her to the barn where the cider was stored. Applejack asked. “I’m guessing someone let Loki test the speakers.” Sunset looked at Applejack bemused until Aj showed Sunset her phone with the text from Scrap Shot, on it, Scrap had sent a video of Loki with the speakers blowing up in his face after testing the microphone. Inside The Barn When they entered the barn. Sunset's soul felt like cracking even further. The storage where Aj kept her orders, was empty. With no barrel in sight. Aj placed a hand on her friend's shoulder as the tears nearly started falling, no she wasn't going to give in that easy. In Applejack's truck As Sunset told each of her friends over the phone what Loki had done which had caused mixed reactions of anger, surprise and laughter from Rainbow Dash until Sunset explained that Loki had run over Rainbow's soccer ball with the lawnmower which set her to angry. The objective was simple, clean up and redo Night Fang's 22nd Birthday Bash. And so began the long arduous task of finding everything that they had. Later Every store the girls went to was a bust as they had sold out of what they wanted for the bash, which at that point had caused Sunset to mentally break down. When they got back to the house however they noticed Loki was stood outside waiting for his scolding from Sunset Shimmer and the girls before he spoke. "If I may speak for myself...for just one moment before I end up not being a friend any more, I want to apologize for ruining my big sister and my best friend's hard work that they put into my brother's birthday party, I know I may be seen as clumsy but I hope I have made it up to you by this kind gesture." Loki motioned for the girls to come into the house and close their eyes. Inside the House "Girls, as my apology, accept this token as my way of saying sorry." The girls couldn't believe their eyes, Loki had gone through all the trouble of cleaning up and reordering everything Night would like. In the top left-hand corner near the food table, there were the barrels of hard cider and Sweet Apple Acres Whiskey. There were brand new speakers at the far end of the room with Pinkie and Vinyl Scratch spinning a few tracks on the turntables Scrap had installed. A single disco ball hung above the room which had 'Happy Birthday Night Fang' written with an electronic board around the disco ball. The TV was hung perfectly on the wall, confetti canons were placed near the door for Night Fang's big entrance. The pool had been filled to the brim by Big Mac and Bulk Biceps, who waved to the girls who looked on in awe before they walked to the games room Night had installed last year after graduation, everything was there. Sunset Shimmer was stunned. Loki had gone from villain to hero in less than 12 hours, was there nothing this little mischief maker couldn't do until 'Feel Invincible' by Skillet announced Loki's phone ringing and on the other end, was his brother. "Sup Night?" The girls looked like a bomb had just dropped with the looks they were giving Loki as he talked away to his brother. "Yea, I'm with the girls now, what do you mean you're held up, how did the hamsters get loose, well pick them up gently and place them back in their cages..." Loki rolled his eyes at his brother from his position on the phone before putting the phone to his chest and motioning for the girls to go get ready before saying to Sunset. "I'll put him on speaker Sunset." Sunset did the kill it motion to Pinkie and the room went quiet as Loki put Night on speaker. "Babe, I'm kinda held up, I accidentally knocked the latches on some of the animals' cages, I'll be home in roughly an hour if Fluttershy doesn't murder me, Love you always babe." "Love you too, Night, get here safe." When the phone was hung up, it gave Sunset the perfect chance to go get changed, the other girls thought the same, leaving Loki alone with Pinkie and Vinyl. Sometime Later A midnight blue Chevrolet pulled up outside Sunset's house, announcing the arrival of one Night Fang and Fluttershy, Night Fang was now in his best jeans and button up shirt which he had changed into at the shelter toilets. "Well, today was interesting." Night Fang had begun saying until Sunset Shimmer came out to greet him with a kiss. She was in a teal sort of dress and her hair was made up as well*. Night thought she looked stunning but the real kicker was the fact she had her hands behind her back causing Night to grow curious at what she was hiding. "Do you know what today is Night?" "I have no idea babe, what is it?" With a coy smile, Sunset handed the gift to Night Fang who was pleasantly surprised at how simple the gift looked. "I remembered you preferred your gifts simple and affordable, so I went to the local printing place and got this done for you.” As Night opened the package, he was indeed surprised. "Winter prom." Night asked with a smirk. "It was just after I had won prom queen, we had this picture taken before we got home and rocked the casbah." Sunset replied as she was gently lifted off the ground in a hug before being planted with a kiss that had caught her off guard. The moment was interrupted by one Loki who had found the two outside as he had brought out two cups of hard cider for the couple. Night chuckled at his brother before linking arms with his girlfriend and entering the house. Inside Once inside Night prepared himself for the worse as Sunset had entered the other way. Once Night Fang was stood at the back room door entrance in the living room with a hand on the door handle, he took a breath before opening the door. The sight he got once he turned on the light switch made him reel back in surprise. "SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIGHT FANG." Night Fang had a hunch at why Sunset was being suspicious all day but this was something mind blowing. He never thought he'd see another birthday after the incident with Siren but here he was. He was greeted by his closest friends and was given a small but hefty amount of gifts, but all that mattered was the fact that he was here to witness his 22nd birthday. With the party in full swing, Night was drinking all the girls under the table, he even helped play matchmaker between Mac and Fluttershy, in Night Fang's words, Fluttershy needed to pony up and go get her man. It took a lot of coaxing and a spiked punch bowl to get her to woman up as Mac couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten. Next up was the little billiards tournament, a very drunk Water Lily won that after distracting the competition with her assets. Sunset amused Night Fang the most, she was dancing to 'Lady Marmalade' with Rarity and Cherry Blossom. When she spotted Night she went and danced on him which earned a lot of hollers and catcalls, Night Fang wasn't complaining and neither was Blackheart, who had vanished upstairs with Cherry Blossom. Besides the odd mishap, Loki noticed the mood dying down as he put on some slow numbers as he took the mic. "For all you ladies who have hooked up tonight, grab your man and get on the floor, we're about to slow things down with some slow numbers and some sexual enhancement music" Night Fang noticed Rarity had been dancing with a random boy from another school who Night Fang had on his Ponybook as one his friends who had piqued her interest. Water Lily was dancing with Loki after he had come down from the booth. Fluttershy was dancing as steadily as she could despite being wasted after some spiked punch. Applejack was dancing with one Scrap Shot while Pinkie, was once again the lonely one as she sighed in unhappiness. Nearly all the men had been taken, it was short lived however as a person she hadn't seen in three years reached a hand out to her from the crowd. "Wanna dance?" Pinkie looked up to see her ex-boyfriend Cheese Sandwich looking straight at her making her do a double take towards Night Fang who gave her the thumbs up before she took Cheese's hand before mouthing thank you to Night Fang who had Sunset on his arm giggling like a giddy school girl. "What's so funny?" Night asked his girl who at this point was swinging from his arm in happiness and tipsiness. "I'm just thinking, we should blow this turkey shoot and get upstairs, I'm feeling a lil’ frisky and I need the birthday boy to scratch my itch." Night Fang just nodded and followed his girl upstairs where the night was really about to begin for the drunk couple. Next Morning Night Fang woke up that morning with a hell of a hangover and a very sore crotch that morning. The first thing he noticed was Sunset Shimmer fast asleep beside him. She was going to really feel like crap today and walk really funny. But right now, Night couldn't help but admire the beauty next to him despite how messy her hair was after what they did. Night was falling in love all over again but when Sunset awoke she noticed her boyfriend looking at her and asked. "What time is it?" Sunset asked uneasily as she clutched her boyfriend in a tight hug which he returned gently. "It’s 8:30 am and I think we've earned a few more hours, you did drink a lot, last night babe." Sunset groaned in agony before hitting the pillows with her head making Night Fang laugh at his girlfriend, he only stopped when Sunset slapped him softly on the chest before going back to sleep nestled against Night as he looked up at the ceiling smiling with Sunset on his arm.