//------------------------------// // Epilogue: WHAT!? // Story: One Crazy Pairing (Stone) // by Jhoira //------------------------------// "WHAT!?" Was the single word shouted by Limestone as she got to the elder's meeting. Normally her father would have reprimanded her for such a loud and rude display of emotion, however, this time Igneous Rock Pie completely agreed with his daughter. "Mine daughter is most correct!" Igneous Rock Pie nodded. "This event hath never been seen before! The pairing stone has but announced a pair unknown to us!" He pointed at the pairing stone, which displayed Marble's cutie mark, and a strange antler-like inscription that none of them recognized. Igneous Rock Pie looked back to Limestone Pie, seeing her paled face he awkwardly patted her on the shoulder. "Worry not for your sister my daughter. Providence will surely smile upon us that we may find your sister's mate. We will not rest until it is so." The rest of the elders nodded and Limestone shook her head. "No father... I know who that is..."