Just A Dream: Beginning Nightmare

by WuzzyBlu_92



It was another beautiful day in Ponyville; the birds were singing and the children were celebrating a weekend beginning, playing in the streets. These sounds woke me from my slumber and spurred me out of my bed and to the kitchen where Spike was preparing breakfast. "Mornin' Twilight! I've made some pancakes for you," he said while flipping another for himself. I sat down, still half-asleep and ate, however, a missing thought lingered in my mind as I chewed.

"Was it to recheck my checklists? Or to feed Owlowiscious? Or was it..." As I chewed, the gears of my memory finally began to turn as I remembered last night.

. . .

"ANUBIS!" I got up, alarming Spike and teleported to the basement. Once I made it to the basement, I looked around for any sign of Anubis but to no avail "Oh no, he's gone! What do I do?! I have no idea where he went and he probably doesn't know where he's going himself! Oh, Celestia!" during my rambling, a hand tapped my shoulder, disrupting my thoughts. When I turned around, I saw Anubis, right where I had left him. This worried me slightly "Have you been standing there since I left yesterday?" he nodded, justifying my worry "Did you sleep?" he shook his head no. I looked at him intensely, studying his face for any sign of sleepiness. However, he looked as if no time had passed for him at all. He looked back at me with his blank expression I so quickly associated with his character; a barely functioning pony with no memory of his life or of this world. He was like a baby having to learn everything for the first time " Okay... Let's be sure to do that next time... Anyway, we should show you around town; this will be your home for the time being. We also need to get you to a doctor or Zecora so they can figure out what's going on," We both set out, me dragging Anubis out the door. I paid little to no attention to Spike who just accepted my attitude this morning as if it was nothing but clockwork, which at that point was.

I took him around many places; the park, the school, the shopping centre and many other places. All these places were full of life with ponies chatting, playing and ultimately, being happy together. However, through all of this, Anubis kept his neutral expression, as if this was all nothing to him. I was going to ask him what he thought of Ponyville but I reminded myself that he couldn't talk. 'It must be terrible. To have an opinion and not being able to share it...' I thought to myself. 'It would explain why he barely emotes' The rumble of my stomach alerted me of my hunger "Oops, forgot about breakfast again, didn't I? Well, at least we're close to Sugarcube Corner. Do you want to go get something to eat as well?" Noire didn't nod or shake his head this time around, which could've meant literally anything. I waited for a few seconds before he nodded reluctantly. I accept his response and went around the corner, where a happy gingerbread house was waiting for me.

"Hiya Twilight! How can I help you?" Pinkie said, with a warm smile as she always does. The shop was as bustling as always and Anubis took notice as well, looking around at all of the ponies talking amongst themselves. I smiled a little, seeing Anubis showing some kind of curiosity for the new environment he was in. "Oh! almost didn't see you there. My name's Pinkie Pie; bestest party planner pony in Ponyville! Do you like parties? I bet you like parties. Do you like cake? I hope you like cake 'cause your gonna be getting a lot from me," and just like that she zoomed into the kitchen and came back seconds later with a plate of pancakes and a slice of cake "Here! For Twilight, a stack of blueberry pancakes and for our mystery stallion, a slice of chocolate cake. On the house, of course!"

"...Thank you, Pinkie..." I said, not even bothering to question her "Anyway, this is Anubis. He's staying with me for the time being as he lost his memory and doesn't have anywhere to go," I explained. Pinkie gasped and disappeared again but didn't return. I once again assumed it was part of her random behaviour and sat down at an available table with Anubis. I dug into my pancakes, munching happily while Anubis just stared at me, making me blush a bit "Why don't you eat that cake. It looks delicious," I said. He looked to the slice of vanilla cake with a small strawberry on top, lying on the plate, waiting to be eaten. He picked it up and inspected it a bit as if he had never seen a cake, before taking a bite out of it. He paused for a small moment, concerning me greatly. 'Did he not like it?' I wondered as he continued to stare a nothing.


I couldn't taste it. It was as I suspected when I tried sleeping but didn't help. Confusion filled my thoughts, plaguing my mind until all I could think about was 'Why?'. Any knowledge seemed to come in bits and pieces like my name '+An+AbuS'. I looked outside and saw a bunch of fillies playing with a round shape, wondering if I was like that. If I was like any of them, to begin with. A hand touched my shoulder to drag me away from the chaos ensuing inside my own mind. Twilight looked at me in worry "Are you okay?" For a moment, I was thinking of what to say to her until I remembered that thinking of such things was pointless. I simply nodded my head to assure her that everything was alright. She didn't take my nod as a confirmation "You know, you may not be able to say or express when you're feeling sad but sometimes someone can just tell. Almost like they can look into your soul. What I'm trying to say is I know you are having trouble adjusting to this life but know that I will help you in any way I can. I'm sure all my other friends will help as well," her little speech was enough to try a get a message across to her. I mimicked a quill just like last time and she was quick to summon one. I wrote on a napkin I found a simple statement but enough.

'I think I'm learning more about myself.'

Twilight was unsure on how to take this, visible by her confused face "Well, knowing more about yourself is good, even if it isn't what you would call pleasant to know," I nodded at her statement and took another bite out of my cake. It still tasted like nothing but it was somewhat filling. At least I knew it would be so the shock never followed. That brought me a sense of relief that this life wouldn't be full of pain.

That's when a loud gasp rang throughout the café and everypony turned to see Rarity looking directly at our table with what one would describe as a look of both shock and excitement.

My first day as Anubis was beginning.