Rarity’s Latest Haytube Video: “My Fabulous RV Tour”

by Lonely Fanboy48

“My Fabulous RV Tour”

“Hello, my fabulous followers!” Rarity leaning towards the camera Fluttershy is holding with Applejack by her side.

“Howdy partners.” Applejack added.

“While our friends are at the Starswirl Festival, we decided to show you an inside tour of my birthday present, my RV!”

Rarity presents her RV as Fluttershy turned the camera lens at the vehicle. Applejack used the remote and press the second button from the top that caused the RV to slowly release it’s shades from the edge top. The country girl presses another button to have the RV opens its door that leads to the entrance.

Applejack moves herself back in the camera in front of Fluttershy as she presents the RV’s remote. “This remote alone will take care of anything you have inside and out of this RV.” Applejack showing the remote to Rarity’s followers.

“And keep this in mind, the remote will be your best friend once you get inside.” Rarity smiled as she includes herself in front of the lens of the camera. “Let’s take a look inside shell we?”

Rarity and Applejack make their way to the RV with Fluttershy still recorded from behind. But by the time they step inside, Fluttershy realized that someone is asleep in Rarity’s RV.

“Um...excuse me?” She called which made her two friends stopped before they got inside. “Are you sure everyone is at the festival?”

Applejack turned her head to Fluttershy “Sure,they’re hanging out over there.”

“Now, can we please finish our RV tour video?” Rarity replied. “We’re just getting to the best part of the video.”

“But I’m sure there’s one person who didn’t wake up earlier today.” Fluttershy said in concerned to which Applejack placed her hand on her hip.

“Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Pinkie Pie are at the festival.”

“But where’s Sunset Shimmer?”

Then Rarity completely remembered that it was ten minutes after six o’clock. Where she and the others are early risers in the morning, Sunset on the other hand is mostly a late riser. Rarity checked inside and notice Sunset is sleeping by the RV window. Not only is she surprised, but she also feared that if she, Applejack or Fluttershy might’ve disturbed her, they will ruin the tour video.

“She’s sleeping by my window.” Rarity reacted.

“Don’t worry, last night at the festival she was up all night during Vinyl Scratch’s interactive performance. The girl just loves the music from Vinyl.” Applejack explained.

Despite the odds they have to deal with, Rarity found an idea to show off her RV’s capabilities once she gets to the main room. With Fluttershy still recording, they finally get inside of the RV. Applejack put all the sleeping bags away before they shoot the video to show off the floor.

Rarity gives the camera her beautiful eyes as she continues her Haytube video. “Now what we have on the ground in this area is a purple oval shaped carpet.” Rarity pointed to which Fluttershy records.

“While the floor isn’t designed, they were able to place this soft carpet for anyone’s feet to be comfortable while relaxing.” Applejack added. They went to the two beds at the end of the RV, one at the top and one at the bottom. Rarity took a seat on the bed at the bottom.

“Whenever you feel sleepy in the head, you can relax on these two beds.” Applejack tapping on the mattress.

To demonstrate, Rarity lays her body on the bed. She moans in delight of how comfortable her back is in her position. “You will be able to have your body feel great when you’re ready to get up to smell the fresh air outside.”

“Not to mention, your heads will lay on the best made pillows in the city.” Applejack smiled.

Rarity got back up and shows the windows on both sides of the RV. “These windows are not only crystal clear, but also bulletproof.”

“And they add currents to make the windows look like the fancy ones at a hotel.”

Fluttershy zoomed in on the windows with the purple currents above. They’re getting close to finishing up the video but from Rarity’s idea involving Sunset still sleeping, she gets to Sunset Shimmer.

“As for the other side of the RV, there's a spare spot to not only sit in during the day, but also another place for you to sleep.” Rarity blinked a few times. Sunset is still sleeping and manage to keep Rarity’s video uninterrupted. But usually in her dreams, she speaks out everything she sees.

“Hey!” Sunset shouted from her voice which made the three girls jumped. “I’m going to be the best ruler of Equestria! Leave Princess Celestia alone, you monster!”

“I also forgot to mention she does this when she sleeps.” Fluttershy commented while Rarity turns to her.

“Would’ve been better if we woke her up like yesterday.” Applejack added.

“You think!?” Rarity whispered. Sunset managed to get back to her slumber while the three girls sighed in relief. Rarity then shows the two shelves that are by the window Sunset is sleeping at. “And if you have anything in your possession you want to take with you, like lavender or your favorite snacks, you can place them here.”

Applejack placed one of her items she brought along during the trip to show off the shelves. Like her equipment of making breakfast and her personal belongings. With almost everything in the luxury room being shown on video, there’s only place that makes the RV transport. The driver's seat.

“And to wrap on the tour, let me take you to the driver’s seat.” Rarity leads Fluttershy to the front of the RV as Rarity takes a seat with her RV key out. “Now I know what your thinking, this is the same equipment you see in other RV stores. Those RVs are decades away from this.” Rarity boasted in style.

“For example,” Applejack added. “There’s air conditioner controls that have an amazing cooling machine installed, making global warming the opposite but vice versa, there won’t be winter later this year if you know what I mean.”

“You and your knowledge of the seasons.” Rarity replied with a smirk. “Anyway, you're probably wondering what this big purple button is for by the steering wheel.”

Fluttershy zoomed in again on the button Rarity is talking about. Rarity uses her keys to turn on her RV as she presses the purple button. Lights from the inside are purple and while colors, the radio has hundreds of studios to listen too and if that wasn’t enough, Rarity uses the main button on her remote that only works if the RV is on.

Then a huge HD TV was lowered from the ceiling with speakers by its sides. Rarity and Applejack returned back to the luxury room to show how amazing their TV is. “If you have wi-fi or cable to anywhere you are, you can watch your favorite videos and TV programs with no buffering whatsoever with the best screen quality on this HD TV.”

With the RV on with the keys still install, Sunset’s eyes slowly open up.

“I really hope you enjoyed this tour of Rarity’s luxurious RV.” Applejack smiled.

“I would love to see your comments down below, I’ll always admire you support.” Rarity winks at the camera as she and the country girl wave goodbye which gave Fluttershy the cue to press the record button, ending the video.

“I think you two did wonderful.” Fluttershy commented.

“Why thank you sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

Just when Rarity is about to thank Fluttershy, she notice Sunset got up while yawning. “Girls, what time is it?” She asked.

“Almost time for you to have breakfast.” Applejack offered. She grabs Sunset’s hand and takes her outside to make more pancakes.

“Do you think Sunset will approve the fact we recorded her sleeping?” Fluttershy whispering to Rarity.

“I’m sure people online will find her adorable in her sleep.” Rarity replied.

After Rarity and her friends spend their time at the Starswirl Festival, they went back to the RV and did the editing Fluttershy took during the tour. It took time but eventually, the video was ready to be uploaded on Haytube on Rarity’s channel. Several days later, the view count continued to grow with each passing hour. Not to mention the comments get posted too with viewers replying,

“Man, I wish I had an RV like yours.”

“That HD TV alone made me jealous since my RV didn’t have one.”

“How do you have this kind of money to afford this RV? I makes you look like a princess.”

“Hey Rarity, when you have the time can you throw a party in your RV? Bet Pinkie Pie will make everybody happy.”

“Man, Sunset is adorable when she sleeps, bet she’s the best at snuggling in bed.”

Rarity’s latest Haytube video reached close to ten thousand views per day. It goes to show that anything she has in her posession will either be amazed or jealous they can't afford a luxurious RV.