
by Inactive Pone

**Bonus Chapter.**

**Normal POV.**

The spotlights turn on.

Ponies gather around the Friendship Festival stage at Canterlot. The guest performances are what Everypony was most excited for every year and this time it was no exception at all.

“*clears throat* Fillies and Gentlecolts,” Spike said in a dramatic voice, “May I present to you...”

Six lights focused on Nathan and the Precure.

“The Hugtto Precure!

The crowd went absolutely wild as he left the stage, and the group were the main attraction. The cheering was indescribably loud, which is very fitting since they have not been here for a long time and fans from Equestria were dying to see them in action once more right in front of them.

The Cures all did their self-intros, and Nathan motioned for them to ready themselves for the dance and the singing. And in his heart, he prayed no one would interfere like last year.

**Nathan’s POV.**

”Yes! More! Cheerful!
Yes! More! Powerful!
Yes! More! Joyful!
Pretty Cure, let’s smile!”

“Yes! More! Cheerful!
Yes! More! Powerful!
Yes! More! Joyful!
High five~!”

“Every Little seed will bloom,
Into a flower with vitality...”
“Because we know that dreams come true,
We know the future will be shining bright...”

“Let’s go! Cheer for you!” The audience shouted along with the Precure.

”When you make mistakes and fall,
That’s when a brand new chance will come...”
“Ready and jump with pride!”
“Confidence will give you wings to fly...”

At this point, we were nearing the chorus- When the chorus ended last time, that’s when I got shot. I try to forget about it and focus on the dancing. I eyeball Twilight and her friends in the crowd, flashing them a smile as Yell sang the pre-chorus. When the pre-chorus was ending soon, Twilight lit up her horn to transfer tambourines to the Precure, shaped like a heart coloured in pink.

”And press on without giving up...”
“The path to the future!”

“Now, let’s go! Hooray Hooray, my friends!
I believe, we’re always strong together!”
“Let’s put on a show of miracles,”
“You will shine when you are smiling on stage...”
“Sing right now! Without a care in the world,
Deliver! Happiness is your answer!”
“We’ll share our love with those in need,”
"So the door of hope will open for all...”

“Rain or shine, we’ll be over here on your side,”
“Hugtto Pretty Cure!”

I was relieved and happy- Whatever happened last year didn’t seem to be happening. I continue joyfully dancing to the beat I’m all too familiar with. The second verse came up, and still nothing was wrong. The second chorus was, again, one smooth ride! Yell and I exchanged glances when dancing in the background. I put on a smile every time I played my instrument, Twilight successfully retrieving them after usage.

Let's spice up the party.

Suddenly, Twilight didn't feel well. I could see it as everyone else was happily doing the cheering. It look me a few lines into the bridge to notice Twilight's strange actions, tumbling in a weird way and her horn was flickering. Her friends were also quite concerned.

The moment we finished the bridge, I couldn't delay it any further.

"Stop!" I shout. "Stop the music!"

My command was received. I immediately jump off the stage to get to Princess Twilight, but the second I got to her, she pushed me back with magic, knocking down a few other ponies along the way since it was so crowded. First it was confusion, then a hint of chaos as some already started leaving.

"*gasp* No! Not again!" Twilight grasps her head. "No... No no no..."

"Twi, you okay?"

"*cries* N-No! I- *glitching* I told you not to return here with them."

Unlike last year, I knew something like this would happen. But this time, whatever's happening to her would not fool me.

"You aren't Twilight, aren't you?"

Twilight lets out a short yell. "That wasn't me! It's the same thing as last year!" She paused, let out a gasp, then screamed, "Everypony! Run!"

"*gasp* Twilight, you better not-!"



Direct hit.

I was blasted right back to the bottom of the stage. Ouch.

Ponies started screaming, they started rushing away as the same chaos last year had repeated itself.

My, my. Look at all that energy from all those ponies.

A figure appeared in the sky.

"What is that!?" Ange yells after healing me.

Hope for tomorrow... Disappear! Negative Wave!

A shockwave follows. In a flash, a swarm of purple orbs containing magic spewed out of the now escaping ponies as they then drop to the floor.

“What in the-!?” Twilight gasps.

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don’t reveal the one pulling your strings.”

That voice did not belong to anyone in our group. We turned round and round until we see a normal teenage boy in the middle of all the now unconscious ponies. He looks strikingly like me when I was his age. I recognize that face- And I knew the quote he just said to make everyone pass out and do the spell. But... How could there possibly be two of me?

“Are you some kind of wannabe of me?” I question.

”No, not at all,” he shrugged, ”I am the reason you’re here. I’m the reason why all of you are here together, actually.”

“What did you do to me? And who are you?” Twilight demands.

”I go by many names. For my sake, you may call me the Creator,” he gives a wink. “I build worlds and write your fate as characters.”

“Characters?” Yell enquires.

He takes one look at the Precure, raises an eyebrow, then reverts his gaze back towards Twilight and me.

“Twilight,” He says bluntly, walking towards her. “You aren’t supposed to tell others about what I’m doing to you, even though you don’t know the full story.”

“You did this? And that incident at the Equestria Games, too?”

”I wasn’t planning to be here, you know. But I will not in any way allow you to spread the word about me. Now...”

He raises a hand, concentrating the magic energy he extracted. Amour gasps.

“Don’t tell me...!”

”Requisition: Oshimaidaa!”

“Ehhhhhhhh!???” The Cures gasp.

Another shockwave.

The magic expanded into some kind of purple storm. There was a thick layer of smoke and a pair of eerie red eyes. When the smoke cleared, a huge beast appears. It was some kind of black, blobby giant, with yellow eyes and a weird mouth.

“Oshimaidaa!” It roars.

Twilight shrieks. “What in Equestria is that!?”

The Creator let out a laugh. ”That, your Highness, is a monster created and fuelled by the hopelessness of your people, to see you try to kill Nathan.”

“Wh-What!? You did this to-”

“It’s all in the plan,” he said, “Only when you do such a thing, shall the story have plot and action, and shall this story be appreciated.”

Twilight was furious. He’s in denial of what he’s doing, and now he’s trying to doom her kingdom? She cannot simply allow the Oshimaidaa to wreak havoc on Canterlot just like how countless villains tried to in the past. She sprang into action, flying up to blast magic at the monster, but something- Actually, someone- prevented her.

“This is not your fight,” The Creator said, warping the entirety of her attack into oblivion with a portal. ”Allow me.”


Twilight went poof. I gasp.

“What the-!?” I scream. “What did you do to-”

Before I knew it, I heard him snap, and the next second I was back at the castle.

*Normal POV.*

”Hugtto Precure...” The Creator said, “You certainly have found your way into this world, huh...”

They were all ready for a fight.

“You’ve been pulling the strings of the princess, and using it to cause havoc on our new friends is too far of a plea!” Yell exclaimed.

“Even I could not have predicted such an event,” Amour said, “But now that you’ve revealed yourself, we will protect Nathan’s friends!"

The Creator let out a laugh. “Don’t you hate Twilight, for what she’s done?”

“Absolutely not!” Macherie responded, “We love Equestria just as much as our world! We care because the ponies are Nathan’s friends and whoever’s friends with him is a friend of ours! Stop trying to tear us apart!”

Etoile nodded. “Like our Precure allies once helped her to realize, new friends don’t mean you’re forgetting the old. Matter of fact, it brought us closer!”

The Creator let out a smirk.

”Pathetic, but that would certainly work.”

“Eh? What are you talking about...?” Ange asked.

“Oh, nothing.”

He performed a spell that made them stunned for around 10 seconds. He then whipped out his special weapon- Which looked like a giant-sized pen with a star on one end.

”Oshimaidaa, attack. Whoo, mission done.”

He flew away with haste. Soon the Cures wake up from the spell.

“What just happened?” Yell asked.

“I... I don’t know,” Amour replied.


“Ehh!? Oshimaidaa?” Ange asked. “What is an Oshimaidaa doing here out of all places!?”

“Whatever the case, we’re going to stop it! Come on!” Etoile said.

The Cures were quick to spring into action. Because of the size of the monster, it was extremely easy for the five to beat it up with a series of kicks and punches. That's not to say the fight was one-sided, the Oshimaidaa soon morphed into some kind of dark version of Twilight Sparkle.

"What in the-!?" Macherie gasped before getting blasted away.

"Macherie!" Amour cried, "Get away from her, you beast!"

She kicked it straight into a wall, but the beast did not take any damage thanks to a shield spell.

"Can Oshimaidaas do that?" Ange was surprised. "Never have we faced one that could morph into something!"

Oh, what the heck, I'm the creator... I can do whatever I want.

Yell got into a one-on-one bare-handed fight with the Dark Twilight. They exchanged attacks over and over.

"You took him away from me..." The princess cried, "You took him away from all of us... Nathan is our friend and I'll fight you by any means if you dare to harm him!"

"We aren't your enemy!" Yell retorted, "Your jealousy is! Your Highness, please listen!"

Out of anger, Twilight shot her, but Yell held her ground.

"Melody Sword!"

In a flash, a special device materialized in front of Yell's eyes. The Melody Sword looked like some kind of wand, with a row of colored buttons along the middle. There was a jewel for the joint of the handle and the 'blade', colored pink. She first held it like a recorder, pressing a few of the buttons, emitting a harmonious sound.

"Flower Shoot!"

A bright pink rose, made of magic, blasted towards the beast. The Oshimaidaa made its play, disrupting the attack with a laser. The flower exploded into petals.

“Etoile!” Yell called for backup.

Cure Etoile immediately came, spinning in mid-air like a figure skater.

”Hooray Hooray- Heart Star!”

A whip chain made of stars grasped Twilight. She tried using a spell to get herself free, but failed. Out of frustration, she fired upon all directions. Miraculously, Etoile kept her focus and her control on the whip long enough for Ange to assist with her melody sword.

”Feather Blast!”

A stream of projectiles pinned the monster down, giving her slim chance for any retaliation, perfect for a Counter Attack.

“Twin Love Guitar!”

Macherie and Amour stand on the stage, holding two very distinctive looking guitars, with a red heart as its main base, coupled with all the details and a pretty bow near the base.

"Ready, Amour?"

"Let's do it!"

"Mirai Crystal!"

They both inserted a round crystal, one red and one purple, to the slot located on the bow. The appearance of the crystals attracted the Oshimaidaa.

I'll be taking that. Oshimaidaa!

The Dark Princess was going to budge, but she didn't.

Ahem- Oshimaidaa, get the crystals!

No response.

Ugh. Why do my characters need me to do absolutely everything?

The monster screamed in horror.

"Macherie! Amour! Stop!" Yell exclaimed. "Look!"

Twilight looked like she was struggling for control, retaliating the previous attacks that stunned her. She tried to dash for the Precure duo, but at the same time she tried her best to avoid doing so- Creating a weird scene of her hesitating to attack over and over again. Yell pounced on the opportunity and grabbed her by the hoof, and swung Twilight to the backing wall of the stage.

"*cries* I don't want..." The Oshimaidaa sobbed. "I don't want to harm you all..."

Macherie and Amour lowered their weapons.

"*grunts* The Creator... He wants me to-"


She let out a scream from a shot of pain.

"*sobbing* I know you're all his friends and I should be happy for him... But I acted so horrible to you all... You should hate me for thinking he's mine and mine only..."

"You didn't act horribly towards us," Yell clarified with a smile.

She went over and knelt down before Twilight.

"He's your friend, that will never change. But he's ours, too. While we're at it, why don't we become your friends too? Our fellow Precure friends have also crossed paths with you all. We're the same, kind and sweet people like them. We'd always forgive those who try to harm us, because that's our belief- That only by purifying our foes' hearts, could we move toward a more peaceful and brighter future for both us and them."

Twilight let out a smile, and looked at the remaining Cures.

"Hooray hooray, your Highness!"

Yell giggled and gave the Princess a hug. the latter could only return the gesture. When they let go, Twilight nodded and stood before Macherie and Amour.

Wh-What are you doing!?

Twilight had the urge to fight once more. Her head was on fire. She dropped to the floor.

"Princess?" Yell asked.

"Destroy me! Quick! he's going to- *muffled*"

Before she could finish her sentence, her mouth was closed shut and it refused to open. Without delay, Macherie and Amour engage their weapons once more. While Macherie held it like a laser rifle, Amour held it like a crossbow.

”Are you ready?”

”Kapow! Knockout!”

"Twin Love Rock Beat!"

They fired two large streams of magic at the Oshimaidaa, and after an explosion, the monster was successfully dealt with as a holographic heart surrounded her, and she fluttered into the sky, disappearing with a poof. Seconds later, everypony that wasn't fast enough to escape the area woke up in total confusion. They saw the Precure, standing there.

"Don't worry, everyone!" Yell shouted. "Princess Twilight and Nathan were escorted out the area safely!"

Everyone breathed a giant sigh of relief, and cheered for the five. "Hooray! Hooray! Pretty Cure!" They chanted.

Macherie poked yell by the arm.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Actually, no. But I'm sure whatever the Creator did wouldn't harm them too bad."

Amour ran some analysis in her head. "Chances of the two in safe location: 99%."

Ange was relieved. "Hope that's correct."

"Yeah, would not want to have lied there," Etoile added.

They returned to the Friendship Castle, and in the throne room, Nathan was there.

"Nathan!" Yell said happily, hugging him.

"Whoa, hey. Good to see you!"

"And Princess Twilight! You're okay!"

Twilight tilted her head. "Eh? Of course I'm fine. What's the matter?"

"Eh...?" Everyone went numb.

Nathan shrugged. "What? We're completely fine, just hanging around at the castle."

"Don't you remember what... Happened?" Ange asked.

"What what happened?" Twilight was confused.

"We were just at Canterlot performing," Etoile said, trying to jog their memory. "We got attacked."

"Attacked? By who?"

The Precures look at one another with no idea what's going on.

"Did they forget what just happened?" Macherie asked.

"That does not compute," Amour confessed.

Everyone could only shrug.

"Err... Okay," Yell said. "Well, we're gonna head back to our world, it's getting late."

"Alright, see you around."

They left without a word. Twilight and Nathan look at each other.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"No, not at all... But I can't shake the feeling someone got me here in, well, seconds."

"Me too! What in the world is going on?"

"No clue, Twi. No clue at all..."

The Change Will Come, Precure... Just you wait.