//------------------------------// // (RESTRICTED SECTION) Prominent citizens:Dr. Arcanis // Story: The Strange History of Canterlot: A collection of Lore and Biographies. // by Altlus //------------------------------// Believing his chances of success are better there than in Equestria. He takes on the identity of a well-rounded, well-cultured renaissance man with a prestigious background and quickly rising to the top of society in that time and using his knowledge and powers to amaze and entertain his fellow elite and to procure a great fortune, becoming a well known and influential millionaire and socialite (and to some extent a Playboy). Some of his wealth going into funds or donations for the construction of buildings such as Canterlot High and Crystal prep academy. He was also one of the people who helped start and influence the spiritualist and esoteric (occultist) movements in the 19th century and early 20th century. Others tried to copy him but since they didn't hold magic like he did, these copycats wound up being frauds and fakes. He would combine human scientific methods and concepts and technology (at the time: 19th century and early 20th century) with their research and knowledge on Equestrian magic to produce various inventions and "potions"(Patent Medicines), make new discoveries and breakthroughs in equestrian magic, as well as make attempts to collaborate and refine existing and previous writings on various aspects of Equestrian magic into a more understandable and cleaner format. His more permanent marks he placed in the human world came in the form of buildings he constructed throughout Canterlot City. Either imbued with equestrian magic (via carving symbols and patters into the metal,wood or bricks or incorporating them into the overall architectural design of the place) or constructed with materials found only in Equestria, causing them to exhibit magical properties. all of which are either tower-like in design or involve towers in the design (ex: Florine Manor having two towers). both hinting at his previous background as wizard or conjurer as well as convey a sense of isolation from "normal" people. He used it to study think and work in peace. It also demonstrated his eccentricity and somewhat antisocial tendencies and social awkwardness. In truth, they serve as enormous antennae to channel in equestrian magic across an enormous transference grid spanning the entire city, concentrating it and storing it long term to fulfill specific but unknown roles, uses and purposes later on. The details of which, only he know. Not a lot is known about him but what was known were several "Magic Shows" he performed, a few noteworthy events in the city's history where he was involved, his unusual inability to age and the fact that he mysteriously disappeared from public record in the 1950's.