The Epic Journey

by JerryTheHouseGhost

Words That Rhyme With Pony

Rarity walked over to the zipline. "I can't believe you're making me go first. Why not Rainbow Dash or Applejack?"

"Rarity, if you don't stop complaining, the zipline will be the least of your worries. Now go!" Twilight didn't have time to argue with Rarity; she wanted to go down the zipline and get to MC Pony D's residence to get the note from him before it got too dark outside. Maybe he'd even let them stay at his place for the night.

Rarity looked at the zipline wire. "Isn't there supposed to be something for me to hold on to?"

"Uh, the wire? It's right there, Rarity." said Applejack.

"No, I mean something attached to the wire, like handlebars or something."

"Oh! I think I have something in my party cannon that can help!" said Pinkie Pie enthusiastically. She pulled out the party cannon, let it grow to full size, and fired it at the zipline wire. A giant basket flew out and somehow attached itself to the wire upon impact. The basket was big enough for everypony to fit in. One by one, the six friends boarded the basket.

"Is everypony ready for the ride?" asked Pinkie Pie.

In almost perfect harmony, everypony replied, "Yep!" Pinkie Pie began to push the basket off of the edge of the mountain peak.

Twilight looked over the edge, then at Rarity. "I think I might have to agree with you about not wanting to ride the zipline. Please hold your 'I told you so' until we make sure everypony is alive at the bottom."

Rarity looked at Twilight. "It would be my pleasure."

After a few seconds, the nice, quiet mountain ambiance was replaced with cries and screams for help.

"Oh no!" "Aaaaahhhhh!" "Holy Celestia!" "Hahaha! Yay!" "Who just laughed!? Who could be laughing at a time like this!?!?" "Oops, I mean: The horror! The horror!"

These continued on for a while. It almost seemed like the scariest ride of everypony's lives would never end. Until it did end, of course. CRASH! "Ow! Where did the ground come from?" asked Rainbow Dash to no one in particular.

"Well it was there for as long as I remember..." said a voice nopony had heard before.

"Who said that? Are we dead? Is that you, grandpa?" Rarity hadn't even opened her eyes yet.

"Oh, come on everypony, just open your eyes and look. We're not dead, and the voice wasn't any of your dead relatives. It was that unicorn right there." said Twilight.

"That pony? You mean you've never seen or heard of me before?" asked the mystery pony.

"Nope, I don't recognize you at all... Wait, were you the one pony that I caught watching me through a window?" asked Twilight.

"Where do you live?" asked the pony.

"I live in the library in Ponyville."

"Then no, I've never even been there before. I do know somepony who lives there. She's actually a really good friend of mine, maybe even my best friend."

"And who would that be?" asked Applejack.

"Well, I guess the name you'd know her by is Vinyl Scratch. She's visiting me right now, actually."

"Wait, are you MC Pony D?" asked Twilight.

"So you have heard of me?" asked MC Pony D.

"Well, not until recently. Ten minutes ago to be exact. I am supposed to get a note from you." said Twilight.

"A note that I'm supposed to give you? Unless you're my pen pal that lives in Fillydelphia, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You have a pen pal? Hahaha! Do you also enjoy to drink warm milk before bed time? Haha, do you sleep with a night light?" Rainbow Dash always liked to make fun of ponies.

"Hey! Warm milk is actually pretty good, thank you very much!" MC Pony D was offended. "I assume you ponies have nowhere to stay, given that you're all from Ponyville. You could come stay with me for the night, I'm sure Vinyl Scratch would enjoy your company."

Pinkie Pie looked very excited. "I love Vinyl Scratch! That pony sure can make a party a hundred times better!"

"Oh, before we go," started MC Pony D, "I never got any of your names."

"Oh, sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle, that's Rainbow Dash, that's Rarity, the one hiding behind Rarity is Fluttershy, that's Applejack, and that's Pinkie Pie."

"It's nice to meet all of you. Wait, Fluttershy looks like she's been bucked right in the face." MC Pony D was concerned.

"Oh, that's only because she was bucked right in the face." said Twilight.

"Well that explains it, then." MC Pony D started walking away, and the six friends followed him. "Hey, before I forget, do you know any word that rhymes with 'pony'?" asked MC Pony D.

"Um.. Phony?" replied Twilight.

"No, I've already tried that one... Thanks anyway." The group of ponies finally reached MC Pony D's house. "There it is. Home sweet home."

"Holy Celestia! This place is huge!" said Rainbow Dash.

MC Pony D led the ponies around to the front door. He entered, and everypony followed him in. "Hey Vinyl! There are some ponies here that you would be happy to see!"

The ponies heard hooves galloping towards them from a hallway to their left. "Whoa! Where'd you find these ponies, MC? They're my favorite ponies! Aside from you and Octavia, of course."

"I found them at the bottom of a zipline that I had never seen before. I could have sworn I've been around that area and never saw anything before. And guess what word Twilight suggested?"

"I don't know, what?" asked Vinyl.

"Phony! Just like you did!"

"That's weird! What are you ponies even doing around here?" Vinyl turned her attention towards the six Ponyville ponies.

"Well, we're on a journey. We were just at the top of East Mountain, where I found a note that said MC Pony D would have another note to give us. Hey, do you have a real name, MC Pony D?" asked Twilight.

"About that, my parents aren't the brightest... But hey, at least it sounds awesome, right?" replied MC Pony D.

"Yeah, I guess. Back to the story, he said he didn't know what I was talking about when I told him about the note." Twilight finished the story.

"Um, excuse me Twilight," Fluttershy began to talk, "I'm getting very hungry. I'm pretty sure we haven't eaten anything since we left on this journey."

"Why are you telling that to me, Fluttershy? MC Pony D is the one who knows where the food is in this house."

"Um, excuse me MC Pony D, I'm getting very hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty hungry too," said Rainbow Dash.

"What's going to be for dinner? I'm starved," said Applejack.

"Ummm... There's some stuff in the fridge that you could eat, I guess. The kitchen is down that hall, the last door on the right. Hey Rainbow Dash, do you know a word that rhymes with 'pony'?"

"Sorry, I can't talk right now! I've got to find something to eat!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, well, maybe after you eat, then?"

Twilight and her five friends went to the kitchen. They spotted the refrigerator and headed towards it. Upon opening it, they all decided to make themselves some hay sandwiches. The six ponies all chowed down on their sandwiches.

"Hey, Twilight! I think I just found that note you were talking about!" yelled MC Pony D down the hall. Twilight rushed down the hall towards MC Pony D, and saw him holding a piece of paper in front of him with his magic. "I threw it away because I thought it was just a fan suggesting lyrics for a song."

Twilight took the note with her magic and read it. "If my calculations are correct, the next note will be arriving shortly." Twilight slowly put the note down. "I didn't even need this note. It was useless. Why would the last note tell me to get this note if I will be getting the next note soon anyway?"

Knock knock knock! Somepony had arrived at the door, and was knocking on it. "Oh! That must be my next guest! I almost forgot that she was coming over!" MC Pony D walked over to the door and opened it. Twilight was shocked. There, standing in front of MC Pony D, was The Great and Powerful Trixie.

"You!" both Trixie and Twilight said in unison.

"Hey, Trixie? Do you know anything that rhymes with 'pony'?" asked MC Pony D.