Power of Love!

by Inactive Pone

Chapter 13: All For Love!

Merely over two weeks ago, Equestria was in near total disaster.

Now, with their new recruit, the ponies began to fight back.

The allies’ liberation of Canterlot had been a resounding success. Not only was the capital successfully taken back, they also freed and teamed up with Ally- The source of Changeling power in this war. Without it, the Changelings fell weak and desperate, completely open to attack. This was the perfect time for the group to sweep the entire nation, purifying changelings by giving them warmth, realisation and care through sharing love.

In days, Equestria was rid of the hostile race. The reformed changelings turned to a new leader in hopes of turning over a new leaf, making the Changeling Kingdom led by King Thorax much more supported. It also got the approval of the neighbouring tribes, too- Who realised his rule as the sole legitimate Changeling race once more, further securing the support and ties with them.

Yet, even after all of this, Chrysalis was still a looming threat.

When the group was finishing up their liberation conquest, Thorax sent Celestia a request. Long have he wanted to finally put the civil war of changelings to rest, so that his counterpart can never again threaten his pony allies. It was a declaration of a joint war, and the ponies have been invited into the ring. Eventually, the other powers also found out, and while not directly taking part, they all urged her to accept the request. For what the Queen has done to Equestria and the fear sent by said invasion to even their own people, as allies, they wanted her torn and broken apart.

Celestia approached Twilight and Arle about the idea.

“This is a golden opportunity!” Twilight exclaimed, “With the power we have now, we can finally banish her!”

“Are you sure? We don’t want you all throwing yourselves into a battle you’re unsure about.”

“We’ve had our fair share of adventuring experiences,” Arle pointed out. “We know what to expect, and we will win this fight. But, I do have a thought in mind.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked.

“Ally told me again Chrysalis’ intension for these invasions, especially this one. She has been clouded by revenge on you all for so long, that my friend thinks if we are willing to show we are not the enemy, and we can co-exist.... Perhaps we can just hug it out? Maybe?”

Celestia tilted her head. “I’m not so sure, giving our previous experiences.”

“Wait, Celestia,” Twilight said, “Maybe she’s right. They may have started it, but back then they were naive and clueless. They were led astray by Chrysalis. But ever since Starlight taught them the art of sharing love, we see that they can be like us, completely normal. Being the leader, Chrysalis must have had a hard time submitting to ideas she doesn’t like. She’s stubborn, especially about us- Because when she sees us, she thinks of nothing but vengeance.”

Arle nodded. “We have to make her see that we are not her enemy and we want the best for her subjects too. We fight, not because we want to destroy her, but we fight because we know she can be someone better, someone who has a chance to change. If she knew how we have ever since gave the reformed changelings such a splendid life filled with love of which they so needed, perhaps she’ll have a change of heart.”

Celestia found no reason to disagree with that, even after they’ve tried it once.

“That’s a good point,” She commented, “I do too, wish to put our hostility toward the changelings to an actual end. It’s now a battle of vengeance for Chrysalis, and we need to help her out of the mindset because we’re trying to find a way that we can co-exist peacefully in Equestria.”

“So that’s our Plan?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, that will be the plan,” Celestia nodded. “Fight with the nation’s best interest at heart- And unless necessary, set aside your hostility with her and resist defeating her.”

I would say kill but Celestia would not say that.

And so it was decided. Now at last, the decisive battle between the two factions had finally, finally come. For the first time in Equestrian History, the ponies held the attackers side of the fight against Chrysalis and her horde.

Just before dawn, the royal guard, now with the pony-Puyo allies, have been busy setting up their first strike on the shore facing the former Storm King Realm, which was a big island not too far out in the ocean. Thanks to Ecolo they got there swiftly through a portal. The land crew set out with Arle, Raffina and Twilight leading the way as they froze the water in a straight line, creating a slippery, But very firm path for them to cross over quickly. Meanwhile, the Pegasi soldiers took flight while the sun slowly dawned from the horizon.

They flew the air as silently as they could through the early morning fog. Luna, who was leading them, used her magic to detect any invisible barriers, in fear of flying into anti-magic territory, which can very well destroy their plan. But somehow, it was an open door- No forcefield, and no barriers. She excitedly told the army to get into a formation to transfer a signal that the coast was clear. Celestia intercepted the message and raised the sun for visibility. When it came out, they got their signal, and the battle began.

The pegasai had a simple job- Knocking out the changelings at the border as quickly as possible. The more they pick off, the easier the ground crew’s job will be. They struggle at first, but Luna did a wonderful job holding her ground, and Celestia flew in immediately to join the fight once she finished positioning the sun.

Minutes later, the rest of the army finally got through, with their secret weapon in hoof- Puyo magic. With eleven players, some were heavily protected as they were in charge of sending everyone magic to power them up. Some others took part in the fighting and even led some of the squads of the royal guard. The allies pushed hard against the Changeling army, though proven to be difficult, but if they’re ever going to rid the tyranny of Queen Chrysalis out of Equestria, this was the one and only chance they’ll come close to it, and they’re going to penetrate whatever she sends out with everything they had.

It wasn’t long until Ally came into very, very good use in this battle. When Changelings started becoming dizzy and tired, Ally used her magic and power of love to purify them by sharing it, turning her enemies into allies. It was also around this time King Thorax led the new changelings from high above into the fight, aiding the side of the ponies. The newly reformed changelings switched sides, too- So it feels like the more Chrysalis tried to attack, the more she is weakening herself. But it was one chaotic operation of counter-moves, deception and betrayal as changelings left and right tried to disguise as each other, making it impossible to tell who is who in the fighting.

However, despite this, the allies tried to hold themselves together. And somehow, they did. After about an exhausting hour, the path right into the castle was left undefended.

“Now’s your chance!” Twilight yelled across the battlefield.

The first to pick up on the news was Draco. “Harpy!! Where are you!?”

After a couple, but maybe one too many more alerts by Twilight, Harpy finally picked up and gave everyone the signal. She sang like there’s no tomorrow, and every Puyo player on the field responded to gather up arms and infiltrate the castle as the allied forces continue to fight.


The second they enter Ecolo felt a strange presence. He used a spell to dispel all transformed changelings. Turns out, there were heaps of them disguised as changelings, who fell to the ground. They tried to attack him.


Ally swooped over and fired love hearts all around as she purified the incoming changelings. Then more of them joined the scene. Raffina dashed out.

”Static Shock!”

She kicked one into a group, sending a string of electric shock through them. They scramble up the staircases to try and find the throne room. The sooner they find it, the sooner they can end everything and go back home. Precisely, they’re not worried about the latter, but they are worried for Equestria and their friends’ safety, after all.

There were a couple of interferences, but they were so easy to deal with and throw out of the window back into the hellhole of the war they never bothered, even though the changelings can shapeshift. The moment they got to the throne room, they were so eager for their attack that they bursted open the door immediately after everyone got there.


That was a laser spell.

The crew was sent flying, some even breaking past the wall behind them in the hallway into another. When the smoke cleared, Chrysalis was seen on her throne, laughing hysterically.

“I can’t believe you all fell for that!” She laughed.

Schezo was furious. He dashed right at her, jumped high and was about to chop away her head. However, she fired just a tiny bit of magic and nearly broke him through the roof.

“What the-“

Lemres was next.

”Cream Pies!”

But this time, Chrysalis manipulated and derailed the attack to hit Lemres in the face. Harpy and Arle’s combo attack were next.

”Have an Enco- AHHH!”

Harpy was tackled and had her mouth shut with goop by another Changeling before she could make her move. Without the distraction, Arle, even with Carbuncle helping her with more magic, can’t attack with her fireball spell. Once again her attack was derailed, and sent her flying.

“Arle!” Ally cried. “Schezo! Lemres! Harpy!”

She ran over. Chrysalis fired a shot that was just an inch away from hitting her, had she not dove out of the way. She couldn’t bear to see her friends get beat up so pathetically by the tyrant she had worked for. The Queen noticed who she was firing at and growled.

“You fiend!”

Ally stepped up to face the Queen.

“You know, I treat those who betray the hive very, very viciously. And now... You’ll know just how it’s like.”

She fired.

”All For Love!”

Ally put her hands out, touching the glowing ball of magic that was about to hit her. In a flash, she felt her hands grabbing on, and she threw the projectile back at her. A massive explosion followed, but somehow not big enough to blast the wall open like Chrysalis did just now.

“Go!” Ally said.

Amitie And Ringo rushed out. The group started their improvised battle plan.



They blind and confuse her at once, leaving her prone to attack. But she was ready and called for backup before either of the two could lay a hit on her. Storm troops, who are actually changelings, marched out to deliver a major blow to the girls. They knew she would do something like this, and so they’ve come prepared.


Draco scorches up the battle scene. But somehow, the changelings didn’t budge.

“What!?” She exclaimed before getting impaled by magic.

Seeing the situation unnerving, Feli charged in as soon as the flames died out. Raffina helped her ready herself for an attack and covered her.


She roundhouse kicked one of the troops, ready to send it into the bunch and initiate an explosion. But before she could, she was already blocked and countered. Chrysalis fired at Feli before she could make the shot.

“Got you,” Feli said, charging an attack. ”Reformation!”

She reversed all the damage Chrysalis had done to her group. Back on their feet, the group continued their fight against the changelings and Chrysalis herself.

“Why are these things so strong!?” Schezo groaned.

“I have no idea!” Arle yelled.

Oh, I don’t know, because I made them to be?

Ecolo popped his head in from behind. “She’s much stronger now! She must have absorbed all of the remaining magic from Ally when we fought Thorax!”

OH WHAT THE- Ugh, I’m going to shut up.

The group had to continue fighting. Once more they land attacks one after the other. After about ten minutes the allies finally got the hang of pushing back the troops. But at the same time, Chrysalis found out what they’ve been doing behind her back- Just outside the throne room, Ecolo was stacking up Puyos along with Carby who has decided to fall back as well. They were bringing magic into the fight for the allies.

If she could kill their game, she will win.

So Chrysalis made a mad dash for the hallway. Everyone tried to stop her, but the Queen resisted brutally, flinging all her enemies to the walls and ceiling. When Ecolo realized, it was too late- Chrysalis punched him in the face without giving him time to react. His focus was disrupted and in the confusion, he killed his game and had to wait before he could set up another board. Carby had the same fate. Without their powers, the two were easily beatable.

They all lost their powers and were ready to manually start popping Puyos, but Chrysalis allowed no chance for them to do that- She fired a blast that cut off their focus, and destroyed all their virtual boards. Everyone fell to the floor because of the blast impact.

“You all think this would be so easy,” Chrysalis giggled, slowly turning into an uproar of laughter. “You underestimate someone who has risen back up time and time again. This war is far from being over in your favor, because you simply cannot defeat me no matter how hard you try.”

A tear rolled down Ally’s eye.

“Your biggest weapon against me...” She teased, chuckling, “You got it back too late. I’ve already amassed huge power from you little fellow. Your love gave me such strength and power... It was absolutely phenomenal, what you can help me accomplish. Here I am, about to suck away the love of all of you for myself. And with those extraordinary powers you have... You shall tell me the ways and heed under my command.”


She opened her mouth wide. Strands of magic seeped out of everyone, leaving them screaming in pain. The Queen took it all- She drained their powers to the absolute core. When she was done, she licked her lips before speaking.

“I can see the looks of your faces,” She said, unamused. “Looks like you all still don’t understand.”

With her enhanced magic, she fired a blast that could kill everyone at once.

”Brave Heart!”


“*gasp* Ally!” Arle cried.

Ally got up in front of everyone, defending them with a giant heart forcefield. She struggled and was screaming in exhaustion. Everyone gasped at her courage- They would use this time to attack, but she was the only one with her powers intact, and all they could do was give her the encouragement she needed to push on.

“What!?” Chrysalis roared, gritting her teeth.

Ally tried to smile, despite being tired. “You didn’t get my powers, Chrysalis.”

“How!? I obtained all of it before you were saved!”

She powered up her attack. Ally yelped.

“Equestria has done nothing but to tear my tribe apart, and they will pay by getting the same done to them! And you... All of you... I will abolish all that tries to stand against me. Your love will be mine. If you really wanted to keep your powers, you should’ve left and never returned here. But now... You can see, love has only made me stronger and more powerful, and you still believe it is your winning key.”

The beam was getting closer and closer, the forcefield starting to break from the incoming force. Sweat rolled down Ally’s cheeks and her back as she struggled to keep the shield intact.

“Come on! Harder!” Schezo shouted.

“You can do it!” Draco cheered.

“We shall reign victorious~~!” Harpy cheered on.

Arle touched Ally’s shoulder. “We’re all with you, Ally!”

The group was chanting her name and yelled out words of encouragement to her. Ally couldn’t give up- Her friends were all behind her, supporting her, even after everything she had put them through... She felt a sense of great power. Their friendship started to combine with her unique powers of of love. With that boost to her magic, she soon held the line and stopped the attack from advancing, albeit with immense strength.

“We won’t give up...”

Ally muttered under her breath.

“No matter how many times you think you can return to harm my allies, we will always be here to stop your plea. You have put this world under your tribe’s terror long enough. And you know what? Your powers aren’t love. You all, with broken, empty hearts, don’t actually have the power I possess. You take it away, but do you really understand it? No. You blindly take advantage of love’s power, but you will never know just what you can achieve with it, you’ll never look on what good it can do to all of us, but only yourself.”

Faintly, the group heard the cheers of ponies rejoicing. They must have won their fight.

“We aren’t your enemy, Chrysalis. We’re here to show you how magical love really is. That’s all we’re trying to do. Love takes more than just one person, and if your tribe isn’t willing to share that power, then how is it love? Don’t you see? Love goes beyond yourself. It affects others too. It’s a friendly connection between everyone. And all we wanted was to let your tribe understand that. Look at how well the Changelings flourished under King Thorax. They’re all happy and carefree, filled with actual love that they can get without harming anyone. They can do it, so can you.”

Ally’s passionate words fuelled her with power. With it, she repaired the forcefield and even pushed back.

“*grunts* You all don’t understand...” Chrysalis groaned, trying to attack. “They have done nothing but to banish me out of existence... They want me gone... They destroyed my everything... You call that spreading harmony?”

“What they have done was to teach you harmony. You can compromise and you all can just... You know, hug it out. Why all the fighting? Because you never learn.”

“Shut up!!”

The Queen wanted to put in all she had left. But Ally, amazingly, got it under control.

“If you embrace that power, you’ll come to know all we’ve done is for the better. You’re the one devoid of it yourself. That’s why, even with what you envision as the power of love, you still can’t beat me- I have it’s true potential. I love my friends... my allies... This world brimming with hope and harmony and love... This passion of mine, to protect them, to protect all I hold so dear...”

She let out a big smile.

“That’s what the Power of Love is about!”

Suddenly, Ally’s magic overpowered Chrysalis.


A heart materialised within the thickened forcefield. Ally pointed at Chrysalis, with a wink and in excitement.

”Now, my friend! Let’s fall in love!”


Chrysalis was knocked back as the giant heart shot out of the forcefield, and proceeded to stun her with purifying magic. She went dizzy for a second, feeling her powers slip away. The crew managed to get their mojo back, their powers restored. The Queen could only lie on the floor and watch as her magic disintegrated, giving her the clear message she had utterly lost. Any more fighting now and she will only be hurting herself.

“I... I’m the one devoid of love?” Chrysalis asked.

Ally, to everyone’s horror, stepped close and crouched to face her.

“No one wants to fight with you. Not me, not my friends, not the ponies. You know? Time and time again, you may have risen back up, but they will prevail and they will always win, no matter what you do. You may have their power, but like I said- You can never use it to the fullest. You wanted the best for your subjects, and what they need is love. Well... The ponies have plenty of that to give. You just need to accept that.”


“You have to move on, your Highness. Revenge wouldn’t get you anywhere. You are only hurting yourself. *sigh* I once knew someone like you. She’s...” Ally looked at the pendant around her neck. “She’s special. She did not understand what love truly was. She wanted my powers, too- She needed it to survive, to continue existing, just like you all. She almost succeeded, but my friends saved me with the same power I used today. Yet, in time, I- No, both of us, learnt to understand each other, and I was able to show her how wonderful love really was. You see, I never hated her. I loved her, even- She’s a part of me, my counterpart. Aren’t you and the ponies in the exact situation? You all share the world together, those who strive for harmony and the ones that don’t. But just because you’re different, doesn’t mean you are enemies.”

Unknown to Ally, when she spoke those words, Rafisol, the spirit in her pendant, was listening to all she said.

“It’s how things are, we’re all so different. But love drew everyone together. And I’m certain the ponies would not object to your tribe to be a part of the family. They would want to solve it in peace- And they learnt to love their enemies. With that, and in time, enemies can become friends, too. After all you’ve been through... Isn’t love and respect what you want the most?”

Ally offered a hand. Chrysalis didn’t seem to want to take it, shaking her head. But when she tried to set aside her hatred for the ponies and actually thought about it, she couldn’t deny- All she wanted really was just respect from everycreature, wishing for them to treat her own tribe not as an enemy. They didn’t have to be friends, but she just wanted everyone to stop shutting her out. And Ally’s right- She wanted her people to be happy. If her subjects are happy with Thorax, then she would be satisfied, wouldn’t she? Her tribe is getting the love they want- And it is genuine, warming love, not stolen love, making them even happier and more satisfied.

For so long she has forgotten what actual love feels like. Now, Ally reminded her of that.

Chrysalis finally gave in and took her hand. Ally helped the Changeling up, smiling.

My readers will kill me if I reform her, so... Heck no!

A sudden shot of pain invaded Chrysalis’ head. She dropped to the floor.


“What’s happening?” Arle came over, just as worried.

“*groaning* I-I... What is h-happening t-to..” She grunted, trying to ignore the pain. Then, her eyes showed a pure white. ”I will not forgive the ponies.”

Everyone gasped. Chrysalis fired at will, knocking the two back to the group. Ally’s pendant was about to crack.

“*gasp* Ughh! What am I-“ She couldn’t finish her words. ”You all will die along with them, shall you oppose me.”

No one dared say a word. A second ago, Chrysalis was fine- Now, she has gone insane again. What is happening to her?

Whatever the case, she fired at will, aiming for Ally.


“I won’t let you...!”

“I need her!”



Out of nowhere, the group was saved yet again. When the smoke cleared, someone appeared in front of them, holding her hand out, like she had just countered Chrysalis’ attack. She looked similar to Ally, but with sharper hair and her dress had sharping trimmings in comparison to her.

Ally looked at her pendant- Now broken. She knew who it was.


She didn’t even look back to respond. All she did was prepare for another spell before her foe can counter attack.


A mini tornado was sent towards the Queen, blasting her to the wall. The crew took this chance to attack while she was stunned.



Chrysalis suffered two hard blows before having a chance to get up and get her thoughts straight. Fearing a retaliation, Schezo, Lemres and Harpy pinned her down with their own spells, confusing, blinding, all in between.

“Aren’t you attacking?”

Rafisol said flatly to Ally, levitating in mid-air. Ally nodded.

”Melody scale!”

The magic of music reached Chrysalis’ ears and stunned her. While everyone else kept attacking and stunning her, the two awkwardly looked at each other, confused.

“How did you...?”

Rafisol turned away. “None of your business.”

“Oh... So wait, you’re on our side? Why? I thought you...”

“Because...” She gulped, ”Because I need you...”

“*hmphs* Because I’m the one who wants your power, and I’m not letting her get it.”

Ally was puzzled. “Okay, I guess...”

“Ugh, do you want to go home or not? I’m doing you a favor here and you should be glad you didn’t get killed.”

“Hmph, Fine,” Ally said bluntly, which was new territory for her.

At that moment Chrysalis got herself free of the allies pinning her down. She marched towards the two.

”So this is who you’re talking about. Your frenemy.”

Rafisol blushed. Ally noticed this and was confused, until a shot from Chrysalis snapped her focus back into place. She barely deflected it. Rafisol pounced on her mistake and fired flares of magic. She kept spinning, throwing her projectiles as she went. Soon, Ally saw an opportunity.

”Star Rain!”

She summoned a shower of stars to attack, diverting her attention.

”Ice Storm!”

Arle hit Chrysalis with a frozen blast. Raffina jumped in to kick her right to the wall.

“Everyone, get out!”

Rafisol charged her magic.


They all retreated as told. Before Chrysalis could find out what is going on, the magical girl already readied her big move.



She was sent flying out the castle, the blast breaking down the entire wall behind her. Meanwhile, Twilight and the others was still in the process of evacuating the reformed changelings when they heard the explosion, turned, and saw the big bug about to crash land right into the battlefield.

“Incoming!!!!” Pinkie panicked and notified everyone.


After directing the changelings away, Twilight and the others gathered up to check if Chrysalis was dead from the fall or not. The creature opened her eyes, and faintly saw the faces of those who she hated. She immediately sprang up and hissed at them, ready to fire. But before she could, Rafisol plopped down on the ground, levitated herself, then put a forcefield up, defending the attack with hardly any effort.

“Are you with them?” Twilight asked, seeing as she has never met Rafisol.

“You can say that, or maybe not.”

Chrysalis stopped firing and charged for them instead.


Rafisol initiated a huge shockwave, knocking everyone within ten meters of her range far away. Chrysalis was about to attack once more before Twilight, unexpectedly, darted over to use magic and chain her up along with Celestia and Luna. Chrysalis struggled as the three alicorns hover up high, keeping the grip on her secure. Soon, Twilight’s friends, the royal guard and the Puyo crew all surround her from all sides. Every Puyo member had their attacks lock and loaded, ready to beat the living skull out of her.

“Surrender at once!” Celestia demanded.

“We have every Changeling off this island. We will keep you here, trapped for all eternity if you so please!” Luna added.

Twilight tightened her grip. “You can defect to our side and change. We are giving you one last chance- You take it, or leave us no choice!”

Chrysalis had nothing more to give. Here, she’s trapped- Surrounded and on her own, like how she always was before Ally came. Ally was going to remind Chrysalis of what was most important, and persuade her once more to join them. But Rafisol did not like that idea at all, and halted her. She could only mouth the words, ”The decision is yours!”

The Queen stayed stagnant for a while. Seeing the situation becoming tense, the group already knew what her reply was going to be. Guards started leaving, knowing it’s a ‘no’.


Celestia had herself on full focus, praying for her to make the right decision.

“Very well.”

Everyone gave a sigh of relief.


”I refuse,” She repeated.

Twilight gasped. “What? You...”


Chrysalis broke out of her chains. The ponies fled quickly as Ecolo already spawned them the portal to go straight back to Canterlot. Everyone left, except Ally. She took one look at the poor villain, in utter pain from her fury and hatred.

“Come on!” Rafisol yelled.


“I don’t know why either. But Ally, we have to go!”

Ally let a tear shed out from her eye, and jumped in the portal. It closed, and the princesses stayed behind to deal with the Queen. They flew up high to prepare themselves for the spell that will win them the war.

“Twilight, are you sure you can do this?” Luna asked. “It’s a very tiring spell- Only Celestia and I have ever done a spell like this.”

“Yes, when you faced Sombra. But the more the better- We need her locked there, never to threaten us again. Right, Celestia?”

“Right,” She said. Then she sighed. “Honestly, I did not want it to come down to this. But this is the only way we can end this safely.”

Twilight comforted her mentor. “Sometimes people just never know to let go.”

The princesses all charged up their magic, fired at the same spot in mid air, and in seconds, a magical dome was visible around the island, held together by a giant lock the spot where the Alicorn magic was focussed at, in mid air.

Now, Chrysalis could never again threaten Equestria.

While the intended result of purifying her didn’t happen, the main goal of the ponies was achieved.

They had won, and the War was over.