//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 (Infiltration) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// The hour passed by painfully slow for Metei. He was alone at the library with three ponies sleeping in his care, which he was forced to look after. The sun goddess left to recruit more soldiers as well as to find any lucky survivors in Canterlot, but hopes for them were sadly low. He killed time by reading strategy guides that he was gratefully that the library had. Every bit of help he needed now was a tiny step forward in the war. He knew that his counterpart would pull anything so he had to be ready. The group came when the hour struck, walking through the doors in a slow pace. The first to enter was Celestia who had a group of surviving soldiers in her wake. Behind her were Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack who had supplies in their saddlebags. The next was Rarity who had some paper stuffed in her bag, obviously plans for better armour, and finally bringing up the rear were Fluttershy and Pinkie, the latter who was strangely calm with a determined face. “Good to see that you all made it back on time” Metei looked at the group in front of him, getting their attention when he spoke. “Now Celestia did you set up the recruitment centres?” Celestia nodded. “However I don’t think that we have enough time to train all the recruits for the war” Celestia said stating her doubt about the new fighters. “Don’t worry about that; with what we’re going to do then it should give us enough time to train them” Metei spoke with confidence. “Now to tell you all my plan of how we are going to fuck up the enemy” -An hour later- “So that’s the plan” Everypony looked at him sceptically about the plan, unsure if it would really work. “Now that everypony knows their role can you all please leave the room now since the plan has to start now?” All ponies except for Metei, Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack remained in the room. The three looked at Metei, wondering what he was going to do now. “Now to do this I need all of you to change” Their eyes rose at his order, looking at him as if he was a pervert. “I’m not a fucking perv but I can see why you thought that when I said it but honestly you all don’t wear bloody clothes for fucks sake!” The three of them blushed embarrassingly at his words, thinking what he said was true. “By change I mean that I’ll be doing the change for you since you all won’t know how to do it” Their faces looked at him with curiosity. Metei smirked at their reactions and lifted his front hooves upwards; smashing them at his preferred altitude. Lightning jolted from his hooves and coursed through his body, making him glow. The halo on his head turned yellow at bit until it changed back once the light stopped. The three mare’s breaths were all caught in their throats when the light dimmed down and a new figure stood where Metei was. Instead of the grey pony they knew now stood a creature that shocked them. Instead on standing on all four legs it stood on two, Instead of being the shape of an equine now it looked like spike without the dragon features. It was wearing the clothes that Metei wore, had no hair on it and its skin was a lighter shade then the usually dark grey and had the monocle on it. But the most surprising thing about it was that it had no eyes but just a cross on its face. “M-Metei is that you?” Twilight’s nervousness appeared. “Of course it’s me. Who else could it bloody be?” “What happened to you?” Rainbow stepped closer to Metei to inspect his new body. “I just transformed into something that would get the job done faster that’s all” “Can you change the rest of us?” Twilight’s nerves disappeared when she heard Metei’s voice. “Was planning to” With that the light returned but this time it was shining on the three mares. They knew that nothing could go absolutely wrong with the transformation so they didn’t bother to be scared. It was safe, right? The glow died down and the sight made Metei go wide-eyed. They had the same body and colour as Metei but their heads were the colour of their fur. Not only that but they still had their mane and their eyes. “Wow, didn’t expect that to happen” “Hey we still have our manes!” “Ok enough with chatting we’ve got a mission to complete” -Fifty minutes later- The group was standing outside, waiting for Metei to give the all clear. Spotting no one in the area, he ordered them to move forward. They got in front of the front door and smashed the lock. Quickly moving in the door, they were greeted with suffocating darkness that came from the building. Rainbow, being the last one to follow, shut the door behind her. As she moved forward, she didn’t notice that a green light on the wall turned red. Fortunately they got in without triggering an alarm. Unfortunately however. "FUCK!" Guards flooded the hallway, coming from the rooms ahead. "We've got no choice but to kill them all!" Metei ran up to the first L33t and punched him through the chest. The others were horrified by his actions. "We've got no time! It's kill or be killed! Do you want to let Equestria fall to these fuckers!" That did it, the others snapped out of their fear and charged at the enemy. Rainbow kicked one in the stomach and ripped his head off. Twilight snapped ones neck and proceeded to the rest. Applejack kicked one so hard that their body went off flying, leaving their head, hands and feet behind. Metei disarmed a charging L33t with a machete and sliced his head off. He jumped into the middle of the crowd and hacked all that came to him. Rainbow had managed to get two daggers and twirled around, slicing through the enemies flesh. Twilight stuck with hand to hand and lodged her hands into their chests. Applejack somehow got an AR-15 and blasted all that was running towards her. Metei's face went from stoic to a satisfied one. The feeling of blood dripping on his skin sent shivers of delight through his spine. "EYAH!" Metei went psychotic and butchered the rest of the crowd. "BRING ME MORE BLOOD! EHAHAHAHA!" Metei picked up a decapitated head and proceeded to pound the living shit out of the poor bastards. The three girls stopped their killings to take a breather. When Rainbow looked up, her blood went cold. The other two girls were curious as to what made Rainbow stop and looked scared. What they saw horrified them. Metei summoned spikes and impaled his enemies to the wall. When that didn’t interest him anymore, he stuck his hands into the poor bastards’ chests and pulled out some still beating hearts making them die slowly while watching him devour their organs. Blood lust took over Metei completely and made him do some crazy shit. When the mass murder was finished, the only things that remained were Metei who had an evil glint in his nonexistent eyes and the remains of the victims. Metei was completely covered in blood, making his vision a bit blurred. “There are no more assholes so let’s go” The girls could only nod dumbly and walked towards him. -Half hour later- The group had run into more enemies and the outcome would always be the same. The girls just standing there and Metei ripping out flesh. When they got to a room that was sealed off with a steel door; their curiosity showed. When Metei ripped the door out, the group were shocked as to what the room held. Ponies being used as test subjects.