//------------------------------// // Part 4 // Story: A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship // by Secret_Shadows //------------------------------// A Sweetie Lesson In Friendship Part IV The next day came, Sweetie Belle woke early this time fully intending to go to school. "Sweetie please try to stay at school today, you can't be missing this much school, its not good for you." Rarity said "Ok sis, I'll try!" Sweetie said, she felt better today than she had in the past few days because Apple Bloom was her friend again, and that was a major moral boost. There was a knock on the door was Sweetie got her school supplies ready. The door opened revealing Apple Bloom. "Ready to go Sweetie?" Apple Bloom said, she was smiling, it was going to be a good day, and she was sure to make it happen. "Yep! lets go!" Sweetie said with equal enthusiasm. The walk to the school ground was uneventful to say the least. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle barely talked to each other on the walk to school however when they reached the school grounds the entire situation changed. Scootaloo was on the far side of the school yard standing alone leaning against the school house when she saw Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom walk into school together. "Why that back stabbing little" Scootaloo mumbled to herself, she walked over to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and started talking. "Hey guys I.." She was cut off when Sweetie turned her head, gave a high pitched "Humph" and started walking away, Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo with great guilt for just a moment, then followed Sweetie. Scootaloo was instantly enraged by Apple Bloom's actions, she knew exactly what had transpired. 'She told Sweetie that it was all me!' Scootaloo thought to herself, she just stood there, watching the two walk away, Apple Bloom looked back at Scootaloo for a split second while walking away, as if to ponder her own actions, but quickly turned back and continued walking. 'Well if that's how she is going to play it, I'll have to tell everyone what she did' she thought. And with that Scootaloo made her way to a group of fillies standing by the school house, she began a conversation about Sweetie as soon as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom walked past. "Well I may have told everyone about her little dress escapade, but it was Apple Bloom who told everyone about her and Shadow Fire" Scootaloo said in a loud obvious tone. Sweetie stopped in her tracks and turned to Apple Bloom. "Di...did you...lie to me?" Sweetie said to Apple Bloom, she looked as if she was about to cry again after being betrayed by her friend, again. "Sweetie I....I didn't want you to....I didn't know how" Apple Bloom said stuttering for an answer, she knew she was caught, she knew Sweetie saw right through her lie, the little sister of the element of honesty wasn't being very honest. "I...I can't believe you did it to me again!" Sweetie said, she stepped back from Apple Bloom and her eyes started tearing up. "I...I didn't know if ya were gon' accept my apology or not if I had told ya the truth" Apple Bloom said, she looked equally upset as Sweetie. "But...you.......you lied to me....you said it was all Scootaloo, I....I don't" Sweetie said taking another step back. "Sweetie...." Apple Bloom said, she turned and glared at Scootaloo before turning back to Sweetie. "Can ya ever forgive me?" Apple Bloom said, her face apologetic in every nature. Sweetie just looked back and forth between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo who now looked very guilty for upsetting her friend again started to walk to Sweetie. "Sweetie....I'm....I'm sorry..." She said Sweetie just turned away from both of them and again, for the second day in a row ran back to the Boutique. "Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom said giving Scootaloo a very angry look. "What! You know you did it!" Scootaloo said "Well ya didn't have to go advertisin' it to everypony!" Apple Bloom said, she sat down on the ground trying to think of what to do now. "Well....now what?" Scootaloo said, she sat down next to Apple Bloom. Everyone in the school yard was now looking angrily at them for being such terrible friends instead of laughing at Sweetie's embarrassing secrets. "I have an idea" Apple Bloom said "But were gonna have to wait until after school" - Sweetie, again burst through the doors of Rarity's shop, this time Rarity was with a client. Sweetie was crying again, this time she bolted past Rarity and just went up to her room and slammed the door. Rarity's face turned a slight tint of red as she looked at her client. "Oh this will only take a moment" She said with an obviously fake laugh at the end of her statement. She made her way up to her room were Sweetie had locked the door. "Sweetie, come out of there, or at least tell me whats wrong" Rarity said through the door. She got no response. "Come on Sweetie, you can't stay locked in there forever." Rarity said, and with that the door made a click, Sweetie had unlocked it. Rarity gently pushed the door open and walked in to find Sweetie laying on the floor with her diary open, there were tear marks all over the page she was writing in. Rarity inched closer and read the entry. Dear Diary, Today was the worst day ever, my so called friend lied to me again, I'm NEVER going back to school and I'm NEVER making any new friends! After all who would want to be friends with somepony who dresses up in baby clothes and whatever else the others think of me now. "Oh Sweetie" Rarity said with a sigh. 'I never realized what I thought it was meaningless drama was really hurting her' Rarity thought. She sat down next to Sweetie and put her fore hoof over her sister. "Sweetie, I'm sorry they did this to you, I really didn't know, I'll let Scootaloo's parents and Applejack know as soon as I can ok?" Rarity said, she tried to smile, but her sobbing sister was making it hard for her to put on even a small smile. - The rest of the day Sweetie stayed home in bed while Rarity worked in the shop below. Cheerilee had brought over Sweetie's school work for her so she would not get behind and Rarity had explained to Cheerilee that Sweetie might not come to school for the next few days. After Rarity had managed to get Sweetie Belle out of the bed and down into the main room there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Rarity said "Its us" Apple Bloom said through the door. "Come back later, now is not the time" Rarity said. "But, me and Scootaloo want to apologies to Sweetie." She said "You have done enough to Sweetie, now go home" Rarity said through the door. "But...we really mean it this time, were sorry!" Scootaloo said There was a long pause, the door opened and Rarity's head appeared, she saw a small box next to them. "You had better be sincere this time" Rarity said shooting them both a glare that could see through even the most intense lies. With that, they proceeded into Rarity's shop were Rarity led them to her room. She knocked on the bedroom door. "Sweetie, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are here to see you" Rarity said "Tell them to go away, I never want to talk to anyone ever again!" Sweetie Yelled. "Come on Sweetie, they just want to talk to you" Rarity said "No! Go Away!" She said With that Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's ears fell and their heads dropped. Rarity looked down at them, their sincere look of sadness and failure really hit home for Rarity. "Sweetie Belle, please, for me?" Rarity said A few moments later the door unlocked revealing an upset Sweetie Belle. "5 Minutes" Sweetie Belle said Scootaloo and Apple Bloom sped into the room the mysterious box in tow, Rarity followed shortly after. "Sweetie, can ya ever forgive us?" Apple Bloom said Sweetie just looked at them, a look of sadness and betrayal plastered on her face. "Look, we didn't mean to make you feel so bad Sweetie, please, please forgive us" Scootaloo said. "We were wrong fer readin' it in the first place but it was worse for us to tell everypony." Apple Bloom said "And if your still worried about that we told everypony that we made up the stories." Scootaloo said Apple Bloom pushed the box forward to Sweetie, she just looked up at her two former friends and then looked back at the box. "What is it?" Sweetie said. "Open it" Apple Bloom said. Sweetie untied the small ribbon around the box and opened it, inside was a small book, it was covered in red leather with the letters S and B on the front of it in an elegant impression and had a small gold colored lock around the center were it opened. "We got it for you, this way, no one can read your diary" Scootaloo said, she produced a golden key with a heart shaped end out from under her wing. "I..I don't know what to say" Sweetie said. "Maybe that you forgive us?" Scootaloo said, Apple Bloom nudged her "Scootaloo!" she said "No its...thank you...I....I forgive you" Sweetie said. And with that, the three fillies hugged. "So, are we the Crusaders again?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yes, yes we are" Sweetie Belle said. The three fillies talked for the rest of the day, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom continuously apologized to Sweetie even though she had already forgiven them, but aside from that all was well in the world of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.