//------------------------------// // Mission: Base Check. // Story: The War Of Equestira. // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: DizzyPaws356 Mission: Base Check. -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mission: Base Check. | Date: 23, July, 2030. | Start: 17:00. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A base was seen starting to be built. Squad Alpha is going to go and check it out. If the enemy is building it then they will destroy it. It was found just a few miles south of NewColt. They are sent when it gets partly dark so they can sneak around to check it out. Report is needed at 22:00. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Alpha Squad gets out of a car just parked on the other side of the town so they wont call any attention to them. They make their way swiftly though the town. Before going into the woods to where the base was seen, "Silent and Hacker go into that tower." John whispers pointing to a water tower, "Report us what you see and give us cover fire if needed Silent." they nod their heads and head to the water tower, "Berserk and Rookie follow me. We are going to see what this is all about." he adds as he looks at his watch. 16:55 was the time, "We are five minuets early. Lets head out to the base and find the base." he whispers as he walks into the woods, "Keep up Rookie." Brick said as they follow John. After a few minuets of walking though the leafy woods they see a partly built building just about 100 feet or so in front of them, "Hacker to Leader. Their is a building area just about 100 to 150 feet in front of your location. Come over." John hears in his ear peace, "I hear you loud and clear. Do you see anypony near the area." he said back in the low tone, "It looks like a few guards scatter at a few places. Their is also some movement in the building. Can't get a complete read of the number, but not much." Kevin adds. John thinks for a fast moment, "Any construction going on at the moment." he ask, "Negative, but their are two cranes and about three trucks." Kevin replies. For a few moments they stand quietly, "Rookie, what do you think we should do." John ask Jason. Jason thinks as fast as he can, "What are the points of entice that can be seen." he replies, "One door on the south side and a few window frames. That is all I can report." Kevin replies. Jason looks at John and Brick looking forward, "What if Brick walks around to the north side and sneaks in and place his explosives. He can also place one on the cranes and trucks." Jason tells John, "That can work, but what are we going to do." John replies, "We can throw rocks around the area and take a few of the guards down to keep them looking on the south side." replies Jason. They think about the plan, "That can work. Silence I hope I can rely on you if things get out of hand." John said as he gets a static sound for a reply. Brick looks at John, "So we are going to listen to this Rookie?" he ask, "We need to see what the kid has. If this works out right then we know he know what he is doing. Now get to it. Report when you are in place." John tells Brick. He knows better then too argue with John so he nods and make his way off to the north side of the building. John and Jason walk forward to a point to where they can start the plan, but far enough to talk, "So Rookie, why did you want to join the war." John said as they watch the guards walk around, "Well my father and mother joined. They ended up dying from a sniper show hitting the transport truck back to Canterlot." he replies as he pulls out two ponytags, "A high rank pony gave me their tags. I never leave anywhere with out them." he adds as he places them back. "Why did you join." Jason ask still watching the guards, "Ill save that story for another mission. If your still with us that is. You need to know that if you want to stay on this squad you will need to put away everything that will end up killing you. We all have a bad past and a need to end this war as fast as it can be." John replies, "Berserk are you set in place." he ask as they wait, "Just got set sir." he replies, "Hacker, Silent are you ready. Give us all the info you get." he said, "Conform." Kevin said as Silent replies with another static sound, "Mission: Base Check starts now." John said as he makes his way to the building, "Rookie watch my back. Hacker tell Berserk when the sign is given." he adds as he walks into the area unseen, "Confirm." Kevin replies. As John walks down slowly though the woods to make sure he is not seen. Brick sits behind a few trees just about ten feet from the back door. John picks up a nice size rock and waits for the best time to throw it. When the guard turn around, John though the rock into the window frame. The guard turns around as two more look outside the frame, "Now." John said as Brick runs to the door and opens it quietly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John & Jason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ They watch the guards check out what the sound came form, "It looks like somepony throw a rock." one of the stallions said looking at the woods. John stay just out of sight, "Jason find somewhere behind the truck to hide so we can have more of an area to distract them." John said just loud enough for him to hear, "Conform." Jason replies as he makes his way to the trucks, "In place." he said as hears Kevin, "Hey Rookie, one idea that could work to help distract is hot wire the truck and place something on the petal. You'll need to act the fastest you ever have." he says as I thnk, "I don't know I know how to hot wire trucks." Jason replies looking around, "You talking to one of the best hackers. Turn on your helmcam and I can tell you want to do, but John you'll need to make sure to keep the guards not looking over that way." he says, "Conform." John replies. John moves to the other side of the trucks and grab a rock to throw, "Tell me when." he says as he gets ready to throw the rock. Jason turns the camera on his helmet, "Okay now get under the truck on the diver side." Kevin said as he Jason follows the instructions giving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brick. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting into the building he closes the door quietly and make his way to the first room he sees. Getting in the room he pulls out a few small blocks of explosives, he hears a voice faddy though the unfinished wall, "We will be finished by the end of the night. When the shipment comes tomorrow morning we will head north and take control of the town." the stallion in the other room says. Brick thinks of what to do. He places a block on the wall to the one that the stallion in is. When finished he makes his way out of the room and walk down the hall. Before talking a turn he hears somepony walk down the hall he was turning to. He waits on the side of the wall. When Brick sees the stallion walk past him without checking the hall he was in. Brick quickly pulls out his knife and grabs the stallion from behind. Covering his mouth so he can't scream, he slides the knife between the stallions shoulder blades. Brick feels the vibrate of his voice in his hand as he twist the knife. The stalion slowly closes his eyes and falls to the floor. Brick drags his body into the room he was just in and heads back out. Placing the blocks of explosives in about each room. When he make his way to the room where he heard the one stallion talk. He checks it for anypony inside. Only seeing three of them he chooses to skip the room, but when he starts to head out he hears one of the trucks start up. The tree ponies hear the sound and run out. Brick quickly runs into a room. Placing his ear on the door he hears the stallions talk, "Who started up the truck!" one of them yells as they make their way to the front door. Brick did not wait for this moment to pass him. He went into the room where the stallions came form. Seeing some files and blueprints scatter around the table. He grabs every file and runs out of the room. When he gets to the last turn to the back door a guard spots him, "Enemy in the base!" he yells as Brick pulls out his handgun and shoots the stallion in the leg before he can raise his gun. He only had a few seconds to get out and light the base up. Running to the bask door, he bust the door right out of the frame, "Clear the place!" he yells into his mic to warn Jason and John. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When Jason and John hear Brick yell they run to a save distance from the base. Brick pushes the button and the base blows up. The explosion lit up the night sky revealing everything around it. When it finished their is just planks and remains of the building around the area. Brick goes through what was once an almost finished building he make sure their is no pony left. When he meets up with John and Jason he smiles, "See Rookie. The packs may be small, but they will leave nothing standing." Jason looks at him and smiles back, "I guess I was wrong." he replies, "Nice job Berserk." John tells him, "Hacker, Silent meet us at the car. We will be their in a few minuets." John tells them, "Will do Leader." Kevin replies and Silent replies with the normal static sound. "Leader I did find one thing before I lit it up." Brick said pulling out the files from the room, "Also we found this in time. They where planing on taking over the town." Brick added. John takes the file and checks a few pages, "We will send this to Celestia." he replies handing them back, "Also their will be a shipment of something here in the morning. I don't know what it is." he adds placing the folder back in his bag. John thinks, "Can you make a trip mine so when they get here they will be in a surprise?" John ask. Brick smiles and pulls out a few more explosives and wire, "Give me a few minuets and I'll see what I can do." he tells John. He just smiles back, "You got 20 minuets and then head back to the truck." he finish as he heads to meet up with Kevin and Silent. As Jason walks beside John hearing the leafs crunch under their hooves Jason couldn't help to ask, "Can you tell me why Berserk joined the war?" he asked John, "I'll let you find out for yourself, but sadly to say that i'm related to him. We are not brothers. We share the same grandfather." he replies to Jason. They make it to the town and start to talk down the street, "Then do you mind me asking about Silent?" he ask looking at John. He just keeps walking, "All I know is that he is a nice sniper, but under his files his sex is not given nor his mane color. Even his name is not given out. No pony has really seen his face to. It could be a girl to, but we just call him a guy. Berserk will go crazy if he was. He is not big on female fighters." he tells him as they make it to Kevin and Silent. "Where is Berserk?" Kevin asked as he jumps down from the hood of the truck, "He is setting trip mines for the shipment that should be going their in the morning." John replies. Jason looks at Kevin, "Hey Hacker do you mind if I ask you why you join the war?" he asked him. Kevin looks at Jason, "I'll tell you when we get back to base. I don't like to give out info like that in the open." he replies. They stand and wait for Brick to return, "Berserk should be here by now. Hacker do you see him?" he asked as Kevin looks down the street, "Ya he is coming now." he replies. When Brick gets to the truck John asks, "What took you so long?" he looks at him, "Sorry I was looking for the best spot for it. Its all set up." he replies. They get into the truck and head back to their HQ.