//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Falling For a Mutant // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// “Ugh, why can’t I get this?!” Donatello exclaimed in frustration, slumping over his notes. “What is troubling you, my son?” Master Splinter asked as he entered the lab. “Nothing, Sensei.” Donnie replied. “I’m just trying to figure out this anomaly I recently discovered.” He turned his computer monitor to face Splinter; there was a video of a bright light flying around the sky. “It almost looks like some kind of comet, but it couldn’t be a comet. I mean look at it. In this video, it was flying around like it was a living organism. And see the color? It’s… yellow and pink. I can’t explain it.” “Perhaps I could be of some assistance?” Splinter offered. “What? Oh, no, Sensei. It’s okay; you don’t have to do that.” “No, Donatello; I wish to help. Tell me more of this light.” “Okay. Well, I found out that a small fragment of this light fell and landed somewhere in the city and it’s emitting a lot of power. If someone else finds it first, it could be bad news.” “I could track it down for you.” “You? Are you sure, Sensei? I could always call Leo, Raph, Mikey, or—” “Your brothers are in another part of the city discussing plans with the Mutanimals, Casey has practice for a hockey game, and April is having a night out with her father. Let me do this, Donatello. I can handle myself. Trust me.” Donnie scratched his head in thought for about thirty seconds before making a decision. He sighed and handed his father a T-Phone. “Well… okay, Sensei. As long as you remain in contact with me at all times.” “Of course.” Splinter took the T-Phone and pulled his hood over his head. “I will be back soon, I promise.” “Okay. And Sensei?” Donnie put a hand on his father’s shoulder. “Be careful out there.” Splinter nodded and smiled at Donnie before grabbing a sword and running out of the Lair.