Sure, Sex is Nice...

by BradyBunch

A Night To Remember

She tapped her hoof impatiently as she waited for the apartment door to open. She was a prostitute, after all, and business was business.

She didn't mind the stares others gave her on the street as she trotted in nothing but makeup and a loose thong to his address an hour ago, but she still expected him to open the door on time. There was a difference between the two kinds of exposure, after all. Besides, she had work she needed to do. Best to hurry up with it.

After another minute of this, his cherry-red apartment door swung inward to reveal a young stallion in his mid-twenties. His coat was pale grey, like the color of smoke, and his eyes were a clouded blue. His black mane was cropped close to his skull. His lips grew into a smile as he saw her, prettied up with her mane in a scarlet pillar atop her head and rich red lipstick on her fat lips.

"You're Smokey Skies?" she asked, putting on her flirtatious voice whilst patting her mane to remain in place.

"Of course," the pegasus confirmed. He gave a flap of his wings. "Lily Whisper, right?"

"That's it, handsome," she said. She spoke from the heart on that; he was a looker. Usually it was a rehearsed line, but she didn't have to stretch her imagination on this one. "Now, then...Let's...go inside and get...closer to each other…"

He shrugged. "All right. Come on in. You don't have to take off your shoes, by the way."

Lily gave him a funny look. By the end of the night, she was going to be taking everything off. Didn't he know that? Maybe...he was just a clueless virgin. Great. She always got the virgins.

Lily stepped inside, and Smokey closed the door. His apartment was rather small, but it was well-maintained. Living room in front, bedroom off to the side. His kitchen was in the back, and amazing seasonings wafted her way. She couldn't help but sniff. Garlic and onion? Wow. And it wasn't even burnt.

"This isn't in the most extravagant condition," Smokey was admitting, ruffling his mane sheepishly. "You've probably gotten calls to more rich guy's places, right?"

"Not really," Lily said, moving above his black couch and sinking into it. She wondered if she would be rutted on it later. Or maybe the bed. Whichever it was, Lily didn't have any complaints. She had been roughed up way worse before.

"Well, um, what's mine is yours then, I guess," Smokey said. "Hey, I've just finished making dinner. You want to join me?"

"Let me guess," Lily said, sprawling out. "You purchased fast food and disguised it as your own cooking?"

He actually laughed! "No, just some roasted veggies. I thought you might like something homemade."

"I would like something homemade?" she reiterated. Geez, just get to being horny already so she could do her job!

"Sure." He directed his eyes to the side. "Unless you already ate before coming here. I can understand."

Normally, she did. Sex required quite a bit of stamina, after all. But for some reason, it was at this exact moment when her body decided that her slim stomach would rumble like an earthquake.

"No, no, no," she said. "That actually sounds great."

When Smokey disappeared into the kitchen, she let out a sigh of exasperation and leaned back in his couch. Her scarlet mane threatened to topple from its lofty perch and spill around her dark purple horn.

"Honestly, just get on with it," she mumbled. "Do I have to do all the work around here?"

Fifteen minutes later, though, Lily couldn't help but bring another bite to her lips. She didn't care that it was smearing her lipstick. That got ruined by the end of the night anyway. But this shredded cauliflower and spinach was cooked in oil and sprinkled with garlic, salt, chopped nuts, and bites of sizzled onion.

She was sitting next to him on his couch, eating from the coffee table from a shared plate. Sweet Celestia, this was good! A far cry from her own attempts to cook for sure.

"I wasn't a valedictorian or anything," Smokey was saying. Lily was trying to pay attention but found herself growing increasingly disinterested. "I didn't even really stand out, good or bad. Might explain the, ah, present conditions. Small apartment in Manehatten: the picture of wealth itself, isn't it?" He grinned. "Actually, I was named most likely to never grow up. I mean, growing up, no one can help with. It's maturing that's the problem."

Lily snorted. Maturing in more than one way, she thought. Mature mares were just what this one needed.

"What's easier, you know? To grow up and realize your life is bleak, meaningless, and lifeless? Or retaining the ability to spin a cloud in the shape of a dookie in the middle of a clear day and still being able to laugh at it?"

"Mm." Lily used her golden aura to pick up more salad. "Weather team member. Optimist. Chef. Hard to believe you're still single."

Smokey's clouded blue eyes shot over to her for a second before he rested his chin in his hooves and sighed.

"It's not my fault I'm still single," he admitted. "I'm a recent graduate, right, so that means I've been around mares before. There were plenty that I liked. And I thought, 'Hey, I'll just move around and start hitting targets, and sooner or later I can at least snag a date.' But…" He broke off.

Lily finished eating and stretched her arms up with a cute little groan before lying on his comfy couch and affixing him with a curious eye. "But what?"

Smokey looked like he had swallowed lemon juice. "Every single girl said she only liked me as a friend. Or they just outright said no. Some of them said, 'You're a great guy! You'll find someone someday that's just perfect for you. I'm sorry it can't be me.'

"Now, when one girl says that to me, it's no big deal. But...when over a dozen mares say that to me, you start to get a little...discouraged."

Lily felt a twang of sympathy for the poor colt. "And that's why you called me in."

"You got it." He nodded.

Lily sat up. After undoing the bands holding her mane in place, she pulled them away. Curtains of luscious, perfumed hair showered down and poured down her face and back.

"Well," she said, shaking her head and allowing her mane to sway back and forth. "Let's fix that particular problem tonight, shall we?"

She lay down on his couch again, but this time she was on her stomach, giving him the best do-me eyes she had. She took delight in that Smokey began to shiver.

"Tonight is your night," she whispered. "You can do whatever you want with me."

"Anything?" he reiterated. "I had a couple of personal wishes I wanted to work out with you. That's okay with you?"

"I don't mind! Not at all!" she softly said, tracing a pattern on his hind leg; he was sitting upright, so it was easy for her to reach. "You must be feeling so pent-up without a good, slutty mare to experiment on."

Smokey squirmed a little. It was natural for guys to be uncomfortable on their first time, though. She pressed harder.

"You don't need to worry about my permission for anything," she breathed. "Just pick me up and do whatever you want with me. You deserve it, you stud."

"Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want. I can take it."

"You sure? I wanted this to be a night neither of us would forget. You're going to have the time of your life!"

"Stud, listen to me." She blinked, making sure to flutter her eyelashes. "I've taken it in every single hole in my body. On the same night, with the same stallion. You're going to have to try very hard to make this a time I won't forget. Just do whatever you want with me. I don't care. Break me in, and make me your mare tonight!"

She couldn't move. Not the kinky kind, though.

She was wrapped up in a little pony burrito in his biggest blanket. Her four hooves were pinned to her body, with only her head poking out of the long tube.

Smokey trotted back in with two steaming mugs of hot apple cider balanced on his muzzle. Setting it down on his bedside table, he did a little motion with his wing. "Scoot your boot. Make room for me."

Lily wriggled to the right. Smokey sat next to her and wrapped his hooves around her burrito body.

Lily craned her head around to give him a strange look. "You know, this isn't really what I meant by…"

Smokey nodded and shrugged simultaneously. "I know what you meant. But this is my night, not yours. You said it yourself."

She rolled her eyes. If she had known the night was going to end up like this, she would have refused the offer. Time was money, after all. She wanted to get her full money's worth.

"So your crazed sexual fantasy is to cuddle with me." Lily groaned and sat upright the best she could. She didn't find the strength within herself to unravel the tight, warm blanket, however.

"Not just cuddle," he whispered. He gave her a bit of a squeeze and pressed his face into her back. "I wanted to hold hooves and nuzzle, too."

"I bet you want to be called by your first name too, you thirsty hoe," Lily jabbed.

Surprisingly, he sighed. "That'd be nice."

Lily tried to burst her way out of the evil cocoon surrounding her in poofiness. No matter how much she tried to squirm and wiggle, however, the strength of both him and the blanket would foil her attempts. She was trapped.

Resigning herself to her doom, she felt herself go limp and almost droop over. She even had half a mind to pout.

As the five-minute mark passed, Smokey nudged her. "Want some cider?"

For some reason, that actually sounded nice. "Sure."

He took a steaming mug from his bedside table and blew on it, then lifted it to her lips. "Lean forward. I'll take care of the rest."

Lily obeyed. Smokey tipped it into her mouth. It was warm but not unbearably hot, and had a hint of cinnamon and extra sugar in the cider. Lily found herself aching for more of it the instant he pulled away. She even let out a little whine, like a female dog deprived of what she really wanted.

Setting the mug on the bedside table, he fumbled for the remote before pointing it at the TV in front of them. "What do you usually watch?"

Lily sighed in exasperation, but she wasn't angry. "F.R.I.E.N.D.Ship is Magic."

He shrugged. "Guess we're watching that, then."

As he took a moment and swatted through the PoneFlix suggestions, Lily inexplicably felt something she hadn't experienced in a long time. It wasn't lust or deep desire. Or even love. Instead, her entire frame seemed to be filled with a sluggish liquid that made her stomach rise slowly and her eyes feel droopy. It wasn't that she felt tired. It was more...relaxed, somehow.

As the opening theme began to play, Smokey noticed her and gave her a nudge. "Hey. You good?"

Lily yawned, trying to stretch, but was stopped by the evil blanket. She smacked her lips at the end of her yawn. "Yeah, yeah. This just...isn't what I was expecting."

"I know. I'm aware. But I'm keeping the promise I made. This is a night where I get to give you the time of your life."

"I thought you meant sex. That's what ponies hire whorses for, after all."

Smokey nodded in acquiescence. "You got a point. But hear me out. Yeah, sex is good. I'm sure it is. But...have you ever been snuggled by someone warm, wrapped in a blanket after a hot meal, while he gives you warm drinks while they watch your favorite TV show?" He grinned and folded his arms behind his back as the show began. "That's the fantasy I wanted to work out tonight. It's something I always wanted to experience but I couldn't. I hope you don't mind. This is a bit unorthodox for your normal calls, I imagine."

"Quick question." Lily turned her entire body to face him. "Why did you hire a whorse for this?"

Smokey hesitated before reaching for the remote and pausing the episode. He chucked the remote to the foot of the bed and sighed, ruffling his short black mane.

"I hired you," he said, "because I was lonely. I had tried to get a girlfriend before, and I failed. I tried to get back in touch with my old friends. I failed. I'm living by myself in a small apartment at a starting job, with no extra money, no sex life, and no foreseeable future. Of course, I wanted something to help take my mind off that. So I did the one thing that would guarantee someone happy to see me would show up.

"I initially wanted to mount you the instant you arrived in the door. Trust me on this. I was waiting for you to arrive, I caught myself thinking. What was I doing? I was desperate. I'm afraid. Just like many mares who enter your...profession often are. Ponies in the world, we're all lonely and desperate. We hunger for something, anything, to tell us that we are good enough. That we...matter. How special that must be!"

Lily managed to pop out a single arm from her blanketed prison and caress his sticky-uppy mane. "Is that really how you're feeling?"

"That's how everyone in the world thinks," he responded. He rolled his eyes. "I can't speak for you, you know. I can only speak for myself when I say I'm lonely. But still, I just...automatically assume that everyone is in need of help, and then work from there. So often, they don't get that help. What if...they received that help? What if, for example, someone told a prostitute that they still have worth? If they treated her with the love that they need, not the love they deserve, then how would that make her happy? That was a moment of clarity for me, and it was how...and why...I managed to turn this from a selfish gratification into a selfless act for a stranger. I did it to make you feel happy."

Lily felt as though her throat was constricted with barbed wire. "You...did this...just because…"

"Because I know what it's like to feel absolutely awful," he croaked. "And...I don't want you to feel the same way."

"Aww," she moaned before pulling him close and giving him a gentle embrace with one arm. "Oh, it's got to be hard."

"It often is." He nuzzled her neck. "Thanks for agreeing to stay with me. You didn't even have to do anything, and I already feel better."

"But I should! You made me feel good! I should make you happy in return-"

"Making you content is all the happiness I need," he whispered. "It makes me happy to do good things. So please, let me keep on doing this."

He shoved her back and tightened the blanket around her. He then took his own pillow and stuffed it behind her head on the bedrest. "More cider?"

Lily could get used to this. "Yes, please."

Smokey obeyed by tipping the cider cup to her lips so she wouldn't have to move. More of the warm liquid filled her stomach up, relaxing her even more. All thoughts of potential sex had flown out the window.

"Want me to hold you while we watch?" he offered when he was done.

"Just take me already."

He gladly obliged by sliding her on top of him and wrapping his arms around her body. Scrabbling for the remote with his other hoof, he hit play, and the episode began. Smokey had to crane his head around her shoulder as they both watched.

Positioned like this, they powered their way through three episodes before being forced to stop. Their eyelids felt like they were attached to bulging sandbags.

Lily Whisper straightened out in her pony-buritto as Smokey Skies turned the TV off and fell back onto his bed, bouncing the two of them. Scooting closer via worm wiggles, he pressed his body against hers and began to gently rub the sides of her ribs. Lily moaned involuntarily; he was good.

"Remind me to come back here on less official business," she whispered.

"That is entirely up to you, Lily," he breathed.

He said her name! It sounded really nice, actually, hearing it from him.

"I expect a head scratch when I do come back," she ordered.

"If you do," he tiredly corrected while still rubbing her ribs, moving to the back.

"No," she said, before yawning and smacking her lips. "No, it's definitely a when."

She didn't know it was possible, but he got even warmer. He was probably blushing.

Before she knew it, he had gone limp. And soon afterward, Lily, refreshed, happy, and feeling better about herself in more than eight years of hard prostitute work, fell asleep as well.