//------------------------------// // It's a Date // Story: Falling For a Mutant // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// Celestia finally made it to the hotel and walked into the lobby where her sister, Vice Principal Luna, was waiting for her. She had her arms folded and her brow furrowed. “I didn’t see you on the bus. Where have you been?” Luna asked. “Sorry, Luna. I… left my phone inside and I must’ve missed the bus.” Celestia replied, lying through her teeth. “Well… don’t let it happen again, okay? I’m really tired and I just want to go to bed.” “Yeah, me too.” The two sisters walked over to the elevators, pushed a button, and went up to their room. As she got ready for bed, Celestia couldn’t get that hooded figure out of her mind. He seemed so mysterious and yet so charming all at the same time; even though she could barely see his face, she didn’t seem to care. “Something’s on your mind.” Luna said. “What?” Celestia asked. “Did something happen while you were out in the city?” “Uh, um…” Luna took a closer look at her sister then after a minute, she pulled away with wide eyes. “You met someone.” She declared. Celestia froze. “What?! No! No way! What are you talking about? …Well, maybe, sort of. Uh…” She smiled. “…Yes. Yes I did.” “Oh! Who was it?” “Well, I’ll tell you one thing. I met a man.” “Really?! Tell me EVERYTHING! I need details! And be sure to go slowly. What’s he like?” “Well, he’s tall, strong, fast, nimble, and he’s also very friendly and charming… in a curious sort of way.” “Curious? How so?” “Well, I… I really can’t explain it, Luna. He just seems so… different from the other men I’ve met. I don’t know.” “Well, that’s good. Right?” “But…” Celestia took the gemstone out of her coat pocket and showed it to Luna. “He was after this.” Luna stared. “What is it?” “I think it’s some kind of Equestrian magic, and for some reason he was after it. He said he was getting it for his son.” “His son?” “He said he has four of them. I wonder why his son was after it the first place.” Luna paused and furrowed her brow. “Well… maybe he’s not what you think, Celestia. Maybe that whole charming yet playful thing was just a façade.” “You don’t know that.” “You don’t either. And besides, if you got together it probably won’t work out anyway. It’ll probably end up as a doomed love. It just can’t be, you know?” Luna paused and frowned before looking at the gem one more time. “Perhaps we should consult Sunset Shimmer about this. She might know what to do.” “…Yeah. You’re probably right.” She clutched the stone tighter in her hand and let out a soft sigh. Master Splinter had arrived outside the hotel. He looked up at the building, wondering which room that woman could possibly be in. There were so many windows and rooms to choose from, he didn’t know where to start. Then he noticed a balcony door open three stories up. He climbed up a building adjacent to the hotel and looked to see that same woman; she was wearing a pale pink bathrobe and yellow slippers. With the light from the room from behind her, she looked radiant to him. ‘It’s her…’ He thought. “Could it be true? Are we really doomed to never see each other again?” Celestia lamented. “I know we’ve only just met and my sister believes you’re up to no good… but I don’t believe that. I just wish I could know more about you. Luna thinks we’re not meant to be, but what does she know? That shouldn’t be the thing to keep us apart… should it?” “No, of course it shouldn’t.” A familiar voice called. Celestia froze and turned her head to see that same hooded stranger standing on a rooftop across from her. “You!” She gasped before closing the balcony doors behind her so Luna couldn’t hear what was going on. “Did you just hear all of that? What are you doing here? How did you know where to find me?” “I am sorry. I, um… I just wanted to see you again, so I might have followed the police car you were riding in.” Splinter replied. “You followed me here?! Are you crazy?! If anyone sees you out here, they’ll call the police! Or WORSE!” “That is, if they see me.” He smiled and took a few steps back. “Wait, what are you doing? No, stop! It’s too far! You’ll fall!” Celestia warned before covering her eyes in fear. After a moment or two, Celestia reluctantly opened her eyes to see the stranger standing right in front of her. She took a step back as she noticed more of his features; she couldn’t quite make anything out though. She reached out and slowly removed Splinter’s hood to reveal the face of a rat. She gasped; he sighed. “I should have known that would be your reaction.” He said solemnly, turning around to leave. “I will go.” She quickly grabbed his wrist. “No, wait. You don’t have to go, not yet. You can stay, just for a while.” Splinter paused. “But why? You know what I am now.” “So?” “My form… does not bother you?” He raised an eyebrow. “No. Why would it bother me?” “But I am a rodent the size of a human.” “I’ve seen worse.” “I…I don’t understand. How are you not afraid of me?” A thought popped into his head. “Does this have something to do with that magic you have mentioned?” “Perhaps. I have seen a couple of my students literally transform into demons. I’ve also seen a trio of girls who turned out to be magical monsters from another world; they were using their singing to control the entire school. And don’t forget about a bunch of portals to different dimensions opening up out of thin air and the talking dog.” Splinter’s eyes widened in shock; Celestia rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, that is the most ridiculous story you have ever heard, right?” “I-I-I… No. Please, tell me more.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. I wish to more of this magic, if you don’t mind.” He nodded enthusiastically. Before Celestia could even start to tell one of her stories, a knock was heard. They both froze. “Hey, are you okay out there?” Luna’s voice asked; she was trying to open the door. “You’ve been outside for an awfully long time.” “Oh no. It’s my sister.” Celestia whispered in a panic. She turned to Splinter and tried to keep the door closed. “You have to go before anyone sees you.” “But when can I see you again?” Splinter asked. “How about… tomorrow night? But not here.” “Of course not. We could meet near the movie theater.” “That sounds perfect.” “But what time?” “Midnight?” “No sooner.” “I can do 11:45.” “Done.” “Great.” “Good.” “Super.” They laughed before Celestia reached into the pocket of her robe and placing something into Splinter’s hand. It was the gem. “I… think you might need this more than I do.” She said. “Thank you, Celestia.” Splinter said. “You’re welcome. Wait. How did you know my name?” “I overheard you talking with those police officers back at the warehouse.” “Oh, that makes sense. Well in that case, what should I call you?” “Call me… Yoshi.” “Yoshi? Alright, I will. Well goodbye, Yoshi.” “Goodbye, Celestia. And thank you again.” And with that, Splinter took a grappling hook out of his robes, climbed onto the balcony hand railing, shot the hook at another building, and swung over to it before climbing onto the roof. Celestia waved goodbye to him before he disappeared into the night. She smiled and happily sighed as she headed back inside. “Who were you talking to out there?” Luna asked, folding her arms. “Hmm?” Celestia asked, trying to sound innocent. “Who is Yoshi?” Luna paused. “Was it that man you saw earlier?” “That’s for me to know and for you to find out. For now, it’s time for bed.” Celestia headed over to her bed, took off her robe and slippers, and laid down before Luna rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed suit. Outside, Master Splinter was on his way back to the Lair with the gemstone in hand; he was talking to Donatello on his T-Phone. “Wow, thanks so much for doing this, Sensei.” Donnie said on the other end. “You are most welcome, Donatello. I’m glad I could help. And do not worry; I will be home very soon.” Splinter said into the phone; he didn’t say anything about his encounter with Celestia. He couldn’t get her out of his mind.