The Drake Bros.

by BrawnyBold

Cake Twins' Birthday

The Pizza Palace was Canterlot's main spot for hosting kids' birthday parties. Pinkie was hard at work with blowing up balloons that filled up the entire party room. Before Pinkie got the chance to blow her 237th balloon, Mrs. Cake rushed into the party room.
"Oh! This is a disaster!" Mrs. Cake yelled in panic. Pinkie paused from her blowing and the balloon flew off in random directions.
"What's wrong, Mrs. Cake?" Pinkie asked.
"The actors for the party show got into an accident and most of the Pizza Palace's staff members are too busy hosting the other parties here!" Mrs. Cake replied. Pinkie gasped from the news.
"That means there won't be a party show and there won't be enough people to help with the party!" Pinkie said as she placed her hands on her cheeks.
"Maybe it would be best to cancel the entire birthday." Mrs. Cake said in disappointment. Before Mrs. Cake turned to the entrance. Pinkie placed her hands on Mrs. Cake's shoulders.
"No!" Pinkie yelled. "We will not cancel on your twins' birthday party!"
"B-but, how are we suppose to get more people to act for the show and host the party?!" Mrs. Cake asked. Pinkie tapped her chin as she tried to come up with ideas. She suddenly came up with a thought and began texting on her phone.

The rest of the girls and the Drake Bros. gathered to the outside of the Pizza Palace.
"Did you guys get the text from Pinkie?" Twilight asked the boys.
"Yeah," Spike replied. "from the way Pinkie typed, it must have been something really urgent."
"But why did Pinkie told us to meet at this place?" Scales asked as he saw the Pizza Palace sign.
"Today must be Pound and Pumpkin Cake's birthday." Fluttershy replied.
"Who?" The brothers said at once.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cake's twins." Applejack replied. "If it's anything that involves the Cakes, Pinkie will put a lot of effort for them."
"What are we waiting for?" Rainbow said as she was about to open the door. Before Rainbow reached the handle, the doors swung open to reveal Pinkie in an apron that says: Happy Birthday Pound and Pumpkin. Pinkie's hair looked more curly and messed up.
"Thank goodness you're all here!" Pinkie cheered as she pulled everyone into the building. She led them down a long hallway with some glass windows. The windows showed a lot of parties being hosted in each room. Some of the rooms showed kids having fun while other rooms showed kids being loud and rowdy.
It wasn't long till Pinkie opened a pair of doors into a large room that looked like a throne room. The only difference is that it was covered with orange and brown balloons, streamers, and banners that also says: Happy Birthday Pound and Pumpkin.
"Here is the situation!" Pinkie announced before she took a deep breath. "The actors weren't able to make it to the party and due to the increased number of parties here we don't have enough staff to cater for the party!" Pinkie then turned to one part of the group.
"Spike, Scales, Rainbow, and Rarity!" Pinkie said while giving them bags and small booklets. "All of you put on these costumes and rehearse from those scripts! You will be part of the birthday show to entertain the kids!" Pinkie then turned to the other half of the group.
"Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack!" Pinkie said as she gave them aprons that matched her's. "All of you will help me pass out food and drinks for the kids!" Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Good, now break!" Pinkie yelled as she and the rest of the group went to work.

The acting group were going over the script to the birthday show. Scales frowned when he opened his costume bag.
"There is no way I'm putting this on!" Scales complained.
"It will be fine!" Rarity responded. "No one will see your face since it will be covered in the dragon head."
"That still doesn't change the fact of what happens after Spike and I fall to the ground." Scales said.
"It will give the kids a chance to take part in the show!" Rainbow said. While the acting group rehearsed, the catering group was busy with preparing with the party food. Twilight was hard at work with organizing the plates and cups on the tables.
"Um...Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "Is it really necessary to organize the tables like that?" Twilight stopped to give Fluttershy a glare.
"Table organization is extremely important; especially to show how it's done to young children." At that moment, Applejack dropped a large plate of pizza on the middle of the table where Twilight was working.
"Applejack!" Twilight yelled. "You messed up my perfect table arrangement!"
"Oops! Sorry, Twi!" Applejack said as she picked up the plate. This allowed Twilight to reorganize her table arrangements. Pinkie panicked when she saw the time on the wall clock.
"It's almost time for the kids to arrive!" Pinkie hurried to open the door to the stage. "Acting group! Get inside to change and prepare for the show!" Pinkie ordered as the group when inside.
"The rest of us will take care of the kids with food and such!" Pinkie included. The rest of the girls nodded before the entrance opened to reveal a large number of kids entering the room. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, were hard at work with passing out pizzas and pouring soda drinks into the kids' cups. Some of the children played around as they fought with plastic swords and wands. It wasn't long until Pinkie showed up while dressed up as a court jester with a long horn in her hands. She picked up the horn and blew on it to get everyone's attention. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to Pinkie.
"Here ye! Here ye!" Pinkie called out. "Presenting today's rulers of the Pizza Palace! King Pound Cake and Queen Pumpkin Cake!" Pinkie blew her horn again as a red carpet rolled out to reveal a boy and girl walking into the room. Pound Cake had brown hair and wore a long red cape with a gold crown on his head. Pumpkin Cake had orange hair and wore the same outfit as her brother. They slowly walked across the room until they say down on a pair of large chairs similar to thrones. The rest of the kids applause to the Cake Twins' grand entrance.
"Alright, everyone!" Pinkie said through the microphone. "Enjoy your meals!" The kids cheered once again before they continued to chowed down on their pizzas.

Once the children ate all of their food, Pinkie blew her horn again.
"Here ye! Here ye! Now it's time for the party's entertainment: The Tale of the Two Dragons!" Pinkie signaled Twilight to turn off the lights. Lights turned on from the stage and the curtains were moved. It showed a background of a fairy tale kingdom.
"In a kingdom from far away," Fluttershy said through a microphone. "there was an elegant princess who was loved by all!" At that moment, Rarity walked on to the stage while wearing dark purple princess costume. Some of the kids were struck in awe as they saw Rarity dressed as a princess.
"Oh! What a lovely day to be a princess!" Rarity said in a dramatic tone. She pulled out a small fan and fluttered it. Suspenseful music started to play and everyone heard some loud footsteps.
"Unfortunately," Fluttershy said. "the kingdom was attacked by a pair of monstrous dragons!" The loud footsteps got closer to the stage until Spike and Scales appeared while wearing dragon costumes. Spike's dragon costume was green while Scales' dragon costume was blue. Both of them made loud roars that startled the children. Spike pulled out a small teddy bear and took a bite out of it. He then shook the teddy bear around with his teeth and the bear's stuffing flew all over the stage. The children screamed from such a horrifying sight.
"Spike!" Scales whispered to his brother. "What are you doing?!"
"I'm adding more fright into my character!" Spike whispered while the bear was in his teeth.
"You should have told me about that!" Scales complained. "I wanted to do tear up a teddy bear too!" When Spike threw the teddy bear away, he and Scales turned to Rarity as she looked terrified.
"Hmm! Yummy princess!" Spike said in a brute tone. Spike and Scales roared before they began to chase Rarity. Rarity screamed as she ran around the stage while being chased by the brothers.
"The kingdom's royal guards were unable to defeat these two beasts!" Fluttershy narrated. "The only person capable to defeating the dragons is the hero!" Rainbow jumped from the back of the stage while wearing an outfit that made her look like an adventurer.
"Have no fear, my lady!" Rainbow hollered. "The hero has arrived to slay the dragons!" Rainbow pulled out a sword and shield before she ran in front of the dragons. Spike and Scales hissed and growled as they surrounded Rainbow. Spike charged in; only to be dodged by Rainbow. Scales swung his arm only to be blocked by Rainbow's shield. Soon, the brothers took turns making hits on Rainbow. She did her best to avoid each of the brothers' attacks. Spike then turned and jumped out of the stage. Once Spike landed, he made a loud roar to the audience. Some of the children screamed in panic.
"The hero needs your help, everyone!" Fluttershy said. "While the dragon takes care of one dragon, you have the chance of defeating the other dragon. Who will join the hero to victory!?" All of a sudden, some of the children pulled out their plastic swords and began beating Scales with it.
"Ow...ow...ow ow!" Spike whined as he collapse from all of the beating. The children cheered from their victory over Scales. Rainbow was also able to defeat Scales by stabbing him under his armpit.
"Oh the pain!" Scales moaned before he fell to the ground and played dead. Rainbow walked up to Scales and placed one leg on top of him.
"Hazah!" Rainbow hollered. "The dragons have been vanquished thanks to me and my fellow allies!" The children cheered and the parents gave applause while the actors got back on stage to give a final bow. The show was over and the actors joined in on the party. Some of the children gathered around Rarity to praise how pretty she looked. Some children met up with Rainbow as they praise about how cool she was. The brothers were also surrounded by children as they attempted to climb on top of the dragons or hit them with plastic swords. Pinkie blew her horn once again to get everyone's attention.
"Here ye! Here ye! It is time for the rulers of the Pizza Palace to blow out their candles and make a wish!" Pinkie moved to the side to reveal Mr. and Mrs. Cake carrying a large birthday cake towards the twins. The children and the other guests gathered around to sing the twins' the birthday song.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. "Happy birthday dear Pound and Pumpkin! Happy birthday to you!" The twins closed their eyes before they blew out the candles. Everyone cheered as the Cakes began cutting the cake and passing it out.

The birthday party was over and the guests were gone. Pinkie and the rest of her friends were busy with cleaning up the party room.
"Thank you so much for making this party happen, Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake smiled.
"Oh! It's what I live for!" Pinkie replied.
"We better head home so the twins can take their nap." Mrs. Cake said.
"We'll take care of the rest of the cleaning, Mrs. Cake." Pinkie replied as Mrs. Cake waved and left the party room.
"I appreciate the help, everyone." Pinkie said to her friends.
"It's no problem." Applejack said. "We were lucky since we had nothing to do today." Twilight looked around the room.
"Has anyone seen Spike and Scales?" Twilight asked.
"They must be in the back stage, they were pretty tuckered out from dealing with all of those kids." Rarity responded.
"I'll go check on them." Pinkie said as she made her way to the back stage. She walked around until she saw Spike and Scales sleeping on one side of a wall.
"Aw!" Pinkie cooed. "They look cute despite dressing up as fire-breathing dragons." Pinkie then noticed Spike sleeping in his costume. She slowly got closer to Spike as she carefully moved his head on top of her lap.
"Even though you're a dragon," Pinkie then removed Spike's dragon head to reveal his face. "you're still a prince to me." Pinkie moved her head closer to give Spike a sweet kiss on his lips. Pinkie enjoyed every second of her kiss with Spike. For once in Pinkie's life, she actually found something more tasty than any sweet she has every eaten. That is coming from the girl who has eaten the Cakes' Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness! Pinkie slowly removed her lips from Spike's so she could lick her lips. A small blush was on Pinkie's cheeks as she savored Spike's delicious lips.
'Yep, still better than the MMMM!' Pinkie said in her mind.