//------------------------------// // But You Still Try To Save Me... // Story: I Don't Want To Be Saved... // by Mensonge Singer //------------------------------// Darkness... That's all I can see... My body floats through the cold abyss. I can see a faint spark of light appear coming toward me. I try to get away as it grows closer. I feel a soft mattress underneath me with a fluffy pillow. A warm blanket layed on top of me. I heard birds singing outside. I open my eyes, finding myself i8n a hospital room. I turn to my side, finding "get well soon" cards along with flowers and stuffed animals. I only glared to myself as I pull the blanket over my head, silently sobbing to myself. Suddenly, I heard snoring. I turn around, finding my friend, Flame Flare, an orange dragon asleep in a chair, holding a book of Daring Do in her claw. She must have fallen asleep reading to me. I rolled onto my side, crying out in pain, waking up my shy dragon friend. I just turned around, ignoring her. "Script...?| she mumbled. "...go...away..." I mutter pulling the blanket over my head. "Script, I...I can't..." I continued to ignore her until she gave up and left me alone with my thoughts. Once she was gone, I picked up some of the notes from my friends to read them as my tears filled my eyes. I threw them across the room sobbing. "...I should have stabbed myself deeper..." I thought to myself as I stared at the scars on my hooves. there was a knock on my door. My response was to ignore and hide under the blanket. They deserve better than me...I was never able to listen to them anyway, so I was doing them a favor... They wouldn't want someone who won't listen to them around... "Script...?" I looked at the door, finding a group of my friends there with gifts in their grasp. I turned away as they walked in. "...please...go away..." I whimper. I felt Flare put a claw over my shoulder. I refused to look at her in the eye. "You all know... I've stopped caring..." I felt Blood Moon pull my chin up, forcing me to look at her in the eye. "Look at me, and say that to my face..." she uttered with her voice shaking slightly. I stared at her with my dull eyes, showing no emotion as a slow tear rolled down my face. "I've stopped caring..." I mutter. "What's the point...? I know you want to help, but I can't get myself to accept your help...so I'm doing you all a favor." Blood Moon tried to comfort me, but I just turned away. "...well...too bad, we're not going anywhere whether you like it or not." Fire Bloom said. "...you...don't understand...you never will..." I whimper. "But we can try," Radioflash said as he gently began stroking my mane. "...please...I want to be alone..." "Do you want to be taken away??" Lotus burst out. "Lotus," Ellie said. "Please, calm-" "Do you want to never see us again, because that's what will happen if you keep this up!" "Lotus, please!" "S...sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that..." Lotus mumbled. "...it's...fine..." I muttered softly. "We just don't want to lose you, Script..." Ellie said. "...what's the point if I can't figure out what's wrong...? I'm sick of needing so much help..." "But it's okay to ask for help."Fire Blood said. "Constantly? Causing others to grow sick and tired of you...? They don't want me around anymore..." "Who cares what others think about you, we still care," Lotus said. "You would just give up on me eventually...they all do...I'm just a lost cause..." "No, you're not." "You're special." "I'm nothing but a bucking screw up!" My friends seemed taken aback by my outburst, they had never seen me use such language before. I turned around as my ears drooped back. "Please, leave me... I don't want to hurt you too..." I say as I pull the blanket over me. I felt all of my friends surrounding me, pulling me into an embrace.