Mlp; Big Head and Little Arms

by The FraudulentBrit

The new being

My Little Pony; Big head and little arms.

The sun was shining brightly over the town of Ponyville. Every pony was hustling and bustling throughout the town market, buying and selling their wares. “Come on over every pony. You won’t find any fresher, juicier, or shinier apples in all of Equestria!” called out a certain yellow filly with a bright red mane and a big pink bow. Apple bloom and her big sister Applejack were once again selling their wares to the hungry citizens of Ponyville. “That’s the spirit sugar cube,” said Applejack, complimenting her sister’s skill and maturity in continuing yet another family tradition. “I bet Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.”

“Hey guys.” Said a familiar raspy voice from the crowd of shoppers. Apple Bloom turned to see that their next customers were none other than Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. “Hiya Scoots. What brings you guys here? I thought you were practicing your flying?” asked a somewhat confused Apple Bloom. Scootaloo gave a nervous smile and said, “Yeah, about that, Rainbow Dash cancelled flight training for the day. Apparently Fluttershy saw a pack of timber wolves roaming too close to the edge of the Everfree Forrest.” This got Applejack’s attention. “What in tarnation? Timber wolves? Is Fluttershy alright?” “Relax AJ.” Said a concerned yet somewhat annoyed Rainbow Dash. “Shy is fine. She locked herself in her house as soon as she saw them. We found out ‘cause angel bunny suddenly popped out of nowhere, gave us a note, and ran off.”

“Well that’s a shame.” Replied Applejack. “Guess me and Winona will have to keep an eye out for timber wolves once we get home.” Apple Bloom then cut in, “Ooh ooh, can Ah’ help Applejack?” Applejack then very sternly replied, “Absolutely not. Ah’ ain’t lettin’ you anywhere near those monsters.” Apple Bloom was about to try and challenge her big sister on the issue, but decided against it once she saw the concerned look on her face. Scootaloo then asked, “Uh, I’ll take a box of apple juice please.” She then placed a few bits on the Apple’s stand. Rainbow then placed a few bits on the stand herself and said, “And an apple cider as well.”

Apple Bloom then took the bits whilst Applejack poured a mug of cider for Rainbow Dash and a box of apple juice for Scootaloo. Both pegasi then toasted each other and began to drink from their beverages. “Thanks AJ. See ya around.” Rainbow Dash said as she and Scootaloo began to leave. “See ya later Scoots.” Apple Bloom said to her friend.

At that moment, every pony heard an unfamiliar sound. It was a loud screech like roar, the likes of which no pony had ever heard before. “What was that?” asked Applejack. Rainbow Dash replied, “I don’t know. But I think was from the Everfree Forrest.” Apple Bloom was hugging her sister, and asked, “Sis, was that a timber wolf?” Applejack replied, “Ah don’t think so Apple Bloom. It sounds like it’s too big to be a timber wolf. We should probably go home.” Both apple siblings then took down their stand, packed everything up, and departed for Sweet Apple Acres.

A few days later….

Applejack was pacing frantically throughout the apple family home. “Come on Applejack. Keep it together.” She whispered to herself, trying to keep herself calm. Apple Bloom was in the kitchen, making some toast with apple jam whilst trying to reassure her elder sister. “Uh, Applejack? It’s just a fancy party. Nothin’ to get worked up over.” “Just a party?” asked Applejack. “Listen sugar cube, this little hootenanny is supposed to be a meeting of Equestria’s rulers and those of the other kingdoms. Last thing we need is another misunderstandin’.” Applejack shuddered as she remembered how close Equestria had come to conflict, first when Pinkie Pie managed to foster peace with the yaks, and then the massive fiasco that was the early days of Twilight’s School of Friendship.

“Sis, breathe.” Apple Bloom said to her sister. Applejack began to take slow, deep breaths, managing to mostly calm herself down. “Alright sugar cube. Ah’ think Ah’m calm. Thanks.” She then asked her sister, “You think you can handle the farm for a day or so while Ah’m gone?” Apple Bloom nodded her head. “Ah think Ah can. Besides, the girls are comin’ over to help with some of the tasks Big Mac normally does.”

Applejack found herself suddenly getting rather nervous. Big Mac was off running a delivery for Starlight Glimmer’s old village (specifically for a certain Sugar Belle). Of course, it didn’t help that once he left, Granny Smith began to feel under the weather. They had found out she caught the common cold, so she would be bedridden for at least a week. The fact that Applejack and all the other element bearers were required to attend the friendship summit made the situation all the more unpleasant.

“Alright Apple Bloom. Today and tomorrow shouldn’t be too busy. Just make sure everything’s up and runnin’, and keep an eye on Granny Smith. And please stay out of trouble, alright?” Applejack asked her sister. “Ah know.” Replied the young filly. “Ah can handle it.” With that, Applejack gave her sister a hug, straightened her Stetson, and set off out the door. “Applejack, wait!” the younger pony shouted. Applejack asked, “What is it?” Apple Bloom then gave her sister the two pieces of toast to her sister, saying, “Ah made you breakfast. Gotta keep up your strength.” Applejack then wolfed down the two pieces of toast, and made off for the train station, hoping she wasn’t late.

An hour or so later, Apple Bloom was raking up leaves that had blown off the apple trees when she heard a familiar voice behind her. “Hey Apple Bloom. Need a hoof?” She turned to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Apple Bloom replied, “Oh hey girls. Yeah Ah think a little help might be nice.”

Soon the three fillies were hard at work, keeping Sweet Apple Acres running. Sweetie Belle was applying a new coat of paint to the barn, Scootaloo was collecting the chicken eggs, and Apple Bloom was fixing small hole in the fence for the pig pen. As Apple Bloom finished her work on the hole, she heard Sweetie Belle call out, “Hey girls, I made some lemonade.” Apple Bloom gave the patched up hole a good look and thought to herself, ‘Seems ‘bout right,’ and turned to join her friends. She could see that Sweetie Belle was pouring a glass for Scootaloo. As Sweetie Belle began to do the same for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo spoke up, “Wow, I can’t believe it.” “Can’t believe what?” asked Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo answered, “That it isn’t burnt.” A smug smile now hung proudly over the young pegasi’s face.

“Oh come on.” Whined Sweetie Belle. “You know I’ve been taking cooking lessons.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but start to giggle at the mention of Sweetie burning anything food related. “Come on girls,” Apple Bloom started. “Save your strength. We got a lot more to do today.” Scootaloo sighed and replied, “Yeah, I know. Shame Rainbow Dash had to go to that stupid meeting with the other Wonderbolts.” “Whoa. I didn’t know the Wonderbolts had to go as well.” Answered a shocked Apple Bloom. Scootaloo continued, “Yeah, they’re gonna perform for all the delegates.”

Then, the Cutie Mark Crusaders heard it. The same shriek from a few days earlier. No sooner had it began that the three fillies found themselves hugging each other for dear life. “D-d-did you hear that?” Apple Bloom asked the other two. “Y-y-y-yeah. What was th-th-that thing?” asked Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle spoke up. “Maybe it it’s some kind of timber wolf?” Apple Bloom then replied, “Can’t be. Applejack said it sounded too big to be a timber wolf.” Scootaloo asked, “Well what kind of animal sounds like that?”

Suddenly, the girls heard another sound. It was a loud roar, like a reptilian lion, a roar that scared all three of them right to the core. “Th-that kind of animal.” Sweetie Belle said. However, Apple Bloom wasn’t paying attention to her friends, because she had noticed where the sound was coming from; behind the orchard. And the only thing beyond the orchard was the Everfree Forest.

“Zecora! We gotta help Zecora!!” Apple Bloom began shouting, dashing frantically towards the farm’s entrance. “Wait, what do you mean?” asked Scootaloo. “Scoots, whatever is making that noise is in the Everfree Forest, which means it could hurt Zecora. We gotta go help her!” replied a frantic Apple Bloom. However, another thought went through her mind, ‘If Ah go, some pony’s gotta stay and look after Granny Smith.” She turned to Sweetie Belle and asked, “Sweetie Belle, can you stay here and look after….” As soon as she said “stay,” Sweetie ran straight into the farm house. Scootaloo hopped on her scooter and said, “Get on Apple Bloom!”

Within a half hour, both fillies were at Zecora’s hut. Apple Bloom ran up to the front door, only to find a piece of paper that read, “I must say sorry, for I am not here. For I sadly have a very sore ear. I must travel for ingredients numbering two, and will not be back for a day or two.” Apple Bloom Sighed with relief. “What is it?” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo the letter, which the latter read over. “Shame she has a sore ear, but hopefully she isn’t here in the forest.”

As both fillies were making their way through the forest, Scootaloo asked, “So, what do you think made those scary sounds?” “Ah don’t know.” Apple Bloom replied, “Maybe it was some kind of dragon.” “I don’t think that was a dragon.” Scootaloo replied. “I remember Spike saying dragons don’t like living in forests.” Apple Bloom was about to offer another suggestion, but she stopped and covered Scootaloo’s mouth.

“You here that?” Apple Bloom asked very quietly, practically whispering. “Hear what?” Scootaloo asked from behind Apple Bloom’s hoof. Then, she heard it; a low growling sound. “Ah think it’s a timber wolf.” Apple Bloom whispered. “Can you see it?” Letting go of Scootaloo, both fillies looked around. They couldn’t see the signature yellow eyes of timber wolves, but could still hear the growling.

Suddenly, Apple Bloom heard a faint dripping sound. She turned around to see what appeared to be very thick morning dew dripping onto a small log behind her. But then she remembered it was almost one in the afternoon; any dew should have evaporated by now. “Sc-coots?” she asked, motioning to the liquid.

“Find something?” Scootaloo asked nervously. However, she noticed that behind the log appeared to be a tree made of tan and crimson scales. Both fillies began to observe the “tree,” only to notice the top was much broader than the bottom, appeared to have small arms, and….. Then it hit Apple Bloom. “Scoots?” “Yeah?” “Trees don’t have arms, right?” “Nope.”

The growling continued, and their ears told the fillies that whatever was doing it was now right in front of them. As they looked up, they saw something that terrified them both more than anything ever had. It was a large head with a very big mouth full of sharp teeth and drool. There were two orange-red eyes, two slits on the front for nostrils, and perhaps scariest of all were two horns, almost like a bull’s, right on the top. And this thing was eyeing the two crusaders.

Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo and very fearfully asked, “Wh-wh-wh-what do w-w-we do?” Suddenly, they heard the growling stop, only to see the, the whatever it was staring them dead in their eyes, and saw its mouth move while a very elegant yet old voice said, “Run.” Both fillies darted down the path home as quickly as their legs could carry them, whilst the “Monster” simply let out a deep breath through its nose and journeyed deeper into the Everfree Forest.

Later that night….

“You should’ve seen it Sweetie Belle. It was huge!” cried out a very excited Scootaloo. “I think it was bigger than even a whale!” Apple Bloom cut in, “Well it was certainly scarier. Did ya see its teeth?” “Egh. Don’t remind me.” Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, was freaked out by her friends’ descriptions of the new monster in the Everfree. She then asked, “So, after he said “Run,” what happened next?” Scootaloo replied, “We ran as fast as we could back here and…..” she paused, worry settling on her face before she exclaimed, “Oh no! My scooter! It’s still out there!” The young Pegasus began to hyperventilate, worried for her precious scooter.

Scootaloo was about to charge out the door when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle blocked her path. “Are you insane?! That thing out there will eat you for a midnight snack!” Sweetie Belle cried out. “She’s right Scoots.” Said Apple Bloom. “There’s no way of knowin’ if there are any others out there. Not to mention timber wolves, manticores, or any other sort of monsters.” Scootaloo then proceeded to cry. “But….” She sniffed. “My scooter is out there. What if that monster smashes it?” Scootaloo had now devolved into a balling wreck.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sat there, giving each other unsure looks while Scootaloo continued to wale tears out of her eyes (and a bit out of her nose). Then Apple Bloom spoke up. “Ya know we weren’t too far from the entrance to the Everfree Forest when we saw that thing. We might just be able to go in, grab your scooter, and get out before that thing shows up.” Scootaloo immediately went wide eyed with joy. “Really?” “Sure. As long as we make it quick.” Sweetie Belle then cut in. “What? There’s a giant monster in the Everfree and you’re going back in for A SCOOTER?” Apple Bloom then sheepishly answered, “Uh, Ah was thinking, since three sets of eyes are better than two, maybe, all three of us could go?” Sweetie Belle stamped her hoof down and said, “No way. There is no way I’m coming.”

“I can’t believe I said yes.” Sweetie Belle grumbling to herself as she, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo made their way into the Everfree Forest. Apparently, not even fillies were immune to the effects of puppy dog eyes, especially those of her fellow Crusaders. Apple Bloom was keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of danger, whilst Scootaloo was busy scanning for her scooter. All three fillies were otherwise keeping quiet, just in case anything was watching them. However, as the moon began to rise higher and higher, they had to admit they probably wouldn’t find the scooter. “Sorry Scoots, Ah don’t see it.” Said a sad Apple Bloom, knowing this revelation would hurt Scootaloo. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Scootaloo replied, her eyes watering again. Apple Bloom hugged the depressed filly and said, “Come on. Let’s go home.” “Phew, finally.” Cried out a relieved Sweetie Belle.

At that moment, a new voice, a low feminine one, came out of nowhere. “You three aren’t going anywhere.” The three fillies began to hug each other, startled by this new surprise. “Yeah.” Cried a second voice, this one also feminine, but sounding like a goat. “You three aren’t going anywhere.” Then a third voice spoke up, this one quiet and serpent like. “Yesssss. You three are the guestssss of honor.” “Guests of honor? For what?” asked Scootaloo. Apple Bloom, however, was incredibly scared. She knew who those voices belonged to. “Why, dinner of course.” Said the low voice.

Soon, a giant quadrupedal monster leaped from behind the bushes and landed in front of them. It had three heads, one of a saber-toothed tiger, one of a mountain ram, and one of a snake for a tale. It was the chimera Apple Bloom had a nasty run in with not too long earlier. “You!” the tiger head said, pointing at Apple Bloom. “You’re the filly from Flame Geyser Swamp!” “Yeah.” Said the goat head. “We’ve been waiting for this day.” The snake head then said, “And look. Three fillies, one fillet for each of us.” The chimera stalked up to the Crusaders, with the goat head cockily asking, “Any last words?” before either Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle could say anything, Apple Bloom shouted, “RUN!” and all three fillies ran as fast as they could away from the chimera. “GET THEM!” shouted the saber-tooth tiger head.

None of the Crusaders could remember a time when they had run as fast as they had. Apple Bloom peaked behind her, only to see the chimera was right behind them. “Look out!” cried Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom turned around only to see rocky outcrop in front of them. “Oh no.” cried Apple Bloom. Scootaloo tried to climb up, but the outcrop was simply too steep. “We have you now.” Said the tiger head, the chimera having cornered the Crusaders. “I want the yellow one with the bow.” “Hey, I want that one. You take the chicken.” Complained the goat head. Scootaloo, insulted that she was yet again being compared to a chicken, angrily called out, “Hey, I am not a chicken.” The Tiger head shouted back, “DO NOT INTERUPT US!” Scootaloo simply cowered and backed up against the rocky outcrop.

The snake head spoke up. “I want the white one.” Sweetie Belle gulped and squeamishly said, “Uh, I taste kinda gamy.” The snake head then grinned wickedly and replied “All the better.” The tiger head then shouted, “I want the yellow one, and neither of you can stop me!” Apple Bloom gulped. As the chimera moved to separate her from her friends, the tiger head said, “And this time, your sister isn’t here to save you.” Apple Bloom was now terrified, her eyes were watering and she was certain that she this time, she was doomed.

“One.” Said the tiger head. Apple Bloom knew what this meant. “Two.” Said the goat head. ‘Guess this is it.’ Apple Bloom thought to herself. Neither she, her friends, nor the chimera heard the sounds of loud thumping growing louder and stronger. “Three!” shouted the snake head.

But as the chimera launched, it was bitten and picked up by a strange and large creature. All three heads screamed in terrible pain. As Apple Bloom, now surprised that she wasn’t dead, looked up to see what it happened, she was shocked to see that the chimera was being held in the jaws of a giant red-tan scaly bipedal creature.

It stood on long and tall legs with feet that sported three clawed toes, almost like a bird’s feet. It had a long, stiff tail, and its back was covered in rows of small bumps. Its arms were almost impossibly small, seemingly being just the hands sticking out on either side of its front. The head was relatively small and compact, its teeth were sharp, and it sported two horns on the top of its head. With those horns and hands, there was no doubt; this was the creature that she and Scootaloo had encountered. And now it was saving them from the chimera.

“Do something!” shouted the goat head. Unfortunately, the large creature was shaking the chimera like a dog with a chew toy. The creature then slammed the chimera into a large tree, leaving a massive dent in the tree. None of the crusaders knew any of anything capable of doing something like that, especially something with practically no arms. While Sweetie Belle crawled into a ball, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo found themselves watching the scenario with awe as the large creature stood over the broken chimera.

And then it spoke. It spoke in its elegant and deep voice, only now it was clearly laced with anger.

“If I ever find out you are within the scent of any of these three younglings again, I swear there will not be enough of you left for THE VULTURES!” the creature bellowed, anger glowing within its face. The saber-toothed tiger head then sheepishly asked, “What do you mean “enough of us left for the vultures?” The creature took a giant forward, now just above the chimera, a new look plastered on its menacing face; hunger. Fearing what would happen, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked away.

All three fillies could hear a sickening crack, followed by sound of what seemed to be swallowing, all this drowned out by the screams of the goat and tiger heads. Then, one more loud bellow, most likely from the creature, and they heard the sound of feet scurrying away. Apple Bloom, feeling that she couldn’t stand not knowing, peeked around to see that the chimera had fled, and the large creature was standing there, staring down the path the chimera most likely fled.

Apple Bloom turned to her friends and whispered, “Girls, the coast is clear. Let’s get outta here.” However, as the three fillies attempted to tip toe away, the creature, without even moving a muscle, calmly said, “You three aren’t going anywhere.” The three Crusaders then found themselves huddling together as the large creature turned around and began to walk towards them. As soon as it was standing right in front of (and looking directly down at) them, it then asked, “What in the name of the gods are three younglings doing in a nightmarish forest this late in the night?”

Scootaloo was the first to speak up. “Uh, you see mister, uh, whatever you are, we were trying to find my scooter.” She then gave a nervous smile as the creature pierced her with his orange eyes. He then replied, “Cassius. My name is Cassius. And I am a carnotaurus.” He then asked, “And why would a simple scooter be all the way out here?” this time Sweetie Belle spoke up. “You see mister Cassius, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo here came looking for you. Then you scared them away, and they dragged me along to find her scooter.” Cassius then turned his attention to Apple Bloom and asked, “Is this true.” “Ah’m afraid so mister Cassius.”

Sweetie Belle then turned to Scootaloo and angrily said, “This is your fault.” “My fault?” Scootaloo asked indignantly. “How is this my fault?” Sweetie Belle then said, “If you hadn’t thrown such a fit over your scooter, we wouldn’t even need to be rescued by this giant lizard in the first place.”

At the mention of being called a lizard, Cassius let out an ear splitting roar right into the faces of the crusaders. When he finished, he angrily eyed the three fillies, who were now tearing up in fear, and very angrily and bluntly said, “I am not some mindless lizard. I am a carnotaurus. Am I clear?” all three fillies very quickly and nervously nodded their heads in agreement. Cassius then said, “Now that we have that little bit of formalities out of the way, I suggest we make for my cave. You three need some rest if you are to find your way out of here with both your lives and your sanity.” Apple Bloom then said, “Uh, actually, we need to get home. You see….” Cassius cut her off. “One, you are in fact far deeper into this forest than you think. Two, predators are stalking all around us. And three, a storm is on its way. I will see to it that you three return at dawn. Is that fair?” Realizing their situation, the fillies agreed, and followed Cassius to his home.

Cassius wasn’t lying when he mentioned a storm. Just as the small group made it to his cave, the rain began to pour, and pour hard. Apple Bloom was about to ask Scootaloo why it was raining when no one in Ponyville had ordered a downpour, but remembered they were now deep in the Everfree Forest; a place where nature followed its own rules.

The three fillies noticed that there was a pungent smell coming from deeper inside the cave. Scootaloo complained, “Ugh, what is that horrible stench?” Cassius then spoke, “Dinner. At least my dinner. I take it you three are not carnivores?” “Wait, carnivores?” asked Apple Bloom? “As in, like a meat eater?” Cassius then shook his head disappointedly, and then replied, “In that case, if you value your sanity….” He then motioned to a large boulder that stood at the edge of where the moonlight stretched into the cave, and continued, “You will not pass that boulder. For that is where the “Stench” comes from.” The three fillies nodded nervously, feeling they had a good idea what was there.

Cassius then said, “Now then, you three can use the rain at the entrance to clean yourselves….” He motioned to the entrance of the cave, where rain dripped heavily. “Whilst I finish my dinner.” With that, the carnotaurus then trudged to behind the boulder. Apple Bloom then turned to face her friends and asked, “So girls, what do you think of him?” Sweetie Belle answered, “He seems nice. I think.” Scootaloo was far less generous. “He’s kinda scary.” Apple Bloom nervously asked, “What do you mean?” As she asked this, they heard the sound of wet crunching, as well as a low growl, which was most likely Cassius eating. Scootaloo deadpanned, “Do you really need three guesses?”

Apple Bloom looked over towards the boulder. She saw Cassius’s head rise above it, something loose in his mouth. He then tipped his head back, letting the loose whatever-it-was fall into his mouth. From behind her, she heard Sweetie Belle say, “I bet he’ll eat us in our sleep.” Apple Bloom nervously replied, “Come on Sweetie Belle. Ah don’t know about that. Wouldn’t he have eaten us when he found us?” Scootaloo responded, as if she were speaking to a group at a campfire. “I bet that chimera wore him out, and he brought us here so he could rest up and eat us when he has enough energy.”

Then the fillies heard Cassius’s voice. “You know, we eat not when we have strength, but to gain it.” The three fillies turned around to see him now facing them. As he walked forward, he continued, “For the record, I have heard everything you have said since I found you.” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo now found themselves feeling both scared and ashamed. “Luckily for you, I have heard ponies taste too sickeningly sweet to eat. That and I am not some mindless eating machine.” Apple Bloom noticed the look on Cassius’s face; he looked like he was sad. As he turned away, she spoke up. “Wait.” Cassius turned to face the young farm filly, who said, “I just wanted to say thank you Mr. Cassius.” Cassius let out a quiet laugh (which his low voice made somewhat intimidating to the crusaders) and, smiled, and replied, “You are most welcome Apple Bloom. I am pleased to see at least one of you has manners.”

Apple Bloom was surprised how Cassius knew her name, but then she remembered he did say he “heard everything they said.” Still, she wanted to be certain. “Mr. Cassius, how could you hear us.” He replied, “I have very strong senses. I could smell you, your friends, and that three headed thug more than a mile away, and I could hear you within half a mile.” Now all three crusaders were sitting there awe struck. Cassius then chuckled and continued. “As for everything in my cave, you weren’t exactly whispering.”

After the Cutie mark Crusaders washed themselves off in the caves entrance (Cassius explaining they smelt of sweat), they found themselves nestled in a warm corner of the cave. Cassius even pulled out a wool blanket for them. As he stretched it over them, Scootaloo asked, “Uh, where did you get this blanket anyway?” Cassius took a deep breath and replied, “Home.” Sweetie Belle then asked, “Where did you come from?” Cassius then solemnly replied, “Some things you are better off not knowing.” “What do you mean?” Asked Sweetie Belle. Cassius answered, “It means I want you to drop the subject. Am I clear?” She then nodded nervously.

Apple Bloom then said, “You kinda sound like Applejack.” “Who is this Applejack?” asked Cassius. “She’s my big sister.” Replied Apple Bloom. Cassius let out a deep breath and said, “She must be worried about you.” Apple Bloom then replied, “Oh no. She’s out of town at the moment. The only pony home is my Granny Smith. And she’s already asleep.” Cassius then smiled and said, “Well then, you younglings get some rest. We have a fair bit of a trek to get you three home tomorrow.” With that, the fillies gave into their exhaustion and fell asleep, leaving the carnotaurus alone to ponder what he had gotten himself into.

Early the next morning

“Alright younglings. Time to wake up.” Cassius said to the three crusaders, trying to wake them up. The sun had begun to rise, and he intended to make sure they were up and moving before too long. When the fillies didn’t budge, Cassius then let out a loud bellow. Soon all three fillies were wide awake and looking around nervously. “Sleep well?” asked Cassius, a smug smile now spread across his face. “That wasn’t funny.” Said a very irate Scootaloo, rubbing her eyes. Cassius answered, “I think it was at least a little funny. Now come. Let’s get you three home.”

As the small group walked through the untamed undergrowth of the Everfree Forest, it really hit the CMC on how deep they had gone. “Mister Cassius?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Yes?” answered Cassius. Sweetie Belle asked, “You said you were a Carn-o-boar-us. What does that mean?” Cassius then let out a small giggle and replied, “It is carnotaurus. And to answer your question, we are members of the clan Theropod Major.” “Whoa. There are more of you?” Asked Scootaloo, now interested in the conversation. Cassius then replied, “There are 8 great clans in my homeland. One’s clan is decided by their species, or rather their families.”

As the group approached a river, they heard a low rumble, specifically the sound Cassius’s stomach. “You hungry?” Asked Apple Bloom. Cassius politely answered, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll eat after I get you three home.” Scootaloo then asked, “Yeah, about that, how do you know where we’re going? For Celestia’s sake, we could be going even deeper into the Everfree.” Cassius then inhaled through his nose, and replied, “I can smell your home. A farm that specializes in apples, am I wrong?” Apple Bloom was speechless. “How did you…..” Cassius cut the young filly off. “Your name is Apple Bloom; your sister is named Applejack, and I can smell a large collection of apple trees about three-fourths of a mile straight ahead. And I know that apple trees aren’t in this so called Everfree Forest.” Sweetie Belle then said, “But, that still doesn’t entirely answer the question.” Cassius then answered, “There is a proverb; you have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and one mouth. Use them in that order.”

After about an hour or so, the group soon found themselves on the edge of the Everfree and now on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. But as they continued, they heard a collection of voices call out. “Apple Bloom! Where are you?” shouted one, the voice belonging to Applejack. Another voice, Rarity’s, called out, “Sweetie Belle, where are you?” A third, raspy voice called out, “Scoots, you there?” The crusaders were excited, yet worried; hoping their sisters (or sister-figure for Scootaloo) weren’t too upset.

Applejack was furious. The second time she left Apple Bloom home alone and she and her friends had run off. At least Rarity and Rainbow Dash were there to help her search for them, as well as keep her from losing her temper. “Applejack!” called out a voice. Applejack turned to the edge of the orchard to see Apple Bloom and her friends running towards her with big smiles on their faces. She would not be returning the favor.

“Where were you girls?!” shouted Applejack, making the crusaders start to cower in fear. “You just up and left Granny Smith. You better give me one good reason not to ground y’all for the rest of your lives!” Rarity then stepped forward, silently motioning for Applejack to step back. “What Applejack means is that you three should be VERY ashamed of yourselves.” Now all three older ponies were very cross. Scootaloo was the first to speak up. “You see, we heard the sound of the mystery creature, so Apple Bloom and I went to see if Zecora was safe, but I accidentally left my scooter.” Then it was Sweetie Belle’s turn. “They then dragged me into help them search for it. But this chimera showed up and attacked us.” Apple Bloom then finished. “But this fella named Cassius saved us, and we stayed with him for the night due to an Everfree storm. Rainbow then said, “Well, I’d like to meet this Cassius fella.”

“I would be happy to oblige.” Said a new voice. It was elegant, somewhat elderly, and a bit arrogant. As the older ponies looked around, Applejack noticed a large creature emerging from the forest. It was a large bipedal creature covered in red and tan scales. It had a long tail, impractically small arms, rows of sharp bumps on its back, and a head with orange-red eyes, sharp teeth, and two scary horns on the top of its head. And this thing was walking right towards them.

“Girls…” Applejack said in a nervous whisper. “Get behind me right now.” She, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash then placed themselves between the crusaders and the creature. “Applejack, wait! That’s Cassius.” Said Apple Bloom. “He’s the one who saved us.” Rainbow Dash then said, “But he’s a dinosaur. Those things are bad news.” Scootaloo cut in, “But he said he’s something called a carnival bull.” “Carnotaurus.” Said the being Apple Bloom referred to as Cassius. “I am indeed a dinosaur. But I am specifically a carnotaurus.” Applejack, however, was not having any of these fancy names. “Ah don’t care what you call yourself. I want you off my property.”

Cassius took one step closer, and Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash took battle stances, ready to strike. “Ah mean it buckaroo!” shouted Applejack. Cassius stood there for a moment, let out a deep breath, and simply replied, “So be it.” He then said, “Well younglings, I believe this is farewell. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, I wish you three the best of luck.” He then turned around and began to slowly trudge away dejectedly.

“Yeah, run you big lizard!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo turned to her honorary sister. “Rainbow, please don’t call him that. He hates it when you call him a…..” She was interrupted when Cassius turned around for a brief moment, and let out a very loud and furious bellow before he stomped back into the depths of the Everfree Forest and out of sight.

“Now that that’s settled…” Applejack began as she turned to face the three fillies, her frown not changing an inch. “You three are grounded.”

Two days later

“Come on now sugar cube.” Said Applejack to her sister, who was pulling the Apple Family’s sale cart. “Come on Applejack, why do Ah have to pull this wagon again?” “Because it’s part of your punishment for wondering off into the Everfree.” Applejack replied somewhat sternly. “Oh, yeah.” Glumly replied Apple Bloom. Not only did she have to do this, but Applejack wouldn’t let her leave her sight for the next week, and she wouldn’t be allowed to stay home alone for a “very long time.”

Soon the Apple siblings had set up their stand and began to sell apples and apple products to famished ponies all over Ponyville. Apple Bloom, however, didn’t have the enthusiasm. “What is wrong with you Apple Bloom?” Asked Applejack. “How come you don’t have the energy today?” “Applejack, what do you have against Cassius?” Apple Bloom inquired. Applejack could have gone the rest of her life without hearing that name again. “Ah told you sugar cube, he’s a dinosaur. And dinosaurs are bad news.” Apple Bloom then angrily asked, “But what is a dino-sawr anyway? You haven’t said anything about them since you got back from that meeting.”

“Excuse me.” Asked a somewhat familiar voice. The two siblings turned around to find Twilight and Fluttershy. “Uh, are we interrupting you two?” asked the timid Pegasus. “No.” answered Applejack. “Just trying to explain something to Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom quickly asked, “Twilight, What’s a dino…” but quickly found her sister’s hoof placed firmly in her mouth. Twilight spoke up, “Apple Bloom, there’s a reason your sister isn’t saying anything. While we were at the summit a group of dinosaurs attacked us.” As Applejack took her hoof out of her sister’s mouth, the former added, “And that’s all you need to know. Am ah’ clear?” dejected, Apple Bloom nodded.

After selling their friends some apple tarts, business continued as usual. Once the crowd died down to a few straggling ponies, the Apple siblings began to pack up their cart. As they finished, Apple Bloom noticed that the area immediately around them was growing darker. “Applejack, isn’t it too early for sunset?” Applejack asked, “What do you mean sugar cube?”

As Applejack finished, there was a loud crash right behind the two, followed by a massive cloud of dirt, dust, and debris. Both ponies shielded their eyes from the massive dirt cloud, sadly leaving Applejack unable to see the massive paw that swiped her right into the side of a nearby building. Twilight, having seen the event unfold, Teleported over to her friend. “APPEJACK!” she shouted, only to find herself knocked out by the same paw. As Apple Bloom rushed to her sister and friend, two angry faces emerged from the dirt cloud.

One was a saber-toothed tiger, the other was a goat.

“This time…” said the tiger head, cruelty oozing out of every syllable. “No pony is here to save you, you little runt!” “Yeah.” Said the goat head. “You and us, right here, right now.” Apple Bloom turned and tried to run, but the chimera leapt forward and cut off her escape. Fluttershy dove in to try and save the filly, but the chimera turned and slapped her down to the ground. It was at this moment that Apple Bloom noticed that the snake tail was missing, there was only a stump covered in scar tissue where a tail should be.

The chimera had Apple Bloom right where they wanted her; cornered like a rat. “No sister, no friends, no hope….” Angrily spat the tiger head, now eyeing the filly whilst her mouth drooled. “And no last words.” Apple Bloom now found herself pressed against apple family kart, crying desperately, and hoping some pony would save her.

Then a very familiar screech-like roar echoed through town. Apple Bloom found herself looking up and around her, she couldn’t see much through her tear soaked eyes, other than a now terrified chimera. One pony in the crowd (Who had been stunned speechless by the chimera’s attack) shouted “LOOK!” whilst pointing to the edge of town. Apple Bloom, using the confusion to dash out of the chimera’s grasp, was completely surprised at what she saw. There, coming into view from the edge of Ponyville, entered Cassius, a look of determination and fury dominating his face.

Cassius took step after deliberate step, sticking his head out to sniff the air. Sure enough, the three-headed…. No, two headed thug was right in the town square. Apple Bloom was shocked to say the least to see Cassius again, let alone right in the middle of Ponyville. From behind her, she heard the saber-toothed tiger head nervously say, “It can’t be.” Apple Bloom, momentarily blinded by the sudden arrival of the carnotaurus, arrogantly called out, “Now you’re in for it. He’s gonna whoop your…” She found herself silenced when the chimera back-pawed her, bruising her chest.

That was a horrible mistake.

Applejack awoke to find two horrible scenes. One was her little sister being back-clawed by a very unhappy chimera. The other was the sight of an even angrier carnotaurus letting out a very loud and very VERY angry roar. Cassius stomped the ground and began to run towards the chimera.

And towards Apple Bloom.

Applejack bolted up and dashed to her sister, hoping there was enough time to place herself between Apple Bloom and both monsters. “Come on, come on!” she said to herself, pushing herself faster than ever. As she arrived, Cassius appeared to be no more than a few hundred meters away, and closing the distance fast. Standing tall and proud, Applejack shouted, “You ain’t laying one claw on my sister you big lizard!” she found it incredibly odd that Cassius simply ran past her and continued towards the chimera.

Almost every pony in town was now enthralled by the sight of the two large creatures now roaring at each other, as if they were predators fighting over a carcass. But what surprised everyone was Cassius. No one had ever seen such a large reptilian creature, as well as one that acted as if he were a mammal or even a bird. Even Applejack was found herself surprised at the sight. It was at this moment she noticed that Cassius had placed himself in between the chimera and them. ‘Maybe this fella isn’t as bad as Ah thought?’ she thought.

This thought was shattered when the chimera launched itself at Cassius, clawing and slashing at the chest and face of the larger dinosaur. Cassius, for his part, managed to get his mouth around the chimera’s front left paw, and bit down. The two headed thug screamed in intense pain as Cassius flung the monster into a building, seemingly destroying it. The chimera forced itself up and tried to charge at Cassius, only to find itself held down by one of the carnotaurus’s massive clawed feet as it was picked up, shaken like a dog playing with a rope, and tossed towards the edge of town.

Apple Bloom awoke to a horrible feeling on the front of her chest and to the sound of two very loud sets of bellows. As her vision cleared, she could see what appeared to be the chimera being tossed by Cassius. As she stumbled to her hooves, she heard her sister call out, “Apple Bloom!” and quickly found herself in clutched tightly in a hug. However, though she appreciated it, she turned her head around to see Cassius standing between the chimera and her sister and herself. She saw the carnosaur turn his head to face her, a look of worry on her and her sister’s face, as well as her bruises and a few cuts from the scuffle. Cassius turned to face the chimera, growling with fury no pony had heard in their lives.

From their safe position behind the carnotaurus, Apple Bloom and Applejack were able to see the Chimera, now quivering with fear. She noticed the tiger head speak up, nervously pleading, “Please, don’t hurt us.” The large dinosaur simply stood there, eyeing the broken monster, silently pleading for mercy he would not be giving. The Chimera then took a single step back. Cassius, now truly disgusted by the monster’s cowardice, simply said to himself, “there will be no escape. Not this time.”

Before any pony could react, Cassius let out an ear splitting roar and dashed forwards towards the chimera, with the latter fleeing as fast as it could. Sadly for the creature, Cassius was far faster, and as the distance between him and the chimera grew short, Apple Bloom looked away, whilst Applejack was shocked at what she was witnessing. Once the carnotaurus was practically over the now exhausted chimera, he bit down on the creature’s back, and drove it into the ground, spreading a massive cloud of dust and dirt into the air, blocking out the doomed two headed thug. As ponies started to gather, Cassius raised his head above the dirt cloud and let out a victorious bellow.

As ponies inched their way to the large biped, Cassius began to walk towards Apple Bloom. “Dear Celestia, what is that thing?” asked a mint green unicorn. “I don’t know” replied a light brown earth pony with a blue and pink mane. Another pony cried out, “Is it some sort of creature from the Everfree Forest?” “Maybe it’s some sort of mutant crocodile.” “It can’t be. It’s a giant lizard.” Cassius would have had some choice words for the crowd, but for one, they couldn’t comprehend what he was or where he came from. And secondly, he had to see if Apple Bloom was alright.

As the carnotaurus approached the apple siblings again, Twilight, Fluttershy, and the others (Who had just arrived to see the final confrontation between the chimera and the dinosaur) joined Applejack in forming a defensive barrier between Apple Bloom and Cassius. “You ain’t going anywhere near her mister.” Applejack said, anger and fear of losing her sister seething out from her teeth. Ignoring the attempt at scaring him, Cassius asked, “The youngling. Is she safe?” Twilight spoke up next. “No thanks to you. You destroyed that building, endangered the lives of the citizens of Ponyville, and I don’t even want to know what you did to that Chimera.” As Twilight pointed towards the destroyed building, Fluttershy flew up to Cassius’s face and began shouting, “Why did you have to hurt that poor thing. I know it was threatening Apple Bloom, but couldn’t you just have scared them off? You are just a great big monster mister!!” As she shouted, she began to employ her infamous stare on the dinosaur.

Then, something no one, pony or otherwise, ever expected happened. Cassius shot a stare of his own at Fluttershy, the latter actually starting to back down. Rainbow Dash shot forward and managed to lay a good hoof punch on Cassius’s jaw, breaking the trance, allowing Fluttershy to cower behind her friends. “Take that you big lizard!” shouted the rainbow mained Pegasus.

Cassius then closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and began to softly speak. “So that is how it will be, is it?” asked the carnotaurus. “I promised that creature, this Chimera, that if it went anywhere near your sister or her friends, I would end her miserable little life.” He then turned to face Applejack. “I saved your sister, and for gratitude you try to shoo me away like a rabid beast of burden.” Cassius’s voice was rising slowly, but at a certainly noticeable pace. “And you have not even shown the courtesy to attempt to address my name.” Cassius then stood tall, looking down on the ponies.

“I am Cassius. Senator of the Saurian Republic. Soldier of the Praetorian Guard. Descendant of Tulious, and the vanquisher of the chieftan Dumnorix. I am a carnotaurus, of the clan Theropod Major!” With that, Cassius took a deep breath, and furiously let out, “I AM NOT SOME MINDLESS EATING MACHINE, AND I AM NOT A LIZARD, AM I CLEAR?” Cassius now found themselves breathing heavily, and staring down upon a group of terrified ponies. Worse still, when he turned around, every pony was terrified, fleeing in fear or petrified as if scared stiff.

Perhaps the worst part was that when he turned around, he saw Apple Bloom, cowering behind her sister and the other ponies. And he didn’t need three guesses why she was scared. Mentally cursing himself, Cassius took another deep breath, and very glumly continued. “But it seems that that is all I am doomed to be, isn’t it? Just a mouthful of teeth with a bad attitude.” With that, Cassius turned his body and stomped out of Ponyville, glaring and snarling at any pony that got too close.

After all, he was just a monster, some violent thug, just like what Consul Olympius decreed when he had been banished. “You are to be exiled from the Republic. Should you ever return, you will be declared an enemy of the Republic and dealt with as such!” Cassius couldn’t help but let a single tear fall from his eye, causing a glimmer that Apple Bloom could see from the center of town, and feeling incredibly guilty for her fear.

A few Days Later

Apple Bloom lay in bed that night thinking over what happened a few days earlier. She had been unable to get the image of Cassius leaving town out of her head. Sure, he had most likely killed the chimera, but he did so to save her. For the second time that week, Cassius had saved her life, even though he could easily have just let her die.

Something else was bugging Apple Bloom; Applejack’s behavior. No matter how she tried to word it, if she even so much as off handedly mention Cassius or the dreaded word “dinosaur,” Applejack would demand Apple Bloom silence herself and not speak again until she had left. The fact that she was still grounded and thus couldn’t leave Sweet Apple Acres without incurring her family’s wrath didn’t exactly make the situation any more tolerable.

As she was musing, Apple Bloom heard the sound what she assumed to be timber wolves howling in the distance. Clearly zap apple jam season had arrived. And this thought would have ended if it had not been for the now all too familiar howl-roar of Cassius. ‘Huh?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself as she heard the wolves blend in almost perfectly with Cassius’s bellows. “What’s goin’ on?” she said out loud, only to be surprised as Applejack burst into her room, a smile plastered onto her orange muzzle. “Ya hear them timber wolves sugar cube? It’s zap apple time again. So you better get some rest, we’re all gonna need it.” She began to exit her little sister’s room before turning back around and firmly stating, “You better not go running off after that Cassius fella, you hear me?” Apple Bloom nodded firmly, and her sister turned around and left to get some sleep.

However, Apple Bloom had unintentionally gotten an idea from her sister. Thinking quickly, she grabbed a piece of rope she had stored away (from failed crusades), and managed to climb down and make a mad dash towards the Everfree Forest. Deep down, she knew this was a horrible idea, and that Applejack would be incredibly furious once she found out, but Apple Bloom had to do it, she had to find and apologize to Cassius.

This particular night, the Everfree Forest was even more terrifying than usual. Apple Bloom found herself nervously overlooking her shoulder and all around her, fearing every bush, hedge, and tree held some kind of horrible monster, like a manticore or the timber wolves. A large bush to her left was rustling very loudly, far too loud to simply be a draft. “Wh-Wh-Who’s there?” asked the frightened little filly. At that moment, a small ferret jumped out of the bush, relieving Apple Bloom. “Phew, ya scared me little fella.”

Before either could react, the small ferret was snatched up by a timber wolf, the monster shaking the poor creature like a Wynonna playing with a rope. Apple Bloom, petrified with terror at the sight of the creature, turned to run, only to see two more timber wolves. Glancing behind her, the wolf from earlier and two others had cut off her escape.

Apple Bloom also noticed something was different about these timber wolves. They weren’t as large as timber wolves, seemed to be a bit scrawnier and most interesting of all, glowed with crimson red flames rather than the green of normal timber wolves. Before any of these beasts could pounce on the young filly, a loud growl caught their attention, and the wolves created an opening in their circle. And from the shadows of the Everfree, Apple Bloom could make out the now familiar shape of Cassius, the creatures bowing before the large Carnotaurus.

“What am I going to do with you youngling?” asked the large carnivore, disappointment seeping from his voice. Apple Bloom took a deep breath and responded, “Well, You see, Ah wanted to apologize to you mister Cassius.” “Oh?” asked Cassius. “Well, you have my attention.” The large Theropod raising himself even taller, and continued, “Well, I am waiting.” The timber wolves sat down, waiting as if they were guard dogs, ever patient for some criminal to slip up and end up in their sights.

“Ah…… Ah’m sorry I didn’t stand up for you when Mah sister and her friends chased you away, and Ah’m sorry I was scared of you.” She then took a deep breath and asked, “Can you forgive me?” Cassius took a step forward, Apple Bloom worried the large carnivore would possibly eat her. She was surprised when she found herself being gently nuzzled by the Theropod. Giving a surprisingly warm smile, he answered, “You did not need to apologize for that Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom, confused, replied, “But, I remember seeing you were crying when you left.” Cassius then answered, “That little incident was…” he paused for a minute, before continuing, “That wasn’t the first time I’ve been banished.”

“What? You were banished?” asked a surprised filly. “Indeed.” Replied Cassius. “You see, about a decade ago, whilst I served in the senate, there was a famine in my homeland, and, well, I happen to have an abnormally high metabolism.” Apple Bloom asked, “What does that mean?” “It means, in simple terms, my body is always in need of food.” “You mean, like all the time?” asked the filly. “Every moment, far more than even larger theropods.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s a Theropod?” Cassius answered, “Other species of dinosaurs like me. Not just Carnotaurus, but the other members of Theropod Major.”

Cassius then began to look down into the ground, as if he were shameful, and continued, “Well, during the worst part, I was so starved I went into a maddened frenzy, and I went after what I thought was a giant boar.” He took a deep breath before he continued, “But instead it was a fellow senator. For what was such an abhorrent act, I was banished and declared an “Enemy of the Republic.”” Apple Bloom asked, “But, didn’t they know about your metabo… hunger thing?” Cassius gave a small laugh before replying, “Oh they knew, but there was nothing anyone could do. I just had to tough it out. Obviously it did not exactly work.”

Apple Bloom looked around, observing the sorrowful expressions on the timber wolves, and sorrowfully said, “That’s awful. Ah wish Mah sister could hear that. She’d probably see you in a different light.” Cassius suddenly sported a cheeky smile and answered, “I think that has already happened.” “Huh?” asked Apple Bloom. Cassius then raised his head and called out, “I know you’re here Applejack, you can reveal yourself now.” Apple Bloom sat there for a moment, but when she heard a bush rustling behind her, she found Applejack emerging, worry and shame evident on her face. Cassius then continued, “And your friends. They can reveal themselves as well.” Soon, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and the others emerged from the forest.

“Apple Bloom.” Applejack said, her shamed look slowly turning into one of anger. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?” Apple Bloom simply answered, “A lot Ah reckon.” Applejack’s glare softened and she replied, “Yeah, but for now Ah think there’s something Ah gotta do.” Applejack stepped forward towards Cassius, took off her Stetson and held it over heart, and somberly said, “Firstly, Ah want to say Ah’m sorry for bein’ so nasty to you. And secondly, Ah wanna thank you for saving mah little sister.” Fluttershy then stepped forward and added, “And I’m sorry for using the stare on you. I guess I was just too caught up in the moment.” Finally Twilight stepped forward and said, “As the Princess of friendship, I feel that I have set a bad example to you. I offer my apologies, both for myself and all of Ponyville.”

Cassius let out another small laugh, this one gentler than any he had given previously, and replied, “I accept your apologies. Now I believe it is my turn to apologize for that outburst the last time we spoke.” Applejack then offered her hoof, and asked, “So, we good?” Cassius dropped down and moved himself closer so the farm pony could shake his impossibly small forelimb. Pinkie Pie was the next to speak up, or rather shout out loud “Time For a great big DINOSAUR PARTY!”

The Next Day

Pinkie Pie may not have outdone herself with her dinosaur party, but she still felt she had done a rather splendid job. Having made up with Cassius, The group decided they should throw an “Apology for being scared of you and thank you for saving Apple Bloom” party in honor of the carnosaur. Most of the town was present, enjoying the festivities. Even Apple Bloom, who was ostensibly grounded, was allowed by her sister to go, and she was enjoying herself next to her new friend.

Fluttershy was inspecting the odd timber wolves. “Oh my. I’ve never met any wolves like you before.” From behind her, she heard Cassius remark, “I do not believe they are wolves.” “Oh?” asked the timid pony. Cassius continued, “I believe they are jackals.” Though put off a slight bit, she ultimately warmed up to the timber jackals, and was even surprised to see a few vultures begin resting on the rooftops of Ponyville. Cassius called out, “Do not worry ponies; these vultures are friends of mine.” Twilight, who had been observing her friends, was fascinated, remarking, “Amazing. He can actually communicate with these timber jackals as well as vultures. It’s as if he were their alpha.

The festivities were interrupted when Spike burped up a letter. Twilight took the letter and began to read it, her reaction growing surprised. “You ok sugar cube?” asked Applejack, Apple Bloom and Cassius following her. Twilight, bearing a shocked expression on her face, gave the note to Applejack, who began to read it. Apple Bloom asked, “What’s it say Applejack?” her older sister replied, “They’re commin’.” “Who’s commin’?” At that moment, Twilight answered, “The dinosaurs.”

Equestria’s Western Coast…..

“Come on Lads, put your backs into it!” shouted the ship’s captain, a sight that wouldn’t have been too awkward for the citizens of Las Pegasus, as the city was on the shoreline of the South Luna Ocean. What was shocking to them was that the beings coming off the ships that were now docked were unlike anything any pony had ever seen before. The captain himself was a large reptilian creature standing on two legs and had a long crocodilian head. However, most of the beings dismounting the massive galleys were took two forms; relatively tiny (specifically around pony size) two legged beings with small beaks and smooth and round bony heads, or larger four legged beings with massive frills on their heads, more pronounced beaks, and massive bony lumps above their noses.

One of these larger beings was approached by two new forms. Both of these new beings were bipedal beings with claws on their fingers and toes (especially their big toes), stiff long tails, Relatively long mouths with sharp teeth, Feathers (One was a dark crimson and another a dull brown) and an all around sense of superiority. “Ambassador Olympius, Triarius, we have landed and are getting into formation.” Said the large frilled being. “Very Good Scutum, we leave within thirty minutes.” Replied Olympius, the Crimson Raptor. He had to admit it was invigorating to return to Equestria. Triarius spoke up, “I don’t like being back in this…..colorful nightmare.” Disgust dripped from his every syllable. Olympius wrapped his feathered arm around Triarius and said, “I cannot change what they have done to you brother, but the Senate has sent us to correct it and make peace with the ponies.”

Scutum then spoke up, “Sirs, if we are to arrive on time, we must make haste.” Olympius added, “Very well. Inform the men there is to be no looting. Anything they acquire is to either be bartered or paid for. Am I Clear?” Scutum saluted and answered, “Yes sir.” Olympius took a deep breath and, with a smile growing across his reptavian face, proudly proclaimed, “Sons of the Saurian Republic, we march to Ponyville!” He was greeted with cheers from his fellow dinosaurs, but looks of fear and concern from the local ponies. But Olympius knew his mission, a mission that would unite two worlds separated by several millennia.

And he was going to see it through to the end.