//------------------------------// // Reason 5: Repetitiveness // Story: Enough Reasons To Die... // by Mensonge Singer //------------------------------// I know I’m loved. I know I’m needed. I know the consequences of suicide. I know how people would react if I killed myself. I know people would blame themselves. I know I have so much to live for, so much to do with my life. But I don’t care anymore. I just want this pain to end, no matter the cost! I’m tired of needing so much help, always falling down only to be pulled up then pushed back again... I want it to all just stop... ... Here I am again, locked away in my room, refusing to respond to any of my friends... I know this just worries them more, but they don't really care enough anymore... I mean, it's not like their advice will really get through to me... it's the same old stuff they say to everypony else to keep them from killing themselves...I'm sick of hearing the same things over and over again... I'm just stuck in the same process, learning the same lesson over and over again... so I'm doing you all a favor if I do this... you don't have to deal with my bull crap anymore... But we love you But we need you But you can't get your life back if you do this But you have so much to do with your life But you have so much to live for But you're still so young But ponies would miss you But ponies would blame themselves Think of the aftermath ...I don't care anymore... I don't give a flying feather about anything anymore... everything is just so numb... I want it to all just stop... I just learn the same lesson over and over again if I stay...