//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Confrontations and Fears // Story: Failing Firmaments // by MidKnight Erratum //------------------------------// Confrontations and Fears Twilight awoke to a snowfall of smoldered ash, that blanketed the entire landscape outside the window. Its white fragility drifting in the wind, intoxicating the air with polluted reverie. As Twilight watched on, entranced by the display before her. The eerie ethereal haze, as smoke loomed overhead. Blotting out the sun's harshest rays. On what was supposed to be a sunny day. Twilight continued on to the kitchen, finding warmth in the jacket wrapped around her fragile form, and the comfort of the grey tones filtering through the window glass. Complementing her loneliness. Dancing in shadowed particles as the soot fell ever thicker. Coating the cruel cold world outside in its warmth. As Twilight set about preparing something to feed her sickly starvation. Her self imposed fast a last ditch effort to atone for her salvation. As Twilight sat at the table with little more than an unseasoned bowl of oatmeal, and a cup of sour tea. Its warmth exhaled, defying gravity, as it sat steaming. Twilight watched it with equal reverie, before staring lifelessly out the window. Losing herself to the moment, as nothing really mattered, anymore. It would all be over, eventually. Perhaps something should have been done days ago, but Twilight didn't care. She reveled in the suffering as the smell of hellfire ebbed deeper throughout the land of Equestria. The dark clouds covering the vast horizon, as Twilight took another sip of tea. The air was sickening with the lingering scent of flaming ruin, only growing stronger every time somepony dared slip in and out of the library. Perhaps by now the odor would never fully be gone from the place. Even if Twilight did what she had been ordered. The letters lay piled on the table. The sight of them sending chills down her spine every time Twilight dared to look at their crumpled parchment. They kept coming, each one more desperate and stern than the last. The first of which had been written, and received on the day the ash had first started to fall. Spike had opened it, before Twilight could confiscate and dispose of the Celestia damned paper. The instructions were clear, and concise in their demands. Scale the mountain. Confront the Dragon. Stop the source of the smoke... By ANY means necessary... Twilight lethargically gazed out at the compiling mounds of dust outside. Taking another sip from her cup, as she found its unsugared taste bitter. Fitting for her treacherous disregard of her goddess' command. A call to arms, that Twilight would not obey. Why bother? I'd only manage to buck it up worse, and suffer further humiliation and demotion... Twilight was interrupted by the door to the library flying open, demanding her attention as somepony intruded upon her abode. But Twilight merely ignored the commotion. Spike will deal with whoever it is... "Where is She?!" The disruptive voice demanded, as it clattered through the miserable silence. Twilight didn't bother to move, just continued to watch the peaceful fall of destructive brilliance, as it danced across the air. Even as the hoofsteps echoed with the sound of decompressing, deflated party balloons. The sound of the most depressing confetti cannon blast ever, lived and died in the silence. As Twilight was showered in a pitiful display of shredded paper. "If that's your attempt at bringing some cheer, it didn't work." Twilight sneered. "That isn't why I'm here, Twilight." The response was flatter than the kitchen table, and bluntly cutting. Eerily off-putting coming from the pink mare, that Twilight had never seen even a hint of sadness from. Twilight shifted her gaze ever so slightly, so she could see Pinkie's reflection in the window pane's glass. Pinkie's hair had surprisingly been combed, for once. Leaving the chaotic tangle, nothing more than a flat river reminiscent of expired fruitpunch. "Then why are you here, Pinkie?" Twilight asked, not caring in the least bit. "It's Pinkamena Diane Pie to you," The words were hissed sharply into Twilight's ears, "and I'm here to make things right..." "Oh? What's the point?" Twilight's hollow response was all that reached through the divide between the two mares. "I'm HERE to make things RIGHT..." Pinkamena insisted through gritted teeth. As she brought out a party horn from her saddlebag, and proceeded to blow it. Her frown only causing the horn to sound like a dying duck, as it faded and died in it's pathetic squeal. She proceeded to discard the horn onto the floor, in careless disregard. Twilight had several questions, but they went unsaid, as Pinkamena interrupted her refusals. "What does 'making things right' have to do with me?" Twilight questioned skeptically. "I'm sure you already know, Twilight. I'm here to make sure you do your job." Pinkamena replied to her cynical doubts all the same. "And what 'job' is that, exactly?" "I'm here, to make sure you get out there, and fix THIS mess!" Pinkamena gestured to the slowly dying world outside. "And I'm here to do it, by any means necessary." Her frown thickened, as her brow furrowed. Determination that started to scare Twilight, as she found her eyes beginning to dart. Anywhere and everywhere except to meet Pinkie's reflected gaze. "Why me?" Twilight asked, interrupting Pinkie's monologue, "The world doesn't revolve around Me! Somepony else can do it, somepony else can fix THIS... The fate of Equestria doesn't depend on me doing shit! And it most certainly DOESN'T rely on me making FRIENDS!..." Twilight burst, all her rage, anger, and malice thrown into her denials. Berating Pinkie with the harsh stinging words. Pinkamena merely waved the argumentative confrontation aside. There was no time for this. "I'm only going to ask this once; Will you come help me deal with the dragon, Twilight Sparkle?" Pinkamena's glare was steadfast and unmoving. If glass could shatter at a mere glance, Pinkamena Diane Pie's could have shattered steel in that moment. "No," Twilight declined Pinkie's invitation. Her resilience had been set, her determination in watching the world suffer everlasting. As she continued to stare outside the window. Emotionless, and uncaring, as she resigned to watching the world burn. So she could fan the flames, that would inevitably engulf her misery and tormented soul as well. Pinkie's gaze fell to the floor in defeat, she hadn't wanted to do this. Not this soon... But desperate times called for desperate measures, and Pinkamena Diane Pie would not allow her home to burn. The Equestria she loved, slowly dying around her, as the smiles faded fast before the plague. No one was smiling now. Not even Pinkie Pie... She knew she couldn't do a lot, but she could fix this. Pinkamena HAD to make things RIGHT, and so she did what she'd promised herself never to do again. She erased what had been written, in order to change fate, but more importantly the script, for the 'Betterment of All'. At least that's what she told herself, as she began to rewrite the script. "Of course I'll help, Pinkamena." Twilight looked back to the pink mare, confusion on her face slightly. As the words spilled from her purple lips without hesitation. Her bewilderment at accepting the proposterous proposition, befuddled her confused mind. She had just refused, hadn't she? Twilight was positive of it... Something felt VERY wrong... "NO! NO I WON'T! Why did I agree to th "Come on then, we shouldn't waste anymore time." Pinkamena Diane Pie replied, giving Twilight an already packed saddlebag of her own. Never once bothering to crack the smile Twilight had come to expect from the Ponyville party pony. Twilight accepted the saddlebag, and used her own magic to place it on her back. Slightly struggling under the new burden as she stood. "NO! This isn't right! You can't MAKE Pinkamena Diane Pie led the way, as Twilight paused, digging her heels as Twilight followed her lead. Willingly participating in the journey ahead. Twilight noticed drops of water along the floor, and realized that Pinkie Pie was.... Crying? but didn't care as to how they'd gotten there. She met Pinkamena at the door, the deflated pony somber as she spoke. "I'm sorry... I have to do this..." Pinkamena wouldn't meet Twilight's gaze, just simply marched on in their funeral parade. Leaving hoofprints to follow in the previously untarnished snowing ash. "Sorry about what?" Twilight asked as she quickened her own pace to catch up to the pink mare. The streets around them completely empty, as they marched on through the hibernating town of Ponyville. "Oh, nothing to worry your little head about..." Pinkamena replied, offering a dwindling smile that only mocked the true thing she was capable of. Twilight followed her as they began to reach the outskirts of the town, where a nervously twitching Fluttershy was waiting. An equally heavy looking saddlebag hefted by the shaking frightened yellow pegasi. Twilight glanced over to Pinkamena quizzically as they approached. "We're bringing Fluttershy?" Twilight asked questioningly. "Instead of, oh I don't know, Spike? Another dragon!" "Yes," Pinkamena responded flatly, deadpan as the rocks beneath their hooves, as they walked. Nearing the rendezvous in the road, closest to the mountain. It's highest heights hidden in the ever growing smog. Another disruption echoed from it, as fresh plumes of intoxication billowed from the unseen mountain top. Twilight gulped in the bitter air, she no longer wanted to be outside. She wished to flee back to her sanctity of the library. Ignore the stench of the dying world around her, and sip that sweet Celestia damned unstomachable tea. The problem had grown so much worse in the last week, than she could have ever imagined. Gathering her magic, Twilight made a break for it, teleporting away in a vain attempt to escape. Running for the library's safety and comfort. "I can't do thi Twilight swallowed her courage with the lump in her throat, forced to confront the reality before her. As she followed Pinkamena and Fluttershy onward. Ever farther from her precious library, and books. Onward, ever onward to certain death and destruction. Twilight couldn't run, no matter how many times she tried. It was hopeless, unable to escape her insurmountable responsibility. Pinkamena and Fluttershy had stopped up ahead, waiting for Twilight to catch up, as she dragged her hooves. Prolonging the unavoidable outcome of confrontation. Fluttershy kept looking in all directions, nervously twitching as they grew ever nearer to the mountain. Ever more a flight risk on their operation, as the air grew ever heavier with the sulfuric suffering. "How could this have gotten this bad?" Twilight asked, coughing in the rugged air. As they paused to catch what little breath they could. "You're the one who kept neglecting to do anything about it..." Pinkamena shot back, the accusation sharp and cutting, as Twilight's heart twinged in the small pain of guilt. They continued on in silence, stopping every so often to catch their labored breath. --The-smoke-suffocating-as-they-trudged-on,-nowhere-else-to-go-but-forward.--Their-steps-growing-heavier,-as-they-each-struggled-against-the-dizzying-intoxication-poisoning-their-lungs.--It-wasn't-surprising-to-Twilight-when-Fluttershy-was-the-first-to-collapse-from-exhaustion.--The-smoke-had-become-so-thick,-she-could-barely-make-out-the-crumpled-form,-as-Twilight-tripped-over-the-fallen-pegasus.--A-small-exhaled-squeak-the-only-sign-Fluttershy-was-capable-of-feeling-pain.--Still-alive.-- "NO!" Good for her... --Twilight-lay,-wondering-if-this-was-how-she-would-die.--Choking-on-smoke,-as-her-lungs-filled-with-laziness.--Giving-way-to-death's-embrace.--The-haze-was-being-swallowed-in-the-blackness,-as-Twilight-welcomed-the-cold-fangs-of-demise.--Unwilling-to-rise,-and-give-any-more-fight.--As-all-faded-to-black,-Twilight-found-her-smile.-- "STOP!" Pinkamena cried trying to erase the story again, and again. Desperation- Pinkamena rushed to her friend's side, dropping her bag as she reached inside. Bringing out a tank of compressed air, to hel- She knelt next to Twilight, checking for any signs of life. Still a pulse, still ALIVE! She quickly checked Fluttershy's status as well. Finding them both passed out, struggling to breath. They wouldn't last long, perhaps she could get them farther down the mountain, to a safer place. But she could feel the hazy exhaustion already in her own blood. As she felt the air around her hard to move through, like water. Weighing her down, as she struggled against the depressive haze. "Please, don't do this..." Pinkamena begged the nothingness. Tears stinging her eyes, as hope was swiftly snuffed out within her. As she reached into her bag once more, wishing for what she needed. Praying that her empty bag would bestow her a merciful gift, written into existence by her will. Finding the superest-duperest author, kind and merciful, giving her the gift to save their lif- But it didn't come. "PLEASE! I'm sorry I broke my promise! Just help me once more!..." Pinkamena collapsed into a fit of sobs, as she continued to search her bag. "PLEASE! I"M SO, SO SORRY!" Everything was fading, as Pinkamena tried desperately to fix things. Desperate to live, to hold on. But the sedative of lacking air to clearly breath was slowly weighing her down. As she resorted to trying to carry her friends back down the mountain. Hoping beyond hope that she would make it. But she couldn't... "You've already taken my smile, my joy! What more do you want? Please, whatever it is, I'll do it! I'll-" Pinkamena promised, coughing contagiously, as she fell to the earth beneath her unsteady hooves. The blood rushing through her ears, echoing in her mind's silence. Usually the answer would come, but now... All was left unspoken in the deathly silence. Pinkamena heard the sound of hurried feet. A nose sniffing along the ground, as the quiet was dispelled by the sound of approaching hoofsteps. A wet tongue licked her face, as Pinkamena groaned her dismal desperate cry for help. Followed by another fit of coughs. This set off a cacophony of loud barking jubilation, that made Pinkamena feel hope's merciful embrace once more. Smiling to herself, as she knew. All would be fine in the end, despite the temporary painful strife. The barking continued as the hoofsteps drew even nearer. "Woah, neillie!" The familiar voice called out, as the hooves quickened their pace. Running to the collapsed trio, Pinkamena tried to rise, trying to speak through her dry throat. Unable of words as she tried to get up, but felt a sturdy hoof lay her gently back against the rocky terrain. "Woah now, It's gonna be okay, I ain't a doctor, but..." Applejack's words came out in a tired tone, yet reassuring, comforting in Pinkamena's distress. "...I can do the best I can to get you the help you need." Pinkamena felt a hoof cradle her head, as water met her dry cracked lips. She drank thankfully, before finding the strength to push the bottle away. Twilight and Fluttershy needed it more, she told herself. As she opened her eyes to meet Applejack's. Finding the farmpony had tied a bandanna around her nose and mouth, to aid against the ashen air. Clearly more prepared for this treacherous hike than Pinkamena had been. She had been so, so foolish. She tried to speak, but only coughed a bit more. Clearing her throat before finally speaking. "Thank you..." Pinkamena croaked. "Can you reach my bag for me?" "Uh? Sure..." Applejack looked a little quizzically, but followed Pinkamena's instructions all the same. Reaching a hoof inside Pinkie's bag. Searching. "What am I looking for, exactl-" "I coulda sworn..." Applejack looked surprised, before pulling out a small tank of compressed oxygen. Pinkamena smiled slightly, as Applejack recovered from her confusion, to realize what needed to be done. Administering some to Pinkamena, as she accepted the help reluctantly. She wanted to help the others first, but was patient enough to wait, as the fresh air breathed life back into her weary bones. Clearing the haze from her mind as she breathed deeply, before turning it off, and offering it to Applejack. Who offered a bandanna in return. Before moving on to Twilight. Moving quickly, every action confident as she checked for a pulse. Pinkamena admired her surety as Applejack resuscitated the unconscious unicorn. Splashing Twilight's face with a small wave of water, and pressing a hoof into her diaphragm. While forcing the compressed oxygen in once the dying smoke had been expelled a little from her lungs. Twilight coughed several times, feeling pain as she was ripped from death's merciful clutches. She wanted to scream, but only found a dying moan escape her, as fresh air intruded upon her dying peace. Her lungs betraying her desires, as they greedily hungered after the clean intake of her breaths. Darkness fading from her mind, as she felt life enter, unwelcome, once more into her body. She ached, but she would live. Why can't I just die? This would all be over then... Just let me sleep... Forever. Life was pain, and Twilight wished to bury her hurt along with her mind. She felt like screaming, crying, breaking down once and for all. Purposefully shatter her self-image into dust, and find rest only upon death's forgiveness. She opened her eyes to find her savior had already moved on to Fluttershy. Pinkamena gave her a bandanna, which she reluctantly used her magic to fasten to her muzzle. She wanted nothing more than to die up here. Be a forgotten sacrifice for the greater good, and all that Celestia forsaken fake facade entailed. Perhaps be remembered a hero, rather than the tragedy she truly had become. Applejack was taking unusually long to help Fluttershy, Twilight noted. Her attention perked in sudden attentiveness. Watching as the farmpony's hoof remained under Fluttershy's jaw. Searching, but not finding what she was looking for. Applejack had given a hesitant glance towards Twilight, and Pinkamena. It lasted less than a second, but it held so much in it's worried gaze. It felt haunting, and forced a shivering chill to slide up her spine. As Applejack hurriedly rolled the pegasi onto her back, and began the chest compressions. Pinkamena didn't waste a beat, taking the oxygen tank from Twilight's unaware hoof. Placing the mask over Fluttershy's muzzle, and adjusting her neck to allow the air to pass more easily to the lungs. Before beginning to adjust the oxygen in rhythmic intervals. Forcing a pattern of artificial breathing, as Applejack kept fighting to bring back a dormant pulse. Death had apparently chosen its favored soul. Twilight found herself helplessly staring on. Wishing it could have been her dying, instead of the fragile kind pegasi. But life wasn't fair, Twilight was sure of it. She couldn't handle this, it wasn't fair for Fluttershy to die, and not her. How dare you! How dare you give her what I want, and not ME!... Twilight couldn't hear anything, the world had gone silent in her mind. As she fought the emotions inside her. Long dormant desires, clawing their way to the surface all at once. She was angry, above all else. She felt her emotions charge her magic, as she glared jealously bitter at Fluttershy's lifeless corpse. This is so UNFAIR!... "What are yo-?" Pinkamena tried to ask, but it was already to late. "CLEAR!" Twilight screamed as she shoved Applejack aside, and pressed her horn to Fluttershy's broken chest. Releasing the magical shock into Fluttershy's heart. Twilight waited, charging another blast, when she realized nothing had happened. She tried again and again, forcing more power into the shocks, as she continued to fail. She screamed in desperate frustration, readying another blast, as Fluttershy coughed and sputtered. Curling into a ball, as Pinkamena immediately administered more clean oxygen from the tank. To feed her gasping lungs. Twilight managed to realize Fluttershy had responded, just moments before releasing the final charge. Lifting her head upwards and away from harming Fluttershy further, as she redirected the magic into the sky. Avoiding the weakened cowering pegasi, and the other ponies. As they watched the ignited sparks of violet tendrils strike through the ashen air. Dancing in their brief brilliance, as Twilight calmed the storm raging inside herself. Taking in deep breaths of filtered air through the cloth around her mouth. Seething, as she soothed her beating heart. Damn right! If I can't die, neither can you!... Fluttershy..... Celestia damn it all.... Twilight thought to herself. Pleased in the outcome of their hard work. She continued to stare up, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks, as she glared into the sunless smoke filled sky. The euphoria filling her sadness, as she sobbed uncontrollably. Before being ripped away from her by the disrupted silence. "There, there..." A firm, yet gentle hoof embraced her, giving support to Twilight's swaying dizziness. So weak... pathetic... "You did good, Sugarcube... You did good..." Applejack affirmed her, as she lowered her gaze to Fluttershy who was being cared for by the sad, equally teary eyed, Pinkamena Diane Pie. They stayed there, letting the silence wash over them. Winona whined as she snuggled into the thoroughly shaken Fluttershy. No one wanted to shatter the grasp of silence, until Pinkamena found the confidence to break it. "We should turn back..." "I wasn't gonna say it, but you're probably right..." Applejack agreed with Pinkamena. "We should fall back, regroup. Make an actual plan, and then do it right..." "Mmhmm" Pinkamena agreed, defeated. As Fluttershy simply continued to cower. A mess of fear, and uncertainty. Twitching and yet rooted to where she lay, hugging Winona. Finding comfort in the loyal canine's playful panting. "No!" Twilight burst, a bit shocked at her own opposing stance on the almost seemingly unanimous decision. The two mares looked surprised. "Why not?" "Beg your pardon?" "Because..." Twilight didn't entirely know. She felt like falling back, perhaps getting somepony else to solve the problem. But she liked the odds of dying. It made her feel alive. "Because we're here, we can't wait another minute. Equestria is suffering, and... and..." "Twilight, I know you're not thinking clearly, but we should at least take Fluttershy to the hospital, make sure she's really fine. And get her back home..." Pinkamena argued, a sound reasoning to impose over Twilight's desperation. "But... but-" Twilight tried to find a better argument. "Err, 'Twilight,' we should just head back. It would be careless to go on without being properly prepared." Applejack said her name as if it were foreign to her. Unfamiliar on her tongue, as she proposed her and Pinkie's decision further. It all seemed so final. Even if they were right, in the end. "Ugh! Fffffffiiine.... Fine..." Twilight stomped her hoof in agitation. "Why don't we have you, or Pinkie, take Fluttershy back. Make sure she's taken care of, and then you can meet me and whoever stays at the top of the mountain. How about tha-?" A loud echoeous roar berated their ears, as flames flashed like thunder, through the clouds of smoke. The sound raged on, accompanied by several more flashes of fire. A crack of lightning ensued, blinding as the light cut through the smoke, silhouetting the eruption. As the battle cry ensued. The mountain started to shake under their hooves, as the band of doomed adventurers found themselves transfixed by the chaos. "What in tarnation?..." Applejack muttered, as an explosion erupted through the air. Followed swiftly by a harsh outcry as a streak of blue pallor separated the smokey haze. Hurtling through the air, as the pegasi tried to correct her flight. But failed spectacularly, finding herself planted in an explosion of rock and dust mere yards from the group. A dismal groan escaping Rainbow Dash's lips the only sign she wasn't completely killed on impact. Not that Twilight had any doubt, the dense hard head of hers was probably more protection than any helmet she could've had. Nothing could kill that stupid daredevil, Twilight smiled as she thought such. Only proven further, as the rainbow maned pegasi stood abruptly, shaking off the pain. Stretching a few limbs, finding what still worked, and inspecting herself for damages. Before finally noticing the miserable company she had. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" A cry echoed off the rocks, as the sound of thundering panicked hooves drew near. Several dancing lights, and colorful magical explosions bombarding the mountainside. Flames chasing the fleeing unicorn, as Trixie burst through the smoke. Her hat and singed cape burning as she fled. Twilight almost burst into laughter, but another raging column of flame burst between Rainbow Dash and her companions. A little too close for comfort. "Rainbow, fly Fluttershy to the hospital. You're the fastest one here!" Twilight commanded, and Rainbow didn't argue. Understanding enough, to put differences aside, and simply obey. Zipping to Fluttershy's side, and picking her off the ground. Winona and all, before disappearing into the horizon. As everypony else, joined in following Trixie's chaotic lead. Disregarding any form of orderly procession, as they ran. Twilight slightly slower than the others, it was a good day to die, after all. "... AND!... " Twilight outburst, catching an idea out of the crowded air. "Something should be done before all this ash causes a fire... Equestria is a ticking time bomb!" Twilight tried to put as much urgency into her argument, trying desperately to convince them. Or at least plant a seed of possible doubt, before being dragged back down the mountain. "Just imagine what that sort of wildfire would do to your orchard!" Twilight insisted, doubling down on trying to convince Applejack. Knowing that if she could, Pinkamena would most likely agree with whatever plan they'd negotiate. "But we can't just bring Fluttershy nearer to the source of all this smoke... She nearly died for Celestia's sake!" The farmpony argued, pointing a hoof at the fragile pegasi. Who was still relishing in the fresh air provided by the slowly depleting tank. Twilight had to admit, Applejack had a point. "We need to turn back, going on would just be reckless." "But... But..." Twilight whined, grasping at anything. "Your orchard..." "The orchard has already gotten a weeks worth of ash dumped on it.. The apples unharvested are ruined... It'll take moons to recuperate regardless." Applejack rebutted bluntly. Trying to stifle a yawn at the mention of the destroyed crops, weary and exhausted. It was then that Twilight realized how dazed Applejack seemed, the sleepless bags under the farmpony's eyes further proving Twilight's suspicions. Applejack was as much a hindrance as Fluttershy. "Fine...." Twilight exhaled defeat. "Fine! Let's go, I don't care! Applejack, you can carry Fluttershy for all I care!" Twilight didn't wait for a response, marching back through the ever piling ash. Back to the buried town. Not taking another second to look back, perhaps she'd come back alone tomorrow. Or simply bar the windows and doors, and hope the world ended in peace. I don't care. Twilight rehearsed the line for the hundredth time. Determined to meet Celestia's wrath with compliant defiance. She returned to awaiting. Yet the draining time was soul crushing, when accompanied by the burdens of crippling self deprecation. Perhaps she could whittle away, at the stone that was her own. Enough to sustain the hollowing grave, growing ever deeper inside her soul. Intoxicating her mind, the pain of slowly dying had been exhilarating. Twilight didn't want to feel the pain, but she did want to feel alive. Regardless of the cost of mild discomfort. Pain was just weakness after all... Twilight found herself staring at the kitchen drawer, fixating upon it's intricate details. She was back in the library, not remembering how she'd gotten there. But she didn't care. Perhaps she'd walked the entire way, perhaps she'd just teleported and saved herself the grueling tedium of returning. Regardless, Twilight's heart sped up at the thoughts racing through her mind. The rush was livening. Maddeningly exhilarating in it's forbidden tabooed nature. Yet it pleased her, and brought a satisfying smile to her face. Twilight opened the drawer ever so quietly. As to not alert Spike or anypony else of her self treachery. She levitated the knife from its resting place, examining the long sharp blade. Expecting it with scrutiny, before determining it would suffice. Twilight retreated to the bathroom, to find solace in pain. To draw a bath, to wash away her sins. Twilight felt happy.