My Little Pony: Ancient World

by Dinopony2580

The Final Battle: Part 1: Ponyraptors and Company vs Dragomonstranator

Back at the lab, Henry was evacuating the lab. Every lab pony was evacuating and helping pack up. "Everything must be accounted for" he said to everypony.

"I want all back up generators online" he said to a pony before he entered the secret lab. Then, he got a phone call from Hoskins.

"Where have you been?" Henry asked Hoskins into the phone as soon as he put it up to his ear.

"Change of plans. Mission took a job to the left. I'm taking everything off site" Hoskins replied.

"The embryos are safe here. They can live up to 8 weeks on the generators" Henry said.

"No, no, you, you listen. The park's going to be chapter 11 by the morning. Okay, our little side project's about to get shot in the arm. I don't want a bunch of lawyers messing around with something they don't understand. Get it?" Hoskins said, but Henry didn't respond. He was speechless on what he was hearing. "Hey, I'm gonna take that as a yes" Hoskins said.

Meanwhile, ponies were waiting at the docks, waiting for the next ferry to come.

Many were hurt from the Pegasusodon attack, but they were recovering.

"Ladies and gentlecolts. We'd like to thank you for your patients. The next ferry will be leaving in 45 minutes. If you require immediate medical attention, please report to the nearest service station" the speaker said.

Back at the control room, Larry was watching the ponies from the cameras. "Is this what you had in mind?" Larry asked. But, he got no response.

He turned around and saw that everypony was packing up. He then saw the mare pegasus. "Hey" Larry said.

"They said we needed to evacuate to the boat. You coming?" she asked. He looked to the cameras and saw Claire, Owen, and the Mane 13 in 3 of them.

He knew what he had to do. Then, he got up. "Somepony has to stay behind" he said. He walked forward and was about to kiss her, but she stopped him.

"Oh, no. I-I have a coltfriend" she said, stopping Larry. "Oh, I didn't realize you guys were like together together" Larry said.

"Well, we are" she replied and she smiled at Larry. "Oh, that's good. It's just that you don't like, ever mention him" Larry said.

So, instead they hugged each other. "You gonna be okay?" she asked as she broke away. "Yeah, I'll be fine" Larry replied.

"Okay, bye" she said before hurrying to the elevator and Larry waved after her. Outside, Henry was getting loaded into a helicopter with other stuff.

"Where's Hoskins!?" he asked a pony from the helicopter. "He's sending you and the assets to a secure location" the pony replied.

"But, our deal is still intact!?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry, you'll be well taken care of. Let's go!" the pony said and everypony climbed into the helicopter before it took off.

Back with Claire, Owen, and the Mane 13, they had just arrived to the Plaza, Visitor's Center and Innovation Center, the main part of the park.

Claire stopped the truck, turning it off. Owen had his rifle out, ready to shoot anything. Then, the Mane 13 climbed out of the back.

"Come on, guys" Claire said and the Mane 13 followed Owen and Claire as they ran up and into the Innovation Center.

They ran all the way to the lab and when they got there, they were in for a shock. The lab was empty. "They evacuated the lab" Claire said.

Henry had left the door open and the 15 decided to investigate.

They entered, seeing a screen with each species of ancient creature on it, terrariums of exotic creatures, and tubes with spines and backbones of different creatures in them.

They all explored the lab, mainly the terrariums.

One had a spiky lizard, another had a chameleon that could grab bugs with its feat, another had an amphibian with a huge fin on its back, and another had a two headed snake.

Fluttershy was fascinated, yet felt bad for these creatures. Then, they were interrupted by scientists putting DNA samples in a hydrogen freezer.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked. "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, hon" Hoskins replied, appearing. "Where's Henry?" Claire asked.

"Doctor Wu works for us" Hoskins replied. Then, Scootaloo peeked out and saw the Dragomonstranator on the computer screen.

"That's not a real ancient creature" Scootaloo said, gesturing to it.

"No. It ain't, kid. But somepony's got to make sure that this company has a future. Imagine. We could genetically modify a dinopony, or any other creature, one that could be smaller, deadlier, more intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology, or even...that one, a fraction of the size. It could form a living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see, millions of years of evolution, what'd we learn? Nature is to get to..." Hoskins said, but then, he was cut off by Delta, who jumped through the door way.

"Oh, shoot!" Hoskins shouted, caught by surprise. The others backed away. Leviathan growled at both of them. He surrounded the group from the back, trying to protect his friends.

Owen backed up Leviathan by putting his arms around the group's front with the group behind him. "Easy" Hoskins said to Delta.

"Easy, boy. Easy!" Hoskins said, backing up into a glass wall, afraid. Delta growled at Hoskins.

"Hey, hey. We're-we're on the same side, right? Right? Easy" Hoskins said, slowly holding out his hoof.

The others watched, waiting for what was to happen next. "I'm on your side" Hoskins said, holding his hoof out completely.

But, instead of being friendly, Delta lunged forward and grabbed Hoskins hoof in her jaws. Hoskins screamed.

The others watched in horror before they left the room. The Mane 13 were grossed out and frightened, but they moved on.

Delta, meanwhile, ripped Hoskins to shreds and blood splattered on the glass wall. The others ran out of the lab.

"This way" Claire said and they went to the left. But, they were cut off by Delta who smashed through the glass on their rights.

She was now done with Hoskins as she chased after the group. The group immediately ran the opposite direction.

Then, just before they ran out, Twilight clicked a button on the hologram generator. It generated a Ponylophosaurus.

The hologram roared at Delta with its frill spread wide. Delta thought it was an actual creature and roared back.

This was a temporary distraction, giving the group enough time to escape. Not knowing it was a hologram, Delta attacked it, but she went right through it.

Then, she finally realized it was a hologram. The group ran out, but Blue jumped out right in front of them, roaring at them and blocking their escape route. Leviathan, in response, roared back and surrounded the group, protecting them.

Then, Delta came through the doors and roared. She then closed in, hissing at them. Then Echo appeared and roared at them.

Leviathan knew he couldn't handle 3 of them, so he backed down. "That's how it is, huh?" Owen asked Blue, but she snarled back in response.

She walked up to Owen. The group stood behind Owen in fear. Owen dropped his rifle, showing Blue he wasn't a threat.

Then, Owen rose up his hoof and Blue growled. Then, she snapped at Owen. "Easy" Owen said calmly.

Owen slowly reached for the camera that was still on Blue's head. Blue showed her teeth, but didn't attack. "Easy" Owen said calmly again.

The group watched in fascination. Then, Owen finally reached the camera and unhooked it from her head. Everypony was speechless.

"That's it" Owen said calmly and he smiled at Blue. It looked like she was also smiling back.

Then, a thunderous roar was heard and the Dragomonstranator appeared. Everypony turned to him. He stomped forward and roared at the group.

Leviathan growled at the Dragomonstranator. Then, the Dragomonstranator spoke Ponyraptor again.

Then, Blue turned back to Owen and chirped friendly growls at Owen and the group. Owen and the others smiled, knowing Blue was on their side.

Then, Blue turned back to the Dragomonstranator and roared at it.

The Dragomonstranator let out a thunderous roar back and swiped Blue with his right claw, knocking her aside.

She slammed into a wall, knocking her unconscious. The Dragomonstranator turned back to the group.

Echo and Delta, after seeing what happened to their sister, also came back on the group's side and roared at the Dragomonstranator.

Leviathan also joined in, letting out a thunderous roar, too. Then, Owen whistled, telling them to attack, and they did.

Echo and Delta jumped up onto the Dragomonstranator and started clawing at him with their 4 switch blade toe claws.

Leviathan started attacking the Dragomonstranator's back legs, since their wasn't enough room for him to climb on it.

The Dragomonstranator roared in irritation. He tried to get Delta and Echo off his back while kicking Leviathan, but Leviathan dodged his kicks.

The Dragomonstranator swung around in circles at the same time, his tail smashing anything in its path.

The group ran into a gift shop stand, while Twilight, Starlight, Owen, and Spike stayed out to fight.

Owen fired his rifle, while Twilight and Starlight fired laser beams and Spike used fireballs.

Owen ran out of ammo in his gun and hid behind a fake amber rock to reload.

Then, the Dragomonstranator managed to throw Echo off, but she quickly recovered. Meanwhile, the group was hiding in the building, sheltering from the battle.

Then, the CMCs realized something. They knew the Ponyraptors and Leviathan couldn't take down that monster by themselves. They needed more help.

"We need more" Applebloom said. "More what?" Claire and the others asked, confused. "Teeth" Scootaloo said. "We need more teeth" Sweetiebelle said.

Then, Claire new exactly what they meant, but the others were still confused. Then, she went over to a med kit and grabbed a flare and walky-talky.

"Okay. So, everypony, just wait here. It's gonna be fine" Claire said and they all agreed. Then, she ran towards a section of the park.

Owen, Twilight, Starlight, and Spike saw her run. "Claire! Where are you going!?" Twilight shouted after her, but she didn't respond.

Then, Twilight went after Claire. "Twilight!" Spike shouted.

"I'll be back! I'm just going to check on Claire. She may need help!" Twilight said and she flew after Claire. Starlight then went to Spike.

"Don't worry, Spike. She'll be back" Starlight said and Spike agreed. Then, they went back to firing at the Dragomonstranator.

Echo has recovered from being thrown by the Dragomonstranator. She ran around and jumped back up onto his back and Owen continued firing.

Leviathan was still biting at his heels. But then, the Dragomonstranator swatted Leviathan with his tail, launching him into a wall.

Leviathan growled in pain and slowly got up, recovering from the impact.

Then, the Dragomonstranator reached around, with the help of his long, flexible, dragon-like neck, and grabbed Echo in his jaws. Then, he threw her onto a grill.

The impact of her onto the grill caused it to start up and incinerate Echo, killing her instantly. Owen's eyes widened to the sight.

Then, he ducked and ran as the Dragomonstranator's tail smashed the fake amber rock.

Then, the Dragomonstranator clamped his jaws down on Delta, crushing and killing her. Then, he threw her off to the side. Quickly, Owen ran into the gift shop stand with the others.

He held up his hoof, gesturing for them to be quiet. Then, Pinkie came up with the idea. She grabbed Trixie. "You ready Trixie?" Pinkie asked.

Trixie smirked and nodded. Then, she ran out and aimed Trixie at the Dragomonstranator. The others watched. Owen tried to stop them, but it was too late.

"You wanna play rough!? Okay!" Pinkie shouted to the Dragomonstranator. The Dragomonstranator looked at Pinkie in confusion.

"SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" Pinkie shouted and she pumped Trixie's tail, causing her to fire out tons of laser beams like a machine gun.

This was enough to drive the Dragomonstranator back. He roared in irritation. Then, Trixie stopped firing. Pinkie looked at Trixie.

Her horn was fried and she was exhausted. Then, Pinkie looked back to the Dragomonstranator, who was now closing in on her.

When his mouth was inches away from them, Trixie looked up and they both smiled nervously. "Hi" Trixie said nervously.

He then let out a thunderous roar in their faces, the wind from it blowing their faces and manes back.

When he was done, they screamed as he was about to eat them. Then, all of a sudden, Leviathan lunged onto the Dragomonstranator's back.

The Dragomonstranator was now fueled with anger. Leviathan clawed at him and then climbed up to the base of his neck and bit down hard.

The Dragomonstranator roared in pain.

Then, he reached around and was about to snatch up Leviathan, but then, Leviathan smacked his head with his powerful tail.

The Dragomonstranator roared in pain again. Now, he was fueled with rage. He reached around again and this time, snatched up Leviathan.

Leviathan struggled to break free, but he couldn't. Then, the Dragomonstranator threw Leviathan hard against a wall, knocking him unconscious.

Then, he turned back to Pinkie and Trixie, but they were gone. Owen managed to pull them in just after Leviathan attacked.

The group was now quiet as can be, hoping that the Dragomonstranator wouldn't here them. But, they forgot about his sense of smell and how smart he was.

Then, they watched as the Dragomonstranator's mouth came around the corner. His shadow went over them as their eyes widened.

Then, when he saw them, he roared and tried to snatch them, but luckily, the space was too small for his head to fit into. As he tried, they screamed in terror.

Then, his claw burst through the wall, knuckle first as if he punched it open. They all backed up, screaming still.

Luckily, they were far enough back where he couldn't reach them with his long, sharp claws. Now, they wanted Twilight and Claire to hurry up.