//------------------------------// // The Rule of Chaos-Part 2 // Story: The Epic of Twilight // by AlicornPriest //------------------------------// The King of Madness, Discord, had prevailed. The Bearers each had chosen, one by one, the blissful madness of Disharmony. They fell away from Honesty and cheer, instead fulfilling Anger and Deceit. Their Greed o’erwhelmed them, and the easy road of Cruelty became their holy way. They threw away their hope, and so became most Traitorous and friendless. And he laughed the laugh of victors, for, as they grew weak, he grew yet stronger from their weakened hearts. He snapped his claw, and magic grew about. The laws of nature broke upon his will. The paths of gritty dirt turned slick and weak, the houses toppled over, grass turned pink, and ponies felt their hearts begin to turn to darkness as they breathed chaotic air. The cheerful lost their cheer, the sweet turned sour, the friendly turned against each other, and all who walked in order and in law were thrown to madness. Such was Discord’s rule. But Twilight, ever sage, asked of the King: “Where are the Elements? How can we find the instruments if you have wrecked the garden maze?” And Discord laughed and spoke his edgéd words: “Did you not hear? Oh, Twilight, you fool! This maze wasn’t hope! It was my tool! Did I not say that it was my plan? The Elements aren’t here, but where you began!” Now Twilight saw the error of her ways. She’d let her friends be poisoned for no gain. But what could she now do? Her only hope was to continue searching for them yet, and hopefully, if they could be convinced, the five gray ponies would equip the gems and so defeat King Discord once again. She set her bleary eyes to Ponyville and walked most slowly down the ruined trail. The other four, save Rainbow Dash, walked on along with her. They bickered and they fought with every step, ‘til Twilight seemed to want to burst in Anger. Yet she kept it in. When she saw Ponyville, her hope collapsed once more. It spun and whirled about in space, chaotically confusing all who looked at it. As she beheld it, Discord showed up by her side, and told her of his plans for his regime: “This is my base, my domain, my dear. All other ponies will quake in fear. Do you see it, Twilight? Do you see what’s in store? My chaos will reign forevermore!” But Twilight said, “I see no kingdom here.” But half a Lie, perhaps, for she believed that she could end the curse before he made much progress. On she walked amid the wyld that lay before her and the library. And Spike, the ever-vigilant, was there. He saw with great surprise the four of grey and asked, “How came they to this wretched state?” But Twilight said, “It matters not. Come here and help me find the thrice-cursed book I need!” She caught herself, for what she’d said was Cruel. She spoke again with measured words. “Please, Spike, I need the book about the Elements, Do you think you can find it?” Yes, he could. He climbed a ladder swiftly and picked up the very book. But as he sought to bring it to her, Fluttershy swept down and took it from him, passing it along from pony grey to pony, never once allowing Twilight succor or release. Soon her impatience grew, and she began to Greedily desire it, the book. Her patience broke, and she rained heavy blows like Mars in war upon her evil friends. At last, the book was won, and she so cried: “This is my book, none other’s! I will read and find the answers that I so desire!” But as she opened up the book, she found that Discord’s trick was simpl’r than she thought. The Elements were there within the book! It seemed too easy. Were these truly they? She would not know until they were employed against the foe. Quickly, without thought of kindness towards her friends, she threw them on about their throats and made to find the King. But Spike spoke up and asked, “Where be the sixth? The Loyal Rainbow Dash? Did she not come with you?” And Twilight turned on him. She thought a thought most Traitorous: “We need not her. If I find but another who is Loyal, they could replace her.” So she gave the last of the six necklaces to Spike. She turned and forced them out as swiftly as she could. There Discord stood, uncaring at the six. “I don’t fear you, Twilight, student and friend, the Element’s pow’r is at an end. Try to attack me. Can you begin to quell this eternal storm that you’re in?” And Twilight caught her breath. Was this the truth? Had he allowed them to regain the gems because he knew that they now held no pow’r? She cast away that thought. They must prevail. They must prevail. They must succeed. They... must? She turned her head and called the five at once into the group. She called upon the crown she wore, the Element of Magic, and she felt its power coursing through her yet. But no! She could not feel the others near! The power was supposed to fill all six as one, and yet she felt no other force. The five were dead, or carried no degree of light within them. Thus the weapon failed. And Discord only laughed, for it was plain that they could never hope to take him down. He flew away, no threat to him remained. The four of darkness threw away their gems and gave her scowling looks as they went off to spread more chaos anywhere they went. So Twilight watched them, cursing their contempt. Their hurtful words, despite her mad façade, were breaking her. She longed for her old friends that loved her, filled her heart with life’s true joys. She felt a broken feeling she had thought was gone forever, now that she had friends. But now that they’d abandoned her, she felt once more the awful pain of Loneliness. And as she filled with Loneliness, she felt detachedly her coat turn sickly gray. So Discord won, and chaos reigned supreme. And thus... Among the town... were fruity planes. Salio walked in the messily bran, new steaks and freedom, endlessly wavering, the coffee was mimsy, the nu-sesta devily. The scent of blue was all around, and trips, new solid, constantly interfering, and news! Oh news! The heart aches to hear it. Coventry and whisper-wills were far along. Pies! They call me engendered fleas, And last, first, any try, comma, semicolon... none and one. The moonbeams dropped in the songbird’s waves and anyone lived in a pretty how town. The buffalo danced in the cool cover sting. Navra, umbrella, hanta mistake... The purple worm and its raw blink. The pony who flew with a wobbly button, the cocoma gunta with soft debonair. Textile and dishes in the light of the moon. Despair and unity in the darkness of song. Fizzle and wizzle and bridges and tea, Diggle and Daggle, the students of myrrh, Cordoba, Calliope, Canterlot, Car. Freeze lister quanta, the ranch and the file. Silly samhedi, contortional blessing. The grey unicorn in the sapphire staff with the coltra kinesis and the lost miranda walked in the stat and the light and the dark. And letters flew by in a cuprous melange, the starry nucleus wanting no froid. And they laughed, and they sighed, and they wanted to be free. And Twilight heard, with a new apprehension, the joys of the past and the wants of before. And Twilight, through the memories of love and friendship, gained her sanity once more. She read the letters she had sent away to Canterlot that bore the love she felt for all her friends. The Loneliness began to crumble. She regained her purple hue. She realized that she could save her friends with those same memories. She went at once to Applejack the Liar and began a spell of love, of memory, to break the bonds of gray that Discord had devised. Though Applejack resisted her, she soon began to feel the joys of friendship past. Her color soon returned, and she began with halting words to say, “I’ve done you wrong. I lied to ease my heart, to hide the truth. But I remember now that Honesty will always be more useful in the end. Can you forgive me?” she lamented. “Yes,” said Twilight. “I already have. Come on!” They saw the next one, Fluttershy, and she was mean and surly, but they bound her tight so that she would not hurt them. Then once more, sage Twilight cast her spell upon the Brute. Sweet Fluttershy began to tell her tale: “I let him trick me. Oh, how wrong I was to ever think that hate was better than the pain we get from love unrequited. But kindness is not easy. Even when our kindness is repaid with ill, we must press onward, loving constantly.” She wept for all the wrong she’d done to all her friends. But they embraced her, loving her at fault. With Fluttershy and Applejack regained, they came to the Boutique, where Rarity kept closely to herself all of her things in Greedy clasp. But Twilight soothed her heart and brought her back to happiness once more. And Rarity, with gentle heart, said thus, “Oh, dear, I let him trick me, didn’t I? He told me I deserved it for my own, that lustrous gem, that serpent’s apple. But I know now what I thought was incorrect. To give to friends is wondrous. Value lost through charity is won through handsome smiles that warm the heart. I now renounce the gem that stole my heart. Away you, demon’s gift!” And so, she hurled the boulder far away. The last they found was Pinkie Pie, amid a bush of thorns. Here Twilight used again the spell she’d made, and Pinkie gained her pink. She Laughed her joyous Laugh and sang her song: O joyful! I feel it now, the Laughter I’d lost in my heart. It’s funny, I don’t recall how. Ah yes! I’d forgotten the art for others were laughing with hate as my soul was tearing apart. But oh! Now isn’t it great? I’ve learned of how Laughter is best when sharing with friends or with mates. But wow! Did I fail his test? No matter! My Laughter and song Will help us be glad and at rest. I know now my sadness was wrong. But now I feel vibrant and strong! I’m happy! Let’s all get along! But where was Rainbow Dash? No sign they found at any of her haunts, until at last they found her on a cloud amid a field. Anon, they asked her, “Wherefore do you stay among that cloud? Wilt thou come help our team?” And she replied, “I must protect my home!” For Rainbow Dash believed that this small cloud was Cloudsdale. “I need friends not, nor do I care for your quest. I help only myself.” They made to hold her, but she flew away. They fought her left and right, but swift was she, and they could not contain her. Twilight thought, and soon they realized a better plan. They worked together. First, as Pinkie Pie and Rarity passed Applejack the ropes, they chased behind with Fluttershy at wing. Twilight steered them, and, with careful aim, they held down Rainbow Dash and cast the spell. Her color now returning, she began, “I let you fail the game that Discord made because I was afraid of what he showed among the clouds. I let my fear betray me, and it led me to regret the very path I’d chosen. Now, I swear, I’ll never walk away from duty giv’n. We must be off at once, for Discord waits!” Indeed he did. He sat upon a throne and watched with glee the chaos he had made. The madness of the ponies was his song, their fear and sorrow, all he lived and breathed. He felt his power rising. Soon, he’d strike and ruin all the land with chaos’ might. But Twilight and her friend stood ‘fore his throne. They stood with strength and unity. But he saw not their newfound color, nor their hope. He wielded power still beyond their own and spoke his words to them to drive them off: “The Elements? Bah. You’ve tried them before. I’ve broken you once. Shall I break you once more?” He picked them up with magic, and they felt the chaos all around amid the air destroying their resolve. But Twilight jumped at once and held them in a barrier born not of magic, but of friendship’s bliss. And as it touched the ground, it broke the spell of chaos, bringing peace to it once more. This Discord saw but understood it not. Still arrogant as ever, he believed that he had bested them. He watched them grow in power, ‘til at once it was too late. Fair Twilight glowed with power and released the Magic of the Elements once more. It struck the King and turned him straight to stone. The magic pulsed and opened over all of Ponyville. The chaos wiped away to be replaced with order once again. The stained glass windows in the Vault now tell of their adventures. They will be known now and for all time as they who stopped the King. He may have been the strongest enemy that they had ever faced, but one was strong as well, but in a different fashion. She was Queen of hidden motives, plans, and power schemes. And during her attack, she bested all who stood against her mutinous decree. The Princess tried in vain to stop her spell and failed. This was something to behold. O Muses, bring anew that ancient tale when love was lost, regained, and shined like light. The Wedding of the child of Venus’ star and he, the val’ant soldier, Twilight’s kin. Await the tale, my friends. It shall be grand.