Falling For a Mutant

by VioletRose13

Meeting Celestia

“And that concludes our meeting.” A man with slick dark hair and wearing a gray suit declared as he stood up from his seat. “See you all next year.”

Everyone in the room then stood up from their own chairs and headed for the door, eager to go home and get some sleep. Principal Celestia of Canterlot High School was one of them; she had a long day and was going right back to her hotel and go straight to bed. But just as she was about to head out the door, she remembered she left her cell phone in the meeting room. Thinking fast, she ran back to the meeting room and searched all over, but she couldn’t find it.

“Looking for this?” A deep voice asked.

Celestia turned around to see that very same man holding her cell phone. She sighed in relief.

“Oh, phew. Thank you so much, Dr. Warren.” She said, taking her phone and putting it in her purse.

“Why of course, Principal Celestia.” Dr. Warren said; he gave her a wide smile and a raised eyebrow. “So now that this boring meeting is over, what do you say—?”

Celestia’s eyes widened in shock and she took a step back before he could finish his last sentence. “I’m sorry, Doctor, but I really must be going. The bus will be leaving soon.”

Dr. Warren grabbed her wrist as she was heading out. “There’s no need to take the public bus. Much too crowded. I could give you a ride back to the hotel myself.”

“Oh, no, no that’s fine. I-I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” Celestia was growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let go.

“No, I insist. New York City can be a dangerous place. It’s not safe for someone like you to be out on the streets, especially this late at night.”

“I’ll be fine.”

Celestia finally got her wrist free and swiftly headed for the exit as fast as she could. She grabbed her coat and headed outside, but the bus was already gone. Now she had to walk. Rolling her eyes and sighing, she hurried down the sidewalk in the direction she thought led to her hotel. As Celestia walked, she grew more and more uneasy. She had never been to New York City before and it was starting to frighten her. She soon noticed a strange light coming from on top of an old warehouse a few yards away.

Burning with curiosity, she wandered closer to the building, wondering what it could possibly be. As she was staring up at the abandoned warehouse, she noticed something move in the corner of her eye; she looked to her right and saw a large shadowy figure leaping from rooftop to rooftop; it was approaching the old warehouse.

Thinking fast, she ran to her left and into an alley next to the warehouse so she wouldn’t be spotted. Her mind racing and heart pounding, Celestia tried to figure out what was going on and who or what she had just seen. It almost looked like a person, but she couldn’t tell because it was so dark, even with the many streetlamps lighting the roads. She then noticed a fire escape above her; she climbed up and found herself on the warehouse roof. She got closer and closer to the center where the strange light was shining the brightest. Unbeknownst to her, the figure was on the roof too and it was approaching the light.

Celestia saw the figure take out something small and whisper into it; she couldn’t make out what was said, though. Then she noticed the light; it was glowing a golden yellow followed by a very bright pink. She realized that this must’ve been some kind of Equestrian Magic.

‘I’d better grab that. The Rainbooms will know what to do with it.’ She thought.

Thinking fast, she snuck closer to the light and reached out her hand to try and grab it, but the figure was reaching out a hand for it too and soon, they both grabbed hold of the glowing object and their hands touched.

They silently gasped and looked up, only for both of them to be left completely speechless. Celestia couldn’t believe what she was seeing; the figure she saw before was wearing dark red robes and a hood covering its entire face. But for some reason, she couldn’t stop staring into his deep brown eyes under that very hood. The stranger stared in complete awe; this woman was across from him unlike anybody he had ever seen or met before. She had skin as white as snow, long flowing hair colored with the shades of a sunrise, and sparkling magenta eyes. She was beautiful but also a little strange herself; he couldn’t explain it.

Suddenly, the large window they were both standing on had broken and Celestia screamed as she fell. She clung to the large window sill, holding on for dear life. Then the stranger offered a hand to her; she took it and he pulled her back up, only for him to slip and fall backwards… which caused Celestia to fall on top of him. They nervously get back onto their feet.

“Um… hello.” She said, nervously clearing her throat.

“Hello.” The stranger said in a smooth, deep voice; he adjusted his hood. “You are probably wondering what I’m doing out here. I assumed nobody would be out this late at night. What exactly are you doing out here?”

“Oh, I was just trying to find my way back to the hotel I’m supposed to stay in. I don’t know New York very well and I got lost, so… yeah.”

“But what are you doing on this roof?”

“I noticed a light up here while I was walking and I guess I let my own curiosity get the better of me.”

“It happens to even the best of us.”

“Curiosity killed the cat, I suppose. Then what’s your story? What are you doing all the way up here?”

“I just came to get that.” He pointed a finger at Celestia’s hand and she noticed what she was holding; the source of the light was in the shape of a smooth gemstone, almost like a large pearl or an opal.

“Oh, this?” Celestia asked.

“Yes.” The stranger answered.

“What do you need it for?”

“My son needs it.”

“You have children?”

“Yes. Four sons.”

“Interesting. And why does your son need it?”

“He is trying to study it.”

“Study it?” Celestia looked at the gem in her hand and gave the stranger a playful smile. “I don’t know, I think I’m going to have to hold onto this for safe keeping.”

“What? But I saw it first.”

“You don’t know what this is, do you?”

“No, but I assume you do not know what it is either.”

“Not exactly, but I do know that this is some kind of Equestrian magic and if it falls into the wrong hands, it could lead to disaster.”

The stranger’s eyes widened in confusion. “Equestrian magic?”

“Oh, right. Not everyone knows what that means.”

“Well, what does it mean?”

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. It’s nothing personal, it’s just a secret. You wouldn’t understand.”

“But my son requires that gemstone for his studies. Plus, I did see it first. So why do you not just hand it over?” He offered his hand.

“Well, I grabbed it first. Plus, something like this can be pretty unpredictable, especially if you don’t know what it’s truly capable of. But if you really want it, you’ll just have to come and get it.”

“Very well.”

Celestia then something around her ankle before she spun around which caused her to nearly lose her balance. When she turned back around, the stranger was holding the gem in one hand.

“Thank you.” He said smugly.

“That’s not fair.” Celestia said before she fell through the window again.

“How graceful.” He joked, looking to see Celestia hanging onto the sill again.

“Oh, hahaha, very funny.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.

“Quite the warehouse, hmm?”

“Oh yes, it’s wonderful. You should see it from the inside.”

“And why should I?”

Celestia giggled before she grabbed the stranger’s hand and pulled him into the warehouse with her. In the process, he dropped the gem and it landed in Celestia’s open hand. She jumped onto some boxes and tried to walk away with it, but the stranger quickly snatched it out of her hand and jumped onto the boxes behind her. He gave a smug smile

“Ima dare ga jōshidesu ka?” He said in Japanese.

“What did you just say?” Celestia asked with a chuckle.

Before he could respond, one of the boxes the stranger was standing on fell and he quickly grabbed one of the metal beams attached to the ceiling. He looked to see Celestia holding the gem again; she was also holding a rope hanging from the ceiling.

“Who’s the boss now?” She said with a wink; she tossed the rope over to him.

“That is what I just said.” He said, grabbing hold of the rope.

“Sure it was.” She giggled.

They went back and forth. Celestia and the stranger kept trying to grab the gemstone from each other, all the while flipping and jumping all over the empty warehouse. Eventually, the two of them made it to the middle of the floor, directly under the hole in the window. They held the gem, staring into each other’s eyes before red lights started flashing and an alarm sounded. In a panic, the stranger ran to the nearest window and climbed out, leaving Celestia alone. She looked at her hand and realized that she was still holding the gem; why did that man want it so bad? What was he up to? Was he telling the truth? And how did his son know about any of this?

Sirens came from outside. Thinking fast, Celestia ran to that same window, climbed out, and ran away from the building as fast as she could… only to be caught by a couple of police officers after running only a few feet. She froze and quickly stuffed the gem into her coat pocket.

“Identify yourself.” One officer said.

“Th-they call me Celestia, sir.” Celestia replied with a stutter.

“Celestia. What kind of name is that?” Another officer laughed; Celestia rolled her eyes.

“That’s enough. Ma’am, have you seen anyone or anything suspicious? Did anybody come into this warehouse?” The first officer asked.

“Um… No, I haven’t. I was just on my way back to my hotel when the alarms went off. I didn’t see anything.” She lied.

“Are you sure?”


“So do you need any help? You seem a little lost.”

“To be honest, I am a little lost.”

“Do you want a ride?”

“What? Oh, no. I couldn’t possibly.”

“Hey, nothing’s in here, chief.” A third officer called, exiting the warehouse with a few other cops.

“No, it’s okay.”

Celestia paused before relenting. “Alright, if you insist. Thank you.”

She climbed into the back seat of one of the cop cars and they all drove off in a different direction while a pair of eyes was watching them leave.

“Celestia… Her name is Celestia.” Master Splinter said, removing his hood.

He furrowed his brow and started to run after the cars, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, unaware of the T-Phone attached to his robe going off.