//------------------------------// // Dream a Little Dream // Story: A Little Slice of Heaven // by fore shadow //------------------------------// A low dulcet tone drifted amongst the trees of the apple orchard. Hitching a ride on the back of the breeze, it fluttered the curtains as it passed through the open window and gently tickled the sleeping pony’s ears. The gentle sound awakened something in the orange mare causing her to come out of her deep slumber. Groaning in protest, Applejack rapidly blinked her eyes and sat up. “Wha...who...ungh.” She lifted a hoof to rub the sleep out of her eyes, as her ears continued to flick around in a desperate attempt to locate the source of the sound that had awoken her. Rising from her bed, she approached the window. Pushing the sashes of the casement window open further, Applejack leaned outside and looked around. Moonlight shown down on her beloved orchard. The apple trees safely standing sentinel under the blanket of stars. Breathing deeply, Applejack inhaled the familiar smells and smiled. There was no sign of a disturbance. Sighing happily she rested her muzzle on a hoof and took in the beauty laid out before her. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, she considered returning to her bed, only to find her ear twitch again as a low note reverberated down into her teeth. “What in tarnation...?” Craning her neck to see if she could spot the source of the disturbance, Applejack quickly realized there was only one way to track it down. “Oh, horse feathers!” she grumbled. Sighing, she dropped down from the windowsill. ‘It ain’t like I’ll get a lick o sleep if’n I don’t investigate.’ She thought to herself as she padded across the room to retrieve her hat. Slipping out the door she made her way down the hall as quietly as she could. Pausing at the top of the stairs, she turned around when Big Mac’s tousled mane popped out of his own door to look at her questioningly. Silently berating herself for having woken her brother, she whispered quietly to him, “Jus’ heard some...thing in the orchard and I’m heading out to investigate.” He responded by tilting his head to the side as if to ask her if it was something to worry about. Shaking her head in the negative, she responded, “No need to be concerned. I’m sure it’s nothing.” Flexing his head toward the door, Big Mac relayed the further question of whether she wanted him to accompany her with his quiet gesture. “Nah, it’s alright,” Applejack gestured back towards his room. “Go back to bed Mac. I won’t be long.” “Ayup.” Big Mac whispered before closing his door. Turning around Applejack silently hoofed it down the stairs and out into the orchard. Moonlight blanketed everything in soft hues of blue and gray, draping the world in an aura of tranquility. ‘Luna’s done such a beautiful job tonight.’ Applejack thought to herself. Gazing around, she continued trotting through the orchard. She knew the place so well her maneuvers were automatic. Her ears twitched, guiding her along toward her destination. Unconsciously, she paused after rounding a curve in the path. The sound was growing louder, at least to her sensitive ears. It was clearly coming from further off in the grove, near the edge of her family’s property. Stepping from the trail, she picked her way carefully through the trees so as not to disturb whatever or whoever was making the sound. Cautiously stepping over tree roots, her movements slowed when she realized she was approaching a small cliff. Her memory of this part of the property was fuzzy. She did recall a gentle stream running along parallel to the cliff down in the valley below. It marked the threshold of her family’s property, which was probably why it wasn’t as clear in her memory. Applejack hardly ever ventured out this far in the grove, save apple bucking season. Caught up in the realization of where she was headed, Applejack momentarily forgot to watch her footing and her hoof came down on a stick with a sharp crack. Instantly, she froze. Her ears, the only part of her body still moving, registered that the dulcet tone that had brought her on this little adventure had stopped abruptly in response to her misstep. ‘Oh horse feathers!’ She internally chastised herself. Applejack hated the thought that a moment’s distraction might have meant she lost her quarry. The orange mare stood stock still for what felt like an eternity, waiting in the complete darkness in hopes that the noise would resume. After listening to silence for what felt like an eternity, she was about to give up, but she decided to hang on a few moments longer. It paid off. When the sound resumed, she released the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. Then she realized something. ‘Huh!’, she thought to herself, ‘It’s humming. So somepony is out here.’ Moving again, this time with more care and vigilance, she understood why the noise had been so faint. Whoever was humming was down below by the stream. So the sound was being blocked by the cliff’s edge. Only a bare hint of the humming had traveled up over the edge of the cliff to float on the breeze to Applejack’s window. ‘Who in tarnation would be out here this late at night?’ Applejack wondered, racking her brain to remember any night owls she might have come across in Ponyville. She really didn’t have the foggiest notion who it might be. As the trees thinned, she found herself pausing next to a large Fiji tree. It was the last cover available to her; if she took another step, she’d be out in the open. Not wanting to let her curiosity get the better of her, she took her time in approaching the ledge. Ducking down, she shuffled forward. The moon was shining so brightly, she could only hope that the high grass and shadows would keep her presence a secret, at least until she got a look at whoever it was down there. When the humming continued unabated, Applejack relaxed enough to peek down over the edge. The moon shone down onto the scene below acting almost like a spot light for a play. The happy little brook reflected the blue and gray hues cast by the moon. A handful of nighttime critters scurried about pausing to take in the heavenly creature humming to herself as she lazily dragged a hoof through the gentle current. While the moonlight dulled the already soft colors of her coat and mane into hues of gray, it only enhanced her singular beauty. It was stunning. ‘Like looking at a painting in a museum.’ Applejack realized as a gentle smile over took her features. ‘She’s ... ‘mesmerizing’, yeah that’s the word, mesmerizing!’ The earlier thrill of the chase was quickly forgotten in a haze of tranquil ardor. Of all the ponies in Equestria, it had to be the one pony for whom Applejack has a soft spot. Fluttershy was in her element. Surrounded by her animal friends, she appeared totally relaxed. She was humming gently with her eyes closed, her face bathed in moonlight. Pulling her hoof from the water she stretched and stood before shaking out her mane. ‘Gosh, she looks so pretty.’ Applejack gazed at her friend. For the first time in her life, she wished she had just a smidge of Rarity’s talent. Just enough to capture the scene in front of her. The earth pony couldn’t pull her eyes away. ‘I could look at her all day...er night rather.’ The thought flashed through her mind momentarily, before the realization took hold that that wasn’t the right thing to do. ‘I can’t be spying on my friend,’ Applejack chastised herself. ‘It ain’t right.’ Internally she weighed her choices. Indeed, it wasn’t right to spy on Fluttershy. The young mare obviously wanted some time alone with her animal friends. She looked completely at ease, which, until recently, hadn’t been a look Fluttershy wore often. ‘Though it looks mighty fine on her.’ Applejack flinched at her own thought. ‘Now’s not the time to be admiring her. Not when she doesn’t even know you’re watching.’ She chastised herself. ‘But maybe that’s the best time,’ the devil on her shoulder countered. ‘She can’t be shy or intimidated if’n she don’t know you’re watching.’ ‘But that ain’t honest.’ Her integrity challenged her own thoughts. ‘Friends don’t spy on each other.’ ‘Friends is it?’ the little devil chided. She ignored that comment, not wanting to address that can of worms. So, the little voice chose another tactic. ‘She’s in your orchard at night doing god knows what; you’re just making sure she stays safe without scaring her by announcing your presence. You know she will jump out of her skin if you say anything.’ Though the argument was valid, it still felt wrong. ‘Well, yeah... I don’t want to scare her… but eavesdropping ain’t right either.’ Applejack found herself at an impasse. If she stayed, she really should announce her presence. But that would likely scare Fluttershy half to death; she was still a timid thing after all, even with the recent improvements to her self-confidence. On the other hand, Applejack could leave. She had done what she’d come here to do, after all. She’d located the source of the sound and determined it wasn’t a threat to her orchard. It was the simple choice really. It was the right thing to do. It was what she should do. Yet, she wasn’t moving. ‘Some element of honesty I am.’ She thought with a little self-loathing… but not enough to leave. Something about Fluttershy had always drawn Applejack to her. While the mare’s shyness had sometimes irritated their other friends, most especially Rainbow Dash, Applejack found she had bounds of unlimited patience for the little Pegasus. She wanted to both protect Fluttershy and encourage her to be confident in herself. Deep down she knew the yellow pony was far stronger than any of them could fathom. It just was buried inside that timid shell. Lately it showed. It seemed like every day Fluttershy’s confidence emerged more and more. The little pony was standing up for herself now, even with her friends. Though it was rare that Fluttershy and Applejack disagreed, when it did happen, it often ended with Applejack apologizing. The Pegasus was always quick to forgive the earth pony. ‘Even if I might not deserve it,’ Applejack mused. ‘She’s like that with all our friends, come to think of it. Never makes no pony feel bad when they mess up. Treating everyone, even those that wronged her, with gentleness.’ ‘That little Pegasus has taught me so much and always with such kindness.’ Applejack considered. That was the rub really. While Fluttershy’s beauty was painfully apparent, it was her kindness that Applejack found even more enchanting. It touched something deep inside of her and lit it up. Made her feel all warm and ... happy. ‘She’s like… a little ray of sunshine.’ Shaking her head, Applejack realized sadly that while she would like nothing more than to watch the beautiful mare below, it just wasn’t the right thing to do. No matter what justifications her mind could create. Disheartened by the right decision and reluctant to leave, Applejack’s ears drooped. Taking one last long look at the beautiful pony below, she turned as if to walk away. Before she took a step though, Fluttershy’s sweet voice stopped her. “Clouds floating high above you.” The Pegasus gestured toward the heavens as she began singing gently to her animal friends. “Sweet breezies sweetly sing...” The following words came out softly, just audible enough for Applejack’s sensitive ears. “I love you.” The orange mare shivered. She felt a deep tug in her gut. It was a weird sensation, one she hadn’t felt before. It was almost as if some part of herself, long buried deep down inside, was waking up. “Bright fruit up in the apple trees…” the melodious voice continued. Ignoring the feeling in her stomach, Applejack inhaled deeply. She could smell the apples all around her. It was familiar and comforting. She smiled as Fluttershy kept singing. “Dream a little dream of me.” Applejack was transfixed. The sound, the smell, the view; she couldn’t have moved even if her brain had been able to scold her into action. It seemed her cognitive faculties had completely melted under the influence of Fluttershy’s heavenly voice. Almost as if she knew the power she wielded, Fluttershy’s voice grew in confidence and volume. “Say howdy do and nuzzle me…” In the shadows of the night, only the moon saw Applejack’s blush. “Just huddle close and say that you want me.” Applejack’s mind flashed images of past times when they’d been huddled together. When things had frightened the timid Pegasus in the past, she had often hidden behind Applejack. The feel of her soft coat and the warmth of her touch were recalled so vividly in the earth pony’s mind, that she could almost feel them now. Wistful at the thought, Applejack melted to the ground in a warm puddle of remembrance, her muzzle resting on a hoof as she settled in to watch the show. “Cause I’m alone, forlorn as can be…” Fluttershy smiled as her bird friends flew around her head tweeting along with the song. “Dream a little dream of me.” ‘This sure feels like a dream,’ the earth pony thought watching as the Pegasus gently rose into the air to twirl with her feathered friends. “Night fades but I am still here, mare.” Fluttershy dropped and passed a hoof through the stream. Little fish bobbed at the top of the water as if they too were listening to the beautiful song. ‘Her voice really is like a slice of heaven.’ Applejack mused. “In need of your bliss.” Fluttershy gazed up at the moon and held a hoof to her heart. Another blush blossomed on Applejack’s face before creeping down her neck. ‘Make that the whole pie!’ She clarified to herself. “I’d love to sing here till morn, mare.” Rising up on wings, the Pegasus twirled in the air, her mane fanning out around her. ‘Mmm hmmm.’ Applejack thought wistfully. ‘Wish I could listen to you every morning.’ “Telling you this.” Landing lightly on the ground, the Pegasus paused in her solo. ‘You could sing whatever you want to,’ the orange mare contemplated with a smile. ‘I’d listen to it all.’ “Sweat Dreams till Celestia rises,” Fluttershy’s voice had grown confident; yet was still filled with her gentle sweetness. As she sang, she patted the heads of a few young raccoons who were listening intently. “Sweet dreams where we forget all our vices.” Applejack loved getting to see this side of Fluttershy: unreserved and in her element. It warmed the earth pony’s heart. “But in your dreams, whatever they be…” Fluttershy paused, bringing all eyes to focus on her. The little critters craning to get a better look at their favorite pony. Even Applejack stretched out her neck to get a better view of the singing Pegasus. When Fluttershy started again, her eyes dropped down to the side, framing her face in moonlight. Applejack inhaled sharply at the image. ‘So beautiful.’ “Dream a little dream of me.” As the last note faded into the quiet of the night, Applejack almost felt like it had been spoken to her directly. ‘Can’t be,’ she reminded herself shaking her head a little to clear her mind, ‘Fluttershy don’t know you’re here.’ The brief pang of guilt she felt at hiding in the shadows faded as she heard Fluttershy hum the last few bars of the song. Something about that pony’s voice just turned Applejack into a warm puddle of goo. So lost in happiness, it barely registered in Applejack’s mind when Fluttershy stopped singing and bade good night to her animal friends. “Sweet dreams friends, thank you ever so much for listening. You’ve helped my confidence grow even more.” Taking off, she flew in the direction of her cottage. Applejack watched her go with a soppy smile on her face. When the Pegasus was no longer visible, she stood and stretched her limbs. They were a bit sore from keeping still for so long. ‘A trot back home should loosen them up,’ Applejack thought to herself as she headed back through the orchard, not bothering to worry about the noise she made on the return trip. Her mind was too taken in by thoughts of the performance she had just witnessed. “I will definitely have the sweetest dreams tonight.” She said softly to herself, before lifting her gaze to the moon and gently whispering. “Thanks to you Fluttershy.” Unbeknownst to Applejack, a shadow flickered on the ground behind her, made by the moon and the presence of a lone flying pony who had caught her departing words. The next morning, Applejack awoke to the sound of the rooster outside. “Huh, wha…?” Sunlight was already shining through her window pane, illuminating the room. It wasn’t normal for her to sleep in like this. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she slipped out of bed and walked over to her mirror. Looking at her reflection, she could tell she hadn’t slept enough the night before. She decided a nice hot shower was called for and trotted off to the bathroom. The warm water hitting her back started to wake up her muscles. Taking a deep inhale of her shower gel, she smiled at the smell. It was something Fluttershy had given to her last Hearth’s Warming. Every time she used it, she was reminded of the pretty Pegasus. “Hmm hmhm mm m hmmm mm…,” Applejack hummed absently as she scrubbed, the smells of spring surrounding her, “sweet breezies…hmm mm sing…m hmm hm…” A loud knocking interrupted her singing, as Applebloom yelled through the door, “Applejack! Breakfast!” “I’ll be down in two shakes of Winona’s tail!” She called out to her little sister. “Ok!” Applebloom yelled back before racing off down the hall. Applejack rolled her eyes as she heard the little filly clomp down the stairs. That youngin’ sure could make some noise. “Was I that loud as a filly?” Applejack wondered aloud to herself as she shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. Drying herself off with a towel, she wiped the fog from the mirror and began to comb through her mane. Absently she began to sing again, “Night fades hmm m hmhmm hm mm, in need of your mmmmm.” Tying back her mane, she turned her attention to her tail and began brushing. “I’d love to hmhmm mm hmm mare… telling you this…” Finishing the brushing she tied off her tail, then trotted back to her room with a smile on her face. “Sweet dreams till Celestia rises…” She sang to herself as she quickly tugged her blanket and sheets back into place. Satisfied her bed was made, she smoothed down the sheets once more. Grabbing her hat, she threw it on her head and adjusted it once. Satisfied it would stay put, she headed out into the hallway. “Sweet dreams hm mm m hmhmmm hmhmhm mm…,” she sang as she made her way down the stairs for breakfast. Passing Granny Smith, she nodded politely at her grandma completely missing the old mare’s smug smile. “Mac,” she said in greeting as she entered the kitchen and began setting the table. Her brother nodded in response before returning to the pancakes he was carefully flipping on the stove. Out of the corner of his eye though he watched his sister and his ears twitched as he listened to her sing under her breath. “But in your dreams whatever they be…” Applejack’s voice was soft as she absently sang to herself. Grabbing the syrup she placed it onto the table followed by the butter. She was still lost in her own world when she paused at the sink looking out the window at the orchard. “Dream a little dream of me.” Something clicked in her brain and a series of thoughts raced through her mind, ‘Last night… in the orchard… Fluttershy… singing…’ Applejack’s mouth fell open. ‘Was that a dream? Or… or did it really happen?’ “Uh… Mac? About last night?” Applejack turned to look at her brother, who gazed back at her questioningly. “Ayup?” He asked. “I didn’t disturb you none, did I?” She didn’t know exactly how to phrase her question. “Nope.” The red stallion responded simply. Which didn’t help Applejack at all. She still had no idea if last night had in fact happened. As if reading her mind, Granny Smith alleviated her concern as she sat herself at the table, “I reckon nothing was wrong out in the orchard then?” “Er, no.” Applejack and Big Mac exchanged a surprised glance. They had both thought the old mare had slept through the disturbance. “Everything was fine in the orchard.” “Good, good.” Looking at her grandponies, she laughed heartily. “They may be old, but these ears can still hear just fine.” “Ayup.” Big Mac laughed and Applejack joined him. Applebloom entered the room and sat down at the table. “Oh good, pancakes! I’m starving!” Looking at everypony, she got confused. “What’s so funny?” “Never you mind, Applebloom. Did you wash your hooves?” Applejack eyed her little sister knowingly. Before she could chastise her the little filly zoomed out of her chair over to the sink, scrubbed her hooves, dried them and returned to her chair with a cheesy grin on her face. Shaking her head at her sister’s antics, Applejack took her own seat at the table. Absently, she began humming again. “That song you’re humming there reminds me of my days as a filly.” Granny Smith started musing, a far off look on her face. Applejack blushed and stopped humming, trying to pay attention to the story. “Why we used to hold dances that would make your tail spin…” Granny Smith continued to regale them with tales of those bygone dances while Big Mac loaded up their plates with stacks of pancakes. As the stories wandered on, Applejack gradually faded out. She began to think about last night, the beautiful music and pony who sung it… “APPLEJACK!” Applebloom’s yell caused her big sister to about jump out of her hide. “What in tarnation are you yelling about?” She asked her little sis incredulously. “I’m yelling,” the filly paused for emphasis, “‘cause I asked you three times to pass the syrup!” Applebloom eyed her sister suspiciously. “What’s gotten into you anyway?” Big Mac and Granny Smith exchanged a quick look before hiding behind their respective stacks of pancakes. It was never safe to be under that curious gaze. “Oh, er, I, uh,” Applejack cowered under her sister’s scrutiny. Applebloom looked like her curiosity was about to be piqued and the last thing the earth pony needed was the cutie mark crusaders up in her business. Quickly, she thought of a way out of her predicament. “I… I just realized that tomorrow we need to take the cart into town so we can pick up some paint. Remember, we promised Pinkie Pie that we would help with her decorations for the Friendship week celebration.” Turning to her sister, she pushed the syrup her way. “We can get started on that first thing in the morning.” “But…” Applebloom complained, “The cutie mark crusaders were going to try paragliding.” Caught up in her protest, she accidentally squirted a river of syrup all over her pancakes. “You can play with your friends after we finish helping Pinkie Pie.” Applejack retorted, “Unless of course they want to help out. Might go a bit quicker that way.” “Well, I guess I can ask them…,” Applebloom pondered the thought for a moment, then eyed her sister questioningly, before nodding to herself. Scarfing down her pancakes in three ridiculously large bites, to the chagrin of her family, she beamed up at them, her face covered in syrup, and asked, “May I be excused?” “Uh…” Applejack sat there with her mouth open in a mixture of shock and disgust. “Ayup.” Big Mac answered in the orange mare’s stead, sending the littlest Apple racing out the door. The rest of breakfast was a quiet affair, save for Applejack’s quiet humming and several smirks exchanged between Big Mac and Granny Smith. Big Mac stayed behind to clean up the dishes. He watched Applejack head out into the orchard, still humming to herself. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Applebloom and her friends racing up the ramp to their tree house. Watching Applebloom’s growing confusion and Applejack’s reverie that morning had been amusing. Quite frankly, he was simply glad it wasn’t him that had captured their little sister’s interest. Anything that kept him from the notice of the Cutie Mark Crusaders was fine by him. He did not need a repeat of the last time they’d interfered in his life. Even if it had brought him and Cheerilee closer for a bit. “Nope.” He said to himself. Applejack could enjoy that limelight. He’d rather just sit back and watch. Wishing his sister good luck in his mind, he finished up the dishes, then headed out to the orchard. “I call to order this official meeting of the cutie mark crusaders!” Applebloom cried out as she beat the gavel on the podium. “Awesome! Does this mean we have a cutie mark emergency?” Scootaloo asked with joy. “Er… well, not exactly....” Applebloom trailed off, struggling to find the words to explain what was bothering her. “Well, what is it exactly?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously. “So… it’s my sister. Applejack’s acting, well, kinda odd.” Applebloom began. Her two best friends shared a confused look. “Is she sick?” Sweetie Belle inquired gently. “Well, no, I don’t think so.” “Maybe she’s tired. She has been working a lot!” Scootaloo offered. “No more than usual.” Applebloom huffed. “I mean, I don’t think there is anything physically wrong with her, but she’s acting strange. Like humming to herself. And this morning, she was the last one up! That never happens. Plus she didn’t hear me the three times I asked her to pass the syrup.” “Well, I mean, that is a little odd, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.” Sweetie Belle patted Applebloom’s shoulder. “It’s Applejack right? She’s tough!” Scootaloo added trying to help. “I guess so…” Applebloom bit her lip, “but I still think we should keep an eye on her. I’m telling you she ain’t right.” “Maybe we can go with you to the market today? That way we can watch her and see if we notice the same things you did.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “But you can’t let on that you’re there to spy on Applejack.” Applebloom voiced the concern. “We need a reason for you to be there.” “Hmmm…” Scootaloo racked her brain for an excuse as to why they would volunteer to help out at the market. “I got it! We can tell her we’re there to work on our marketing! We need to get the word out on the cutie mark crusaders anyway. Seems like a great time to try out some ideas to spread our message.” “We have had a little dry spell.” Sweetie Belle agreed. “That’s a great idea!” Applebloom yelled with excitement. “We can plant two trees with one apple!” Excited at the prospect of developing some marketing ideas, Sweetie Belle used her magic to attach some papers to the wall of the clubhouse and then lifted a pen to take notes. “Scootaloo and I can try some different sales pitches. We’ll talk to ponies and see if we can get you more customers for Sweet Apple Acres. Then you can let us know which of our pitches brings in the most ponies. That way we will know what tactics to take when we market the crusaders!” “So we got a plan, we just need to convince Applejack to let you both come.” Applebloom scratched her muzzle in contemplation. “Don’t worry about that,” Scootaloo responded, “Applejack is all about hard work. She’ll definitely let us come. No sweat!” Nodding in agreement, the three sat down and began to toss out ideas on different marketing pitches. The rest of the morning was filled with chores which kept Applejack mostly distracted. Several times though she caught herself humming. ‘I really got to keep it together.’ She scolded herself as she went in search of her little sister. It was time for them to head to the market to sell some apples. “Applebloom, time to go!” She called up to the clubhouse. A few moments and some scuffling noises later, and three little heads popped out over the railing. “Coming!” The little filly called down to her big sister. The sounds of hoof beats could be heard scrambling for the door before the three crusaders came tumbling down the ramp. Landing in a heap in front of Applejack, the crusaders all looked up at the orange earth pony with a chorus of groans. Chuckling, Applejack shook her head. “The crusaders are going to come with us to the market Applejack!” Applebloom told her sister, extricating herself from underneath her friends. “Yeah! We’re going to work on our sales and marketing skills!” Scootaloo jumped up, waving her hoof in the air. “That way we can get the word of the cutie mark crusaders to more ponies who need our help!” Sweetie belle chimed in. “And what better place to learn than at the market?” Applebloom finished. The three fillies stared up at Applejack with wide eyes and wider smiles. “Alright Applebloom, your friends can come with us,” Applejack paused while the girls cheered, “But you still have work to do.” “I know, I know.” Applebloom grumbled, rolling her large eyes. “And while Applebloom is helping you with the sales, we can get more customers for Sweet Apple Acres.” Scootaloo bumped her shoulder against Applebloom’s reminding her of the plan. “Then when more ponies show up, Applebloom can let us know which marketing pitch works best!” Sweetie Belle finished. The three crusaders smiled up at Applejack with the sweetest expressions. Too sweet in her opinion. Eyeing them with suspicion, she slowly responded. “Well… sounds like you fillies have a plan.” Turning toward her cart, she paused before looking back at them with a warning glare. “Just don’t go scaring any pony!” The three shook their heads no. “Be polite.” They shook their heads yes. “And just… well just try to be calm.” “You can count on us!” “Of course!” “Duh!” came the responses. Shaking her head, the earth pony hitched up her wagon already filled with the apples they were to sell and trotted off in the direction of the market. The crusaders followed closely behind, whispering amongst themselves. The market was busy, which suited Applejack just fine. Periodically, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo would run over and whisper something to Applebloom, but otherwise it was just like any other day at the market. A stream of customers kept her attention, most of the time. She managed to keep the humming to a minimum and not fade out… much. Things were going pretty well, that is, until she spotted a flash of yellow and pink in the crowd. ‘Was that Fluttershy?’ she wondered as she handed bits back to the colt who had just purchased a few bags of apples. “Applejack!” Applebloom shouted interrupting her big sister’s thoughts. Reaching around the orange mare, the little filly grabbed back the bits and exchanged them for the correct change. The colt took the change she handed him and left with his bags. Applebloom gave her sister an appraising look. “Are you ok? You almost gave that pony back all the bits he paid for the apples. What was that about?” Swallowing hard, the older sister quickly thought of something. “Oh, uh, I’m glad to see you were paying attention!” Affectionately, she rubbed her little sister’s head. “That was some great calculating.” “Oh… was that a test?” Applebloom wondered aloud, then beamed at Applejack. “See I told you I could handle the money side of things.” Gesturing towards the next paying customer she batted her eyelashes at her big sister pleadingly. “Now that you know you can trust me with math, why don’t you let me take over for a while?” “Uh, Ok.” “Really?!!!??” Applebloom gasped. Checking her big sister’s face to make certain she wasn’t gonna change her mind, the little filly broke out in a huge smile. Puffing out her chest with pride, she yelled out, “Next!” It might have been a bit too loud, as the first customer in line winced. “Er, sorry.” The little apple apologized sheepishly, before smiling and turning on the charm. “So, how can I help ya?” Applejack felt a little bad about her lack of honesty with her sister. But Bloom did look mighty proud in her new role. ‘And I am allowed to keep some things private.’ She reminded herself. Shaking her head, she decided to let it go, she had enough on her mind as it was without adding guilt to the pile. She soon lost herself to the monotony of bagging. Gradually, the stream of customers dwindled. As it got closer to closing time, fewer and fewer ponies stopped by. Soon enough Applebloom asked if she could take off with the crusaders to analyze which marketing strategies had worked best. Nodding absently, Applejack moved behind the register. She watched the fillies take off presumably for their clubhouse, before losing herself in thoughts of the previous night’s serenade. She was gazing off into space when a familiar voice interrupted her musings. “Um hello… Applejack.” The pretty blue eyes shone happily under the pale pink mane. About jumping out of her skin, the earth pony’s eyes grew wide as she took in the lovely face in front of her. “Oh… uh… Fluttershy… er, what brings you to these parts?” It was the first question that came to mind and she could about smack herself for asking something so stupid. “Oh, um, may I have a few apples please?” The yellow mare smiled sweetly at Applejack causing the orange mare to blush furiously. Turning before the Pegasus could see her rosy cheeks, the earth pony began to bag up some apples. “Course sugar cube,” the blush intensified, “how many do you need?” “Oh just a few thanks.” Fluttershy responded. But Applejack wasn’t really listening for an answer. She just kept bagging up the remaining apples, using the time to allow her fierce blush to fade. By the time she turned around, she sat an obscenely overloaded bag down in front of the Pegasus. With a stunned look on her face, Flutershy gasped. “Oh, um, well that certainly is a…few.” “On the house.” Applejack responded when she realized how odd this must look. She was desperately trying not to blush again. “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly…” the yellow mare started to protest, but Applejack cut her off. “Nonsense. I’m getting ready to head out of here anyway, so that’s the last of the apples for the day.” Seeing the Pegasus’ hesitation, the earth pony continued, ‘Sides that’s the least I can do for such a great friend.” “Well alright… if you insist. That’s very kind of you. It will be a nice treat for the animals at the shelter.” Biting her lip and looking at the bag from each side, Fluttershy tried to figure out how in the world she would carry it. “I just have to figure out how to get it to them.” Realizing there was no way the yellow pony could carry the bag in addition to her other items, Applejack mentally kicked herself before offering to help. “Well, I’m heading in that direction anyway, seeing as the market day is over and all. Why don’t I haul these bags for you on my cart.” The earth pony smiled. She liked the idea of doing something for Fluttershy. She still had a little residual guilt about watching the performance unannounced. The offer made her feel, in a small way, that she was making up for her subterfuge. “Oh that would be lovely!” Fluttershy responded happily, “It will give us a chance to can spend some alone time together.” “What?” Applejack’s head jerked up from the cart at the statement. Her stomach did flip flops at the thought of alone time with the Pegasus. She had dropped the bag of apples unceremoniously on the cart in order to ask the question, so they were teetering dangerously. Quickly steadying the bag with her hooves so it wouldn’t tip over, she used the excuse of securing the apples as cover while she calmed herself down. She hoped Fluttershy didn’t notice her odd behavior. “Well, I mean, I meant that, if we walk home together, then we will have some time alone to catch up. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” Fluttershy explained to Applejack’s back. The earth pony, swallowed the lump that had just formed in her throat. She had seen Fluttershy, but the pretty Pegasus hadn’t seen her. Her delayed response must have triggered the Pegasus’ insecurities though, as she began to offer apologies. ““I mean, I know you’ve been busy, I don’t mean just you, I mean I have too, well we both have, I’m sure, and…” Interrupting her friend, Applejack cut off her concerns. “You’re right Fluttershy. It has been a bit since we caught up,” Applejack finished securing the items in the cart, then turned back and smiled at her friend. “And it sure will be nice to catch up with you. Ready to go?” “Absolutely!” The smile on Flutterhsy’s face made Applejack want to melt into a puddle. “So did you see what I was talking about? Applejack is soooo…” Applebloom trailed off looking for the right word. The three crusaders peered around the tree they’d been hiding behind. They watched Applejack talking to Fluttershy for a moment before ducking back behind the tree to hide again. “Out of it?” Scootaloo filled in for her. “She did seem a bit… distracted.” Sweetie Belle agreed, “But I’m still not sure there is actually something wrong.” “Well, why don’t we just follow her and see?” Scootaloo suggested. “It might help to get more intel...” Applebloom nodded at the idea. “Ha! Now you sound like a real detective.” Scootaloo laughed, “Remember when we tried to get sleuthing cutie marks?” “How could I forget, you carried that magnifying glass around everywhere.” Sweetie Belle reminded the small Pegasus filly. Applebloom snorted, “Yeah, until you accidentally scared yourself when you magnified a spider and thought it was actually the size of an apple.” The earth pony and unicorn filly laughed merrily together. “Yeah, well you two sure looked ridiculous in those hats Rarity made for you.” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out at them. “Right. We all did look a might silly.” Applebloom agreed sheepishly. She and Sweetie Belle hadn’t meant to hurt their friend’s feelings. The unicorn nodded apologetically. “Nevermind.” Scootaloo blew it off. Peering back around the tree, she gasped. “Well, I certainly don’t need the magnifying glass to realize that Applejack’s gone!” “GONE!” Applebloom exclaimed as she and Sweetie Belle joined Scootaloo in staring at the place her sister had been moments before. “We got to catch up!” Scootaloo yipped! “Hop on, crusaders!” Throwing on her helmet, she turned around and helped her friends climb onto the scooter. Somehow they managed the precarious balancing act. “Now hold on tight, cause it’s about to get FAST!” Whooping, she took off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy’s cottage, with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hanging on tight. Applejack and Fluttershy trotted along side by side in amicable silence for a bit before the Pegasus asked a question. “So how are things on the farm?” The question sort of hit at Applejack’s guilty conscience. “Oh, er, fine. The farm’s been… fine.” She bit her lip and stole a glance at Fluttershy from the corner of her eye. ‘Maybe I should tell her about last night?’ she wondered to herself. The thought made her queasy. “Oh good. I was just wondering… I thought you probably have been pretty busy … since I haven’t really seen much of you in a while.” The pale pony stammered. “Oh yes! We’ve definitely been busy.” Applejack started rattling off all of the activities of farm life that had been taking up much of her free time. “…it’s the season really. Keeps us hopping. Kind of like that bunny friend of yours.” “Oh! Angel? Yes, he does like to hop.” The pretty Pegasus nodded in response. “How is he? And the rest of your critters?” Applejack asked, leaning closer to hear her better. “They’re wonderful! Thank you so much for asking. The animals seem to really enjoy the sanctuary. Many have stayed on longer even after they’ve healed. It’s so nice to know we made them a space they can enjoy. In fact…” Fluttershy prattled on happily relaying stories about her furry friends. They caught up as they walked, sharing stories back and forth. Applejack managed to pay attention to most of what her friend shared, but she found those pretty teal eyes a bit distracting. Laughing when she heard Angel had landed in a bucket of fish while trying to pilfer some carrots, she told Fluttershy honestly, “Now I wish I’d seen that!” “It was so cute! He was standing there soaking wet with a long piece of seaweed wrapped around his ears.” Fluttershy giggled as she remembered her poor bunny’s predicament. “There was no way he could deny what he’d been trying to do, but I think he learned his lesson.” She slowed down and turned as they had arrived at her cottage. “Oh, I guess we’re here.” Looking at the cottage, Applejack secretly wished it was a few miles further away. “Yeah, I reckon so.” “Thank you again Applejack, for the apples, and for walking me home, and for… for everything.” The last part was said so softly after a long pause. Applejack looked at the Pegasus curiously. ‘Was she going to thank me for something else? But what?’ Too chicken to ask, she simply responded. “T’weren’t nothing Fluttershy. I’m happy that you can use the apples and I really enjoyed our walk. It’s always nice to spend time with y… a friend like you.” She faltered at the end, really wanting to tell her how she felt but way too scared to do it. “Yes, it’s always nice to spend time with … a friend like you.” Fluttershy agreed, though there was a small frown on her face. “Um, I should probably get those inside.” Attempting to lift the bag with her mouth it promptly fell to the ground next to the cart. “Err…fhahnk fyoooh ahgeeen.” She managed through her clenched teeth. “Why don’t you let me help you with that sugar cube?” Gripping the other edge of the bag with her teeth, she helped the Pegasus lift it off the ground. The combined strength of the two ponies made carrying the bag a lot easier. But now their muzzles were brushing and their sides touched as they walked toward the house. The softness of Fluttershy’s hide and the warmth of her body was doing funny things to Applejack. When they got to the entrance, they worked together to get inside. Fluttershy managed to lift a hoof to unlock the door and Applejack pushed it open further. While attempting to squeeze through, they tripped over each other dropping the bag and sending apples careening into the house. Landing in a heap just past the doorway, Applejack tried to move and found herself with her chest pressed against the yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy’s back legs were intertwined with AJ’s causing the earth pony to stumble forward pressing her friend more firmly against the wall. The Pegasus’ wings wrapped around the orange mare automatically, an attempt to keep them both from falling. They were way too close in a very small space. The nearness of her friend caused Applejack’s heart to race. Her muzzle was a hair’s breadth from Fluttershy’s and her green eyes had locked onto those beautiful teal ones. They were both breathing heavily, and a weird energy was now apparent in the room. Applejack felt herself moving toward the yellow pony in slow motion. Was it her imagination or was Fluttershy also moving toward her? Before she could find out, a loud crash outside caused them both to pull back quickly. That was a mistake. The two ponies lost all semblance of balance and control and landed in a pile on the floor. “Ow.” Fluttershy mumbled. Helping her friend up once she could stand, Applejack raced outside to find the three cutie mark crusaders in a heap on top of Applejack’s overturned cart. “What in tarnation!??!” Applejack demanded as she surveyed the mess. “Er… sorry sis.” Applebloom popped up first, rubbing her head. “We lost control … a bit” Scootaloo added, holding up her scooter in explanation. “A bit?” Fluttershy managed incredulously. “I hope it’s fixable.” Sweetie belle offered reaching out and gently touching the cart’s wheel. This sent it rolling off the axel and into the bushes. All three crusaders winced. Applejack’s heart was still racing from before. She looked at her cart, then the crusaders, then the cart again. She could feel the anger rising insider her like a wave, when a hoof touched her shoulder gently. “The important thing is that you girls are alright.” Shutterfly said quietly. “Things can be repaired. Ponies can’t be replaced.” Applejack looked at Fluttershy as she digested the meaning of those words. Immediately, she felt herself calming down. Glancing at the girls, she could tell that they were scared spit-less. In fact, the three crusaders looked at Applejack as if they were awaiting their sentencing. Applejack sucked in a breath. The Pegasus was right. Didn’t make things better for her cart, but still Fluttershy was right. “Fluttershy’s right.” The three crusaders exchanged relieved yet incredulous looks. “The important thing is that you girls are okay.” She sighed, eyeing her cart again. “But you girls do need to be more careful.” Fluttershy chastised, causing the crusaders to look pitifully at the ground. “Plus you should atone for the damage you’ve done. You’re going to help Applejack fix her cart.” Applejack who’d been watching the fillys’ reactions turned to blink at Fluttershy questioningly. “Well…” the Pegasus started, before winking at her orange friend, “if anyone could fix that applecart, it’s you Applejack.” Had Fluttershy really just winked at her? ‘Just keep breathing,’ Applejack reminded herself as a commotion broke all around her. It was the crusaders quickly agreeing to help. “Of course we will!” Applebloom exclaimed. “Yeah, we will fix it up, no problem!” Scootaloo agreed. “It is messed up pretty bad…” Sweetie Belle the ever-present realist began, but after a stern stare down from her friends, she modified her response, “But we can fix it. Definitely… just got to get it somewhere with tools.” “Ooooh! Big Mac’s wagon can hold it; let’s go get him!” Applebloom jumped up and down. Racing off the girls flew past Applejack and Fluttershy on their way to make amends. Fluttershy called out to them to slow down and be more careful, but Applejack had no idea if they listened. She was still caught up in what had just transpired in the cottage and wondering if she’d really seen Fluttershy wink at her. So lost in her thoughts, she jumped when Fluttershy gently rested a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. The earth pony’s reaction caused the Pegasus to yelp and jump too. “Oh, I’m sorry sugarcube, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just got lost in thought for a second, and you startled me.” The orange mare apologized. “It’s ok. It happens to me all the time.” The Pegasus fluttered her wings and smiled at the earth pony. Tilting her head at the worried look she saw on her friend’s face, Fluttershy’s smile quickly faded into a look of concern. “I’m sorry about your cart Applejack. I know it is important to you and seeing it broken has to be hard.” She reached a hoof out unconsciously to comfort her friend but then seemed to think better of it. Pulling it back towards herself, she used it to scratch her foreleg instead in an attempt at nonchalance. The real reason wasn’t lost on either pony. “Fluttershy… I, um…” The normally confident pony was at a loss. Part of her didn’t want Fluttershy to touch her while the other part of her ached for the contact. Her stomach was in knots. Not knowing what to do or say, she looked back at the cart. As if in answer, the wind blew a bit harder and whatever had been holding the pieces together finally gave out. The entire thing collapsed in a cloud of dust. Applejack’s shoulders slumped. It was kind of symbolic really. The cart was a visual of how she felt right now, like the slightest wind would just knock the sails right out from under her. Moving to stand beside Applejack, without touching her, Fluttershy whispered, “I’m here for you Applejack… however you need.” Looking at her friend, Applejack felt a warmth spread through her body, calming the stress and confusion. There was just something about that sweet demeanor that made her feel safe and secure. It was kinda like how Granny Smith’s zap apple pie tasted, or how the orchard smelled that first morning of apple bucking season, or that warm sensation she got in her belly when she saw her brother or sister succeed at something. It wasn’t something words could explain. It just added up to another feeling that meant … home. Unable to voice that, she simply said, “Thank you Fluttershy.” Before she could second guess herself, Applejack moved to give the Pegasus a friendly side bump. Instead, her hoof slipped on part of the axle from her cart and she ended up pressing more firmly against the mare’s side as her muzzle grazed down Fluttershy’s neck in what could be misinterpreted as a very sensual nuzzle. “Whoa,” Applejack gulped. She was plum flustered. Blushing fiercely as she attempted to regain her footing she snuck a quick peek at her friend. Fluttershy’s face and neck were as red as her own. The mare peered at her from under her hair. There was something… different… about her expression. She wore a look that Applejack hadn’t seen on her face before. Forgetting her own embarrassment, she found herself staring into those deep aquamarine eyes as the Pegasus’ pupils began to expand until there was almost no teal left. The earth pony’s gaze took in the rest of the yellow pony’s features. The flush on her cheeks only enhanced her beautiful complexion. Fluttershy’s mouth was parted slightly and her breath was coming in small gasps. The earth pony fixated on that mouth. Once again she felt herself moving towards it, almost as if compelled. “Um, Applejack?” The mouth spoke to her before swallowing hard. The earth pony glanced back up to those big blue orbs. “Your family...” A yellow wing spread out gesturing further down the path. Turning, Applejack saw a large dust cloud off in the distance heading in their direction. It was indeed signaling that her family was on their way. “Uh, right.” Applejack nodded, for some reason her brain was so clouded at the moment that she was unsure as to what that bit of information actually meant. She looked at Fluttershy, then back toward the cloud of dust approaching. It took a few heart beats before her brain caught up with the reality of the situation. She jumped away from Fluttershy as if stung by something, causing the Pegasus to rear back herself. Guilt flushed her features as she stumbled over an apology. “Um, sorry, sugar…. I’m sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t mean… I mean you’re … and I’m … uh…” Fluttershy looked at her in abject confusion. “What I mean to say …,” The earth pony tried again, but failed to come up with any kind of explanation. She simply stood there with her mouth opening and closing until she just gave up. Shaking her head, she shrugged and stopped trying to find the words that just wouldn’t come. Looking up at Fluttershy, her face conveyed her confusion and guilt. “I’m sorry. I’m just sorry.” The Pegasus looked at her friend with concern. “There is nothing to be sorry for Applejack.” “Well that’s awful sweet of you, sugarcube,” Applejack tried to smile, but failed. “But it kind of feels like there is cause for me to apologize.” Flutershy shook her head in the negative. “There isn’t. So please stop worrying. Everything is ok.” Watching the earth pony’s reaction, she smiled when Applejack finally nodded her agreement. “Ok, well if’n you say there’s nothing to apologize for, then I’ll take you at your word.” Applejack managed a small smile. Before either pony could say another thing though, the cutie mark crusaders returned with Big Mac in tow. The rest of the day vanished in a blur. The pieces of the broken apple cart were tracked down and loaded onto Big Mac’s wagon and all too soon she was saying goodbye to the pretty Pegasus. Applejack spent the remainder of daylight, trying to fix her cart and keep the crusaders occupied. They took their need to make amends pretty seriously. Normally, that would have made Applejack proud, but she was too caught up in her own thoughts and really wanted the space to parse through them. By the time they were finished with the cart, her head was just a spinning with all the questions floating through it. Instead of heading for her bed, she took a quick shower, and then hoofed it back out into the orchard to think. “Ugh! I’m exhausted.” Scootaloo collapsed on the floor of the clubhouse, sweat pouring down her face. “You can say that again.” Applebloom sighed, sitting back on her haunches. “I’ll be sore for a week!” She rubbed her hoof over the groaning muscles on her back end. “Hopefully, we convinced Applejack that we are sorry and we won’t have to make it up to her with anymore work.” Sweetie Belle groaned as she sat down next to her friends. “At least tomorrow we’re off duty!” Scootaloo voiced with relief. “Oh no!” The little earth pony gasped, “You just reminded me. We still have to help Applejack and Pinkie pie with the decorations for Friendship week.” A chorus of groans filled the clubhouse. “Well we better go get some rest then. Your sister is always up so early!” Sweetie Belle stood slowly and walked over toward the door. Sighing, Scootaloo pushed herself up too on shaky legs. “Well, I can’t say I’m excited about it, but at least this way we can watch your sister some more and see if she keeps behaving strangely.” “That’s true,” Applebloom agreed walking down the ramp behind her friends. “Silver lining I suppose. Though I’m not sure how much energy we’ll have left to pay attention.” “See you tomorrow Applebloom.” Sweetie Belle called over her shoulder as she trotted off home. “Later!” Scootaloo shouted, scooting off next to the unicorn. “G’night!” The littlest apple responded, before heading toward the house. She was plum tuckered out and all she could think about was how soft her bed would be. So focused on her warm comfortable pillows, she almost missed the orange blur trotting through the orchard. Squinting, she realized it was her sister. ‘Now what in tarnation is she up to?’ Applejack turned unconsciously as if to follow Applejack when a deep cough from behind her made her jump. Big Mac raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Oh, er, hey Big Mac, whatcha doin’ out here so late?” The littlest Apple asked attempting to use her most innocent facial expression. His gaze remained impassive as he waited for her to answer her own question. “Oh, well, me and the cutie mark crusaders were just talking.” Applebloom took in her brothers questioning look, and then realized that her friends were no longer with her. “Right, yeah, well we was all just so tuckered out after fixin’ the cart, plus we got to get up early to help Pinkie Pie, so they went home you see.” “Ayup.” Big Mac nodded and then gestured toward the house as if Applebloom should inside. “Er, right, yeah I’ll just be a minute,” the pink bowed filly backed up a few steps as her brother eyed her warily, “I just got to… uh…” Before she could make up an excuse, Granny Smith’s voice could be heard calling Applebloom to dinner. Looking between her brother and her granny, she quickly surmised that there was no way out of turning around and going into the house. ‘Dang it,’ she thought, ‘now I’ll never get away and see what Applejack’s up to.’ Unbeknownst to Applebloom, her brother exchanged a knowing look with his grandmare, before giving her a curt nod in thanks. “Oh, is it dinner time already?” Applebloom offered meekly. “Ayup.” Big mac nodded, watching her intently. Turning, she slowly made her way toward the house, her ears turned down in defeat. Walking up the steps under the watchful gaze of both Big Mac and Granny Smith, she paused as an idea struck her. “Applejack!” She gasped in realization, “just let me go tell her it’s time for dinner.” But she was blocked from running back down the stairs by Big Mac’s extended foreleg and Granny Smith’s words. “Your sister already said she won’t be at dinner t’night. Now c’mon I made your favorite, and it’s a getting cold with all the yammering on out here.” The littlest Apple felt the last hope of following her sister fade. Sniffing though she indeed smelled her favorite dinner on the table. Partially mollified she perked up and headed straight for the kitchen table. “Applebloom!” Her granny’s voice stopped her dead in her tracks. Turning to look back over her shoulder, she saw the older apples were both giving her an appraising look. “Now I know you’re not about to go sit at my table with that much mud on your hooves.” Looking down at the right state she was in, Applebloom turned as red as her hair. “Er, no Granny Smith…” she paused, before coming up with a justification for bypassing the bathroom, “I was just stopping to admire the beautiful meal you made us before heading up to wash off.” Smiling winningly at them both, she turned and raced pell-mell up the stairs. Once they heard the door to the lavatory close, the two older apples broke out in quiet chuckles. “That girl, I tell you what.” Granny shook her head at the actions of her littlest grand pony. “Ayup,” Big Mac smiled up at the stairs shaking his head. Turning to take a step, he too stopped dead in his tracks when he heard Granny Smith address him. “Now I know you ain’t about to make the same mistake as that little filly.” Granny Smith’s one-eyed glare still made him shake in his shoes. “Nope.” Shaking his head in the negative, he turned and took the same path as his littlest sister. Their grand mare didn’t wait until he was out of earshot before laughing. Trotting through the fields, Applejack didn’t realize where she was heading until she arrived. It was the same cliff on which she had hidden the night before watching Fluttershy sing to her animal friends. Flopping down onto the grass, she rolled onto her back and gazed up at the darkening sky. Soon she’d be able to see millions of stars. Turning her head to the side, she bit off a long piece of field grass, and began to turn it over in her mouth, sucking on one end. It was a weird habit she’d picked up over the years, something a lot of farmers did. She found it soothing and it gave her something to do physically while she contemplated the events of her day. She started with the simple things. That was the way her mind usually worked. Helped her build up to the more complex questions. The first thing she considered was the crusaders and that whole fiasco with the applecart. Seemed those girls had more energy than Pinkie Pie in a candy store most days. But they didn’t mean to cause no harm and they cleaned up after their mess. Smiling a little, she reckoned she was proud of ‘em. The applecart was fixed, sure enough. She planned to try it out the next morning, confirm it really was ‘good as new.’ Her mind went over the adjustments they had made. In actuality she spent more time thinking on it than was necessary, but that was because the next topic was a lot harder. Sighing as her mind quickly changed topics; a beautiful pair of teal eyes replaced the spinning wheels of the newly constructed cart. Swallowing hard, Applejack considered her friend. Fluttershy had always been special to the farm pony. There was something so sweet and delicate about the Pegasus that it flared Applejack’s protective nature. But there was a deep strength there too. Something that had begun to come out more and more with the support of their friends. Applejack thought about the first time she had heard the timid mare sing. She had the most beautiful voice AJ had ever heard. Not that she’d tell Rarity or her brother that. The orange mare had definitely learned her lesson on being too honest. Fluttershy had been mortified at being overheard. Over time she had slowly started to come out of her shell where singing was concerned. Now she regularly performed with the Pony Tones. Then last night she had given Applejack the most amazing performance ever. The earth pony felt herself blush at the memory. A weird feeling was settling in her stomach as she continued to think about her yellow friend. Remembering the whole situation with the dragon, Applejack felt a pang in her chest. Somehow, the earth pony had known from the start of their journey that it was imperative Fluttershy made it to the top of that mountain. AJ had made it her mission to make sure she got the yellow pony up there. Dragging her had been unfortunate, but despite the pegasus’ reservations, it turned out Applejack had been right. In the end, Fluttershy had saved them all. Applejack smiled at the memory. She had been proud of her friend that day, but not nearly as proud as the day Fluttershy admitted her dream of opening an animal sanctuary. AJ hadn’t said anything, but the words of her friend had touched something deep inside the earth pony. Though she had never articulated anything near as heartfelt in her life, it was very similar to how she felt about Apple Acres. The orange mare had never felt closer to any pony else before that day. Thinking back on it though, she realized she should have voiced that somehow. It was something her friend ought to know. So why hadn’t she? Applejack recalled the situation. She had recommended a friend to help ‘Shy with the build and that had gone terrible. The earth pony huffed, still irritated that somepony she had trusted had been the opposite of helpful. That had led to a seriously heated discussion. Something she definitely felt was better left unsaid to the pretty Pegasus. The build itself had taken a lot of time in addition to her chores at Apple Acres. Perhaps because of her residual guilt, Applejack had spent nearly all her free time helping Fluttershy turn the sanctuary into the beautiful animal respite it had turned out to be. But all that work had meant that AJ spent a lot of time with her kind friend. More than enough time to disclose how she had been moved by Fluttershy’s words. ‘So what was the hold up?’ she asked herself. ‘Why didn’t I tell ‘Shy how she made me feel?’ Applejack answered her own thought, ‘’Cause you might have slipped and told her exactly how she makes you feel.’ Realization began to dawn on the earth pony. Images of her time with Fluttershy passed through her mind as she recalled exactly how she felt about her friend. Over and over they looped. Fluttershy peering up at Applejack shyly from under her long pink mane. Those big turquoise eyes wide open in fear. Those long full lashes batting in surprise by something Pinkie said. Those luscious lips being licked and bitten when she was feeling uncomfortable. That beautiful smile of pure joy when surrounded by her animal friends. Her soft fur. Those gorgeous wings. Her cutie mark on that supple … “Uh oh.” Applejack groaned then swallowed hard. Her body felt warm and the blood rushed to her cheeks. She felt as if butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. Thinking of the butterflies, reminded the earth pony once again of Fluttershy’s cutie mark which led to further thoughts about where it was located. With the flush that followed that thought, Applejack could have roasted corn on her cheeks. But it didn’t stop her mind from recalling the events of earlier in the day. How soft Fluttershy’s coat felt pressed up against her after they had fallen in the doorway. How warm it had been, dizzyingly so. How close their mouths had come in that moment and again outside, after Applejack had accidentally nuzzled her. That nuzzle. The look on ‘Shy’s face. Slapping herself in the forehead with her hoof. ‘I’ve been so stupid,’ she thought. “I like her.” AJ finally admitted it to herself, saying it out loud as if to reprimand herself for denying it for so long. “I like Fluttershy.” She did. She liked Fluttershy. Really liked her. Liked her, liked her. And now that she knew that… Well, there was only one possible course of action. She was the mare of honesty after all. “Oh, horse feathers!” Flopping to the ground, AJ buried her face under her Stetson and groaned. “How in the hay am I gonna tell her?”