//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Wings of The Swarm // Story: Power of Love! // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// “What’s this for?” Arle asked Twilight. “Since you’re going to Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash, you’re going to need a few useful spells cast on you.” After the raid of Ponyville and the allies’ triumph, they all took some time to rest and discuss plans for what they should do next. Three more members were still out in the open, waiting for the allies to recruit them and confirm they aren’t a threat to the Ponies. Ultimately they decided to make use of the new friends they’ve recruited in their expeditions, bringing them along for an extra line of defense if things don’t go their way. It would also make way for better negotiating with their allies if needed, as some have a connection with each other. Their next target was Cloudsdale- And Dash cannot say no to that. “When you are on Cloudsdale,” Twilight explained, “The floor is made out of fluffy, but fragile clouds. It is designed for Pegasi to walk around on, so you’ll have to be put under a spell for you too to have this ability. Don’t worry, it’s not high enough to the point you can’t breathe, so you should be fine.” To prove this point, Rainbow already carried over a cloud from high up, as they were already outside and ready to go. Arle stepped on the cloud without sinking. “It sure works!” Arle gave a thumbs up. “I wonder if I step on a Puyo like this, will it engulf me?” Twilight shrugged. “The spell doesn’t last forever. I’ve prepared for the worst and gave the spell a few hours to work with. You should be fine, right?” “Oh, totally fine,” Dash said, “You know me, Twilight!” Before they set off, someone called with a loud voice that almost deafened them. “Heeeeeeeeey~!” Harpy called. After realizing what she did she covered her mouth. “Sorry!” “Wh-What is it...?” Arle asked, feeling dizzy. “Can I come with guys? Pleeeeeeeease~?” “You haven’t found a partner?” “No...” Harpy twiddled her fingers. “Fine,” Dash replied, waving a hoof. “But if you deafen my ears again I am throwing you off the clouds.” “She can fly,” Arle clarified, before getting tackled by an overly excited Harpy. “Waaaaah! *chuckles* Okay! Okay! We’re glad to have you come with us, Harpy.” The two got up, sharing a giggle. “Oh, and by the way, Rainbow,” Twilight said, “Arle can’t fly. And don’t even try to just carry her up with a cloud, I don’t want her to accidentally fall.” “What!?” She moaned. “But the hot air balloon ride takes so long!!” “Nope! I am not trying to carry her up!” Harpy shook her hands. “I don’t want to drop her!” Not too long after, Arle and Harpy hop aboard the hot air balloon to get to Cloudsdale while Rainbow was up there explaining the situation to some ponies she knew well, specifically, the Wonderbolts. Harpy could fly up too but she did not want her friend to be alone, so she followed her anyhow. The ride gave Arle and Carbuncle a bird’s eye view of the town below them. “Wow...” Arle said, admiring the view. “So this is what it feels like to be in the air all the time?” Harpy shrugged. “I’m not always up in the air, but I get what you mean.” Once they’ve risen above the clouds, the trio can see Cloudsdale not too far away. Then, two members of the wonderbolts came over. Turns out, they were working on border control. After the changeling invasion had been heard of, they’ve been securing Cloudsdale perimeters to make sure changelings are discovered and taken down on the spot if any tried waltz past security. Would be a huge problem if any did. Luckily, thanks to Rainbow giving her team members a heads up, Arle and her friends were allowed right in with hardly any additional trouble besides identification. They flew in via the hot air balloon and landed just near the runway, where the Wonderbolts were just finishing up practice. They stepped off on solid ground, so there was no trouble of falling through the clouds, just be safe. “Took you all long enough,” Rainbow joked, waving to them. “It’s not my fault I can’t fly,” Arle shrugged. “So I’m guessing you got them to let us through?” “Well, how can you stop efforts on trying to save Equestria, miss?” A voice came from behind. Rainbow stepped aside to reveal Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts. She took off her shades and walked over. “The name’s Spitfire,” She said, “Crash right here told me a lot about you all.” Harpy spat out a small giggle. “Uhm, ‘Crash’?” Rainbow rolled her eyes and nudged her. “Don’t call me that in front of them!” “Right, right. So, Miss Arle...” “‘Miss’ isn’t necessary.” “Alright. So, *clears throat* Dash told me you’re here for something- I mean, someone.” “Gugu,” Carby nodded. Arle showed Spitfire another report. The picture this time showed a green-haired dragon hybrid, with all the traits- Wings, horns, tail, you name it. “Draco Centauros,” Arle said. “We’ve been told she came here.” “Ah, yes,” Spitfire nodded. “It was me who sent the Princess that we’ve seen her. It’s complicated, really. We had her kept within our grounds since we spotted her in Cloudsdale. Truth be told, we’ve mistaken her for an actual dragon who had flown into our place by accident. Ever since the changeling invasion began, we’ve had strict protection along the borders, even to Equestria’s allies, so we were originally going to keep her locked for trespassing.” “I couldn’t blame her,” Arle replied. “She gets cranky when she doesn’t know what’s going on and when things don’t really go her way.” “But not to worry, because she’s technically not a dragon. She explained to me and the others herself she’s not of this world, and the fact she’s here is a complete accident. We decided to keep her on watch after I reported this to the Princess, who responded with the fact you were recruiting such people recently, and we should keep her safe.” “Gugugu gugugugu?” “So where is she now?” Rainbow cut in. “She’s at the Wonderbolt Academy. At least, that’s where I saw her earlier when I was there with Spitfire.” “Well, no time like the present!” Harpy smiled, “Let’s go~!” They waited for quite a while in an interrogation-style room before hearing the signs that she was coming. “Look, I’ve told you all, I’m not your enemy at all!” “We know, Miss. We just had to make sure, and we did.” “Then what’s with you all being so secretive?” The door opened and Draco came in. Her expression immediately changed from an annoyed look to a surprised one. “Draco!” Arle waved to her. “Ooooooookay!” She let out a sigh of relief. “I see what they meant by ‘Someone wants to see me’ now.” The door closed behind her, leaving the group alone. “Let’s cut to the chase,” Rainbow said. She then proceeded to introduce herself quickly, then said, “You got questions or something?” “Yes, a lot,” Draco said, a bit annoyed. “Firstly, they are your colleagues or somethin’? Psssh, they locked me up until I explained the situation to them.” “I’d like to interrupt,” Arle said, “There’s a reason for that. But first, there’s a lot of backstories you need to know about. Rainbow?” And the explanation followed. “Aaaaaaaaaand now the Changelings are trying to conquer Equestria.” “What we’re trying to say is that their stricter border controls must’ve denied any outside access of po- I mean, creatures, from entry. Sooooooo Yeah,” Harpy continued. “Ahhhhh, that definitely makes much more sense,” Draco nodded. “So, what now?” “Well, Draco,” Arle said, glancing at Harpy. “I bet you kinda get where this is going since I’m here, Harpy is here, we’re in a whole other world with a giant threat...” Silence. Carbuncle faceplants himself on Arle’s head with a “Gugu...” And then Draco finally caught on. "Adventure!" She pumped her fists in the air. "Yeah it is!" Harpy celebrated. "Now come on and let's go~!" They left in a hurry. Arle and Rainbow just shrug at each other. But the moment they made their exit and were going back from where they came, all seemed far too quiet for them to think they can safely get back down. "This doesn't feel right," Arle said, seeing no one was on the runway. Suddenly, they saw the hot air balloon they took to get up here- The balloon was draped across the floor. "Well, we're going to have to find another way," Rainbow said. "I'll be right back, going to go gather some clouds for you all to get back down no prob." Seconds after she took flight, she immediately regretted it and came back. "What's the matter?" Draco asked. "That's the matter!" Rainbow pointed to the sky- Changelings were infiltrating the place. No one had any idea why the Wonderbolts somehow did not catch them before they got in, but now that they're in, they needed to do absolutely everything to keep them from landing, or else they're toasted. “New plan?” Arle asked. “Yuuuuuup.” The timing could not have been better- The Wonderbolts just showed up. “We need them out of this place ASAP,” Spitfire commanded. “Crash, take your friends with you.” “Will do, but I have to get you all to cover me while I get massive clouds to get them back down.” She gave a nod and they bolted right into action. “Stay. We’ll take care of this!” Rainbow did not want to miss out and flew off right away. The rest of the group stayed near the runway. "Shouldn't we maybe help them, though?" Harpy questioned. "We'll see how things turn out first," Arle replied. Five minutes of quiet, but still an enthralling wait, Rainbow came over with a relatively massive fluffy cloud. It was big enough to hold them all. The group stepped on the cloud. "Careful up here," Rainbow warned, "We're getting out of here pronto!" As soon they all get into a comfortable and safe position, Rainbow got her friend Sorin over, and started pushing away the cloud off. The moment the cloud left home territory, the changelings took notice. They had to stop its advance at all costs- They will not allow another member to get recruited by the allies safely. "Gugugu!" "We've got company!" Arle panicked. Rainbow nodded, and the two were going faster. "Tell Twilight to get over here!" As Harpy was too busy rubbing her face all over the squishy, but firm cloud, Arle rolled her eyes and picked up her transmitter. "Twilight, come now!" "Chased?" "Yes!" "Will do! Hang in there!" The group had to go in circles for a while- Until Twilight and her friends come to take the cloud down safely with magic, they can't get down- And now, they additionally need to outrun the chasing horde. Despite the two Pegasi's full strength, it was only a matter of time before they would naturally slow down. The changelings, however, managed to catch up. "Why are they not tired yet!?" Rainbow moaned. Draco, seeing the situation becoming tense, wore an excited smile. "Well I guess we're doing it the more exciting way!" She said, flames bursting from her hands. She set up her puyo board immediately to fire the artillery. "Got an idea," Arle winked. "Let me attack first." Draco nodded after setting off her chain. Arle quickly completed hers. "Ice Storm!" With impressive accuracy, every frozen projectile hit a changeling, freezing them in mid-air. By then, Draco was ready. "Inferno!" She raised her hands and threw them back down to summon a shower of fireballs. The blazing heat melting the frostbite of their foes dealt more damage to the horde, disrupting their focus. But, what they don't realize is that changelings were right underneath their feet, ready to ambush them. They poked their hooves through the cloud and grabbed Draco's feet without anyone realizing. "Gaaaaah!" "Draco?" Arle said, realizing what's going on. "She disappeared!" It was a shame- Twilight just came to the rescue to bring the cloud down. "Twi!" Rainbow called to her, "They're getting away!" "What? We need her back here right now!" Harpy, being the only other one who can fly, leaped off without thinking. "I'm on it! You all get down!" As an angel, Harpy flew with haste and caught up to the two changelings, who have turned to pegasi for better grip on the now struggling Draco. "Let go of me!" Draco yelled. The struggling gave time for Harpy to find her. "Hey, you meanies!" She shouted. The moment the changelings turned to look, Draco pounced on the distraction to fling herself upward, barely enough to hit them with her feet. That paired with Harpy's attack with her music, stunning them and letting them fall to their doom. Harpy reached out a hand to grab her friend. "Thanks!" "You can fly too...?" "Oh, right, haha!" Draco flapped her wings. "I'm just thanking you for the rescue." "You're welcome!" They quickly flew back down on the ground to meet with the rest of the group. Puyo Fanatic Draco Centauros has Joined the Party **Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Castle.** Ally looked out of her new room window- Now that the situation is becoming nonetheless tense, she was sent by Chrysalis to the Changelings' main base for better protection. However, all she could see outside was chaos- As unconscious, love-drained ponies draped across the streets. Changelings roamed- and they were terrifying. She sighed at the hopeless sight. A world brimming with hope and love, all taken away because of her. If only I can go free... She thought. If she never got caught, this place would be fine and well. But now that she knew the Puyo Crew have somehow showed up, she knew they're coming to save her. She would be free very soon. But until then, she could only wait. Today was a rather interesting day for Ally- As she looked outside, observing Canterlot, a pendant she wore around her neck was glowing. "Wh-Huh? What... What is this?" She touched the purple crystal resting in it. Ally... "Huh?" I'm worried... "Who's that?" Eh? What? You can hear me? "Rafisol? Wh-Where are you? I thought I-" The pendant. Why can you hear me? "I... I don't know..." What are you up to now, Ally? Ally heard a knock on the door. "Okay, I don't know what's happening, but please don't scare me like that next time!" Oh, sure I will. "Please? Please don't? Not now, I'm already worried sick of my safety since like, two weeks ago! *hmph* I need to go." Fine. I'll talk again later, okay?