The Drake Bros.

by BrawnyBold

Twilight's Project

Computer class was a bit confusing and boring for Spike as he wasn't exactly the best at electronics. While the teacher was talking, Spike noticed that Twilight was working on something on her computer. Spike didn't know what it was but he can tell it was something scientific. Twilight's screen was full of math and pictures of devices.
"Psst, Twilight!" Spike whispered. Twilight didn't respond as she was too fixated on her computer screen. Spike attempted to get Twilight's attention again by tapping on her shoulder.
"Huh?" Twilight said as she looked to see who tapped on her shoulder.
"Oh, hey Spike." Twilight replied.
"What's that you're working on?" Spike asked.
"Oh this," Twilight said. "these are my digital blueprints for a side project I'm working on."
"What's it about?" Spike asked again. Before Twilight could reply, the teacher cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention.
"Is there something you want to share, Mr. Drake and Ms. Sparkle?" the teacher asked. Twilight and Spike felt sheepish for the moment.
"Just asking Twilight about a problem with my computer!" Spike pretended. Luckily for them, the teacher looked convinced.
"Very well, just ask when I'm finished with lecturing." the teacher said before he continued with his lecture. Twilight and Spike sighed in relief as they avoided embarrassment.
"Maybe it would be best if I showed you after school." Twilight said.
"Really?" Spike replied.
"Yeah, we can go to my house and I can show you what I have been making." Twilight said.
"Sounds like a plan!" Spike said before he looked back on his computer screen. Twilight nodded and she continued with her work. It took a while before Twilight realized what happened: she invited a boy to her house!

The last school bell rang and everyone went home for the day. Spike already informed his family that he will be hanging out with Twilight before he heads home. As Twilight and Spike walked, Twilight felt more frightened than excited. No other boy had ever visited her house except for Shining Armor and some of her parents' friends. She was also afraid of telling her friends as inviting Spike might enrage them. She decided to play it cool and hope Spike's visit will be done and over with. They were able to reach to Twilight's house and to the front door.
"Wow! Nice house Twilight!" Spike said. "Looks way better than my house." He then noticed Twilight paused while her hand was on the front door. Her faced looked nervous as if she was about to face a monster.
"Are you alright, Twilight?" Spike asked with concern.
"E-everything is fine!" Twilight laughed nervously before she unlocked the door. They entered the house to and made their way to the stairs.
"Welcome home, Twilight!" a woman's voice called out.
'Oh boy,' Twilight thought. The woman had purple and white hair and wore a short grey dress with purple stars on it.
"How was your day at school?" The woman asked Twilight.
"It was good, mom!" Twilight said while showing a nervous grin. Twilight's mom then spotted Spike next to her daughter.
"Oh! Who is this, Twilight?" Twilight's mom asked curiously. Before Twilight could answer, Spike interrupted.
"I'm Spike Drake, ma'am." Spike said as he offered a handshake. "I'm one of Twilight's new friends."
"I'm Twilight Velvet," Twilight's mom replied. "but you can call me Velvet."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Velvet." Spike replied.
"Sorry," Velvet chuckled. "it's not often I see Twilight spending time with boys. I usually see her spend time with her five other friends." Twilight groaned from her mom's words.
"So why is Spike here, Twilight?" Velvet asked her daughter.
"Spike wanted to see some of my inventions that I've been working on." Twilight replied.
"Well, it's so nice for you to be friends with my daughter and have an interest to her work." Velvet said. "I'm getting dinner ready before your father comes home. Have fun you two!" Velvet said before she got closer to Twilight and whispered:
"But not too much fun!" Twilight only blushed as her mom went to the kitchen.
"We should get to my room then!" Twilight said as she hurried to the stairs. Spike tilted his head in confusion before he followed Twilight upstairs. Twilight opened her door to reveal her room. One side of the room was made up of a huge bookshelf with various books that were well organized. Twilight's desk was also organized and had a small computer. Spike was especially amazed by all of the science awards that were mounted on all of the walls. Each award had a photo of Twilight receiving the award. Even though Spike looked impressed, Twilight still felt embarrassed for him seeing her room for the first time.
"S-so," Twilight said to catch Spike's attention. "allow me to show you what I've been working on." Twilight went to her plastic drawers and pulled out some of her gizmos. Spike saw that most of Twilight's inventions looked similar to insects except for the wires and bolts.
"I've been working on small drones that can blend in to anywhere. I choose to model the drones after insects as not everybody would expect insects to spy on others. Most people would expect helicopter drones as means for surveillance."
"Whoa!" Spike said with excitement. "These things are like from a spy movie or something!" Twilight huffed with some pride.
"Yep! Even small things can make big impacts!" Twilight said as if she was giving a speech.
"Want to see a demonstration?" Twilight asked.
"Heck yeah!" Spike cheered. Twilight plugged in one of her drones into her computer and she began typing some codes. She then placed the drone on the floor and continued to type on her computer.
"Just watch the screen while I type." Twilight said as Spike observed. The drone began to move around the floor as if it was a real bug crawling. Spike was amazed as he saw what the drone saw while it was crawling around the room. When the drone crawled under Twilight's bed, Spike was able to see what was under Twilight's bed as well. The drone crawled out of the bed and went towards a wall.
"Here is where the real fun begins!" Twilight said before she typed more code into her computer. The drone began to crawl on the side of the wall and went around the awards. Spike was completely blown away from the drone's unexpected ability.
"Whoa!" Spike hollered as he watched the drone crawl from the walls to the top of the room. The drone then crawled back to the wall and then towards Twilight as she picked up the drone.
"Best invention ever!" Spike clapped.
"Oh, it's nothing for me!" Twilight said as she blushed and rubbed her neck. "For now, I'm working on making the drones smaller so they would look more convincing." Twilight said as she gestured to her other drones.
"Oh cool! You even got one that looks like a ladybug!" Spike replied.
"Wait, what?" Twilight said as she turned to her drones. A small ladybug was already crawling on her fingertip and towards her arm. The very sight of the ladybug made Twilight shiver in fear.
"Man, it's so life-like. It's almost as if it were re-"
"Yaaaah!" Twilight yelled as she jumped from her desk and landed on top of Spike. Twilight was able to regain consciousness in a few seconds and she slowly opened to her eyes. To her shock, she found herself laying on top of Spike. What made matters worse, Twilight's lips were kissing Spike's. Twilight quickly moved her lips from Spike's before he woke up.
"Uhh," Spike groaned as he woke up to see Twilight blush really red. "Are you okay, Twilight? That was some fall." Twilight didn't answer as she was still processing what happened. She just received an accidental kiss for the first time. Twilight thought that only occurs in romance media. Her heart was pounding as not only that was her first kiss, but it was from a boy she liked. The sound of footsteps was reaching towards Twilight's door. It opened to reveal a startled Twilight Velvet as she breathed heavy from the running.
"What happened! I heard a scream and-" Velvet stopped when she saw her daughter and Spike still on the laying position.
"Oh my!" Velvet gasped as she covered her mouth while she blushed. 'You're so bold, Twilight!'
"It's not what it's looks like!" Twilight whined as she gave an explanation what happened. Spike nodded to confirm what Twilight said.
"Oh right, the ladybugs." Velvet said as she nodded.
"What's all that about?" Spike asked.
"You see," Velvet replied. "Twilight gained this fear of ladybugs when a swarm of them came into our house."
"Shining Armor told me their spots were eyes that follow you wherever you go!" Twilight shivered. "It's so creepy!"
"After I heard that," Velvet said. "I grounded Shining and gave him a stern talking about saying fearful stuff to his sister."
"Wow," Spike said in shock. "I had no idea."
"I know!" Twilight teared up with embarrassment. "It's so humiliating!"
"It's not that bad," Spike replied. "at least you didn't dress up as a girl for your mom." Twilight stopped her crying and remembered those photos of Spike. It made her chuckle a lot.
"Yeah, you got me there." Twilight said as she got up from the floor.
"Sorry for the startle, mom." Twilight said.
"It's alright, I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you two!" Velvet said as she went back to the kitchen. Spike picked up his stuff before he left Twilight's room.
"Hey Spike?" Twilight said.
"Yeah?" Spike replied.
"Did you remember what happened after we fell to the floor?" Spike did his best to recall what happened.
"So far, I remembered waking up with just you staring at me while you blushed. That was all I can think of. Why are you asking?"
"N-no reason!" Twilight quickly replied. Her mind calmed down as Spike didn't wake up when he and Twilight shared an accidental kiss. Twilight only hope that she and Spike share a true kiss one day.