My Little Johnny: Fluttershy and Edward Scissorhands

by VioletRose13

Getting in Trouble

Dear Twilight,

A lot has happened since my last journal entry. Edward has started trimming bushes and hair, he and I have been on television in front of lots of people, and someone suggested that he should start his own beauty salon. It sounds like a great idea, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be that easy. Mr. Boggs said it’s going to be a snap with Edward’s talent and popularity, but I still have my doubts. What do you make of all of this?

Fluttershy heard the front door open before she set her pen down. She got up and went over to Edward and Peg who just got back from the bank.

“So how did it go?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not so well, I’m afraid.” Peg answered. “He said that we have to get a social security card and a car. But don’t worry; we’ll get that money somehow.”

“Of course. I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Fluttershy said, sounding as supportive as possible.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Edward said before heading to the backyard; Peg headed in another direction.

A few minutes later, Kim suddenly walked in. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

“Kim? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, approaching her.

“I’m fine, Fluttershy.” Kim replied. “I just… it’s Jim.”

“What about him?”

Kim reluctantly looked around before looking at Fluttershy. “Is my mom around?”

“She just went into another room. Why?”

Kim then pulled her closer to her and whispered into her ear, “Jim suggested we steal from his father.”

“WHAT?!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Shush!” The teenager hissed, covering her friend’s mouth with her hand. “Please, Fluttershy. You can’t tell anybody about this. He wanted to steal things from his dad and sell them so we can buy our own van… And he says he needs Edward’s help.”

Edward?” Fluttershy nervously glanced over to the back door to see Edward in the backyard; he was playing a game with Kevin. “But why?”

“Jim knows that Edward can pick locks, and that’s why he wants him to help us.”

“…And that’s what has me concerned.”

“Well, whatever. You don’t have to get involved.”

“Good. Because I don’t want to get involved; stealing is wrong, you know that. But it’s your decision. I won’t tell, but you’d better.”

“I can’t. Jim will be so mad.”

“Then good luck. And whatever you and Jim are going to do, just… leave me and Edward out of it.”

Fluttershy furrowed her brow, picked up her journal, and went down to the basement in a huff, leaving Kim alone. She glanced over at Edward who was still outside.

That night, Fluttershy was sound asleep when she was suddenly awoken by the flashing red and blue lights of a police siren and frantic footsteps above her. She shot up in bed and looked around, but something was amiss. Edward was gone. Her eyes widened in horror as she jumped out of bed and ran up the stairs. She saw Mrs. Boggs hanging up the telephone and looking very worried.

“Mrs. Boggs, what happened? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked

“Fluttershy?” Mrs. Boggs replied. “Edward is at the police station. Bill and I need to go over there right away!”

“Oh no! Can I come with you? Maybe I can talk to him and find out what’s going on.”

“Uh, sure you can, dear. Now come on, in the car. Let’s go.”

Fluttershy nodded, went outside, climbed into the backseat, and she and Mrs. and Mrs. Boggs drove off towards the police station.

“But we can see him now?” Mrs. Boggs asked the Sherriff.

“We'll have to hold him overnight for observation.” The Sherriff replied.

“He has to stay in prison all night?”

“You can pick him up in the morning.”

“Oh, Edward.”

Mr. and Mrs. Boggs and Fluttershy then saw Edward sitting on a bench next to the front desk.

“Hello, Edward.” Mrs. Boggs said, trying not to sound worried. “Oh, Edward, dear, I blame myself.”

“What in God's name was going through your mind, son?” Mr. Boggs demanded.

“Why didn't I set a better example?” Mrs. Boggs ranted. “You saw how I envied Jim's parents' money. What were you going to do with that stuff? Oh, I blithely say, "We'll get money for the salon somehow," but I never meant stealing. Dear, stealing's not the way to get it. Stealing's not the way to get anything.”

“Except trouble, and you're in a serious heap of that.”

“Oh, Edward, why ever did you do this?”

“Darn those TV programs. Darn them all.”

“Or did somebody put you up to this?”

Edward just remained silent and hung his head in shame. Fluttershy frowned and sat down next to him.

“Mr. and Mrs. Boggs? Can I have a moment with Edward, please?” She asked.

“Of course, dear. We’ll leave you two alone.” Mrs. Boggs replied as she and her husband went to another corner of the room.

“Edward?” Fluttershy began before letting out a sigh. “Kim and Jim asked you, didn’t they?”

Edward’s eyes suddenly widened as he looked at her. “How… how did you know?”

“Kim told me what Jim was planning earlier today. I tried to talk her out of it, but she didn’t listen. I also told her to leave you and me out of it. But-but I didn’t think…” She closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair.

Edward hung his head in shame again; he looked like he was about to cry. Fluttershy started to tear up as she wrapped her arms around her friend in a hug.