The Dream

by fore shadow

Pair One

Twilight sat up straight in her bed gasping. Sweat poured down her face and she kicked at the covers wrapped around her hind legs and wings, desperate to get away from her bed. Her heart was beating so fast.

Extricating herself from her bedding, she flew up to the window and looked outside. The fresh air helped cool her skin. Slowly she caught her breath and her heart rate slowed.

‘It was a dream, just a dream.’ Twilight told herself over and over again.

Looking out the window, she desperately searched for something that would convince her that it was true. But no matter how many times she told herself it was a dream, it just wouldn’t sink in.

She shivered, the fear from the dream ever present. “It just ... felt so real!”

“Morning Twilight!” Spike called out happily as he trotted into her room early the next morning. “Are you ready for...,” Spike paused, realizing the alicorn wasn’t in her bed.

Looking around he saw her hind leg and part of her cutie mark sticking out from under the window covering. Wondering what she might be looking at outside he walked over and pulled the drapery back. “uh... Twilight?”

The sleeping pony tumbled from the window seat onto the floor, waking up with a start. “I’m up, I’m up!” Blinking rapidly, she noticed the little dragon looking at her questioningly. “Oh, hi Spike!”

“Uh, hi Twi! You ... uh, all set for today?” The little dragon decided to ignore her reaction. She had fallen asleep in stranger places while studying after all. Pulling out the day’s scroll, he waited for her to ask him to go over their schedule.

“Oh, yes, of course,” the princess pasted an incredibly fake smile on her face while looking around trying to remember what it was they had planned. Realizing she had no idea, she finally gave up and asked, “what was it we were doing again?”

“Well, you're helping Zecora with some new herb potions of course. I'm helping Rarity at Carousel Boutique.” Spike beamed at the second part, his excitement at working with the alibaster unicorn causing his chest to swell proudly. Checking the list, he clarified their first stop, “But first we are having breakfast at the cafe with everypony.” Spike smiled and rubbed his stomach in anticipation. “Rarity said they were serving a new rhubarb ruby muffin that I can’t wait to try!”

While Spike prattled on about Rarity, Twilight used her magic to quickly make the bed she hadn’t slept in, brush her hair and mane, and put the items she had set out the night before in her satchel. “Right, yes, ok, breakfast it is! Ready when you are!” Twilight flew over to the door and gestured with her wing toward the exit.

“And then she... oh, sure let’s go! I’m starving!” Spike trotted past the alicorn and out into the hallway. Twilight could hear him continuing his story where he had left off. Something about opalescence inspiring a chiffon number. Twilight only half paid attention.

She paused before following the little dragon. Looking back at the bed, she bit her lip. The fear from the night before hadn’t left. It was now sitting in the pit of her stomach. Perhaps breakfast with her friends would take her mind off of things.

Shutting the door behind her she flew to catch up with Spike. So intent on his story and the muffins he would eat, he never noticed her absence.

“Twilight darling whatever is bothering you?”

Twilight looked up at Rarity’s pointed gaze. The fashionable unicorn was staring down at her from over a pair of jeweled sunglasses.

“Sweetheart don’t even try to deny it. You haven’t heard a thing I’ve said about the new line I’ve been designing.” The purple maned unicorn added.

“Yeah, what gives Twi?” Rainbow dash asked around a mouthful of food.

“You haven’t even eaten your crepes!! I mean who doesn’t love crepes?” Pinkie pie jumped in. “Also, are you gonna eat those crepes?”

Pushing her untouched plate over to Pinkie, she watched as the pink earth pony scarfed down the remains of her uneaten breakfast.

“You all know me so well,” she sighed, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension and frustration. Though normally she'd consider this quality in her friends to be a blessing, it also was hard to think of it that way now, when they wanted her to share something when she wasn’t quite ready. She hadn’t figured it out for herself yet, so was unsure how to even begin.

“Twilight, you ain’t got to share nothing you ain’t comfortable sharing.” Applejack gave the princess a look of compassion. “Just know we are all here to listen when you’re ready, whenever that is.”

“I appreciate that everypony. I... I’m just not sure where to begin.” The alicorn sighed again.

“Does it have anything to do with you sleeping in the windowsill?” Spike offered as he ate another rhubarb ruby muffin. “Man, these are good!” He mumbled to himself.

“What were you doing sleeping in the windowsill Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked with a snort. "I imagine waking up there was a real... pane. Get it?" The blue pegasus laughed at her own joke.

"HA!" Pinkie Pie cracked up. "Pane. I get it! Good one Dashie."

“Well, I guess I had a bad dream." Twilight started, ignoring Rainbow's ridiculous pun. "When I woke up, I couldn’t shake this awful feeling and so I went to the window to clear my head. I must have fallen asleep there.” The princess explained.

“Man, that must have been one scary dream.” Dash commented having ceased her laughter. Eyeing Pinkie Pie’s destruction of the crepes, she added, “Almost as scary as Pinkie Pie’s appetite.”

“Don’t be silly, Dashie!" The pink pony snorted. "Nothing’s as scary as that.”

“I can understand needing some fresh air after a scary dream Twilight. When I have a nightmare, flying helps clear my head.” Fluttershy offered in a soft voice. “Talking about it sometimes helps too, if you remember what happened that is.”

Twilight gave a quick glance toward her satchel. “Yeah, I actually learned, while studying with Princess Celestia, that you should always write down your dreams when you first wake up. Helps to remember more details that way. Dream interpretation was one of the classes that she actually taught herself. I wonder if that has anything to do with Princess Luna, and ...”

“Yes, darling, that’s lovely.” Rarity cut her off gently, alerting the alicorn to her tendency to prattle on. “If you wrote it down, perhaps we can assist you with the interpretation.”

“Oh, um, that’s very... kind of you to offer. But dream interpretation can be... well it’s vastly different based on... you see it’s not really objective but subjective... and well...” Twilight felt her face burn red as she stammered on, trying to articulate a reason that would make sense as to why she didn’t want her friends to know the subject of her dream. At least not just then.

“It’s ok, Twi!” Pinkie pie smiled. “It’s obvious we are in the dream and you’re not ready for us to know what it’s all about and since we are your friends we totally understand and support you and don’t want you to feel like you have to share it with us." Pinkie Pie jumped up and down in her seat with excitement. "Oh! What you need is another expert like yourself who gets dreams!”

The table looked at Pinkie for a brief moment with incredulity, before continuing the conversation unaffected. While the pink pony's astuteness was no longer shocking, it was still impressive in its own right, warranting a moment’s pause for consideration.

“Well... that was quite astute Pinkie.” Rarity regarded the earth pony before turning her attention back to Twilight. “She does have a point darling. Perhaps Princess Luna might be able to offer a suggestion?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight had considered sending Luna a note but then had stopped herself. “I’m just not sure if i should bother her with something like this. I mean it’s not like that time when all of our dreams were invaded. It doesn’t feel like an emergency. I just... had a bad dream.”

“Well if it’s bothering you sugar cube, then that seems like a good enough reason to ask. I’m sure as your friend she’ll want to help in whatever way she can.” Applejack offered gently.

“Even if that just means listening.” Fluttershy added, tilting her head to the side to expose her ear, further emphasizing her point.

Twilight wondered if Fluttershy even realized she was making that gesture, as subtle as it was, or if it was truly unconscious. Regardless, it was a trait she found endearing about the Pegasus.

“I’ll think about it.” She nodded at her friends before smiling. “Thank you all for listening,” she shot a look toward Fluttershy, before continuing, “and for reminding me of what amazing friends I have. Talking about it a little has made me feel better. You’ve given me great suggestions in how to tackle this. I promise, once I’m ready, I will definitely share it with you.”

“Darling, you never have to thank us, that’s just what friends do for each other!”

“Yeah, we are pretty awesome!”

“Thank you for the crepes! Crepes, crepes, crepes! That’s a funny word!”

“Anytime you need us we are here to listen.”

“Ain’t nothing to it sugarcube, that’s what friends are for!”

Their responses were as varied as her friends’ personalities but still shared the same undercurrent of friendship, reminding her again how lucky she was to have them.

The waiter arrived soon after, cleared their plates and took the check. The friends bid each other adieu before heading off in different directions. Rainbow dash flew off for cloud duty. Pinkie Pie returned to sugar cube corner to help the Cakes with some pies. Spike trailed happily behind Rarity on their way to the boutique, his parting words ran through Twilight's mind.

“You could always ask Zecora, you know, about the dream.”

‘I could ask Zecora.’ She realized. ‘She might have unique insights based on her studies. Plus, I’ll already be helping her with the herbs so it’s something I could broach in conversation...’

“Twilight...” a soft voice interrupted her train of thought.

Looking up, she realized the Pegasus and earth pony were watching her. The two hadn't left yet.

Fluttershy’s soft voice continued. “Would you like Applejack and I to leave you alone?”

“NO! Don’t leave me alone!” She snapped, far too loud and forcefully, causing both her friends to jump back startled by the vehemence of her response. Her heart began to race in her chest as flashes of the dream played out before her eyes.

Seeing their reaction though she faltered. Perhaps she had been a bit too brash in response. “Er I’m sorry...” she stammered. “I just, no. No, I don’t want you to leave me alone.”

Exchanging glances, her two friends seemed to be communicating without talking. Again, it reminded her of the dream.

Seeming to have decided something, Applejack took on a gentler tone as she walked over to Twilight’s left side. “I think what Fluttershy meant was: do you need some time to think on your own? We could give you some space if it would help.”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.” The Pegasus agreed, flying a little to catch up to them. Falling in step on the princess’ right side she continued her explanation. “We’d never want you to be alone Twilight.”

Blushing, Twilight felt badly. "Thank you girls." Now sandwiched in by the ponies her fear of abandonment seemed a tad... irrational. “I guess I’m still just a little on edge from that dream.” She admitted feeling guilty.

“Well I can’t say I know much about dreams and whatnot,” Applejack nudged Twilight’s shoulder in a gesture of affection, “but I do know your friends would never abandon you.”

Twilight nodded as she thought about it. ‘Applejack’s right. Maybe I am overreacting to the dream. It’s not like my friends haven’t been there for me before. They’ve always pulled through for me and for each other.’

“You’re right AJ!” Twilight smiled feeling better than she had all day.

“Course I’m right. Just think of Fluttershy and me like... a pair of ... earmuffs!”

“Earmuffs?” Twilight asked with confusion.

“Oh yes, a pair of warm fuzzy earmuffs!” Fluttershy picked up on the analogy. “Ready to listen to whatever you need us to hear.”

“Er ok,” Twilight paused, realizing the other two ponies had stopped. Looking around she saw they were in front of the sanctuary. “Oh right, well guess we'll see you later Fluttershy!” Twilight made to start walking but realized that Applejack hadn’t moved. Tilting her head, she asked, “you coming AJ?”

“I promised Fluttershy I’d help her with some planting in the garden.” The earth pony gestured toward the rucksack on her back. Peeking out Twilight could see parts of a few gardening tools.

“Oh right...” the princess racked her brain, “how’d I miss those?” She made a feeble attempt at a laugh.

“It’s alright Twi, you got a lot on your mind is all.” The orange pony smiled affectionately at her alicorn friend.

“Well, I guess I’ll go then...” the princess took a few steps before turning back. She tried to smile, though she could tell it wasn't fooling anyone. “Bye AJ. Bye Fluttershy.” Even to herself, her tone sounded pitiful.

The Pegasus said something to Applejack before flying over to Twilight. The earth pony watched for a second then trotted off into the sanctuary.

Wondering what the yellow pony might want, Twilight tilted her head with curiosity. “Twilight, I just wanted to say that maybe you should speak to Zecora. She’s helped me before and I’m sure she will have some insights for you."

The alicorn nodded, it was true that the zebra was both insightful and helpful.

Laying a hoof gently on Twilight's shoulder, Fluttershy added, "You have a lot of friends. You are not alone in this, or anything. Just ... let us help.”

Twilight nodded again, feeling for some reason like she wanted to cry, but she managed to hold it back. “Thanks Shy.” Pulling the Pegasus into a hug, she held her tightly. “I guess I’m just struggling to distinguish reality from the dream.” Squeezing Fluttershy a little tighter, she babbled on not realizing what she was disclosing. “And since you and Applejack were the first to pair off in the dream, it just hit me harder when I thought... well whatever it was, you know, I know you’d never abandon me in reality. I’m just sorry I was so short with you.” Pulling back, she used magic to dry her eyes. “Well, I better get going. Seems I have even more reason to see Zecora today.”

Feeling a little better, Twilight Sparkle trotted off towards the Everfree Forest leaving a stunned and confused pegasus behind.

The little yellow mare watched her friend depart with a thoughtful expression on her face. Once Twilight was out of sight, she turned and flew to the sanctuary.

The orange earth pony was already digging in the ground, happily humming to herself when the pretty pegasus alighted beside her. When Applejack spotted the look on Fluttershy's face, however, she immediately stopped what she was doing to make sure that Fluttershy was alright.

“Um, I’m not entirely sure Applejack ... but I think maybe I know why Twilight was a bit... short with us.” Fluttershy told the earth pony. “Something she said about her dream...”

“Well what was it sugar cube?” Applejack questioned.

“Oh, um, well she said we were the first pair off.” While the blush was evident, she somehow managed not to shrink down and hide behind her hair. It hadn’t been her dream after all. Not that she hadn’t dreamt... Shaking her head at that particular thought the Pegasus felt her blush grow darker.

“Pair off?” Applejack’s features betrayed her confusion as her mind ran through a list of possible explanations. She prattled off the thoughts as they came to her. “Like card games? Do you think Twilight’s afraid of gambling?”

Fluttershy stared at Applejack in shock. Did the earth pony really not get it? “I don’t think that’s quite the pairing she meant.”

“Well, maybe she meant the fruit.” Applejack offered, “that kind of makes sense given my family history. I mean my momma was a pear. Then she met my daddy and they ...” dawning realization appeared on Applejack’s face. “Ohhhhh...” a blush darker than Fluttershy’s spread up and down her neck, quickly covering her entire body.

A small giggle emerged from Fluttershy. AJ gave her a hesitant, albeit questioning, glance. Locking eyes, the Pegasus giggled again.

“What in tarnation‘s so funny?” Applejack demanded feeling beyond flustered.

“I’m sorry, Applejack,” Fluttershy giggled again, “it’s just ... this is the first time I ever thought you looked like Big Mac.”

“Yeah well,” Applejack smirked at the thought. It was kind of funny. “I suppose if Twilight thought of us as a ... pair.” She managed to say the word without hyperventilating. “Maybe she got me confused with Mac too.”

“Why would you think that?” Fluttershy looked at Applejack utterly perplexed.

“Er, well you know... mares and stallions and all.” Applejack shrugged before rubbing her hoof down the back of her neck.

“Oh, ... I guess, I just assumed...” the blush returned to Fluttershy’s face as her voice faded out.

“Assumed what sugar cube?” As soon as the word left her mouth, Applejack wanted to kick herself. The blush returned in full force.

Fluttershy didn't mention the blush again, instead she replied softly. “I’d just always thought you were into mares too.”

The earth pony could hear her heartbeat in her ears. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she opened her mouth several times to speak, but found she couldn’t. Instead, she pointed at Fluttershy as if to ask ‘you?’.

Fluttershy nodded. “I like mares. I always have. I hope this doesn’t change the way you feel about me Applejack.”

The simple mare couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she was the element of honesty after all.

“I’m afraid it does sugar cube.”

The stricken Pegasus looked like she was about to cry, causing Applejack to quickly clarify.

“But not the way you think.”

Reaching out, Applejack pulled the beautiful pegasus to her chest.

“I’ve wanted to do this for such a long time.” With those words she planted a soft, warm kiss on the pony of her dreams.

Fluttershy's momentary shock melted as quickly as she did into the strong forelegs of the orange mare. Her wings unfurled and wrapped around Applejack’s torso.

Her last lucid thought was, 'perhaps Twilight is wrong about her dream. Perhaps it wasn't a nightmare after all.'

Twilight, oblivious to what was happening at the animal sanctuary between her friends, ambled on her way towards Zecora’s place in the Everfree Forest. Perhaps it was the warm sunny day, or her improved mood, but nothing in the forest bothered her as she trotted along the familiar path.

Approaching the cottage, Twilight announced her presence by calling out, “Hello! Zecora? Are you home?”

Some loud bangs, that sounded like large pots being clanged together, were all she heard in response. Trotting over to the doorway, the princess peered inside.

A frazzled zebra was attempting to climb out from under a half dozen or so large cauldrons that had apparently fallen on top of her. Looking up, she spotted the princess. “Ah Twilight Sparkle, just the mare I wanted to see, perhaps a hoof you could lend me?”

“Oh, of course Zecora! Let me help you with those.” Using her magic to lift the pots, both her horn and the cookware glowed with her signature magenta aura.

Once they were levitated into the air above her, the zebra stood and shook herself, partially to relieve the kinks in her muscles but more to dispel any residual klutzy energy.

“Thank you, Princess for your welcome aid. Quite a mess of things I have made.” Trotting toward the door, Zecora gestured with a nod outside. “Now if you might assist me a bit more, I’d appreciate if you’d take those pots out the door.”

Following behind the zebra, Twilight headed outside and around to the back of the hut. Six small fires were ablaze in a half-circle formation. Each had a tripod and hook set up above the flames. Guessing the hooks were meant to be used for suspending the cauldrons over the fires, Twilight used her magic to set the bake ware down accordingly.

“I take it we will be brewing the potions out here.” She commented and was rewarded by a nod from the zebra, who had begun to cut and arrange a variety of plants on a table attached to the back of the cottage. “Would you like some help with those?”

Rather than responding, Zecora simply slid a pile of strange looking tubers to the right of her on the table and laid a carving knife next to them, before returning to what she had been doing.

‘I guess it will be one of those mornings,’ Twilight mused. Some days Zecora was quite talkative, other days she barely spoke at all.

Slipping her saddle bags from her back, the alicorn took up residence at the table and went to work on cutting up the tubers.

As the day wore on and the sun shone down, the heat and the quiet started to get to Twilight. Pretty soon, she was babbling away and disclosing all of the details of her dream, barely even cognizant of the fact she had just revealed it all to Zecora.

“...and I know it was a dream, but it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt real. Like really real. Even after I woke up, I kept re-living all of them pairing up and leaving me alone.” She started to shiver even as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

“And I couldn’t tell them that, you know, that I was worried about them abandoning me.” The alicorn felt so guilty just saying the words. “It’s not like they’ve ever given me cause to think they would do that, I mean they’ve always been there.” And just like before, while her logical mind told her that her friends wouldn’t leave her, the emotional part of her felt differently. It was almost as if they’d already abandoned her, if her insides were to be trusted.

Ignoring her feelings, she continued to prattle on. “I couldn’t let them think I distrusted them. Even if it is just in a dream. They deserve a better friend than that. But even though I didn’t share the details, they still gave me really good advice.”

After babbling on and on, Twilight finally got to the crux of the matter. “Spike and Fluttershy both thought I should ask you. So that’s kind of it. I don’t know if you are adept at dream interpretation?” Twilight’s voice trailed off at the question waiting to see if the zebra would respond.

Zecora continued the rhythmic cutting of the plants in front of her. She made no sound or move to respond. The only thing that moved was her ear, suggesting she was at least listening to the alicorn.

Sighing, the princess tried a different approach. “Or maybe you have an herbal potion that might offer me some clues? One of these, perhaps?” Twilight gestures toward the piles of cut up herbs surrounding them.

When the zebra remained stoic, the alicorn sighed in defeat. Slipping to a seated position on the ground, her head dropped to her chest. With a halfhearted last attempt, she offered, “guess you don’t have any insights on a dream that feels real?”

“Our dreams are often windows to our souls.”

The zebra’s voice rang out so clearly it surprised the unicorn. Gazing up curiously, Twilight listened attentively.

“Many think they relate to traumas we had as foals.” Though she spoke clearly, Zecora didn’t turn around. She continued to work while imbuing her wisdom. “In this case though, it is not my belief, that a foal-hood issue is what’s causing you grief.”

Turning her piercing gaze on Twilight, the zebra continued. “I believe the real reason you are forlorn, has more to do with being an alicorn.”

Twilight’s face wrinkled in contemplation, as she considered Zecora’s position. “I guess that does make some sense... as an alicorn I will live for... well it’s likely I’d outlive... I ... I never thought about it seriously before. I mean, I knew, that I’d be im-m-mortal, but I-I guess the idea of my friends n-not being around ... I d-didn’t think in th-those terms...” As the tears began to stream down her face in earnest at the realization, the princess brushed at her wet cheeks roughly with her hoof.

Zecora remained quiet, watching as Twilight struggled with the idea of her friends’ mortality. The zebra knew this was just one step in a long process for the alicorn. Realizations such as this were like peeling onions. Each layer would unlock new emotions that would need to be addressed.

Leaving the princess to her thoughts, the zebra began to wander back and forth between the pots adding different herbs to each. She was cognizant of Twilight, however, and recognized the sounds when the alicorn princess finally decided to stand up. In short order, Twilight had cleaned her face and once again began to assist the zebra with preparing the solutions.

They did not speak again of the topic until after the potions had been made, bottled, and stored, some inside Zecora’s hut and the rest loaded onto her cart.

Casting a side long look at the princess, the zebra offered to accompany her back to Ponyville. “Thank you, Twilight, for your excellent assistance. I hope that my offer won’t be met with resistance. I’d like to accompany you to Ponyville and perhaps share a sandwich of daffodil?”

Twilight tilted her head looking at the zebra curiously. “You want to have dinner with me?”

Nodding, Zecora continued, “While we are there we can observe your friends. Perhaps it will help us ascertain what this dream intends?”

Considering for a moment, Twilight nodded her agreement. “I would love to have dinner with you Zecora.” Smiling at the zebra, she continued. “Whether we discover anything about the dream or not, I would enjoy spending time with you anyway.”

Zecora’s bowed her head in gratitude, before harnessing herself to the cart. “I hope you don’t mind if we make a few stops before the cafe. I’d like to deliver these positions while there’s still light left in this day.”

“No problem at all.”

The alicorn meant it, too. As they made their way towards town, Twilight felt lighter than she had all morning. Two heads were better than one. Plus, she now had a hypothesis to test about her dream. She just needed a bit more data.

The sky was filled with beautiful hues of red, orange, and purple as the friends left the cover of the forest and made their way past Sweet Apple Acres. The farm was strangely silent. Normally, they’d expect to see Applejack and her family tending the fields or perhaps selling cider, but there wasn’t hide nor hair of any of the apples.

“Seems... quiet today.” Twilight commented, more to break the silence than anything else. “I don’t even hear Winona.” She looked around as if to confirm the lack of the dog’s presence.

The zebra merely shrugged in response. The two continued on quietly past the farm leaving the weird stillness behind. Rounding the bend in the road, they exchanged smiles when the sounds of the animal sanctuary greeted their ears. The animals seemed particularly boisterous today.

“I wonder if Fluttershy and Applejack are both still here?” Twilight mused as they entered the sanctuary in search of the Pegasus. “It would explain why AJ wasn’t at the farm.”

“Those giggles that are tickling my ear, suggest that they are indeed both here,” Zecora looked around for the source of the sound before trotting off in its direction, the alicorn following closely behind.

The two ponies approached the giant waterfall and realized the sounds were coming from the very top. Exchanging a glance, they started up the steps built into the back of the cliff design. The stairs were made of matching rocks and were sloped in such a way as to create the illusion that they were part of the little mountain.

The noise from the waterfall prevented their voices from being heard so they didn’t even attempt to call out to their friends. As they approached the top though, the sounds coming from above began to get clearer. There were definite giggles, accompanied by some other strange noises.

Sharing a confused glance, the alicorn and zebra tentatively cleared the summit. The sight that greeted them caused them both to blush and avert their gaze.

Laying in the grass next to the rushing water at the top of the falls, Applejack was laying on her back gazing lovingly up at the yellow Pegasus straddling her. Fluttershy’s hair hung down around their faces like a weeping willow. She was alternating between giggling and moaning as the earth pony lightly traced her hoof across the yellow mare’s wings.

It was evident Zecora and Twilight had interrupted a very private moment. The zebra, for her part, quickly turned away as if to head back down the mountain, hoping to remain unseen. That was not to be. Twilight, it seemed, did not share the zebra’s intentions.

“Dear Celestia!!! What are you two doing!?!?!” Twilight screamed as she looked away, then back, then away again.

Fluttershy “Eeeped!” as she half rolled and was half flung off Applejack as the earth pony jumped up, blocking the blushing Pegasus with her body. “Uh… Er… Twi-i-light, Zec-c-c-ora… wh-what y’all …doin’ uh way up here?”

“What are we doing?! What are WE DOING? I think the better question is what in the hay are you two doing???!!” The alicorn’s eyes twitched. Memories of the dream exploding in her mind as she watched her two friends fumble around with words trying to explain what was already pretty evident.

“Uh, right, well, um, we were just, I mean we, I, uh…” Applejack looked everywhere but at the princess while she desperately tried to find an explanation.

“Twilight, we were doing exactly what it looked like we were doing.” Fluttershy ducked around the earth pony, nuzzling her neck as she passed. She turned her head and smiled sweetly at the alicorn and zebra.

Applejack turned crimson at the revelation but kept silent. Zecora smirked with a bit of pride at the surprising revelation from the Pegasus. Twilight’s eyes grew wider and her mouth opened and closed like a fish.

“I’m sorry if it came as a shock.” Placing a hoof gently on the hyperventilating alicorn’s shoulder in a gesture of assurance, she continued. “It kind of came as a shock to us too.” Fluttershy shared a quick glance and a gentle smile with Applejack before turning back to the princess. “Even so, Applejack and I are both grown mares and we weren’t expecting any visitors up here. So, while I am sorry you were shocked, I am not sorry about what we were doing.” Turning back to the blushing earth pony she nuzzled her again, before settling into her side where she stayed.

“I… uh…” Twilight gulped and took a slow steadying breath. “You’re… right.” She breathed out the words. Shaking her head, she looked guiltily up at her friends. “I’m sorry. Fluttershy you’re right. I have no … right to…”

She was interrupted before she could continue when both of her friends nuzzled her on either side.

“It’s ok, sugar cube,” Applejack said first, “I reckon that we… well what we were doing would kinda shock anyone.”

They all giggled at that, finally breaking the tension.

“It certainly wasn’t expected.” The alicorn admitted. Tilting her head, something still nagged at her. “Fluttershy, you said it came as a shock to you. Um, how long have you two, uh been...”

“Oh, well we, actually, um…” Fluttershy’s voice faded under the scrutiny of the alicorn, “it happened…um well just… today.” The last word was barely squeaked out.

“Today?” Twilight managed to sound calm even as her eye once again began twitching. “How?”

“Well, it’s kinda funny,” Applejack answered, wrapping a hoof protectively around Fluttershy who hid her face in the earth pony’s side. “Um, it kind of was, well, it sort of happened cause of what you said.”

“What…what I said?” The princess’ volume rose a pitch earning another ‘eep’ from the Pegasus.

“Uh, yeah, well you sort of told Fluttershy, or er mentioned that you, uh I mean, your dream sorta kinda suggested that we were a… a, uh a pair, and well then Shy told me and then it kind of came out that we, um both well, sort of had something important in common, and one thing led to another, and well, here we are.” The orange mare nudged the ground as she spoke, rambling a bit while she tried not to freak out by the rapid eye twitches of her friend. That nervous tic was never a good sign of what was about to come out of the librarian.

“I said.” Twilight stated, her brain working overtime though she barely moved.

“Uh yeah.” The earth pony looked hopefully at the zebra who just mirrored back the same confusion.

“I told Fluttershy that in my dream you were a pair?” The alicorn asked, remaining completely still.

“Um, actually, you said, um that Applejack and I were the first to um pair off…” Fluttershy managed to volunteer very softly, glancing up at the princess with one eye. She was still hiding mostly in the earth pony’s side.

“I mentioned that huh? Did I also say that in my dream I happened to be the cause of that, the impetus, if you will?” Twilight’s voice raised a few octaves and a hair in her mane popped out of place and curled forebodingly. “And now it appears that my dream is coming true!!”

This statement was met with silence, aside from the princess’ rapid panicked breathing.

“Well… that’s some co-ink-y-dink.” Applejack broke the silence.

The accented word was so foreign to the alicorn, that the use of her brain to attempt to interpret it, actually managed to calm her down. Finally alighting on a possibility, she asked for clarification, “A coincidence?”

“That’s what I said.” The orange mare nodded as if this was obvious to everyone, oblivious to Fluttershy’s smile, Zecora’s smirk, and Twilight’s look of incredulity.

“You really think that me dreaming about something and that very thing happening the next day is merely a coincidence?” The alicorn deadpanned.

“Ayup.” The earth pony answered simply. She would have left it like that, mirroring her sibling in response, were it not for the look on Twilight’s face. The princess appeared as if she was going to explode any second. “Unless there’s something more I’m missing here?”

“Well!?!?!!” Twilight’s eyes raced around as if trying to alight on an explanation. “What about the Tantabus? Huh? I mean it’s not like we haven’t dealt with weird dream … um manifestations? uh monsters? er stuff before.” Several more strands of the alicorn’s mane sprung out as her panic continued to manifest. “So, I’m not being crazy! I’m definitely not overthinking this! Right? I mean, isn’t it crazy that I dream of precipitating your coupling and then it comes to fruition the very next day!?”

“Uh, precipi-what?” Applejack tilted her head in confusion.

“Precipitate.” Fluttershy answered softly. “Twilight means she was the cause, um the um trigger, of us getting together.”

“Oh, trigger, right.” Applejack nodded, then leaned over and whispered in the Pegasus’ ear, “well why didn’t she just say so?”

The timid mare giggled softly, before asking the alicorn a question. “Twilight, you said that um we were the first um to pair off. So, does that mean our other friends um paired off too? I mean in the dream, that is?” When the princess didn’t respond right away, she shrunk back a little and added, “Oh, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to, um, of course.”

“What? Oh, yes Fluttershy, that was what I meant. In the dream that is, the others paired off too.” Twilight responded while her mind raced over the probabilities of this being another metaphorical manifestation come to light.

“Well, that’s great then.” Applejack beamed at the yellow mare.

“Great?! How is that great?” Twilight’s frazzled mind failed to process the connection.

“Er, well, if’n the others ain’t paired off yet, well, then you have nothing to worry about. Just shows that this was all just one big co-in-k…”

Noticing the princess’ eye twitching rapidly, Fluttershy jumped in before Applejack could finish the word. “Synchronicity,” the pretty Pegasus substituted. “I think, what Applejack is trying to say Twilight, is that if no one else has paired off, then maybe this is just um a one time thing.”

“Exactly.” The earth pony agreed. “I mean there’s no evidence that it’s any more than that now, is there, Twi?”

The princess thought on that before nodding in the affirmative. “I guess that makes some sense.”

“Did any of the others pair off?” Applejack continued.

“Er, no, not that I’m aware of.” Twilight shook her head.

“Well then,” The orange mare nodded happily, “I think you may be getting ahead of yourself there sugar cube.”

“But Applejack, I mean we’ve seen things, strange things, and, well, we all know that crazy stuff happens in Ponyville all the time, and somehow we are almost always involved.”

“Yeah, you’re right on that, but there’s no evidence of anything bad having happened here Twilight. I mean, me and Shy, well that’s about as GOOD as you CAN get.” The earth pony nuzzled the Pegasus who smiled back and returned the favor. “I just think that maybe this dream has you more worked up than … well Pinkie Pie at a confetti sale. Sometimes things just happen, and the timing is interesting is all and there’s nothing more to it.”

“You are very smart Twilight and logical.” The Pegasus piped in. “Maybe you saw what we just hadn’t seen yet and that came through in your dream.”

“Maybe…” Twilight allowed. “It could be deductive reasoning. They say your dreams allow you to interpret what you experience during the waking hours.”

“Sounds all scientific when you say it,” the earth mare chuckled.

“Tis true that dreams are windows to our souls, where they come from only Luna knows.” The quiet zebra finally interjected. “At night, they say she puts on display, all that happened to us throughout the day.”

“Sounds like poetry when you say it, Zecora.” Fluttershy blushed and they all laughed breaking the tension. Noticing the saddle bags, the Pegasus smiled brightly. “Oh! Are the potions ready? Is that why you were coming to find us?”

Twilight faded out as the conversation proceeded around her. Applejack’s mention of science was rolling around in her brain. Perhaps, there was some way to test this hypothesis that Applejack had proposed. If her other friends had indeed not ‘paired off’, then perhaps it all was a co-in-k-y... coincidence! Twilight felt her eye twitch at Applejack's wording turning up in her own mind.

As her friends made their way back down from the waterfall, Twilight trailed along behind them still thinking through the scientific method and its application to her dream’s manifestation in the physical plane. Somewhere in the princess’ mind it registered that Zecora had given the potions to Fluttershy.

While the Pegasus shelved the bottles with help from Applejack, Zecora interrupted Twilight’s musings.

“Though a mind can be a useful tool, yours is spinning like a whirlpool,” the zebra nudged the alicorn and gestured down the road toward town. “May I suggest we let those circuits cool, and seek a place where we can refuel?”

“Oh, er, dinner, right. Yes, that would be good, I suppose.” The alicorn nodded absently. Looking blankly at the zebra, she shook her head. “Sorry, yes, Zecora, we should eat.”

Smiling, Zecora nodded. “With your query, sustenance can only assist, and while in town your friends we can enlist, to ensure that your dream was only just, a circumstance of co-in-ci-dence.” Emphasizing the enunciation, Zecora winked at Twilight.

Groaning and rolling her eyes, the princess still managed a small smile at the zebra’s little joke. It must have been obvious how frustrated she had been by Applejack's pronunciation of the word for Zecora to tease her.

Noticing all the potions had been delivered, Zecora bid farewell to Fluttershy and Applejack and the two mares responded in kind. Twilight, however, was once again too lost in her own thoughts, however, to have any further interaction. Fluttershy and Applejack forgave her though, exchanging a shared shrug when she failed to say good bye before following the zebra down the lane into town to find a place to eat dinner. It was common knowledge that the alicorn princess could be singularly minded when pursuing answers.

“Well, I don’t know about you sugar cube, but I ain’t never been more embarrassed in my whole life.” Applejack turned her head thoughtfully, “well ‘cepting that time I lied and ended up in the hospital with granny and Big Mac.”

A little giggle at her side, prompted her to turn and look at the yellow Pegasus. The pretty mare gazed up at her from under those long eyelashes. “Perhaps, we should head home?” She offered quietly.

“oh, er…” Applejack’s stomach clenched, Although it was getting late she didn’t really want to say good bye just yet. Blushing, she bit her lip, unsure what to say.

“I mean, we could stay here,” the Pegasus continued, saving Applejack from her thoughts. Nuzzling the earth pony as she brushed past her,“but my cottage has a door.” Looking back over her shoulder seductively, Fluttershy smirked, “and a lock.”
Turning with a giggle, she trotted off toward her home, her tail raised and flung to the side invitingly.

Applejack swallowed hard as she watched the accentuated sway of Fluttershy’s hips; her cheeks warmed in a blush. “Suppose a locked door might make things a bit more … private.” Trotting behind the Pegasus, she heard a responding giggle and picked up the pace to catch up.

The restaurant was quiet. Zecora chose the place for that reason. It was apparent that Twilight was feeling particularly contemplative as she had barely said anything since they’d ordered.

“This seemed like a nice place to dine and unwind, yet it is evident that you still have much on your mind,” the zebra gently nudged Twilight with an extended hoof. “I believe you're wondering what this dream portends, perhaps it would help to ask your friends?” Inclining her head toward the door, Zecora signaled for the alicorn to look.

Turning around in her chair, Twilight spotted Rarity, Spike, Pinky, and Rainbow entering the restaurant. She waved a hoof at her friends and one by one they waved back. Facing the zebra, the alicorn princess began to ask, “Would you be open to asking them to join u…” Before she could finish the question, she was enveloped in a pink hug by the pony now seated next to her.

“Of course, she would, silly Twilight!” Pinkie practically yelled in her ear as she hugged the alicorn even tighter.

“Pinkie… can't... breath…” the princess managed feebly, turning several shades of blue.

The exuberant earth pony didn’t hear, or the message didn’t register, because she continued undaunted in both her exclamations and her hug. “Zecora’s our friend too!”

“While I would enjoy your company, it’s true," The zebra pulled at pinkie’s foreleg, "please let Twilight breathe, she’s turning blue.”

The earth pony released her hold on the princess, who fell onto the table gasping repeatedly.

“Oopsie Doopsie. Sorry Twi.” Pinkie rubbed Twilight's back as she caught her breath.

Zecora waved over the rest of their friends. On their way over to the table, Rarity stopped briefly to speak to a waiter. Quickly, the staff rearranged the furniture and pulled over additional seating.

By the time they were all seated and had given their orders, the alicorn’s hue had returned to its usual lavender.

“How fortuitous that we arrived before you had begun eating.” Rarity began the conversation. “Zecora, it’s always a pleasure to see you in town.” The unicorn nodded her head in acknowledgment before turning to Twilight. “Twilight, seeing you out and about, getting ready to enjoy dinner, might we presume that whatever was vexing you earlier today has been resolved?”

Tilting her head to the side, Rarity noticed the slight frown on the alicorn’s face and took that as a cue to clarify her question. “Perhaps resolved is too strong a word,” she began before being interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“Right, so what Rarity is trying to say is: was Zecora able to help or not?” Reaching across the table as she voiced her question, the rainbow-maned pony attempted to grab some bread from the bowl only to find her hoof somehow in Pinkie’s mouth. “Ewww, Pinkie!” Pulling her now sopping wet hoof back, she grabbed a napkin to wipe off the drool.

“Soohhwwwyyy,” the earth pony managed through her full mouth, earning a chorus of mild giggles and a temporary reprieve for Twilight.

“You’re lucky Pinkie, I’d be in so much trouble if I did that to Twilight.” Spike piped up merrily.

“You’re also far too genteel for that Spike,” Rarity commented with an eyebrow raised, “an admirable quality.”

“Awwwww, but you love me just the way I am Rares.” Out of nowhere the pink pony now rested her head on Rarity’s shoulder gazing up at her with an expression of pure innocence.

“Of course, I do Pinkie.” The unicorn responded smiling exasperatedly at her friend.

“And that’s why you’re the element of generosity!” Moving at a speed that defied physics, the pink ball of energy was now re-residing in her formerly emptied seat. Before Rarity could offer a protest at the connection of her element with her acceptance of the earth pony, Pinkie reminded them of the prior direction of the conversation. “Sooooo, Princess Twilight, what did you find out? Did you and Zecora do a dream interpretation? Was it an interpretive dance? I tried that once, not the dream part, the dance part, but the teacher said a rock wasn’t a good thing to interpret in dance, but she’s obviously never been on our farm, I can tell you that much.”

Her friends reacted briefly with the usual confusion that the pink pony elicited with her ramblings, before quickly moving on. It was Pinkie after all.

“Well, Zecora was quite helpful, and at first had me convinced that perhaps my dream was a manifestation of something I hadn’t quite dealt with after becoming an alicorn.” The princess began.

Pinkie’s eyes grew wide in response as she listened intently. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and mumbled something about an egghead. Rarity tilted her head to the side in classic Rarity fashion. Spike's only half watched Twilight as he was used to how she built up to an explanation. Only half focused on her, he continued to steal glances at Rarity. Zecora's full attention was on the alicorn and she nodded encouragingly.

“But then something … odd happened.” Exchanging a glance with the zebra, she paused on her word choice.

“Odd?” Rarity asked greedily, her radar for gossip triggered.

“Um, yes, well, suffice it to say, that the first thing that happened in my dream also appears to have happened in real life.” Twilight responded, unsure whether her absent friends would want her to announce their newly discovered relationship. She also was not sure she wanted to relive the experience of spotting them in the throws of said relationship by sharing the details. Especially not in front of Spike, how awkward would that be. Shuddering at the thought, she glanced at the table when she spotted Rarity’s eyes narrowing suspiciously.

“Well, darling, that answer was positively obtuse.”

"Abstruse." Twilight muttered under her breath.

"What was that dear?" Rarity would have continued pushing the issue, but the food arrived.

As they dug in, Zecora decided to add to the conversation. “I believe what the princess was trying to say, is that the first part of her dream transpired today.” The zebra paused taking in the questioning look of the princess and nodding subtly to clarify she would not breach the confidence of their friends. “The vision she saw in her mind overnight, was similarly triggered today by Twilight.”

“So, you’re saying Twilight dreamt she would do something last night and then today she did it?” Spike translated for the table.

“OOOOOooooohhhh!” Pinkie Pie jumped up in her chair, various parts of her body twitching in random orders, including her poofy mane. “Does this mean you have your own Pinkie-sense? But a Twilight-sense?”

“Well, um, no, I mean, I don’t think so,” The princess ran her hooves through her hair in frustration. “But, I don’t know. Not for sure.”

“Just ‘cause something happened in a dream and then it happened in reality, doesn’t make you psychic or anything. Chill Twi!” Rainbow offered between downing huge bites of food. “I mean I dream about lots of stuff that happens. Usually things I make happen.” The Pegasus puffed up with pride. “Doesn’t make me psychic.”

“You sound like Applejack,” Twilight muttered under her breath.

“What was that dear?” Rarity, instantly questioned, her radar once again going off. The alicorn realized she would have to tread very carefully in order not to inadvertently reveal anything.

“I don’t know,” She responded, hoping to throw her friend off the scent, “it felt so real when I had the dream, and it was kind of, well, scary. With all that’s happened to us, you know with the tantabus and all, I just can’t help wondering if this is more than just a dream.” The alicorn explained her concern.

“Well, did anything else from the dream happen today?” Spike offered, crunching happily on a particularly large ruby.

“Well, um, I don’t know.” The princess admitted. “But maybe you all can help with that? Did, um, anything … unusual happen today?”

Her friends all paused and looked around at each other before shaking their heads in the negative.

“No, uh… revelations about anything?” Twilight watched their faces as they thought about the question.

Spike was oblivious. If something had happened between him and Rarity, she would have expected some joy or at least subterfuge on the dragon’s features. Instead, he simply sat there chewing and waiting for her to continue.

Pinkie was, well Pinkie. She smiled at Twilight as if nothing at all had ever happened.

Moving on with a sigh, Rainbow Dash looked at her incredulously with one eyebrow raised. It was apparent that the Pegasus thought the alicorn princess had lost her mind.

So, nothing there. Glancing briefly at Rarity, she realized she was also being studied intently. Not that it was a surprise. Rarity was like a diamond dog with a gemstone when it came to gossip. But other than the thrill of the hunt, there was no evidence anything else had occurred between the unicorn and the dragon.

Sighing with relief, Twilight smiled. “Well, maybe you’re right Rainbow and this is all just a coink-coincidence.” Shaking her head and gritting her teeth she self-corrected before inadvertently quoting Applejack with that corny phrase.

Chancing a quick glance at Rarity, Twilight’s stomach clenched. The unicorn’s eyes had narrowed at Twilight’s slip, before widening in surprise. Her eyes were moving back and forth quickly, as if she might be figuring out something.

Twilight closed her eyes at the headache forming in her temples. Well, the cat would get out of the bag sooner or later. It wasn’t like they had asked her to keep it quiet.

“See Twilight, there’s nothing to worry about.” Rainbow Dash cackled loudly, reaching across the table to grab the salt. “Ewww! Pinkie!!!!”


The discussion had moved onto other topics, with Rarity occasionally asking either Twilight or Zecora more about their respective days. While handled subtly, it was apparent to the alicorn that her friend was trying to suss out the very thing Twilight was hoping to avoid discussing.

When the evening finally ended and they all set out in different directions, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. Watching Rarity’s retreating form, she shook her head. That had been seriously tense. She hoped Applejack and Fluttershy would not be shy about announcing their new relationship.

A cough behind her reminded the princess of Zecora’s presence. “Oh Zecora, you’re still here. Thank you again for today. Your advice has been super helpful.”

“Thank you, Twilight, for such a pleasant evening. It seems time with friends was just the thing. I hope that your mind is now at ease and tonight’s dream is as sweet as a filly’s.” Bowing to the princess, the zebra trotted off toward her home in the Everfree.

Turning and heading toward home, Spike chimed in, “Yeah, me too Twi. I hate to see you all upset over some weird premonition.”

“It’s not a premonition Spike. Based on our discussion nothing weird happened between you and Rarity so my dream is obviously not predictive of anything.”

“Hang on! Something happened in your dream between ME and RARITY? Why didn’t you tell me before? I want details!” Spike was so excited he lifted up on his wings and hovered in the air in front of the princess' muzzle.

“That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything!” Twilight huffed in frustration. “And it’s not predictive. Nothing happened between you two.”

“Oh, er, yeah, I guess you’re right.” Spike’s eagerness evaporated quickly in the face of reality. Landing on the ground he sighed, then tilted his head slightly. “Wait. If you were looking for something to have happened between me and Rarity … and it didn’t. And you asked Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash the same thing at dinner… and nothing happened between them. Does that mean something happened with Fluttershy and Applejack? Are they ok?”

“Oh, they’re definitely ok.” The Princess rolled her eyes at the comment.

“Well then why didn’t you just say so?” Spike eyed her weirdly.

“Because… well, it’s private!” Twilight’s eye began to twitch again.

“Private?” Spike’s monotone conveyed how ridiculous he found that idea.

“Um, yeah, private. As in they should be the ones to tell everypony. So, just don’t say anything, ok. Not even to Rarity.” The princess eyed the dragon forcefully and he wilted.

“Fine, fine. But if its juicy gossip she’ll find out one way or the other.” Trotting up the steps, Spike held the door opened for the alicorn.

‘He really is genteel,’ she realized as she thanked him and walked inside. He took good care of her in so many ways. Most of the time she took that for granted. Surprising both of them, she reached out and pulled him into a hug.

“You’re the best Spike.”

“I know, I know. Now off to bed. And no more dreams.”