My Little Pony: Ancient World

by Dinopony2580

The Gyrosphere; Meet: Henry Wu/ Masrani and Henry's Discussion

Meanwhile, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and the CMCs waited in line to enter the Gyrosphere, a spherical vehicle. Then, they finally got to the Gyrosphere.

"Enjoy the ride" the ride director pony said. "Thank you, Mr." Scootaloo said to him and he smiled back at her.

They went into a mega gyrosphere, which could hold a maximum of six ponies with the seats two by three.

The Mane 3 sat in the left side and their sisters sat next to them on the right.

Applejack and Applebloom had control of the driving part, the front, Rainbow and Scootaloo sat behind them, the middle, and Rarity and Sweetiebelle sat in the back.

As soon as they left, the ride director got a phone call. He picked up the phone. "Hello?...Seriously!?" he said.

Then, he hung up the phone and turn to the ponies waiting in line. "Uh, sorry folks. The rides closed" he said and everypony started complaining.

He took out an Ancient World handbook. "Um, everypony needs to proceed to the monorail and..." he said but it was no use.

Everypony talking over him and complaining. "Come on, guys. I just work here" he said.

Meanwhile, back at the lab, the scientist pony from before that helped Claire introduce the business ponies to the Dragomonstranator came out of a room that was restricted to the public.

He pressed some buttons on a control pad and put his hoof on the hoof print recognition pad, locking the room. Then, he heard the speaker.

"Due to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are now closed" the speaker said. Then, the scientist turned around to see Mr. Masrani.

"You know that I'm not at liberty to reveal that asset's genetic makeup" the scientist said, pouring some tea for him and Mr. Masrani.

"Modified animals are known to be unpredictable" the scientist said. "It has killed ponies, Henry" Masrani said to the scientist, whose name is Henry.

"That's unfortunate" Henry said. "It managed to outsmart us ponies. It damaged the thermal system to its paddock. It also faked its escape" Masrani said.

"Really?" Henry asked. "What arised you to do this?" Masrani asked. "You did" Henry said.

"A year ago, I knew we'd run into this problem, so I sent my team to Manehattan to collect some of Captain Monstra's DNA to make your creature bigger. Scarier. Um, cooler I believe is the word you used in your memo. You cannot have an animal with exaggerated predator features without the corresponding behavioral traits" Henry said.

"What you are doing here. What you have done. The board will shut down this park, seize your work, and everything you have built" Masrani said.

"All of this exists, because of me. If I don't innovate, somebody else will" Henry said. "You are to cease all activities here, immediately" Masrani ordered.

"You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science, but we are doing what we have done from the beginning. Nothing in Ancient World is natural. We have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals, and if their genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different, but you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth" Henry finished.

"I never asked for a monster!" Masrani snapped. "Monster is a relative term. To us, a dragon is a monster. We're just used to being a dragon" Henry finished.

Meanwhile, in the valley, a mega gyrosphere rolled through the valley and the Mane 6: Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, were in it.

On a screen in the front, a pony was talking to them.

"Hey there! I'm Jimmy Fallon and welcome aboard the Gyrosphere, the amazing machine made possible, by science. Your safety is our main concern, which is why you're behind our invisible barrier system, which protects you from things like Ponylophosaurus venom" the pony said, who's name was Jimmy Fallon.

He then whooped around and broke some beakers which exploded. The beakers actually contained Ponylophosaurus venom.

"One drop of this can paralyze you so watch out. Is this real? It is!" Jimmy said before he slowly fell to the ground.

"And for added protection, each vehicle is surrounded by aluminum oxynitride glass. So tough, it can stop a fifty caliber bullet" Jimmy said before he turned around and shot a fifty caliber pistol at an aluminum oxynitride glass pane.

It stopped the bullet, but the force of the bullet caused the pane to fall backwards and break the glass shelves behind it.

"The gyroscopic technology will keep you upright at all times, so you got nothing to worry about" Jimmy finally finished. "Where are they?" Scootaloo asked.

"Maybe right there, Scoots" Rainbow said, pointing ahead. The group looked in awe at the many kinds of dinoponies and other ancient creatures on the plain.

There were Ponatosaurus, Unicornoceratops, Ponysaurolophus, and Ponegosaurus. The group stared in awe at all the dinoponies.

Then, they looked at the screen. "Do to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are now closed. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort" the screen said.

The CMCs were saddened by this. "Hey, we can stay in here for a little longer" Rainbow said. "I agree" Scootaloo said. "Me too" Applebloom said.

"Me three" Sweetiebelle said. "No, we should head back" Rarity said. "Come on Applejack, please" Applebloom pleaded.

Applejack thought about for a second. "Ah, shoot. We can stay in here for a few more minutes" Applejack said and the 3 fillies cheered, so did Rainbow.

Then, Applejack accelerated the gyrosphere. Surprisingly, the dinoponies ran along with them.

Back at the control room, Claire was worried about Twilight, thinking that she could get killed by that monster and if she did, she would feel responsible and never be able to forgive herself.

Plus, to make things worse, the 3 main princesses of Equestria would punish her in some awful way. To make sure things were okay, she called Zara.

"Zara, I need you to bring the princess and her friends back to the hotel...Whoa, slow down I can't here you...What!" Claire said, but now, after hearing what Zara said, she was on full alert.

Zara had told Claire that Twilight and the group left her so they could search for her other friends, who went ahead of the group and recently, Twilight came back to Zara and told her that her other friends were in the gyrosphere.

After talking with Zara, she immediately went to Larry and the gyrosphere tracker. "Are there any gyrospheres left in the valley?" Claire asked Larry.

"No, there all accounted for. It's my job. Wait. Yeah, there's one in the field" Larry said. Then, Claire went over to the mare pegasus.

"Send a team of rangers and bring them in" Claire said. "Security, we need a search and rescue in the valley" the pegasus said.

"It's gonna be a while, we've got out hands full out here" Security replied. Then, Claire picked up the phone.

"No, no, no, no, no! There are 6 guests missing. You need to make this your top priority" Claire said. "Just do it man" Larry said. But, security didn't do it.

"Okay! Fine! I'll do it myself" Claire said, irritated. Then, she saw Owen arguing with a pony, and she knew exactly who to get help from.