//------------------------------// // July 3rd // Story: The New Adventures of Carrot Top. // by Capitola //------------------------------// July 3rd So I'm guessing you're trying to figure out why I haven't been writing in this lately. Well, even though I don't owe you an explanation, seeing as you're not real, I'll give you one (save your thanks). First, I've been looking for employment. It isn't easy to get employed when your only talent is "carrots". Seriously, that is what my talent is supposed to be. Growing carrots, that is the extent of my super special talent. I have the ability to grow fairly good carrots. Anyways, I can't find a job and starting another rant about my Cutie mark won't help. Furthermore, on the walks I've been taking through Ponyville I noticed something very odd. For every one stallion there are like ten mares. I just don't get it, where are all the stallions? Are there no males in this town? The only explanations I can find for this are that Ponyville is home to an all-mare cult that sacrifices all the resident stallions to appease the demon goddess they secretly worship, or I just have tremendously bad luck. Pinkie is getting more and more excited about the party, despite my agony... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Please, I really don't need a party. I'd rather not have one. You know what sounds a lot more fun? Sitting at home. Doesn't that sound nice? Me ... alone ... by myself ... no one there ... sleeping?" "No, it doesn't," Pinkie said, looking at Carrot Top with in a confused sort of way. "Parties are a lot of fun and a great new way to meet friends! I've met all my friends at parties ... except for the ones I haven't met at parties ... like Twilight, and Fluttershy, and Spike, and Steve, and mayor Mare, and ..." Pinkie continued on through the list of ponies she hadn't met at parties while Carrot Top looked out the window of Sugar Cube Corner. When Pinkie was in a mood like this nothing could stop her. "... And there was also you! I didn't meet you a party!" Pinkie said, grinning at Carrot Top. "Trust me, you'll really enjoy it! I'm so excited for you to meet everyone and make friends and you'll have a great time." Despite the feelings of negativity she had towards the party Carrot smiled and nodded. Perhaps she would have a good time after all... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Across town the sounds of tinkering and whirring could be heard in the small, darkened basement of an inconspicuous looking house. Occasionally a small burst of fire or a shower of sparks would give off just enough light to illuminate some of the equipment in the makeshift laboratory. Boxes labeled "gunpowder" and "colorful fizzy stuff" lined the walls and disposed sticks and matches littered the the floor. A solitary pony sat at the work bench, huddled over her invention as she silently adding finishing touches to the masterpiece. "It's almost done," she whispered. "Soon all of Ponyville shall witness what I have created and they will finally understand that they're real!" A small spark shot off from the end of the gizmo she held. "SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE omigosh this is gonna be so awesome~!"