//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Arrested // Story: To Earn One's Wings // by HollowPony //------------------------------// To Earn One’s Wings Chapter five: Arrested Everyone had a different reaction to Notebook’s announcement. Ruby’s face contorted in shock. Thunderbolt’s father snorted in anger. Thunderbolt simply glared at Notebook.  “How dare you!” Ruby roared. She zoomed toward Notebook, her wings like that of a hummingbird. “How dare you! My Thunderbolt wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less commit murder! Lies and slander!” She raised her hoof to poke Notebook in his chest. “I have half a mind to -” She didn’t get to finish her sentence. Thunderbolt’s father had taken hold of her tail with his teeth and yanked her away from Notebook.  “That’s enough, Ruby,” he chastised his wife. “The colt is just doing his job.” He turned toward Notebook, a silent fury in his eyes. “Still, she has a point.” His voice was a low whisper, like that of a snake hissing a warning. “My son is not the type to commit murder. Explain yourself, Lieutenant.” Notebook pulled a stack of papers out of a bag. “There really isn’t much to say, Colonel. Your son is being arrested for murder. It’s all in here.” He handed the stack to Thunderbolt’s father. He cooly looked it over, his eyes occasionally flicking in Notebook’s direction. After several tense moments, he shoved the stack into Notebook’s chest. “Who’s your commanding officer?”  Notebook gave Thunderbolt’s father a look of confusion as he shoved the papers back into his saddlebags. “Captain Mason, Sir. Captain Stone Mason. Why do you ask?”  Thunderbolt’s father waved his hoof dismissively. “Curiosity. No need to concern yourself, Lieutenant.” He looked away and started muttering under his breath: “Looks like I have a meeting to arrange.” He shook his head and turned to Thunderbolt. “The documents look real enough.” Thunderbolt swore under his breath. “Fine. Let’s get this over with, Notebook,” he spat, offering his hooves to Notebook. “I can’t wait to meet my new roommate.”   “You’re taking this awfully well Stormbringer,” Notebook commented as he pulled a pair of hoofcuffs from a saddlebag.  Thunderbolt shrugged. “Notebook, someone would’ve come to me about what happened in the Cathedral at some point. If not to arrest me, then they’d at least approach me as an eyewitness. Besides, what do you want me to do? Knock you out and lead the guard on a merry chase through Canterlot?” He snorted dismissively. “That’d just make me look guilty, wouldn’t it? Even if I did try that, I’d bet bits to bread that you have guards right outside the door to nab me if I ran. And,” he pointed a hoof to the window. “If I jumped out of a window you probably have a bunch of archers who’ll use me for moving target practice.” A look of shock passed over Notebook’s face. Thunderbolt smiled smugly. “I should know you well enough to be sure that you’ll be predictably well prepared, Notebook.”  “I’m glad that spending a year in basic with me wasn’t a complete waste of your time,” Notebook grumbled as he finished placing the cuffs onto Thunderbolt’s hooves. “Any other comments?” “Just that it’s a bit chilly. Mind if we get my cloak before we leave?” “They’re not going to let you keep that in prison.” “Well, you don’t want me to die of pneumonia before you get the chance to stuff me in a cell. Besides, don’t you think that these,” Thunderbolt extended his working wing. “Will attract a bit too much attention?”  Notebook sighed. “I’ll see what I can do, Stormbringer, but only because we used to be friends.” “Thanks, Notebook.”  Notebook stuck his head through the door. Thunderbolt heard muffled whispers drifting through the crack left by Notebook’s neck. He turned to his father. He paced in front of the hospital bed, frustration etched onto his face. “Bastards,” he swore. He stopped to point a hoof in Thunderbolt’s direction. “This isn’t over, my boy. I’ll get to the bottom of this and you’ll be acquited before you know it. Just don’t do anything stupid.” Thunderbolt bristled at the suggestion that he, a grown stallion, needed his father’s help. He was not a colt that couldn’t take care of himself. A more reasonable part of him reminded him that there was little he could do from inside a prison cell. He sighed wearily. “Thanks, dad. I appreciate the effort.”  Notebook chose this moment to reenter the room. “The guard will be back with your personal effects shortly, Stormbringer. Say your goodbyes while we wait. And make it quick, Stormbringer. I hate sappy goodbyes.”  Thunderbolt’s father approached him first. He put a hoof on Thunderbolt’s shoulder. The cold fury in his eyes was replaced by fatherly concern. “Remember what I said. Don’t do anything stupid and you’ll be acquited in no time. I’ll make sure of it.” He growled the last sentence, his voice filled with steel. Thunderbolt nodded, a wry smile on his lips. “I’ll try my best.” “And I’ll pray for you,” Ruby promised, a warm smile on her face. Thunderbolt stiffened at this but nodded after a moment’s hesitation returned her smile with one of his own.  “Thank you, Mother. I’ll keep you in my prayers too.”  Once outside Thunderbolt took a deep breath and sighed with satisfaction. They were walking over the parking lot to a single covered wagon. Notebook was in front, two guards were in the back, and Thunderbolt was in the middle. “Enjoying your last breath as a free stallion, Stormbringer?” Notebook taunted. Thunderbolt chuckled.  “Just enjoying the fresh air. I just can’t get used to the smell of hospitals. It’s too clean. The air out hear might smell like a dirty city, but at least it smells alive.” “I guess.” Notebook sighed. “Stormbringer, I want to thank you.” “For what? Actually doing something that would get me arrested?”  Notebook spun around and glared at Thunderbolt. “Could you stop being an asshole for five minutes?”  Thunderbolt rolled his eyes. “Fine. What did you want to say Notebook?” “What I was trying to do was thank you for not causing a scene and making this harder than it needs to be.”  “I just didn’t want to drag my parents into something that doesn’t concern them.”  “Still, I appreciate it.” They were close to the wagon now. Thunderbolt could see a symbol painted onto the side. It was a deep blue crescent moon laying on its back with a spire protruding from its centre. It split a golden dot that looked like a setting sun that lay between the crescent moon’s tips. Golden wings encircled the base while light blue wings sprouted from the crescent moon’s tips. The Equestrian seal. The two guards in the back made their way to the front of the wagon and hitched themselves to it. Thunderbolt silently boarded the wagon from the back with Notebook following close behind. Notebook banged one of the wagon’s sides and they set off.  “So, Stormbringer, when are you going to tell me how you got those wings?” Notebook asked once they were seated in the wagon. “Never, if it’s up to me. It’s not a story I like to remember.”  “I’m not the only one that’s wondering.” Notebook pulled a paper from his bag and held it out to Thunderbolt. The headline read: ‘New Alicorn?’ over a photo of Thunderbolt in front of the Canterlot Library. He was relieved to see that his face wasn’t visible on the photo. He gave the paper back to Notebook. “Keep wondering Notebook. I’m not telling you the story.”  Notebook shrugged. “Fine.”  They grew quiet. Notebook stared blankly out of the back of the wagon. Thunderbolt stared at Notebook.  “Hey, Notebook.” “Yeah?” “Do you think I did it?” Notebook looked back at Thunderbolt. He looked confused. “Did what?” “The murders, Notebook. What did you think I was talking about?”  Notebook opened his mouth. Then he closed it. His eyes wouldn’t quite meet Thunderbolts. “It doesn’t matter what I think.”  Thunderbolt rolled his eyes. “For God’s sake, Notebook, you’re a guard, not a machine. Think for yourself, dammit.”  “The judges won’t care whether I think you did or didn’t do it, but…” Notebook rubbed his neck. “Something doesn’t sit right with me. Murder doesn’t fit your MO, Stormbringer. It’s just… you’re our only suspect. All the evidence we can find points to you.”  “And that’s enough to throw me in jail?” “NO!” he cried, frustration in his voice. “And I told Captain Mason that when he gave me the arrest warrant. I looked at the forensics. All we can reliably establish is that you were there on the night of the murders. If they even are murders. There are no defensive wounds on the bodies. Only one body shows signs of a struggle. It's safe to assume that the guy who was tied up wasn’t there by choice, but the rest… Unless you took 13 ponies completely by surprise, something fishy is going on.” He shook his head. “Besides, murder is inconsistent with all of your usual shenanigans.”  “What do you think that means?” “I think that someone’s out to get you, Stormbringer. Someone high up. I’m not sure that you’ll be able to wriggle out of this one.”  “Well, I suppose that it’s well past time that I pissed of someone important enough to get me arrested.” “Don’t be so flippant about this!” Notebook cried in frustration. “You could get executed!” Thunderbolt reacted with a shrug. Notebook shook his head with a sigh. “Just one question. “What the hell happened in that Cathedral?” “Do you really think that that will change anything, Notebook?” “I don’t know. What I do know is that I need more information. Your account could fill in info we’re missing.”  Thunderbolt blew a raspberry. “Not sure if you’d believe me anyway. I’m not sure if I believe me.” “Try me,” Notebook said as he pulled out a notepad.  “I guess it started after that dragon attacked the library…” Thunderbolt told him about what happened in the Cathedral, only omitting the voice that spoke with him. He still wasn’t sure where that fit in, save that it didn’t bode well for his sanity. Even then the story seemed fantastical. Like something from an adventure novel, and not necessarily a good one.  “So you’re telling me that you were thrown from the top of Canterlot Cathedral and survived?” the Notebook said in disbelief. “That’s three stories high, Stormbringer. I find it difficult to believe that you walked away from that with only a few broken bones and a concussion.”  “Yet here I am Notebook.” Thunderbolt lifted his cloak to show the cast around his wing. “I don’t suppose that this counts for anything.”  Notebook sighed. “You were right. I’m struggling to believe you, but…” “But what?” “I’ll have to go over the evidence we have. I’ll definitely talk to my superiors. If what you’re saying is true, we have a huge problem on our hands.” Thunderbolt snorted. “That’s putting it lightly.” “Just don’t do anything stupid like trying to escape. There’s only so much that I can do if you make yourself look guilty.” Thunderbolt chuckled as the wagon eased to a stop. Notebook jerked his head in the direction of the wagon’s opening. Notebook stood up. Thunderbolt raised his eyes to meet his. Notebook motioned to the back of the wagon with his head. Thunderbolt got the message. He had to get out first. Thunderbolt sighed and stood up. He stared at the setting sun. “Notebook. Can I ask you a favour?” “Depends on the favour?” Thunderbolt chuckled. “It’s not for me. Do you remember that mare that was with me? The one outside the library?” “Yeah.” “Could you find her for me? I know that she’s alive, but I don’t know where she is.” “What? You have another business proposal for her?” “Oh for fuck’s sake, Notebook, I just want to know if she’s safe.” Notebook laughed. “So you do have a heart left in that chest of yours. What is this mare to you? Why do you want to know if she’s safe?” “Notebook…” Thunderbolt licked his lips. “She’s just a civilian. She wandered into my profession, my world without knowing what she was getting herself into. I just want to make sure that she made it out ok.” Notebook sighed. “Fine. I’ll look for her. Even if it’s to protect her from whatever you got her involved with. You know that you won’t be able to use the information, right? If and when they find you guilty you’ll be thrown to jail to rot for the rest of your life. And that’s the best-case scenario.” “Yeah, I know. I just…” Thunderbolt faltered. “I don’t know. I guess that I just want closure. If she made it out safe and sound then I guess the whole mess isn’t as bad as I think it is.” He stepped out of the wagon. “I appreciate it, Notebook.”  Outside the wagon, he was surrounded by a pack of guards. Notebook nodded to one of them. “Sergeant.” The pony saluted. “Lieutenant. Second squad ready for prisoner transport.” “A bit much for just me, isn’t it Notebook?” Notebook shrugged. “Apparently my superiors think otherwise.” Thunderbolt rolled his eyes and looked up. He saw a mass of white spires reaching for the sun. Canterlot Castle. Home of the Princesses of the Sun and Moon. The seat of Equestrian power. Notebook led Thunderbolt through the opulent halls of the castle with the guards flanking him. More guards lined the walls of the corridors. Large stained glass windows adorned the walls of the castle. The late dusk sunlight flowed through them in a myriad of colours. Thunderbolt was glad that he couldn’t see his reflection in them. Instead, they depicted various events in Equestrian history. An Alicorn being crucified. The founding of Equestria. Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon, a being who wanted to plunge the world into eternal night. Nightmare Moon looked similar to the being that Luna turned into on the night that the dragon attacked. Part of Thunderbolt shivered at the risk that Nightmare Moon could return. Another was curious as to the relationship between the two beings. Another window depicted the chaos spirit Discord being turned into stone. Thunderbolt watched the picture of the mismatched being as they passed. It seemed to be moving.  He shook his head with a chuckle. He had to be seeing things. But as he looked back it looked like the picture was peeling itself from the window. Not just looked, it was peeling itself from the window.  First the mismatched horns, one of a deer and the other a blue goat horn. His grey head came next. It was similar to that of a horse. A close-cropped black mane ran from his forehead to the nape of his elongated neck. A fang poked out of the right side of his mouth. A white goat’s beard wriggled on his chin along with a pair of bushy white eyebrows.  His pupils were of different sizes. The whites of his eyes were yellow and his irises were crimson. Next came his body. It was covered in brown feathers. On his back was a purple batwing and a blue pegasus wing. His right arm was that of a lion and his left was an eagle claw. His right leg was that of a green lizard and his left was a brown goat leg. Between his legs hung a red dragon tail with a white tuft of fluff at the tip.  The chimeric creature stretched his serpentine body in ways that would not be comfortable to any ordinary creature. The sound of his joints popping was like thunderclaps.  “Windows really are the least comfortable places to take naps,” the creature groaned in a perpetually amused baritone. Notebook ignored him and walked along. With a huff, the creature snapped his eagle claw and disappeared in a flash of white light. He reappeared in front of Notebook with another bright flash. He was in a bright orange safety vest. Behind him was a yellow tollbooth with the boom down.  “Piss off, abomination,” the sergeant swore from behind Notebook. “We have orders to follow.”  Notebook glared at him. “Quiet, Sergeant.” He turned to Discord. “Please get out of our way. We have orders to carry out.”  The chimeric creature placed his hand over his heart as if he was physically wounded. “And after I came all this way to visit you,” the creature complained, attempting to sound hurt, but the amused tone remained in his voice.  “Discord,” Notebook snarled, confirming that the creature was, in fact, the chaos spirit. “I don’t care if Celestia pardoned you and released you, if you keep blocking my progress I’ll be forced to -” the sergeant was cut off by a bright flash. A leather muzzle had appeared on his snout. After a moment’s surprised he steadied himself to fight the chaos spirit. The guards lining the corridor levelled their spears at the spirit. Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his claw again. With a flash, the tips of the spears turned into grade school flower arrangements. The sergeant found himself wearing a collar and a leash that was tied to a nearby pillar.  “Celestia really needs to train her dogs better,” Discord mused. “Their bark is still worse than their bite,” he turned his mismatched eyes to Thunderbolt, who was eyeing the chimeric creature warily. Discord waved his hand over his stomach, creating a red and white target in its wake. “Give me your best shot, pony.” Thunderbolt widened his stance. His horn started glowing silver-blue. Circles lined with runes formed from the base of his horn to the tip with 10cm intervals. The air filled with the smell of ozone. He reared his head back while breathing deeply. Then he threw his head forward, intent to show Discord what he was made of. Lightning surged from the base of his horn to the tip, ready to burst from the tip like a fountain from the earth. Then… nothing. The lightning fizzled and sparked, but didn’t get much farther than Thunderbolt’s horn. One lucky spark scorched half a centimetre of tile.  “Humph,” Discord snorted. “I expected better.” He lunged forward and wrapped his serpentine body around Thunderbolt’s torso. “I’m sure Celly won’t mind if I steal you for a bit,” he whispered in Thunderbolt’s ears. With a “Tata” he snapped his fingers and disappeared along with his pony captive in a flash of white light.