Avatar the last fire bender, book two air

by phantom ghost hunter

The swamp

Timber and Stygian Were In the woods they had recently discovered want posters with there faces on them so they were hiding Stygian was looking at a blue bush with a white flower he found growing nearby when Timber came out of nearby bushes and said "ugh I can't live like this I wasn't meant to be a fugitive" then noticed Stygian and said "uncle what are you doing?"
Then Stygian said "Your looking at the rare blue dragon bush its leaves make a tea so delicious its heart breaking that or its the blue joke which will make something weird happen".
Timber then said "We need food not tea I'm going fishing".
After Timber walked away Stygian said "Delicious tea or weird poison".
Over with Flash and the group they were flying on Scales back over a swamp and Flash was lowering into it then Twilight asked "um Flash is there a reason your getting lower to the ground?"
Flash then said "oh sorry I didn't realize I was Its just I feel like the swamp is calling to me".
Shining then said "maybe you should ignore it we have to find an air bending teacher and we don't have time to stop".
Flash then said "maybe your right yip yip".
Then a twister appeared behind them and followed them Shining saw this and said "um you might want to add anther yip in there".
Flash looked behind just as the tornado caught up to them and threw them into the swamp when they landed Flash said "where's Scale and Ring tail" he went up to the tree tops and called them but nothing happened.
Flash came back down and Twilight asked "you didn't find them?"
Flash then said "no and the tornado its gone".
Meanwhile in the swamp Scale was caught in vines and Ring tail was nibbling them to try and free him when he did Scale tried to fly but just got stuck in more vines and ring tail started nibbling them again. Back with Timber he was heading back to his uncle with no fish and Stygian said "Timber remember that plant that I thought might be tea leaves".
Timber then said "you didn't".
Stygian then said "I did" then turned around and reviled his face had turned upside down "and it wasn't tea leaves". Timber was freaked out then Stygian said "but look what what I found" as he held up a branch of strange berries "ying berries able to nullify it the poison or they could be yang berries that will only make it worse".
Timber then grabbed the branch from his hand and threw it saying "enough with these plants thats it we need to find help".
Stygian than said "you are right but were to get it If we go to the air nation we could be seen as criminals but If we go to the earth kingdom we would be locked up forever".
Then Timber said "so air nation".
Stygian then said "air nation indeed" as they started walking to it.
Back in the swamp Shining was cutting throw plants with his sword and said "we need to speed things up".
Flash then said "Shining I don't think thats a good idea".
Shining then said "what should I say please and thank you we have to find Scale and Ring tail so we can get out of here".
What they didn't know is that someone was watching them in the shadows. Over with Scale and ring tail they were walking threw the swamp when they stopped to take a break. Back with Flash and the group Shining said "Its no good they can't see us and we cant see them we need to set up camp".
Twilight then said "I don't know this place gives me the creeps"
Then Shining said "don't worry Twilight there's nothing out of the ordinary here"
Then there was a loud scream and the huddled up together till they saw it was just a weird bird nearby and Twilight said "nothing out of the ordinary hu".
Shining then said "I think we should build a fire" then went to collect fire wood.
Flash then said "Shining I still don't think thats a good idea".
Then Shining said "don't worry nothing bad is gonna happen".
Later they fell asleep but when they woke up they found them selves separated. Over with some native living in the swamp they were looking at a trail and one said "What you think made them tracks Braeburn?"
Braeburn then said "Don't know shill something long with scales".
Shill then said "leaves a nice trail to follow".
Braeburn then said "you know whats at the end of that trail?" Shill shook his head no and Braeburn said "dinner".
Back with Timber and Stygian they had found an air nation village and went into medic building were a nice lady brew a herbal bath for Stygian and she said "you to must not be from around here you should know better than to touch the blue joke let alone make it into tea and drink it what are your names".
Timber than said "Oh my name is spirit and he's my uncle um... ghost".
The woman then said "You two look like you could use some help why don't you stay for dinner?"
Then Stygian said "we would love to".
Later after dinner they were getting ready to leave and did so but first the lady said "hold on" as she went into the barn and came back out with an ostrich horse "here we bred ostrich horses so I'm sure It will help you".
Timber then said "thank you" as he climbed onto its back then his uncle climbed up and they took off.
Back at the swamp Twilight was looking for the others when she saw someone and recognized her "mom?! mom!" then ran to her "how is it..." then when she got there she found it was just an old stump.
With Shining he was looking for the others but then saw a light out the corner of his eye and turned to see it then said "Fleur ? okay its just your head playing tricks on you".
Then Fleur said "Shining why didn't you protect me?" then she disappeared.
With Flash he was looking but then he heard a laugh an looked to see two girls an older one and a younger one the older one had sky blue skin and rainbow colored hair and the younger one had orange skin and purple hair both of them were wearing white dresses and flying next to them was what looked like a turtle with wings Flash then asked "hey who are you two?" Then they giggled and jumped away Flash tried to fallow them but they disappeared.
Over with Scale some guys in boats came up to him and Shill said "come on now fellas nothing to worry about we just want ta eat ya".
Scale then turned around and ran away and Braeburn said "why'd you say that!?"
Shill then said "we are right".
"Well you don't have to tell them that".
"how was I suppose to know they'd understand me".
"Lets just follow them".
Shill then got up and started water bending to move the boat and chase after them as did others in the boats.
Back with Flash he was running to try and find his friends when he ran into Twilight then they tumbled down a hill into Shining and Then Shining said "Where were you guys I've been trying to find you".
Then Twilight said "I was looking for you guys".
Flash then said "I was chasing a couple of girls in white dresses".
Twilight then said "wait what? thats weird because I thought I saw mom".
Shining then said "okay we must be getting tired and thats why were seeing things".
Twilight then said "wait you too?"
Shining then said "I thought I saw Fleur de lis but hey I think about her all the time and Twilight you think of mom a lot as well".
Then Flash said "what about me I saw two girls I had never met".
Then a giant creator made of vines with a strange mask came out of nearby water and tried to grab Shining Twilight cut it with water bending but more vines came up then when she cut it again Shining noticed something and said "There's someone inside that thing he's bending the vines".
Then Flash fire slashed threw the mask and the thing came open and a guy came out then Flash said "hey why did you call me hear if your just going to attack us?"
The guy then said "I didn't call you here".
Flash then said "But we were flying over head and I heard a voice calling me you see I'm the avatar".
The guy then said "Come with me" he then lead them to a large tree in the middle of the swamp and said "This swamp Is said to be a spirit I gained enlightenment meditating under this tree it called me just like it did you you see everything is connected".
Then Twilight said "But what did our visions mean?"
The guy then said "In the swamp we see visions of people we loved, people we lost, people who we think are gone but the swamp says there not were still connected to them".
Flash then asked "what about my vision it was two people I had never met?"
The guy then said "what do you think?"
Flash thought for a minute and said "wait was that someone I will met?"
The guy then said "bingo".
Shining then said "Sorry to interrupt but we still need to find Scale and Ring tail".
Then Flash said "I have an idea everything is connected" then placed his hand on a vine and saw them being attacked by natives then said "oh no we have to hurry".
They quickly went there and Twilight said "What are you doing?"
Then the swamp guy appeared and Shill said "hey its you how you been".
Later they talked and later they got ready to leave and Flash said "Well it was nice meeting you but we need to get going" then they took off on scales back.