//------------------------------// // Only Chapter // Story: Twilight's Burning Curiosity // by darkwalker787 //------------------------------// In the middle of the day, in the middle of the bedroom, in the middle of very deep, super deep thought Twilight Sparkle found herself. She paced back and forth alone in her bedroom so much this afternoon that the floor beneath felt lower. “What if.. No.. Oh I can… No No.. Auhg! Come on, Twilight think!” she had been like this ever since the morning. Wanting to ask Princess Celestia one question that had been killing Twilight’s head for the longest time. In the middle of her deep thinking Spike came in undetected. “Twilight, you're still at this?!” Spike watched his friend walk in circles talking to herself about something. Having enough of seeing Twilight like this he let loose a very loud roar. It was just enough to knock Twilight out of her self-made trance. “Ahh! Spike what was that for..?!” Twilight said catching her breath. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute. Spike simply shook his head at her. “You been walking around in circles in your room ever since this morning. You only get like this when you're completely nervous about something. So what's wrong this time, Twilight?” Spike asked worriedly. Twilight sighed while shaking her head in frustration. She then sat down on the floor losing eye contact with Spike. “I.. Have a question for Princess Celestia. But I don't know how to ask it because I'm worried about her reaction.” Twilight said while rubbing her head. Spike’s laugh didn't really help Twilight. He didn't mean to, but it was kinda funny. “That's it? You had me worried that we had to save the world again. Twilight, Celestia is the most calm pony you know right?” “Yes” “Then the worst thing that could happen is she says no. That's it.” Spike wasn't prepared for Twilight’s reaction. “Youknowthat'swhatIthoughttobutthanIthoughtwhatif” Twilight started again. “TWILIGHT!” spike shouted grabbing her shoulders. He shook her really hard. Again she came down to earth to meet Spike’s eyes looking straight into hers. “Twilight, listen to me carefully. How about you just send her a letter and-” “I thought about that to and what if she comes over?” Twilight interrupted. Spike smiled “Than you two can have a nice chat about whatever you want to talk about? Tell me this though. Is this about you or her?” Spike was confused when Twilight looked away from him. It was exactly like Twilight to panic over nothing. All of this worry over a simple question to. Surely it couldn't be that bad. “How about this. You teleport over there and she forces it outta you?” What very little ego Twilight had came out. “Spike don't be ridiculous the Princess wouldn't do that to her best student” she replied while still not looking at spike. Twilight didn't seem to notice that Spike was now had a evil grin. “Than you're not her best student if you're afraid of asking her one simple question.” Spike mocked sticking out his tongue. Twilight stood up blushing trying her hardest to be upset. Spike laughed at her again. “Spike this isn't funny! I'm actually really nervous about this!” “Nervous about what, Twilight?” A mysterious voice replied. Twilight froze. She knew that voice. She loved that voice. And that's exactly not the voice she wanted to hear at this moment. With Spike still laughing his butt off in the background Twilight turned around to see Princess Celestia sitting on her bed with a bright smile. She was beautiful as always in her white dress. Twilight struggled to find any words that would help her right now. Luckily Spike finished his laughter just in time to not help her. “Twilight here has been walking around her room all day wanting to ask you something Princess. It's eating away at her very soul and the cherry on top is that it's not even that bad of a question.” With that Spike jolted out of the bedroom before Twilight could stop him. She was gonna get him for this later. But for now there's another mystery that need solving. Twilight turned around again to face Celestia. “Uh, Princess, what are you even doing here?” Twilight asked. Celestia held out her hand and a letter appeared in front of her. Twilight stepped forward to read it. All it said was that the Princess need to check out Twilight because she started to act more crazy than normal again. It was from Spike and Twilight was more pissed than ever at him. But before Twilight could get a word out Celestia suddenly pulled Twilight in for a hug. “What's wrong, Twilight?” Celestia asked softly. Twilight didn't say anything at first. She didn't want to say anything but she knew there was almost no way out of this now. “I.. Wanted to ask you something. But I'm afraid of your reaction” Twilight said quietly. Celestia then meant Twilight eyes with her own. She smiled which made Twilight feel a little better. “Twilight, you of all ponies should know I trust you from the deepest part of my heart. We can talk about anything and everything you know that right?” “I know that but-” Celestia's finger found Twilight’s lips. “Then ask me the question that's bugging you” Celestia responded kindly. Twilight took a very deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again there was a hint of fear in them. “Can I talk to her?” Celestia gave a very confused look to Twilight. She was trying to figure out who Twilight was talking about. In that small amount of time Twilight backed off from her. “Twilight I'm not sure who you're referring to. Who is ‘she’?” Celestia. Celestia watched Twilight try not to have the biggest break down of her young life. “Can I… Ta-talk..To..” Twilight stopped mid sentence. She just couldn't do it. “Talk tooo..? Twilight didn't want to do it but she took another deep breath “CAN I TALK TO DAYBREAKER PLEASE!!” saying those words felt so good Twilight for a moment didn't care about what can happen in the next few moments. Twilight stood there eyes closed, fist clenched in deep quietness. When she finally opened her eyes she found Celestia just staring at her. The more Celestia stayed quiet the more regret came onto Twilight. Maybe she could teleport outta here and run away for a year or two. That would be a little hard but it's much easier than to listen the sound of nothing coming from Celestia. “May I ask why?” Celestia finally asked flatly. Twilight couldn't decide what's worse. The fact that Celestia wasn't upset or the fact that's the only thing she said after a few minutes of saying nothing. Also the fact that the question Celestia asked hurt-- a lot. “W-well..you.. I..-” Twilight really couldn't form the words she practiced over and over again. But the fact that the princess was just not acting the way Twilight expected totally threw Twilight off her already off game. “Why aren't you upset or pissed off at me!?” Twilight instantly covered her mouth and was so close to running away but then Celestia giggled. Why was she giggling? “Twilight, please calm down before you faint. I'm not mad but I am surprised that you had the guts to ask that question”- Celestia stood up and walked up to Twilight. She saw the fear and panic in Twilight’s eyes. “Please calm down for me ok?” She said softly while embracing Twilight in another hug. It took a few moments for Twilight to calm down. When the two finally separated they just sat down on the floor a few feet apart from each other. However Twilight was still somewhat nervous. “T-the reason I asked, P-princess is because..” “You're super curious about what she has to say about me right?” Celestia interrupted. Twilight shook her head “No not at all! I would never do that. I.. Just wanted to know a few things about her that's all..” Twilight replied quietly. Celestia tilted her head in confusion. “And the reason you can't ask me the same questions is because..” Twilight didn't really want to answer that. It showed on her face when she looked away from Celestia. “I-it's not that.. I can't ask you, Princess. It's just I think.. She wouldn't hold back the honesty. Notthatithinkyouwouldevereverlietomewithoutagoodreason!” Twilight finished. Again the Princess didn't respond for a moment. Celestia then took a very deep breath and when let that air out it summoned goose bumps all over Twilight’s body. It was actually uncomfortable for Twilight. It didn't help that Celestia closed her eyes and didn't open them again. “Twilight, I trust you. You're my best friend and I love you. I hope you know that. However she.. Is the exact opposite of me s-” “I am fully prepared to handle the situation if it gets dark, Princess Celestia. I love you to by the way. Not romantically of course!” Twilight said. The very proud smile Celestia gave Twilight the energy she needed to proceed if Celestia said yes. Twilight got her answer when a magical circle appeared below the both of them. It was gold but then it got smaller in size. The smaller it got the more its color changed and the more it moved under Celestia. Twilight watched in mixed emotion. Was she actually going to do this? Then there was a sudden flash of bright light that blinded Twilight. She rubbed both her eyes and shook it off. When the effects finally worn off Twilight focused on the spot Celestia was. But something was off-- when did the princess have firey hair? Wait. “Hmm, I Actually didn't think she would do it” Daybreaker said. The atmosphere in the room was extremely uncomfortable to be in. Twilight couldn't believe it. Here Daybreaker was in the flesh in front of her. She was a bit taller than Celestia, had scary dragon eyes and that hair. It was amazing that Twilight’s room wasn't on fire. Must have been magic like Celestia's. “Uh.. Hi.. Daybreaker..” Twilight nervously voiced. When Daybreaker looked at Twilight it made her want to run away very far from here. She wouldn't and couldn't do it anyway so there was only one way to go from here. “So you're the infamous Twilight Sparkle I keep hearing about. Why did you want to talk to me?” Daybreaker said sharply. Her tone of voice bled anger that didn't show to be calming down anytime soon. “I.. Wait, infamous? What did I do?!” Daybreaker leaned forward a little bit “You beat my sister before I did. I wanted to do that first! Ungrateful little thing..” Daybreaker replied looking around Twilight’s bedroom. Twilight thought about it for a second then she knew what Daybreaker meant. “You're not getting an apology from me or anyone else involved in that. So you can forget about that” Twilight proclaimed. Daybreaker then stood up and started to walk around Twilight’s room. Thank goodness she didn't leave any burn marks on the floor. As long as Daybreaker didn't start anything she was fine for the most part. “Not getting a apology you say? What makes you think I wanted one. I was just stating a fact, little Twilight Sparkle. Tell me something: how does it feel to be my other half’s little pet?” Daybreaker said while taking a book from Twilight’s stack and opening it. She wasn't impressed by the page she read. “I'm not Princess Celestia's “pet”! If you didn't notice I'm an Alicorn just like her. We're on equal footing” the vigor in Twilight’s reply was enough to get Daybreaker’s attention. “Is that what you actually believe? Don't lie to yourself, young one. It's not good for your heart or mental health” Daybreaker replied. Twilight stared at Daybreaker and didn't have a response. Then a creepy smile appeared on Daybreaker. Then she walked towards Twilight who was still sitting down. Twilight wasn't totally scared but the closer Daybreaker got she was forced to crawl backwards until she hit the wall. Twilight had no choice but to teleport out of the corner. “Hehe I'm not gonna hurt you dear. I'm just having some fun” Daybreaker voiced. She turned around to find Twilight in her bed nervously sweating. “Is-is this a g-game to y-you!” Twilight yelled. Daybreaker grinned. “Are you not the one who's playing with literal fire here, Twilight Sparkle? If anything I'm only giving you what you wished for? However, we both know that if the situation were different you would be fighting for your life right now wouldn't you?” Daybreaker said calmly. Twilight’s heart sank. Yes she knew what she was doing was extremely dangerous and the fact that she had no back up made it worse. “That may be true. But just like the rest you'll taste defeat.” Daybreaker laughed at that and It was horrifying to listen to. Then in a split second Twilight found herself pinned against her bed held down by Daybreaker. To say Twilight’s heart was beating a million times a second would be an understatement. Twilight knew Celestia was strong but this was ridiculous. “So.. What's makes you so sure about that, Princess Of Friendship?” Daybreaker mocked while looking directly down into Twilight’s eyes. The only feeling Twilight saw Daybreaker’s was pure, fiery, rage that was being controlled. The evil grin Daybreaker had did not help either. “You're smart enough to figure that out on your own. Are you not?” Twilight asked boldly. “Oh is this, Princess getting spicy with me? What are you gonna do, Twilight Sparkle hmm?” Daybreaker dared Twilight. Twilight didn't have a way to get out of Daybreaker’s hold. She wouldn't risk actually fighting her either. The “plan” was always a option but that was under heavy restrictions. So Twilight took a deep breath and went with another plan. “I have a couple of questions for you if you're done playing around” Twilight said flatly. Daybreaker’s grin went away real quick and she got off Twilight sucking her teeth. She got up from the bed and went back to Twilight’s bookshelf. “You're no fun. Just ask your stupid questions already” Daybreaker demanded. Twilight didn't question it and proceeded along “Do you and Princess Celestia talk regularly?” Daybreaker didn't bother to turn around to answer the question “The only time that bitch talks to me is when she's desperate to get something done that she can't do herself. Other than that I stay locked up tight in her head.” Twilight tilted her head “Well can you tell me about the moment you two met?” Twilight asked curiously. Daybreaker grabbed “Let's see. It had been in a middle of a nightmare she was having for a straight week. The nightmare had reached its peak which finally gave me the power to actually stop it myself. So I did and you can imagine the shock she went through. Once that wore off we had a nice long conversation about various things. Of course I tried to take over her body but I never thought Celestia would be as strong willed as was during that time. At the end of the night we had a deal that if she couldn't handle something she would let me take over for a while to handle it. I don't think I need to tell you how those times went hehe.” Twilight took it all in. She wasn't able to tell if Daybreaker was lying or not. However the information was viable and interesting to hear. “How many times did Celestia let you out? ” Twilight said calmly. Daybreaker giggled viciously. It made Twilight shiver. “Let's just say.. That your Princess was having a hard time ruling her precious little Equestria alone. Also she was still getting over the whole sending her precious little sister to the moon. Can't really blame her for it though. That's a real hard thing to get over. Before you ask, she always had the willpower to take back control whenever things went too “far” in her opinion.” Twilight didn't know what to say about this. She desperately wanted to call Daybreaker out on lying but she couldn't. That fact was scary. Twilight could press on but she figured Daybreaker wouldn't give her anything else on that road. So Twilight stayed quiet for a bit before asking anything else. “So you're telling me there's readable history of you doing-” “Celestia destroyed all of that herself. Only a few individuals know that I'm actually a thing.” “Including Discord?” Twilight replied. “I still remember his scared little face when he first witnessed Celestia letting me loose. ehehehe--HAHAHAH that was a riot! Discord learned to never push Celestia past her breaking point that night!” Daybreaker excitedly voiced. In a unexpected move Daybreaker teleported right next to Twilight on her bed. Even more unexpected she laid down on Twilight’s pillow totally relaxed. Of course Twilight was uncomfortable with this but it was better than Daybreaker going on a rampage. “Anything else, Twilight Sparkle? I have all day” Twilight shook her head in disgust. Before she could say anything she heard the door open and instantly regretted not locking it. “Hey, Twilight I'm back” Starlight said. Twilight couldn't speak fast enough to tell her to not come in the room. She noticed Princess Celestia but that wasn't her. Daybreaker repositioned herself to show her face to Starlight. “Remember me, Starlight!?” Daybreaker said viciously. Starlight couldn't think straight out of fear. Starlight could feel the anger and fear coming off from Daybreaker. Her bright orange eyes and dragon pupils simply said run in the most daring way. “D-d-daybreaker! What.. Are you.. Doing.. H-here?” Daybreaker stood up and was about to take a step but was stopped by the hand of Twilight. For the first time in a while Twilight had to get really angry “I swear on all of Equestria if you lay even a finger on her I'll make sure you never resurrect again. NOW SIT DOWN, DAYBREAKER!” Twilight yelled so loud that she shook the entire room. Starlight have ever seen Twilight this pissed off. When Twilight turned to her it was almost like Twilight was a completely different person. “Starlight, please step outside. I'm almost done here.” “But Twi-” “I SAID GO, STARLIGHT!” Twilight demanded. Deep in her mind Twilight didn't want to yell at her friends but she had to in this case. Starlight’s response kinda broke Twilight’s heart a little bit “Yes, Princess Twilight.” Starlight stepped outside out of the room. When the door closed left Daybreaker turned to Twilight with a happy grin. “I loved that hehe. The way you gave that order with such passion is almost enough to make me respect you a little bit, Princess. You should throw your power around a lot more. It’ll make you feel better” Daybreaker said. She oh’d when Twilight’s eyes and horn glowed dark for second but was disappointed when Twilight made it stop. “I have to thank you, Daybreaker. I learned a lot today. Now do me a favor and give me back Princess Celestia” Twilight demanded. Daybreaker wasn't impressed by Twilight’s tone. “You seem to forget who you're talking to, Princess need I to remind you?” Daybreaker excitedly replied. That's when she suddenly was being lifted up in the air by Twilight. Something was off about her this time. That's when they made eye contact again. Twilight’s body was glowing dark purple and her magic felt really angry. “Ohhh is that it? That's why you.. Hehehe-- good job, Princess Twilight. How does that power feel?” Twilight smiled “I just needed that little.. Push. I couldn't do it on my own so I called you. That's all you get for now. See you around, “sister” that voice wasn't Twilight Sparkle it was something else. Although, Daybreaker didn't have time to worry about it since she was being forced to switch places with Princess Celestia. Honestly Daybreaker was impressed with whatever this Twilight was. “Let me give you one piece of advice, Twilight Sparkle. Do not let that power corrupt your spirit. Equestria doesn't need three of us running around heh heh.” Twilight didn't reply as she clicked her fingers making Daybreaker disappear for now. She laid Princess Celestia down on her bed. She looked peaceful. Twilight decided to lay down with Celestia until she woke up. “I think it's too late for that, Daybreaker. Don't worry though I'll only use her in desperate times hehe--haha.” With that Twilight drifted off to sleep next to her Princess.